Unit Plan

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,430
  • Pages: 19
Candidate: Emily Justus Content Area: Science

SCCCR standards

Essential Questions


Unit Title: Ecosystems Cooperating teacher: Courtney Owens






​ ​Standard 5.L.4:

The student will demonstrate an understanding of relationships among biotic and abiotic factors within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

​Standard 5.L.4:

The student will demonstrate an understanding of relationships among biotic and abiotic factors within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

​ tandard 5.L.4: The S student will demonstrate an understanding of relationships among biotic and abiotic factors within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Standard 5.L.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of relationships among biotic and abiotic factors within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Standard 5.L.4B.1 Analyze and interpret data to explain how organisms obtain their energy and classify an organisms as producers, consumers (including herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore), or decomposers (such as fungi and bacteria).

​What do the terms

biotic and abiotic mean?

​How do living

things depend on each other for survival? What is the difference between biotic and abiotic?

​ How do abiotic and ​How can we classify discover about biotic factors depend different organisms? maintaining a healthy on each other? ecosystems?

​The student will be

​The student will be

The student will be able to: Work through the Discovery Education Techbook and answer questions related to

able to: Understand what the terms biotic and abiotic mean and they will classify

able to: Determine the difference between biotic and abiotic factors, and

​What did you

The student will be able to: Learn and discuss how abiotic and biotic factors depend on each other to survive in an

The student will be able to: Classify organisms as either a producer, consumer, and decomposer and explain why they are put into each


Learning activities

label different objects from ecosystems as either biotic or abiotic.

abiotic and biotic factors. make connections with different objects to determine what ecosystem they belong to.



I will inform students that we are going to start ecosystems today and I will be teaching the unit with them. I will tell students my expectations from the start and how they should be respectful at all times.

​I will tell the

The students will be continuing the Google slides to look at some different types of environments. They will need to understand the importance of these factors in the ecosystems and how they relate to each other. I will be telling them that they need to pay close attention to what they see in the pictures.

The students will be taking notes on their notebooks to go over producers, consumers, and decomposers. They will write the definition for each as well as a couple of examples. They will also take notes on the three different types of consumers: carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. After they are finished taking notes they will watch a crash course video that will talk about how to classify organisms. They will then start to create a Google slides presentation that will help them classify organisms.

Google slides looking at the term interdependent

students that we are going to be doing something hands-on if they can listen well to me while I give their instructions. I will also remind them about what they will have learned on the previous day and we will be looking at the same Google slides presentation before we begin the activity.

Continued Google slides looking at pictures of

The students will be using a Discovery Education Techbook to work through an assignment that will give them more practice on labeling biotic and abiotic factors. They have used this program before so they are familiar with it, it is something they will do on their chromebooks. I will model for the students what they are supposed to do before they get started.

Discovery Education Techbook: continued

Continued Google slides looking at pictures of

Taking notes on how to classify organisms Crash course video


and the terms biotic and abiotic. Bubble chart in science notebook placing factors of ecosystems in either the biotic or abiotic category. Studyjams video on ecosystems and a quiz relating to the video.

Quiz on the studyjams video

ecosystems and labeling biotic/abiotic factors. Paper bag activity where groups of students try to determine what ecosystem they have by feeling what is in their bag. Students will later look in their bag to determine what ecosystem they have and what biotic/abiotic factors are in the bag. What's in your bag worksheet Sticky-note activity

practice of labeling biotic and abiotic factors. The website has assessments for the students after they finish each section.

Discovery Education Techbook

ecosystems and labeling biotic/abiotic factors and telling why they are important. Students will complete a Venn Diagram that they will use to label certain biotic/abiotic factors After students have completed this, they will draw an ecosystem and have different biotic and abiotic factors included and labeled.

Google slides presentation

The worksheet will serve as their assessment



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Google slides Chromebooks

Google slides

Discovery Education Techbook

Google slides

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Notes Video Presentation


Some students will take the quiz more than once so they can make a better grade Some students will get finished early and they will work on a previous assignment when finished​.

Groups are based on paring higher students with lower students so they will be able to help each other.

Some students will need more time than others to finish the sections.

Some students will not be able to finish their worksheet so they will be able to work on it when they have completed other assignments early.

If students finish their presentations, they can continue working on worksheet from previous day.


​What do the terms

biotic and abiotic mean? ​I will discuss with students what these terms mean so they will have a better understanding.

​How do living

things depend on each other for survival? What is the difference between biotic and abiotic? ​I will use the sticky-note activity and going over the paper-bag activity as my

Do you know the difference between biotic and abiotic factors? ​We will have a discussion on what they learned on the techbook at the end of class.

How do abiotic and biotic factors depend on each other? ​We will discuss what they have learned by looking at the pictures and doing the worksheet.

How can we classify different organisms? ​We will review the notes they took at the end of class.

closure. Higher order thinking or real contexts/applicati on

Can you identify the different parts of an ecosystem? (Analysis) What is the relationship between biotic and abiotic factors? (Synthesis) Based on what you know, how would you explain biotic and abiotic factors?

