Ulasan Artikel Journal

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,760
  • Pages: 7
JOURNAL ANALYSIS Item Sample Setting


Journal 1 of a sixth

Journal 2 English

Journal 3 -Students grade -Trainee Language -Graduate students of classroom Teacher education program -A professional development -Sino-British MA in English -Foundation of education school associated with the programme at Beijing Normal class at university Benedum Five Year Teacher University Education Program. -Students were forced to think for -Research project was runs -The researcher asked the themselves, encouraged to ask parallel to both teaching practice students to join her in coquestions and participate fully in and ELT Methodology constructing the full course. class discussions. The student components (2 semesters). -Day one: teacher wanted to hear how they -The trainee teacher work in Discussed about the related what they were studying pairs. students’ preferences. Did to themselves or prior -Teaching English (five contact they want a teacher-directed experiences. Students quickly hours each week) to science and course or a more studentlearned that once they got humanities undergraduates at centred one? Virtually all the through background information the university (one class of class of twenty-five sided on a new topic, they would get students for entire year) with the more studentinto truly engaging activities, -Involved two stages; 1) directed philosophies, and which led to their being more Familiarize the participants both the researcher proceed with focused and motivated to learn theoretically and practically with co-construction. The throughout. the action research approach on researcher asked the -Copying vocabulary terms into 1st Semester. students to come up with notebook, a classroom read of -An understanding of what action questions, topics, and background information, and a research is and what it is for. themes they wanted to follow-up Arts integrative activity -By organize workshops, tackle. Before proceeding to corresponding to the new seminars, and discussions their input, the researcher information. designed to allow them to offered the caveat that they - The student teacher felt that the discover the meaning of action needed to coexist with the activities and classroom research for themselves, and to more teacher-directed discussion were more meaningful reflect about its nature and philosophy of the university to the students than were origins. as a whole and stick to completing workbook pages. But -1st step: Initiate a discussion by topics generally related to

the student teacher was obligated to finish workbook pages assigned by the host teacher, these were often assigned as homework. Once students recognized the trade-off and found that they enjoyed the new teaching style, they stopped complaining about homework assignments.

giving a number of statements (comments & criticisms about teacher training programmes collected from classroom teachers & educators) and some practical questions about them; ask them to consider the statements & the questions in the light of their own experiences and beliefs. -2nd step: Divide students into groups. Each group is assigned a reading task with specific questions on different aspects of the theories of action research. The group then research their questions and familiarize with the available literature on action research. So that they can present a seminar paper on their topic. -3rd step: Looking at data. An examination of various data collection techniques, including case studies, audio and video techniques, teacher and learner diaries, questionnaires, interviewing, and classroom observation sheets. -There are 2 aims of study authentic examples of each type of data: 1) To show trainees what sort of material it sis possible to collect from their own classrooms, and

the mandated foundations content (history, philosophy, sociology of schooling). Then they went through a PowerPoint presentation on topics typically covered in a foundations course (hidden curriculum, nature and aims of education, history of education, funding and organization of schools, socialization of social class, gender, and race and ethnicity, curriculum and knowledge, achievement and ability). -Day two: Launched immediately into co-constructing the course requirements. The researcher asked the class to create an agenda of discussion items, such as participation, attendance, short-term (more frequent, minor) assessment, longterm (less frequent, major) assessment, and content. Each student was assigned to a task force that dealt with one topic. Each task force was charged with collecting classmates’ input on its topic (by interviewing or by posting questions on

what that material can reveal about teaching & learning processes 2) To equip them with the skills necessary to construct their own data-collecting instruments. -Task for trainees: a) Video and audio data -Trainees observed and discussed about the data from databank of video and audio tapes of former trainees. -Through discussion of their observation results the trainee teachers become sensitized to problem they may never have thought about before, and begin to establish a critical attitude towards their own teaching. b)Questionnaires -Trainee teacher analysed questionnaires containing data on English teaching or learning problem (data collected from the class taught by trainee teacher in the previous year). -They have to analysis a pack of questionnaires from one class of students (work in teaching pair), and asked to prepare an oral presentation and a written report on the design of the questionnaires and on its findings, and the possible implications of the findings for

