Certified Hospitality Department Trainer (industry Of Tourism)

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  • Words: 1,927
  • Pages: 79
Certified Hospitality Department Trainer

Chapter one

Training Overview

Purpose Of Training ►







Benefits Of Training

Benefits to trainees

Benefits to property

Benefits to guests

Training Methods ► Group


► One-on-one


► On-the

job training.

► Off-the

job training.

Qualities Of Good Trainer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Have self-confidence. Are patient. Are flexible. Enjoy teaching. Are respected by trainees. Have a good sense of humor & use it as a training tool. Get along well with different types of people.

8. Display a consistent positive attitude. 9. Are enthusiastic about the department and the property. 10. Are enthusiastic about training. 11. Have a personal commitment to excellence in all areas of performance. 12. Have a working knowledge of job skills and procedures. 13. Make decisions and solve routine jobrelated problems.

14. Effectively organize work tasks and accomplish duties on a timely basis. 15. Interact well with other departments. 16. Listen well 17. Have good communication skills. 18. Spend the time necessary to properly train employees. 19. Understand the qualities of effective employees and model or train those qualities.

20. Encourage trainees to think about how the training applies to their jobs. 21. Persuade trainees to set goals for themselves in training. 22. Invite trainees to ask questions. 23. Invite trainees to find better ways do things. 24. Praise even the smallest successes. 25. Encourage and support trainees.

26. Share personal experiences and even mistakes with the trainees. 27. Reward trainees for training achievements. 28. Firm. 29. fair. 30. Friend.

Understanding The Job (s) You Train ► Task

list. ► Job break down. ► Job descriptions. ► Training from experience. ► Training to standards.

Scheduling Training The schedules of those being trained. 2. Your own schedule; your other job duties 3. Availability of other employees to cover normal work functions. 4. The number of interruptions you are likely to receive from guests or co-workers. 5. Availability of training location. 1.

Availability of resources to be used in training. 7. Number of trainees. 8. How long the training will take. 9. The topic you will be training. 10. Business volume. 11. Trainees’ special needs. 6.

Reinforcing Training ► Let

trainees know that the training will be valuable & will help them on the job.

► Talk

with the employees about their training experience & how it applies to their daily work.

► Make

sure trainees have a chance to practice their new behaviors, skills and knowledge.

► Compliment

employees when they successfully use what they learned in training.

► Model

for the employees the behaviors, skills & knowledge you are training.

► Coach

trainees to help them feel comfortable & confident with their new behaviors, skills & knowledge.

► Tell

the trainees that their performance should reflect what they learned in training.

Measuring Training ► Observation. ► Possible

reasons. ► Possible solution.

Costs Of Training ► Salaries

of the trainer & the trainees. ► Facilities. ► Equipments. ► Materials. ► Possibility of more errors & less productivity during the initial training period. ► Other miscellaneous expenses.

Costs Of Not Training ► More

mistakes. ► Lower productivity. ► Lost revenue. ► High turnover.

Chapter Two

Four-Step Training Method

Step 1 - Plan And Prepare To Train A- Planning Considerations : ► ► ► ► ► ►

Who ? What ? When ? Where ? Why ? How -Long- Much- Many ???

B- Suggestions For Preparing To train : ► ► ► ► ► ►

Write training objectives . Develop step by step plan . Decide on training method . Prepare a training schedule . Select the training location . Prepare the training area .

Step 2 - Conduct The Training ►T each by showing. ►R epeat until comfortable. ►A sk questions. ►I

mitate work conditions.

►N ote good performance.

Suggestions For Conducting The Training : ► Prepare

the trainees. ► Begin the training session. ► Demonstrate the steps. ► Avoid jargon. ► Take enough time. ► Repeat the steps.

Step 3 - Coach Trial Performances Suggestions: ► Let

the trainees practice.

► Coach

the trainees.

Step 4 - Follow Through Suggestions: ► Coach

a few tasks each day. ► Evaluate the trainees’ progress. ► Continue positive support. ► Correct the trainees when necessary. ► Get the trainees feed back.

Chapter Three


What Employees Expect From Training ??? ► Professional

growth, not grades. ► Practical training. ► Job-related training. ► Appreciation of their past experiences. ► Comfortable, relaxed training. ► Participation.

** People Remember ► 10

% of what they read. ► 20% of what they hear. ► 30% of what they see. ► 50% of what they see and hear. ► 70% of what they talk over with others. ► 80% of what they use and do. ►95%

of what they teach others.**

Learning Styles ► Visual


► Auditory


► Tactile-kinesthetic


Factors Affecting The Learning Process ► Demographics. ► Diversity. ► Disabilities. ► Education

level – Literacy. ► Job experience. ► Delivery style of trainer.

Overcoming Learning Barriers ► Understand

that diversity in the work force is the rule, not the exception.

► Know

available resources.

► Maintain ► Alter

awareness of special needs.

your delivery style to accommodate the learning styles of trainees.

Adult Learning Needs ► Attention

span. ► Sequence of instructions. ► Individualized learning rates. ► Repetition. ► Motivation. ► Active participation.

Chapter Four


Myths Of Communication 1- We communicate only when we want to communicate. 2- Words mean the same thing to both the speaker and the listener. 3- We communicate chiefly with words. 4- We believe what a person says, not how he/she says it. 5- Communication is one way flow of information from the speaker to the listener.

The Impact Of The Verbal & Nonverbal Communication Elements Verbal 7%

Visual 55%

Vocal 38%

The Communication Equation Communication = Sending + Receiving + Understanding -verbal -nonverbal (visual, vocal& writing)

-listening -observing -smelling -touching -tasting

-content -intent

The Elements Of Communication ►Vocal

( the voice of the speaker ).


