Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns With Preposition 2

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 296
  • Pages: 1

A2tlmdixn i n c l t r d ei n inf'ect sb with inftn-m sb about/of sth i n s i s to n interf-ere in sth / with sth/sb introduce sb to sb/sth i n v e s ti n invitc to inr'olve in

ignorant abouVof impressed bylwith independent of infbrior t<-r infirrmed abouVof interested in

join in

K knock at/on

influence cln an intention of (doing sth) an invasion of an investment in an invitation to

keen on (doing) sth kn

late for

a lack of

rnacl abouVon sb/sth rnacl alwith sb marriecl tcr mean to sb

marriage to sb

N nanre after


a need for


object to sb/sth (x:cr.ll'to ()perateon opposed tcl

obvious to

an objection to an opinion oflabouVin an opportunity for the opposite of'

pav firr point at/tcr praise sb fbr-sth pr:rv firr sb/sth prefér't
patient rvith (un)pleasanttcr pleased with polite t
pity for prcltection from (take) pride in

quarrel with sb about sth

qualifiecl for quick at

a quarlel with sb about sth a question about

receive sth frorn sb recover fi'orn redu<:esth tcr refer- tcl regard sb/sth as rel:rte fo

ready for relevant to leluctant to respectecl for responsiblefbr nrde tcl

a reaction t
know abrxrt sth krrow of üsth l¿u:kin lau¡4h :rt lcan on/aliainst leave ftrr lic to sb about sth lister) l.o lir,e on l<xrk ¿rt look frrr

M (be) rnade ofllnrnl lnean bv mention to rnistuke sb/sth f

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