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CRICOS Code: 01899K / NTIS Code: 6554


LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGY ICA50705 Diploma of Information Technology (Software Development)

© CBC 2008 Published by the Canterbury Business College (CBC) Email: [email protected] Internet:



Learning and assessment strategy outline for ICA05 IT Training Package ICA50705 Diploma of Information Technology (Software Development)

Name of RTO

Canterbury Business College

Delivery period

2008 - 2009

Code and title of qualification

ICA50705 Diploma of Information Technology (Software Development) Diploma of IT unit hours – 720 hours (52 weeks including term breaks) Units of competencies for Diploma of IT (Software Development)

Cluster Name 

Unit Number 

Unit Name 

Nominal Hours 

Core / Elective 


Translate business needs into technical requirements Develop detailed components specifications from project specifications Manage project quality Manage complex projects

40 hours 40 hours 50 hours 50 hours

Common Core Elective Common Core Common Core

Software Testing


Develop detailed test plan Perform integration test Perform systems test Develop and conduct client acceptance test

30 hours 30 hours 30 hours 30 hours

Elective Common Core Specialist Core Elective

Security & Control


Design an IT security framework Prepare disaster recovery and contingency plans

40 hours 60 hours

Elective Common Core

User Management


Ensure privacy for users Establish and maintain client user liaison

40 hours 40 hours

Common Core Specialist Core

Advanced Programming


Apply intermediate object-oriented language skills Apply advanced object-oriented language skills Apply advanced programming skills in another language Build using rapid application development Maintain custom software

48 hours 60 hours 60 hours 40 hours 32 hours

Common Core Common Core Common Core Specialist Core Specialist Core

Project Management -2

Co-requisite units The following units within this qualification have pre-requisites. ICAA5158B - Translate business needs into technical requirements Pre-requisite - ICAA4233B - Determine and apply appropriate development methodologies (Cert IV unit) ICAB5223B Pre-requisite

- Apply intermediate object oriented language skills - ICAB4219B Apply introductory object-oriented language skills (Cert IV unit)

ICAB5226B Pre-requisite

- Apply advanced object oriented language skills - ICAB5223B Apply intermediate object oriented language skills

ICAB5227B Pre-requisite

- Apply advanced programming skills in another language - ICAB4229B Apply intermediate programming skills in another language (Cert IV unit)



Delivery and assessment arrangements

Duration Students will have to meet the pre-requisite unit requirements prior to entering the Diploma qualification. Students, who hold a Certificate II / III / IV in IT, will need to submit verified Certificate / Statement of Attainment for (national) recognition purposes. Students with either a Certificate or Statement of Attainment for Certificate II / III / IV will be exempted from the pre-requisite units The training program for Diploma of Information Technology (Software Development) is conducted over a 52-week period (includes term breaks). CBC Diploma of Information Technology program is divided into 4 terms. CBC students will attend class equivalent to 20 hours per week in full-time mode. Training units combination The ICA50705 program contains 17 units (4 Core, 9 Common Core & 4 Specialist Core) and will be delivered at the organisation’s training centre. To meet the requirements of the Diploma qualification involves the completion of all 17 units Organisation’s Delivery plan All units within this qualification are combined into clusters (Refer to cluster breakdown). These clusters are designed to meet the co-requisites units within it. So technically every cluster is independent of each other, however a logical sequence is maintained. Where applicable unit assessments having similar elements / criteria’s / outcomes will be combined with appropriate assessment tools (Refer to the assessment plan to review the assessment tools used in the qualification) to achieve holistic assessment requirements to complete the qualification. The clusters are placed in a logical fashion to achieve critical aspects of assessments for progressive development of competency achieved from previous units / clusters. Units within clusters have multiple assessment tools to simulate / reflect real time workplace requirements. The qualification combines face-to-face trainer led theory/practical classes involving small groups/ individual activities, in a simulated environment resembling the workplace setting as close as possible. All programs are in full-time mode and cannot be undertaken part-time or via distance education. Simulated workplace environment CBC ensures that the training delivered is to the standards of a real workplace environment. To meet this requirement CBC has implemented a variety of assessment tools that will be implemented during the course of the qualification. These assessment tools assess various different elements of a real / actual workplace however in a simulated training environment. CBC meets the need for a real-time workplace simulation environment by: • A dedicated computer lab to reflect a real-time work environment for all practical training components of the course. • The CBC trainers represent the role of a real client and portray the workplace demands while working on projects. This includes role-play of difficult & diverse type customers. • Students prepare time lines, schedule milestones, communicate, prepare documentation, conduct training in accordance with the client (trainer) • Working as a team (group work/assignments), fulfilling responsibilities and expectations of the job and workplace. • Assignments, which include multi-tasking, different roles within assignments, using workplace policies and templates. An opportunity to attend industry professional development, network and interact with industry professionals by offering membership options to the Australian Computer Society.