​ Can you

make a distinction between biotic and abiotic factors? (Analysis) ● What is the relationship between plants and animals? (Synthesis) ● How could you determine if something is biotic or abiotic? (Evaluation)

​ Can you make

a distinction between biotic and abiotic factors? (Analysis) ● What is the relationship between plants and animals? (Synthesis) ● How could you determine if something is biotic or abiotic? (Evaluation)

● Why do you think abiotic and biotic factors have to rely on each other for survival? (Analysis) ● Can you predict the outcome if a certain abiotic factor was taken away from an environment? (Synthesis) ● What data was used to make the conclusion that these factors need each other? (Evaluation)

Why do you think we have to classify different organisms? (Analysis) How would you classify different organisms? (Synthesis) How could you determine what category a specific object goes in? (Evaluation)

Candidate: Emily Justus Content Area: Science

SCCCR standards

Unit Title: Ecosystems Cooperating teacher: Courtney Owens






​Standard 5.L.4B.1

Standard 5.L.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of relationships among biotic and abiotic factors within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

​Standard​ ​5.L.4B.2 Develop and use models of food chains and food webs to describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem.

Standard​ ​5.L.4B.2 Develop and use models of food chains and food webs to describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem.

Standard 5.L.4B.1 Analyze and interpret data to explain how organisms obtain their energy and classify an organisms as producers, consumers (including herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore), or decomposers (such as fungi and bacteria). Standard​ ​5.L.4B.2 Develop and use models of food chains and food webs to describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem. Standard 5.L.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of relationships among biotic and abiotic

Analyze and interpret data to explain how organisms obtain their energy and classify an organisms as producers, consumers (including herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore), or decomposers (such as fungi and bacteria).

factors within terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Essential Questions



​How can we classify

different organisms?

​What did you

​What is a food

​ ​ ​What is a food chain and how can we create one?

​ ow can we classify H different organisms?

discover about maintaining a healthy ecosystems?

chain and how can we create one?

The student will be able to: Work through the Discovery Education Techbook and answer questions related to abiotic and biotic factors.

The student will be able to: Look at examples of food chains/food webs and create a food chain. They will be able to add their creation to their Google slides presentation.

The student will be able to: Play a review game that will teach them the correct way to create a food chain

The student will be able to: Apply what they have learned by taking the post-test

The students will be The students will be finishing up their Google using a Discovery slides on classifying Education Techbook to organisms because we work through an will be adding more to it assignment that will later. give them more practice on labeling biotic and abiotic factors. They have used this program

The students will be learning something new and I will explain that they will get to crete their food web using a new feature if they can listen and follow directions.

The students will be playing a fun review game but they will have to watch a video first that will give them instructions.

The students will be taking their post-test but I will tell them that after they are done we will get to share some of their presentations they have created.

The student will be able to: Classify organisms as either a producer, consumer, and decomposer and explain why they are put into each category.

What is a food chain and how can we create one? What is the difference between abiotic and biotic?

before so they are familiar with it, it is something they will do on their chromebooks. I will model for the students what they are supposed to do before they get started. Learning activities

Google slides presentation

Discovery Education Techbook: continued practice of labeling biotic and abiotic factors. ● The website has assessments for the students after they finish each section.

Google slides looking at pictures of food webs and food chains ● Crash course video on food chains ● AutoDraw to create their own food chain ● Google slides presentation will be used so they can add it to the end of their presentation

Watching a video and seeing an example of how the food chain game is played ● Students will be put into groups of four and they will play the game to see who can create the longest food chain in each group ●

● ●

Post-test Google slides presentation







If students finish their presentations, they can continue their worksheet from previous days or they can continue their Discovery Techbook if both are complete.

​How can we classify

different organisms? I will be asking some students to give me examples of what they have put on their presentations.

Discovery Education Techbook

Discovery Education Techbook


Some students will need more time than others to finish the sections.

Students will have extra time to complete their food chain since they are not very familiar with AutoDraw.

Do you know the difference between biotic and abiotic factors? ​We will have a discussion on what they learned on the techbook at the end of class.


What is a food chain and how do we create one? ​We will go over the food chain examples again at the end of class.

They will use a worksheet to write down their longest food chain ●

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What is a food chain and how can we make one? ​I will ask some students to share their longest food chain.

Presentation Post-test


Students who finish post-test early will work on finishing presentation if they are not done.

How can we classify different organisms?

