Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns With Preposition 1

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 242
  • Pages: 1
Aplrndixil q cooperate with sb cope u,ith cover sb in/with sth criticise for



deal u,ith decide on dedicate sth to sb dernand sth from sb depart fi-orn depend on describe as describe sth to sb die oflfrorn di{I'er from discourage frorn distinguish betn'een dir,ide sth between/among divide sth into divide bv (maths) dream abouVof

delighted with dependent on difl-erent from/t
damage t() a decreasein a delay in a dernand lor a departure fi'clrn a description of a difference between/in/of a distance of a doubt ab<¡ut

escape fi-clrn exchange sth firr sth else excuse sb for/fiom experirnent on sb/sth with sth explain sth to sb

eager ftrr efficient at engaged in sth engagecl to sb enthusiasticabout enr.'iousof eqtral to excellent at excitecl abotrt experienceclin

engagernent to sb an example of an exceptiorl to arl expert atlin/on sth

f-eedsb on sth fight rvith fill sth u,'ith sth else finish r,r'ith forget abclut fr-eefr-orn/of

fáithfirl to fámiliar to sb familiar-rvith sb/sth fámous fbl' fed up rvith fond of' fi'ee frorn/ol'sth friendh' r,r'ith/tri fi'ightenecl of' firll of'

a flilrrre in

glance at

generrltrsto slr generous lr.ith sth glad about/of good at sth good for'/rvith slt/sth ¡;oocl to sb sood \\'ith sb/sth glatefirl to sb fbl srh gtriltr' oflabout

H hzrppcn to/l'ith heacl for/tcllvards hear about/o{'sb/sth hear-fioln sb ho¡le lor

hanch'fbr happy abotrt/u'ith sth/sb happv firr sb halrnful to


iclentir:al tcr

improve rtn

hope firr

¿lll llt(-l'e:lse


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