Final Multimedia Assure Lesson Plan

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,099
  • Pages: 5
History of Guam News Report Teacher: Manny Inciong Grade: 5th Subject: History Length: 3-4 weeks

Analyze Learners -



General characteristics • 21 students • Ages: 10yrs-11yrs • 12 females/9 males • 1 student with a physical disability (wheel chair) • Ethnicities: Chamorros, Philipinos, Chuukese, Korean, Chinese • Religions: Catholics, Mormans, and Christians Specific entry competencies • Students have had prior lessons on Guam History. • They understand the basics of a computer, including the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and printer. • They are familiar and have practiced using several technology tools such as a digital camera, computer, PowerPoint, movie maker, and excel spreadsheet. Learning styles • Audio/ Visual • Kinesthetic • Visual

State Objectives -

Students will collect real-life accounts of Guam’s history e.g. leisure activities, religion, lifestyle, entertainment, food, families, etc. Students will create interview questions pertaining to their particular topic. Students will interview the elderly that can share their experiences from Guam’s past. Students will record their interviews using a digital camera. Students will create a short news report using Microsoft Movie Maker. Students will present their reports to the class using a multimedia projector and speakers.

Select Media, Materials, and Methods

Method • Individual learning • Group learning • (Out-of-school work required) - Media • Computer, digital camera (that records video), multimedia projector, Microsoft Movie Maker, speakers, flash drive - Materials • Notepad, pen/pencil • -

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods -


Preview materials • Ensure that all cameras are fully charged, in working condition, and are able to record videos. • Be sure all cameras have memory cards with sufficient amount of memory. • Ensure that all computers are working and have Microsoft Movie Maker. • Test multimedia projector to ensure that the bulb is intact and working. (for presentation) • Be sure speakers are working and loud enough for the class to hear. (for presentation) Prepare materials • Ensure that all students have a notebook and pen/pencil for this project. Prepare environment • Reserve the computer lab for days the students will be working on their project (movie maker) Prepare learners • Make sure all students are prepared to go out and interview the elderly in their community.  Practice proper etiquette  Be respectful

Require Learner Participation  WEEK 1 • Students will be divided into four groups of 4 and one group of 5.  The student with the physical disability will be placed in

the group of 5. • Teacher will explain the project to the students.  (refer to objectives) • Each member in the group will play a specific role as in a real news cast.  Camera Person/Co-editor  Editor  Reporter 1  Reporter 2 • Students will choose a topic to focus and collect research on.  Fiesta/Food  Leisure Activities  Marriage  Religion  Entertainment • In their assigned groups, students will create and write their interview questions pertaining to their chosen topic. (examples provided below)  Entertainment: “What kinds of activities did the children do for fun?”  Food: “What are some differences between the way we prepare food today and back then?”  Religion: “Was religion very important in the past?” • Teacher must approve student’s interview questions and check for any mistakes before students begin the interviewing process. • Teacher will give tips on what to do and what not to do when interviewing the elderly in the community.  Students will practice interviewing each other in the classroom. • Students must decide who they will be interviewing before the next week begins. (it must be a person with experiences in Guam’s past)  Grandparents  Great grandparents  Great aunts/uncles  Neighbors  People at retirement/nursing centers  WEEK 2 • Teacher will distribute materials and media for all the groups.  Notebooks, cameras, extra memory cards. • Students will begin the interviewing process. • Students must record all their activities in their notebooks.

Who they are interviewing. Where they conducted the interview. What questions they asked. Write a short reflection paper on their interviewing experiences. • Students must record the interview with the digital camera.  WEEK 3-4 • Students will begin working in the computer lab to put all their work together. • Teacher will show an example of a news report. e.g. KUAM or PNC using the multimedia projector. • Students will create an introduction and conclusion similar to the news report example shown for their short movie/news report. • They will record their intro and conclusion to include in their short news report. • Teacher will review how to use Windows Movie Maker. • Students will compile edit their news reports and save it on a flash drive. • Final product must include: Title Slide, Introduction, important points in the interviews (Questions and Answers), conclusion, and credits slide.  Students may also include more if wanted e.g. personal reflection on the interview. Presentations will be in the regular classroom using the teacher’s laptop, a multimedia projector, speakers, and the group’s flash drive with the saved movie file.    

Evaluate & Revise Student Performance All students will be evaluated on how well they worked with fellow students in the project. The teacher will roam around the gym to see if they are doing the right form and the journals that they had will be graded. Needs Improvement Nicely Done Excellent Students did not Students performed Students performed Performance finish the task that the task but was the entire task that was required. missing information was required.


Creativity of

Students’ interview was completed but it was not understandable. The interview was

Students’ interview was completed but it’s not well organized The interview was

Students’ interview was in order, understandable, and well presented. The interview was


not understandable and no creativity

completed but the creativity was not shown

Team work

Students did not work together and did not put any effort at all

Students worked together but did not put the same amount of effort

well planned, thought out, and designed with creativity. Students worked well together and put in an equal amount of effort

Media Effectiveness - Did students learn how to use Movie Maker? - Did the students learn how to edit video clips? - Did the students learn how to make an interview? - Did the students learn how to prioritize themselves? Instructor Performance • Did the lesson go as planned? • Did the teacher have any technical difficulty? • Did the class respond well to the task that was given to them? • Were the learning objectives achieved?

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