Trainer Basics

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,187
  • Pages: 5
IRG 1 The Trainer Basics

The Trainer Basics Training—With Peers If you want to be prosperous for a year, grow grain; If you want to be prosperous for ten years, grow trees; If you want to be prosperous for a lifetime, grow people.

The best interests of an organization are served by people who are multiskilled. These people fill in for people who are away temporarily or ov erloaded. So while it enhances your power to be a specialist, the sole prov ider of a niche skill or technology, it's in your organization's interest to hav e others who are able to do your job, to at least an 80 percent competency level. If you are asked to train someone to do your job, here is how you should go about doing so: 1. Before the training, meet with your fellow employee to establish: o Their lev el of enthusiasm for the task at hand. o How much she knows about the task. Ask:  Have they ever done this before?  Have they done something similar? o What similar knowledge and skills she possess. o Any barriers that will inhibit their learning, such as language or dexterity. 2. Ask if they have any concerns about doing the task. Try to allev iate his concerns by describing how you will help ov ercome them. 3. Try to establish how they like to learn. Is she: o Auditory? These people learn best by listening. o Visual? These people learn best by seeing a demonstration. o Kinesthetic? These people like to learn something by doing it. While a person may have a favorite style of learning — one you should focus on — it is best to cov er all three for maximum impact. 4. Document the process, as you know it. If it is complex, break it down into "bite-sized" pieces. Whenev er possible, prov ide diagrams and drawings.

IRG 2 The Trainer Basics

5. Document the standards of performance so that the trainee will know what constitutes an acceptable performance. 6. Set a date, place, and time for the training. Plan to do it near the time when he will need to use his new skills. 7. Meet with the trainee for the transfer of information. Make her feel comfortable by o assuring her that you will work at her pace; o letting her know that you are confident of her ability; o Encouraging them to ask as many questions. 8. Confirm the purpose of the training. Let the trainee know how many sessions you will hav e and what help he can expect from you. 9. Explain how the task fits into the overall process of the particular product or serv ice being prov ided. 10. Explain the goals to your training and your expectations in terms of the standards that should be achiev ed. 11. Demonstrate the task. If it is large and complex, break the task down and demonstrate one part at a time. 12. Monitor the reaction of the trainee. What is their body language telling you? Is she smiling, acknowledging understanding, and showing interest? Respond to any negativ ity by identifying and dealing with the issue. 13. Let the trainee try the task. Stand back and observe. Be careful not to intervene too quickly if they make a mistake; wait a little while to see if he will correct himself. 14. Observe her body language. Saying that she understands may be true or it may be a polite way of not wanting to admit a lack of understanding. You will generally know that they understands if o Their eyes are focused; o They are nodding; o They show some impatience to try it herself; o They are paraphrasing your explanation. 15. Ask them if they can do it. If so, let them try. If not, show them again. 16. Giv e praise at any sign of progress. The greater the progress, the bigger your praise should be. 17. With each step mastered, go on to the next step until the process is complete.

IRG 3 The Trainer Basics

18. Have their document your instructions in their own words. This "template" will enable them to do the job without hav ing to check with you when they run into difficulties. 19. Finish the training with a symbolic celebration. Congratulate the learner. Assure them of your support. Inv ite them to call on you if they encounter any difficulties in the future.

 Presentation Skills: Characteristics of presenters.

           

Excellent Presenter Characteristics Reveals passion for subject Demonstrates commitment Keeps focused Establishes rapport Shows empathy Is receptive Shows confidence Has integrity Maintains credibility Is flexible Has an effective style Demonstrates depth

Poor Presenter Characteristics          

Does not cov er objectiv es promised Does not allow enough breaks Has bad nonverbal habits Uses habit v erbiage (um, like, you know) Fails to check environment Uses out-of-date material Does not admit mistakes Uses inappropriate humor Acts like an arrogant expert Does not engage the learners

IRG 4 The Trainer Basics

A Good Trainer:           

uses course material effectiv ely uses learner information effectively prepares well establishes and maintains credibility with learners demonstrates effectiv e classroom management techniques is an effectiv e communicator is an effectiv e questioner relates well to learners with questions or problems prov ides positiv e reinforcement uses instructional media properly is a keen ev aluator of learner performance

Benefits of Training:    

Opportunity to grow Reduces turnover Keeps Guest Happy Increased Sales and Profit

Why is training important?       

Correct procedures Better communications Quick , Efficient Serv ice Consistent quality Common Goals Teamwork and Pride And most importantly “ it is the heart of the business”

The 4 Step Training Method Step 1: Preparation Step 2: Explanation and Demonstration Step 3: Performance and Praise

Step 4: Follow Up

IRG 5 The Trainer Basics

Feedback:   

Supportiv e Corrective “ Both can be positiv e if given Correctly”

Definition of Feedback: Feedback is a way to provide specific information to an indiv idual about what they said or did in order to determine effective or ineffectiv e behav ior and the impact this has on others.” Supportive Feedback: “Feedback given to support a behav ior with a desire to increase the likelihood of it being repeated.” Corrective Feedback: “Feedback given so that it lets a person know what effect their specific behav ior has had on the restaurant, or others, in such a way that motivates them to want to improv e / change their behav ior.” Reminders when handing Corrective Feedback:  Be specific  Fix the behav ior not the person  Timely Conclusions: Organized, Consistent Training helps to: • Improve Crew morale, reduces turn over • Prov ide more consistent product quality • Improve the guest experience • Increase Sales and profit • More time for yourself self dev elopment

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