Unit 9

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 16
 Privileged

adj. 享有特权的 ; 特许的  privileged students 有特权的学生  the privileged classes 特权阶级  We are privileged tonight to have as our distinguished guest Chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs.  今晚我们非常荣幸 , 请到外交事务委员 会主席作为我们的贵宾。

 Bore

vt 令人厌烦  I‘m bored with this job. 我对这件工作 厌烦了。  Bored adj. 无聊的 , 无趣的 , 烦人的  Boring adj. 令人讨厌的  A boring job 令人厌倦的工作  Vacation-er

n. 度假者 , 休假者

 Activity

活跃;活动性 ; 活动  The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy.  教室里充满了活跃的气氛,每个孩子 都忙个不停。  social activities 社会活动  Too many extracurricular activities take up too much of our precious time for study.  课外活动太多 , 占去了我们很多宝贵的 学习时间。

 Harmless

adj. 无害的;无恶意的  Their dog seems fierce, but he's harmless.  他们家的狗看上去面目狰狞 , 但不会伤人。  escape harmless 安全逃脱  Harmful adj 有害的;能造成损害的  Smoking can be harmful to your health.  Harm n. 损害 , 伤害 ; 危害  The drought did a lot of harm to the crops.  干旱给庄稼带来许多危害。  I mean no harm to her. 我对她并无恶意。

 Instrument

n 工具 , 手段 , 方法  an instrument for writing 书写工具  musical instrument 乐器  optical instrument 光学仪器  apparatus

appliance device

 Appearance

n. 出现 , 露面 , 外貌 ,

外观  His sudden appearance surprised her.  他的突然到来使她很惊讶。  He had an unhealthy appearance.  看起来他身体不太好。  Don't judge by appearances.  不能以貌取人。

 Rebuild

v. 重建 , 改造 ,  rebuild one's shattered fortune  重建受损的产业  tried to rebuild society. 试图改造社会  Display vt.&n. 陈列 , 展览 , 显示  The children's work was displayed on the wall.  孩子们的作品在墙上展出来了。  The work was on display. 作品正在展 出。

 variousadj.

不同的 , 各种各样的 , 多

样的  There are various colors to choose from.  有各种各样的颜色可供选择。  for various reasons.  因为各种各样的原因  a person of various skills.  具有多方面才能的人 

 Region

区域 , 地方 , ( 世界上某个特 定的 ) 地区 , ( 艺术 , 科学等的 ) 领域 ,  forest regions 森林地带  the region of the heart 心脏部位  an autonomous region 自治区  the region of philosophy 哲学领域  the upper [middle] region of the air  大气的上 [ 中 ] 层  in the region of 大约  in the region of $500 大约 500 美元

 Historical

adj. 历史 ( 上 ) 的 , 有关历

史的  a historical play 历史剧  historical evidence 史实 Historic adj. 历史上著名的 , 有历史性 的  a historic meeting between the two leaders a historic spot 古迹  两位领导人的具有历史意义的会见  Historic 指历史上有重要意义的:

 director

主任 , 主管 , 导演 , ( 公司 ) 董

事  He is one of the directors of the company.  他是这个公司的董事之一。  The board of the directors decided to carry on the discussion next day.  董事会决定第二天继续讨论。  managing director 总经理 ; 局长 

 Touch

触摸;触到 ; 谈到;涉及;提到  Visitors are not allowed not to touch the exhibits.  参观者请勿触摸展览品。  Don't touch that pot; it's very hot.  不要摸那口锅,它很烫。  The matter touches your interests.  这事涉及到你的利益。  Keep in touch with lose touch

 Principle

n. 法则 , 原则 , 原理  the principles of democratic government 民主政治的原则  It is a principle of mine to help people when I can. 我的一个原则是在我能够帮助 人的时候帮助人。  On the basis of the five principles for peaceful coexistence there can be reasonable dialogue between any two governments.  以和平共处的五项原则为基础任何两国政 府间都可以进行合理的对话。

 Purpose

n. 目的 , 意图 , 用途 ,  What is his purpose in coming back this time?  他这次回来的意图是什么 ?  live to some purpose 活得有意义  He was a man of purpose.  他是一个意志坚强的人  on purpose 故意地;为了;特地  I came here on purpose to see you. 

 operate  v.

操作 , 运转 , 起作用 , 动手术 , 开

刀  The workers have been told to improve their operating level.  已告诉工人要提高操作水平。  The new law doesn't operate in our favour.  那项新法例实施起来对我们不利。  The new drug began to operate not

 这种新药服用后不久就会开始见效。  These

reasons operated on the mind of the audience.  这些道理在听众的思想上产生了作用 。  The doctors operated on her stomach.  医生给她的胃动了手术。  operate a business. 经营一家企业  act carry on conduct handle manage perform run work

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