Updated Assure Lesson Plan

  • August 2019
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  • Pages: 5
A.S.S.U.R.E. Model Instructional Plan GENERAL INFORMATION School: Belair High School Instructor: Ms. Jardane Smith Grades: 8 Subject(s): Physical Education (Football) Topic or Unit of Study: Passing in Football Classroom Environment: Square classroom with 30 desk and chairs facing the teacher’s desk with a projector, and chair and the white board. Square windows on the left and right walls, closed to make projection clearer. Lights off.

ANALYZE LEARNERS Demographics Staff: Three teachers Number of Students: 30 students: 12 males/ 18 females Age Range: 13-14 years old Prior Knowledge ● What is Football. ● History of Football. ● Major rules in Football

Learning Styles -

Visual: 50% Auditory: 20% Kinaesthetic: 30%

STATE OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES Lesson Objective(s): Students should be able to:     

Define passing in Football. Identify the 2 types of passing in Football Match the wedge pass and instep pass to a picture Differentiate between the wedge pass and the instep pass. Apply the use of the wedge pass and the instep pass respectively to a video depicting the different situations in which the could be possibly used.

SELECT METHODS, MEDIA, AND MATERIALS METHODS: Pedagogical Strategy (or strategies):  PowerPoint- a PowerPoint is created which exposes the students to the information that is being taught.  Speakers- this will expose the students to an audio visual where they are able to fully understand the purpose of the video  Video- video created to show different situations to use the types of pass.  Interactive PowerPoint- interactive PowerPoint will be created with questions to for the students to answer based on what was taught.

MEDIA AND MATERIALS: Instructional Media and Materials: ● Teacher will share her video with students via projector. ● Each student will have permission to access their phones. ● Speakers will be available for auditory purposes.

UTILIZE MEDIA, MATERIALS, AND METHODS PREVIEW: Video and PowerPoint (prepare for discussion)

PREPARE MATERIALS: Ensure projector is fully functional. Ensure internet connection is strong and the speakers are fully functional.

PREPARE ENVIRONMENT: Ensure functional chairs are situated at each desk. Ensure the white board is clear of any writing.

PREPARE LEARNERS: Teacher instructs students to head up their books and have necessary utensils out. Teacher will make students aware of the evaluation exercise at the end of the class so that they pay keen attention and prepare.


Length: 20 minutes

Sequence of instructional procedures/activities: The teacher will introduce the topic “Passing in Football” verbally, then review the Lesson Objectives. The lesson will begin with the teacher asking the students what they think passing in Football is. A Q&A discussion to see if the students have any prior knowledge of the types of passes in Football. Students will already have supplies at their

table and will be facing the white board. Each student will research on their phones with supervision and write down the types of passing in Football in their notebooks. Teacher will elaborate on the types of passes in Football and explain when it is necessary to use each type of pass with the aid of the PowerPoint and the projector. Teacher will then show the students a video depicting situations in which the students will decide which pass is more convenient to use based on the situation. Teacher will then ask students various questions about passing in Football and allow them to write down their answers in their notebooks. We will then discuss these answers. Teacher will then evaluate the class by using the Interactive PowerPoint containing questions from the lesson in which the students will answer.

EVALUATE AND REVISE Student Performance: Did students have at least 80% profiency in identifying the type of passes in football and difference of each. Media Effectiveness: Was the video visually stimulating and understandable? Were students able to correctly identify the most convenient pass to use in the situations portrayed by the video?

What problems occurred during the lesson?

Were the students actively engaged? Did I cater to all three (3) learning styles? Instructor Performance: Survey: Students will rate teacher in four categories Rating 1= poor 2= needs some improvement 3= proficient Questions 1. The teacher effectively communicated the content to the class. 1 2 3. The technology was easy to figure out and access. 1 2 4. The teacher created a lesson that was interesting and meaningful. 1 2

3 3 3

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