Name of RTO Delivery and assessment arrangements (continued)

Canterbury Business College Alignment with units of competency for Diploma of IT Program area Project Management - 2

Unit(s) of competency ICAA5158B ICAA5050B BSBPM505A PSPPM502B

Software Testing


Security & Control


User Management


Advanced Programming


Delivery Mode This delivery mode denotes structured training delivery and assessment services delivered by CBC on its own premises. Theory training occurs in a classroom environment where the trainer presents the learning material. Where practical tasks are required, learners will have at their disposal a complete computer laboratory with the necessary hardware, software and peripherals to work in a simulated environment with an emphasis on real world situations. This mode may use scheduled self-directed learning in which students attend classes at scheduled times and progress at their own pace using print-based or computer-based materials. A trainer is present to provide support. The trainer will implement different pedagogy techniques within the training environment. For example: Group activities, discussion groups, role-plays, case studies, practical demonstrations & guest speakers. Theory classes will be held using classroom or in computer labs. The resources used are: • Digital / Analog data projectors, • Computers with DVD ROM’s • Training videos, handouts, electronic notes and reading material. • Reference books • Broadband internet access for online resources & research



Evidence-gathering techniques / Assessment tools A. Practical Demonstration / Task / Presentation B. Oral – Questioning / Investigation C. Scenario —problem solving D. Case study / fault finding E. Written test / report / Essay Combinations of these methods will be used for most situations (eg. observations and oral questioning).

Program area



Project Management - 2



Software Testing

Security & Control

User Management

Advanced Programming

Name of RTO Delivery and assessment arrangements (continued)


Canterbury Business College Please contact Academic Course Coordinator ( [email protected]) for a copy of timetable



Name of RTO Industry Consultation

Canterbury Business College Schedule Please contact the Academic Course Coordinator ([email protected]) for a copy of “Minutes of Meeting” for industry consultation

CBC has liaised with the following organization / individuals for its industry consultation for ICA05 Package. Minutes of meeting / discussion are available for review on request. Rupesh Singh CEO - Global IT Technologies Level 3, 56 York Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9299 2282 [email protected] Dr Samir El-Masri Managing Director – MobTech Pty Ltd. Level 1, 111 Phillip Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 Phone: 02 90371313 [email protected] Justin Glen State Manager Sun Microsystems QLD / Education & Research Manager - Australia & New Zealand Sun Microsystems Phone: 07 3238 8300 [email protected]



Name of RTO Delivery and assessment staff

Canterbury Business College Program area


Delivery/ Assessment

Competencies of staff Technical


Staff Matrix are available for review on request Validation tools for assessment / Assessment validation process

The processes used to validate assessment tools & activity in this program are: •

Industry consultation: CBC will take on board the recommendations and suggestions made by industry representatives as a part of the industry consultation process. These recommendations will reflect in CBC’s assessment strategies and tools implemented to measure skills and course outcomes.

Staff: Deputy Principal / Course Coordinators along with the trainers attend internal & external workshops to discuss the course delivery structure and its mapping to the assessment elements & criteria’s.

Deputy Principal / Course Coordinators convenes meeting (generally beginning every term) to assess the results of the past assessments. This meeting also indicates the upcoming assessments for the following term.

Validation / moderation meetings are attended by all assessors. The first meeting, held in the 1st week of the first semester commences (6 monthly). It confirms the evidence gathering techniques, resources required and the required standards of performance. The second meeting, held one week prior to the commencement of the 2nd Semester, it focuses on reviewing assessment tools and decisions. Student: Student assessments provide basis for validation and moderation activities.

Infrastructure requirements (A tick indicates that the RTO has the required infrastructure.)

‰ All staff (including full time, part time and casual staff) involved in the

‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰

delivery and assessment of this qualification, have direct access to the current version of the relevant Training Package, including the appropriate units of competency, assessment guidelines and qualification structure. All staff (including full time, part time and casual staff) involved in the delivery and assessment of this qualification, have a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training or equivalent. All staff (including full time, part time and casual staff) involved in delivering the program has access to trainer, assessor and candidate support materials relevant to their areas of delivery and assessment. All assessors have access to print and electronic copies of the assessment tools used in this program. CBC has access to staff and training/assessment resources to meet the requirements of candidates with special needs and has an assessment process that incorporates reasonable adjustment procedures. CBC has reviewed the equipment and facility requirements for each unit of competency in the qualification and guarantees it has access to the plant and equipment needed to implement the program.




This course provides skills for intermediate to advanced level of computing, programming & software development skills upon successful completion. Upon completion of Diploma qualification following are the opportunities available: Career & Pathway opportunities: • • • • • • • • • • •


Computer Software & Hardware Salesperson / Marketer Computer Systems Engineer Database Officer Network Administrator Network Manager Programmer Systems Trainer Technical Officer Trainer Web designer / developer The course also provides a path (advanced standing) for those intending to further study into a Bachelor Degree

CBC offers the following resource options for students pursuing IT qualification. • A well stocked library • Access to broadband internet facilities • Use of IT resources (Computers, printers, digital projectors, photocopiers, etc.)

Authorised endorsement:

Mel Dsouza


04th Mar 2008



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