Unit Test-grade 9 2nd Quarter.docx

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UNIT TEST-GRADE 9 I. GRAMMAR AWARENESS A. Directions: Read each item very carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before each number. ______1. I always follow a regular schedule for studying. The underlined word is an example of an adverb of______. A. degree B. duration C. frequency D. manner _____2. It was an extremely hot day. What does the adverb in this sentence modify? A. a verb B. an adjective C. an adverb D. a noun _____ 3. In writing a personal narrative, it is important to use concrete nouns, vivid verbs, and precise adjectives and adverbs to depict the scenes more accurately and more realistically. Where can we find the adverbs in the above sentence? A. at the beginning of the sentence C. between the subject and main verb B. after the main verb D. at the end of the sentence _____4. Which of the sentences follow the correct order of adverb? A. Celebrated at 10 o’clock in the morning at the covered court is the World Teacher’s Day. B. In the covered court the World Teacher’s Day was celebrated at 10 o’clock in the morning. C. The World Teacher’s Day was celebrated at 10 o’clock in the morning in the covered court. D. The World Teacher’s Day was celebrated in the covered court at 10 o’clock in the morning. _____5. Which sentence shows the proper insertion of adverb? A. Does often she go swimming? C. Does she go often swimming? B. Does she often go swimming? D. Does she go swimming often? B. Directions: Complete each sentence with the appropriate verbs. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the blank before the number. _____6. If Mark ____________ more time, he would ask Kathleen out for dinner. A. has B. have C. had D. will have _____7. If I ___________ a millionaire, I ____________ a large amount of money to charitable institutions. A. is – will donate C. were – would donate B. was – would donate D. will be – had donated _____8. If you only had listened to your parents’ advice, you ______ a more comfortable and enjoyable life. A. had lived C. will be living B. have lived D. would have lived _____9. If I __________ the exams, my parents ____________ happy. A. top – will be C. topped – shall be B. tops – would be D. will top – would be _____10. Janine __________ a good editor of the school paper if she __________ her best. A. is – tried C. can be – tries B. was – will try D. were – have tried II. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT Directions: The following sentences use different types of language to express encouragement. Identify what type of communicative or language style is used in each item by writing only the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number. A. casual

_____11. _____12. _____13. _____14.

B. consultative

C. formal

D. frozen

E. intimate

“Get up, stand up: don’t give up the fight!” – Bob Marley Hurray, way to go! Nice catch! You’re great! I’m crazy about you, Honey. You’ve done an excellent job! Thanks for following-up on the Magallanes account.


_____15. Thank you for applying for this job. We’ll let you know within a week if you have been chosen for an interview. _____ 16. “On this occasion I desire to preach on the title…..” _____ 17. “Mrs. William, would you like to have a sit first before you deliver your speech?” _____ 18. “Excuse me, I think it’s really important for me to add about the topic that we discuss.” _____ 19. “So help me God.” _____ 20 “Not me . . . .” III. LITERATURE Directions: Read very carefully the passages below. Then, answer the questions that follow each passage by writing only the letter of the correct answer on the blank. Number 11 rang its bell and lurched forward. Then came the terrible cracking of wooden beams. The weakened bridge collapsed under the engine’s weight. Back at their farmhouse, Kate and her mother jumped, startled by the sudden crash. A moment later they heard cries for help and the loud hiss of steam from the engine’s hot boilers, which had plunged into the cold creek water. - Su Montour, “Midnight Heroine”

_____21. Which word best describes the mood of the passage? A. fear/terror B. hope C. optimism

D. triumph

_____22. What figurative language is used in the following underlined words: cracking of wooden beams, sudden crash, the loud hiss of steam? A. alliteration B. assonance C. onomatopoeia ____23. To what two senses do the sentences in the passage mostly appeal? A. hearing and sight C. smell and sight B. sight and touch D. taste and touch

D. repetition

All the time, Yeh-Shen was unaware of the excitement she had caused. She had made her way home and was about to hide both sandals in her bedding when there was a pounding at the door. Yeh-Shen went to see who it was—and found a king at her doorstep. She was very frightened at first, but the king spoke to her in kind voice and asked her to try the golden slippers on her feet. The maiden deed as she was told, and as she stood in her golden shoes, her rags were transformed once more into the feathered cloak and beautiful azure gown. Her loveliness made her seem a heavenly being, and the king suddenly knew in his heart that he would found his true love. Not long after this, Yeh-Shen was married to the king. But fate was not so gentle with her stepmother and stepsister. Since they had been unkind to his beloved, the king would not permit Yeh-Shen to bring them to the palace. They remained in their cave home, where one day, it is said, they were crushed to death in a shower of flying stones. - “Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China” Retold by Ai Ling Louie _____24. What literary technique is used in this part of the story? A. cliff hanger B. foreshadowing C. narrative hook

D. poetic justice

_____25. To what sense does this line appeal? “The maiden did as she was told, and as she stood in her golden shoes, her rags were transformed once more into the feathered cloak and beautiful azure gown.” A. auditory B. gustatory C. olfactory D. visual ____ 26. What is the author’s purpose in writing the story? A. to describe B. to entertain C. to inform D. to persuade


Look at the flag as it floats on high, Streaming aloft in the clear, blue sky, Rippling, leaping, tugging away, Gay as the sunshine, bright as the day, Throbbing with life, where the world may seeFlag of our country, flag of the free! What do we see in the flag on high, That we bare our heads as it passes by, That we thrill with pride, our hearts beat fast, And we cheer and cheer as the flag goes pastThe flag that waves for you and meFlag of our country, flag of the free? _________27. What literary device is used in the first stanza of the poem? A. imagery B. plot C. setting _________28. What is the tone of the poem? A. humorous B. joyful C. melancholy Twilight Ralph Waldo Emerson Twilight Is a young bird In gorgeous plumes Seeking refuge Under the soft wings Of its Mother Night.

D. theme D. sentimental

_________ 29. What feeling is suggested in the last 3 lines? A. joy B. love C. sadness D. tenderness _________ 30. What figure of speech is used in the first 3 lines? A. hyperbole C. personification B. metaphor D. simile


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