Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns With Preposition 1

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 311
  • Pages: 1
Altlnrlix il @l cooperate with sb cope r,vith cover sb in/with sth criticise fbr


deal with decide on dedicate sth to sb dernand sth frorn sb depart from depend on describe as describe sth to slr die oflfrom differ frorn discourage from distinguish between divide sth between/among divide sth intcr dii,idebr'(maths) dream aboulof

delighted rvith dependenl on different fi-orn/to disgusted bry'at disqualified fiom dressed in

darnage to a decrease irr a delay in a demand for a departure fi'orn a description of a difl'erence between/in/of a distance of a doubt about

escape from exchange sth for sth else excuse sb for/fi-rlm experirnent on sb/sth with sth explain sth to sb

eager for eflicient at engaged in sth engaged to sb enthusiasticabout enviclus of' equal to excellent at excited about exper-ien<:edin

engagernent t
feed sb on sth fight rvith fill sth rvith sth clse finish rvith f
laithful to fanrilial to sb familiar n'ith sb/sth farnous fbr Ibd up with fond of li'ee fi-onl/of sth fr-ienclh'rvith/to fi-ightenecl of full of

a f¿riltrr-e in


glance at

gener-ritrsto sb g c n e l ' o u s ' l v i t hs t h glacl about/of good at sth liood for'/lr'ith sb/sth grlod to sb goocl u'ith sb/sth g r a t c f t r lt o s b f o r - s r h striltr ofiabotrt


happen to/u'ith heacl f'crr/tou'ards he¿rrabotrt/of sb/sth hear fi-clrn sb hope firr

h¡nrh lin' h e p ¡ r r a b o u t i ui t h s t h / s l r happr firr-slr h . i r r n l L rtlr r

hope lirr


implove on

r c i c n t i t . tr rlr

an ll)cl'easc lll

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