Assure Lesson Plan Manny Final

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 737
  • Pages: 3
ASSURE Model Instructional Plan “Fitness” 5th Grade PE 1 Week

Analyze Learners 1. 2. 3. 4.

24 students 13 males/ 11 females Ages 9 - 11 Specific entry competencies Students had learned the importance of healthy. Students have had prior lessons on how to do proper push ups and sit ups 5. Learning Styles o Visual 35 % o Auditory (Aural) 25 % o Kinesthetic (Hands On) 40 %

State Objectives • •

Students will be divided into group of 4’s One student will record the data, another student will perform the task, another student will checking the time with a stop watch, and the last students will counting as the student do the push up. The students will switch places and do it all over again until everyone has done all four activities Students will change their diet and activities for one week e.g. eating healthy and going to sleep early. Students will determine whether or not the change in their weekly activities affects their ability to perform push-ups. Students will compare the number of push-ups they were able to complete in the beginning of the week to the number of push-ups at the end of the week. Students will present their findings to the class.

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Methods: Individual and Group learner Method: Computer & Microsoft Excel Materials: Notebook, pencil, water, gym clothing, stop watch

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Select Media, Materials, and Methods

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods -

Preview materials • Check computers to ensure that they are all working and have


Microsoft excel. Prepare materials • Make sure all students have notebooks and pencils ready Prepare environment • Make sure the gym is spaced out and ready for use. Prepare learners • Make sure all student are well hydrated • Make sure all students have a proper warm up

Require Learner Participation In the beginning of the class I will discuss the benefits of a healthy eating habits and lifestyle. Discuss the negative effects of a lifestyle of not eating healthy and exercising. Talk about the right and wrong foods to take. Talk about the right form in doing push-ups. For the activity, the students will be paired into four. One student will record the data, the second student will be doing the stopwatch, the third student will be performing the push-ups, and the last student will be counting the number of push-ups as the student does the activity. After the whole process, the students will then switch responsibilities and do it all over again. For each day of the week, the teacher will give instructions and ideas that will help them to perform the activity better. This process will help students see and have better understanding of the effects that they can have if they choose to do a healthy lifestyle. On the last day of the activity, all groups will compare all the data’s that they collected in the whole week. After that, the students will present their data’s in front of the class and talk about their experiences.

Evaluate & Revise Student Performance All students will be evaluated on how well they worked with fellow students in the project. The teacher will roam around the gym to see if they are doing the right form and the journals that they had will be graded. Needs Improvement Nicely Done Excellent Performance Students did not Students performed Students performed


Creativity of Graph

Team work

finish the task that was required.

the task but did not do it correctly

the entire task that was required.

Students presentation was completed but not understandable The graph in not understandable and no creativity

Students presentation is completed but it’s not well organized The graph was completed but the creativity was not shown Students worked together but did not put the same amount of effort

Students presentation is neat and organized

Students did not work together and did not put any effort at all

The graph was well thought out and designed with creativity Students worked well together and put in an equal amount of effort

Media Effectiveness - Did students learn how to use the digital spreadsheet? - Did the students learn about how important fitness is? - Did the students learn how to set their priority? Instructor Performance • Did the lesson go as planned? • Did the class respond well to the activity? • Were the learning objectives achieved?

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