chart paper to collect answers) and then discussing what suggestions to make to the whole class on that topic. The task forces collected input and met for thirty to forty minutes, and then came together as a whole class to discuss the myriad ideas. -Day three: The third night of class began by asking the students to journal on these questions: What do you think of the new syllabus and grade menu? Do you believe your needs were met? Will you feel comfortable exercising your “protest rights” if some aspect of the syllabus ends up being problematic? Again, responses were positive. Nearly all students expressed appreciation of the level of choice and flexibility and indicated that their opinions, concerns, and questions had been taken into account. The process also seemed to reduce, to a degree, conventional teacher-student antagonism:

their own teaching. 4th step: Planning the research. Each trainee teacher pairs planning their research. There are 4 steps in planning research: 1) Problem identification session 2) Preliminary investigation 3) Formulation of possible solutions 4) Data collection and evaluation 2) Students teaching pairs undertake their own cycle of research with their TP class on 2nd Semester. -The focus is on the full-scale implementation of the research plan. -Tutor input at this stage mainly takes the form of weekly tutorial meetings with trainee teachers to discuss specific problems and solutions, stages of implementation, data collecting instruments, and data analysis. -Lesson observed regularly, face to face and written feedback to help trainees with the practical skills of teaching. -By the end of the second semester, a research report is required of each pair, which should include problems identified for the next cycle of research, as well as possible

many students expressed comfort with protesting or raising future questions. It seemed that the students had “bought into” the course and that they were beginning to trust the researcher as well as their fellow students. Overall the class displayed a positive ambience; the students seemed to realize that the researcher was not trying to “force” them to do something. -The researcher start the first discussion topic by asking the class why all courses are not cconstructed. Responses included all the challenges to democratic education outlined in “Democratic Classrooms: Promises and Challenges of Student Voice and Choice (Morrison 2008), and the students really seemed to understand the difference between a personally meaningful education and “schooling” through the hidden curriculum: doing what others ask without thought of one’s own needs and


Collecting & Analysing -Reflective teaching journal to -Observation Data record daily conversation -Research report prepared regarding how they felt about the trainee teacher pairing lessons and what changes were going on in the classroom, daily notes on how each activity went and if any modifications should be made for future lessons, student participation levels for each lesson and activity. -An informal online Multiple Intelligence evaluation was given to students at the start of the study in order to understand students’ interest and current areas of strength. Result from the Multiple Intelligence evaluations were used as a guide to create diverse and engaging lesson plans. Students completed attitude surveys at the beginning and end of the Action Research project. This survey gave insight

interests. -At the end of the semester, to obtain empirical confirmation of this perception of student engagement, the researcher distributed a questionnaire culled from the National Survey of Student Engagement. Then the researcher analysis the responses. -Journal by -Observation -Survey -Questionnaire

into how students felt about social studies before and after Arts integration was implemented. -At the end of each lesson, students would complete a “Rate this Lesson” card using 1-10 scale and including written feedback regarding their least and most favourite aspects of the lesson or activity. The students’ ratings and feedback were incorporated into subsequent lesson. -Three big projects (students had choice as to how to represent their learning) were graded using rubrics specific to the type of project turned in. Tests, quizzes, workbook pages, and graphic organizer allowed students to earn points, as did participation in classroom activities and discussion. -Data analysis was an ongoing process throughout the study. The student teacher reflected daily on lessons taught and data collected, using those reflections to plan subsequent lessons. Based on “Rate this Lesson” scores and students’ written comments, lesson with highest ratings were grouped to find common threads. If most students did not like a particular

Finding, Result Discussion

activity or assignment and participation was low on that say, that activity removed from subsequent lesson plans. and -The student teacher gained a variety of skills and knowledge that she could not have learned in a classroom lecture setting. -By offering students choice and mobility in classroom activities was a great way to get students involved in the learning process. -Students were much more involved in activities that were different from what they saw as “regular classroom activities” and hands-on activity. -The most important aspect of this study was the relationship and communication between teacher and students. Students must know exactly what the teacher will be doing and what she expected from them. (twoways communication)

-Increased awareness of teaching and learning process -Improvement in classroom research skills -Increased awareness and sensitivity about the classroom situation -More variety of classroom activities

--This approach is especially necessary and transformative for individuals who will be or who are teacher. These individuals need such experiences to widen their vision of what education can be and to begin to imagine themselves as the agents of change.

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