What is a food chain and how can we make one? What is the difference between biotic and abiotic?​ ​We

will be doing presentations to finish out the unit Higher order thinking or real contexts/applicati on

Why do you think we have to classify different organisms? (Analysis) ● How would you classify different organisms? (Synthesis) ● How could you determine what category a specific object goes in? (Evaluation)

​ Can you

make a distinction between biotic and abiotic factors? (Analysis) ● What is the relationship between plants and animals? (Synthesis) ● How could you determine if something is biotic or abiotic? (Evaluation)

​What are the

parts or features of a food chain? (Analysis) ● Can you predict the outcome if you add a decomposer to your food chain? (Synthesis) ● Can you assess the value or importance of a food chain? (Evaluation)

​What are the

parts or features of a food chain? (Analysis) ● Can you predict the outcome if you add a decomposer to your food chain? (Synthesis) ● Can you assess the value or importance of a food chain? (Evaluation)

​ Can you make a

distinction between biotic and abiotic factors? (Analysis)

How would you classify different organisms? (Synthesis)

Can you assess the value or importance of a food chain? (Evaluation)

__________  Abiotic vs. Biotic factors   Name:​


1. List the five most important things you think are necessary for a living organism to survive.  .__________________________________________________  _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____    2. What is the definition of an abiotic factor and biotic factor? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____    3. Draw a Venn diagram and place the items below in the category they belong. In the center place what contains both biotic  and abiotic factors.  Raccoon, Cave, Producers, Mountain, Water, Consumers, Oxygen, Forest, Decomposers, Meadow, Predators, Soil, Bird, Marsh,  River, Flower, Desert, Pond, Plants, Ocean, Fungi, Rainforest, Lake, Insects                     

      4. All of the rocks are removed from a desert ecosystem, what would happen to the population of rock dwelling lizards?  What would happen to the animals that eat  them?________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____    A ten mile area of trees is removed from the tropical rainforest. How will this affect the amount of water and the amount  of oxygen in the area?________________  _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____     5. Choose an ecosystem to draw. In your drawing include the following: ​10 different biotic factors and 5 different abiotic  factors. Identify all 15 factors and label whether they are biotic or abiotic factors.​ Your picture should make sense. (Ex. There  shouldn’t be a polar bear in a sand desert)                           


What’s in your bag? 

1) What objects did you find inside of your bag? ____  ___________________________________  ___________________________________  ___________________________________  2) What connections can you make with the objects?  ___________________________________  ___________________________________  ___________________________________  3) What ecosystem do you think your objects are from?  _______________________________  ___________________________________  ___________________________________  ___________________________________  4) List the biotic factors:  ___________________________________  ___________________________________ 

___________________________________  ___________________________________  5)List the abiotic factors:   _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________________________


Ecosystems Quiz Name:____________________ Matching: Match the following term to the correct description. _____1. An organism that is able to ​produce​ its own food

a. consumer

_____2. An organism that relies on other plants and animals for food

b. producer

_____3. A consumer that eats ONLY ANIMALS

c. omnivore

_____4. A consumer that eats ONLY PLANTS

d. biotic factors

_____5. The non-living things that shape an ecosystem

e. decomposer

_____6.A consumer that eats BOTH plants and animals

f. carnivore

_____7. Eats DEAD or DECAYING things

g. abiotic factors

_____8. The living things that shape an ecosystem

h. herbivore

9. ​List ​1 biotic​ and ​1 abiotic​ factor: BIOTIC: __________________

ABIOTIC: __________________

10.​ What is an example of an ecosystem? ​____________________________________ BONUS​: ​Create a food web or a food chain on the back of your quiz.


My student teaching experience was a little different from what I thought it would be because I had to change placements in the middle of student teaching. My unit plan is from my 5th grade placement but I will be ending my student teaching experience in a 3rd grade placement. I did my unit on ecosystems because that is what my students were going to be learning next in science. I was very excited because I knew there was going to be a lot of different things I could do with this unit. I based my pre and post test on a lot of vocabulary because there was a lot of it in this unit. The thing that many students struggled with in the pre test was telling me the difference between biotic and abiotic factors. I made sure to spend a lot of time going over the difference between the two since that is what my students had the most trouble with. Since I had an equal amount of boys and girls in the class, I also wanted to make sure that I had both visual and auditory aspects in my unit to benefit all of my students. There would be some days where my students would just listen to me teach or we would take class notes in their science journals. There would be other days where we would do hands on activities, such as the one I did with looking at the different types of ecosystems. We also did another hands-on activity where students got to create a food chain by playing a game in groups, whoever made the longest food chain in the group was the winner. I think my students enjoyed this the most because they didn't realize what certain animals could and couldn’t eat. If I could change one thing about my unit I would give myself more time to go over food chains because the students found it very interesting. The students created a Google slides near the end

of the unit and they talked about how to classify animals and they also used auto draw to create their own food chain. I would also change my unit by giving students another option instead of just using auto draw because many students had trouble trying to draw on their Chromebooks. I would also give the students more time to share their projects with the class because they loved doing that and we didn't have enough time for everyone to share. For the most part I am very pleased with how my pre and post test results look because many of my students showed growth after learning this unit. I had two students that did not show any growth because they already made the highest score possible on the pretest and they did the same on the posttest. I would assume after looking at these results that those students are more than likely in the gifted program at CGS. I had one student make a lower score on the posttest than what they scored on the pretest. I would assume that this student had difficulty during this unit and they may struggle with learning overall. The majority of my students did show a lot of growth after taking the posttest and I am very pleased with how the overall results turned out. I believe that my students really enjoyed learning this unit and I am very glad that I was able to teach it to them before I had to move on to third grade ELA. I hope that I am able to teach this unit one day to my class when I become a teacher and that I am able to apply it to my students to benefit them as much as possible.

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