( what we see of the speaker ).

► Writing

( the notes & words you write ).


( the speaker’s words ).

Vocal Communication Characteristics ► Variety. ► Quality. ► Rate. ► Volume. ► Vocalized


Visual Communication Characteristics ► Eye


► Posture. ► Gesture. ► Facial


Verbal Communication Characteristics ► Keep

it simple. ► Explain and / or provide an example. ► Use clear, direct words. ► Respect your listener. ► Repeat your main ideas. ► Check for understanding.

Standard English ► Pronounce

words & letters correctly. ► Avoid making one word out of two words. ► Pronounce the whole word. ► Avoid using slang. ► Avoid ethnic slang. ► Learn to use good grammar. ► Expand your vocabulary.

Speaking Anxiety ► Practice. ► Visualize. ► Have


The Four Steps Of The Listening Process ► Paying


► Attaching


► Evaluating

the Message.

► Remembering

& responding.

Active Listening ► Mentally. ► Verbally. ► Nonverbally ► Physically.

( vocal & visual ).

Communication Barriers Internal ► Anxiety.

► Noisy

► Fatigue. ► Preconceived


notions or

prejudices. ► Resistance to change about other people. ► Personal concerns.

distractions. ► Interruptions. ► Location. ► Physical obstacles. ► Language ( accent , grammar, slang…). ► Language ( foreign Languages).

Roadblocks To Effective Communication ► Unfair

comparison. ► Just like me. ► Stereotypes. ► Good day / Bad day effect. ► Halo or Pitchfork effect.

Chapter Five


What’s The Importance Of Orientation? Types Of Orientation: ►

The general property orientation.

► The

specific job orientation.

Benefits Of The General Property Orientation ►

Benefits to the company.

Benefits to the employees.

Reinforcing The General Property Orientation ► Support


the property’s mission or

► Link

the general property orientation to the trainees job.

► Help

new employees identify internal customers & external customers.

Benefits Of Specific Job Orientation ► Benefits

to the department.

► Benefits

to the employees.

Establishing Rapport With A New Employee ► The


role of the trainer.

F irm. F air. F riend. H onest




Chapter Six

Using Audiovisual Aids

Video ► 1-

Video stimulates.

► 2-

Video models the behaviors which employees must perform.

► 3-

Video commands & holds attention.

► 4-

Video is versatile.

► 5-

Video is consistent & cost effective.

Video Presentation Methods ► Show ► Show

program without stopping.

program with stopping points. - Wrong way-Right way. - Vignettes or Scenarios. - Skill demonstration.

•Technology ( CD-ROM & Multimedia ). ► Handouts. ► Transparencies. ► Flip


► Electronic

presentation ( slides show )

Selecting Audiovisual Aids ► Number

of trainees. ► Training location. ► Amount of interactivity desired. ► Availability of resources. ► Cost.

Creating Audiovisual Aids ► Number

of ideas on one page or

screen. ► Alignment. ► Text. ► Color. ► Graphics.

Chapter Seven

Group Training

Room Requirements For Group Training ► Room


► Room


► Location

of trainer support materials.

Making Training Interactive Interactive techniques: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Role playing. Brainstorming. Case studies. Group activities.

1- Role Playing ►

Provide back ground.

Conduct the role playing.

Debrief the trainees.

Close the session.

2- Brainstorming ►

Identify the problem.

List all the ideas about the problem.

Screen the list of ideas.

Identify the action steps to be taken.

3- Case studies ►

Before the training.

During the case study.

After the case study.

4- Group Activities ►

Encourage creative expression.

Encourage teamwork.

Summarize discussion.

Remain neutral and objective.

Effective Questioning Techniques ► To

open the discussion:

- General questions. - Specific questions.

► During


- Guided questions. - Rebound questions. - Redirected questions. - Follow up questions.

•To close the discussion: Open ended questions VS. closed ended questions. - Open-ended questions. - Closed-ended questions.

Room Control ► Passive


► Dominant


► Disruptive


Passive Trainees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Repeating the question or topic. Restating the question or topic in different ways. Providing an example. Providing a sample answer to get the discussion going. Asking a person who looks interested or cooperative ( how would he respond to such a situation. Compliment the employee for his contribution.

Dominant Trainees 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Don’t repeatedly call on them. Don’t make eye contact with them. When they are talking, wait for a slight break, thank them, and call on someone else. Physically move away from the dominant trainee. Ask them to take notes for you .

Disruptive Trainees In a friendly positive tone of voice , try to get them to contribute to the whole group. 2. While you are looking at the disruptive, make an appropriate comment to stop the side conversations. 1.

Entertainment As A Motivational Technique 1.

Ice breakers.




Prizes and giveaways.



Chapter Eight

One-On-One Training

Conducting one-on-one training.

Conducting on-the-job training.

Coaching nervous trainees.

Self-paced instruction.


Mistakes Of On-The-Job Training ► 1-

Letting training interfere with guest services.

► 2-

Letting trainees view task demonstrations at an incorrect angle.

► 3-

Training without using a training checklist.

You As A Trainer…… ► Always

make entertainment as a motivational technique in your sessions. ► Don’t allow trainees to negatively criticize one another. ► Simply thank people when they contribute. ► Be always enthusiastic, friendly, sincere and confident. ► Be always neutral & objective.

Thanks for your participation Thanks for your contribution Thanks for your time

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