Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns With Preposition 3

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 256
  • Pages: 1
Allxrrtixn q1¡'l relieve oneself of rely on remind sb ab
a r-epor-ton a reputation filr' the result <¡f' a rise in

save sb fiom search fbr sentence sb to separate liclm shelter fiom shout at smile atlto speak tolwith sb specialisein spend monev on sth stare at steal sth from sl> succeedin suffer from supplv sb with sth strpplv sth to sb suspectsb of svmpathisewith

safe Iiom salne as (dis)satisfiedrvith sensitir,etcr separate fi'ont serious about shockecl brL/at short of' similar tcr skilfhl at skilled at sorry fbr sb s
a search for sharne on sb (take) shehel from a smell of a solution to a s p e c i a l i sitn (feel) svrnpathy ftrr

take care ol'sb/sth take the blarne fbr' talk tolwith sb about sth tell sth fi-om sth else thank fr¡r think oflabout threaten sb with stlr throw r-rut/aVto translate firlm

terrible at terrified ol' tired of' tvpical of

a talent fbr a taste of a taste fi)l' a threat t¡r a tleat to sb

upset abotrt use
an unclerstandins ol



vote lblagainst


wait lirr warn sb aboulagainst/of waste monev on sth rvonder about rvorrv about

rr eak at sth rr'orrierl abclut tr oltltr of' rrlortg alt

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