Trainer Presentation

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 8

Presentationtrainer - Organization Checktist Date& tlme¡ Lengthof time for talk:

at end?lf yes,lengtttof timefor guestions: Quesüons Ptace/Room: Roomset-up:



^dfui'r ¡3l;:Frlqltr

Equlpmentneeded: ls it avaitable? i]

Doesit work?I

Audience Numberof people Howmuchdo theyknowaboutthe topic? Howwell do I knowthem? Howformal? Nationatity/Culture? Handouts

no L] yes/beforetalk f ;

t-5 nothing not at.atl veryformal sameas me

6-ts a bit a tittte formal international

at endof talk l-i

16-3o a lot quitewell informal


later(intranet/email) i _:

Checklist- Contents Topic:

Purposeof tatk (Whatdo lwant to do?)

Threemainpoints 7

Lj lnformthe audience fj lrain the audience


i- ] Settsomething to the audience


the audienceto do something |-l Persuade

lmportanceto audience: Whatdo I want audienceto knowby the end of tatk: Preparingvisuals Howmanyvisualswill I have? Dotheysay (or show)what I wantto say? Aretheyclearand simpleto understand? be ableto readthem(fontsizeand colours)? w¡ttthe audience Dotheyhaveeffective headlines? ls thereas litttetext as possible? HaveI remembered the ruleof six?

trainer 74 | Presentation


Introduceyourself(name,position/ function).


Saywhy yourtopic is importantfor the audience.

Describethe structureof your tatk (the main pointsand whenyou wílt be deatingwith them).

say how longthe talk witt be.

Saywhenyou wilt answerquestions.


howto Remember makeeffective openings:startwith a rhetoricalquestion, a storyor an amazing fact,or givethe a problemto audience thinkabout.

trainer| 75 Presentation

Mainpart again. Brieflystateyourtopic and objective(s)

yourthree(ortwoor ?)mainpointsandgivedetails' Thenintroduce Malnpointt:

REMEMEERTO; . signalthe beginning ofeachpart. ¡ talk aboutyourtopic. . signa[the end of eachpart. . highlightthe main points. . summarize the main ideas.


BULTETCHARTS? . Referto pointsin the sameorder. o Usethe samekey wordsand phrases as on yourbullet charts.


GRAPHS,IABLES, PIE CHARTS.ETC? r Startby tellingyour whatthe audience visuali[[ustrates. . Explain¡t if necessary. . Hightight the key points. . Saywhy thesepoints areimportant(and exotainthe causeor effect).

Signatthe end of the mainpart.

trainer 76 | Presentation

TIP howto Remember makeeffective endwith conclusions: question ora quote a froma famousperson, finisha storyYou startedat the of yourtalk beginning to or calltheaudience action.

thekeyPoints. Summarize

one importantPoint. Highlight

Explainthe significance.


TIP HowcanI answerthem?



Remember,when answedngquestions duringor afteryour talkr o Listencarefutlyand makesureyou have the understood questioncorrectly. o Reformulate the questionif necessary. . lf you wantto postponethe question, saywhy politety. . lf you don't knowthe answer,sayso and offerto find out. o Answerirrelevant questionspotitely but briefly. . Checkthat the questioner is satisfiedwith your answer.

Checklist- Feedback Organization


the rigüttength? Wasmy presentaüon too short f] ¡ustrísht f] too tong I at theend0f rctevan0? Wasthereümefor quesüons justright I tooshort I too tong f]

Usethis checklistafter a practícetalk or an actualtalk to evaluate your own performance!

Communication Howwasmy body[anguage? good I bad I why?--=Howweltdid I deatwith nervousness? Why?.----*-not well I welt fl undersbndme? Didtheaudience yes,mostof thetime fl yes,a[[thetime l]

yes,someof the time


no ff

Did I havetrouble expressingmyselfln Engtlsh? yes,mostof the time I yes,attthetime I

yes,someof the tíme


n0 f]

Whatweresomewordsor phrasesI neededbutdidn'tknow? Lookthemup!

Partsof the presentation Introduc!"on Did I tetl the audiencethe purposeof my talk? Did I explainthe structureof my tatk? Did I tettthe audiencewhy the talk was relevantto them?

yesi-j yesfl yesi-_i

no Ll no tl no [J

vesn vesil ves[_J vesf:l ves[]

no no no no no

vesi*.1 vest-l ves[_r

no [:i no [:i

o HowcanI improvethe introduction? Main part

Did I statemy mainpointsclearly? Did I useeffectivesignposting? Did I emphasizekey points? Did I summarizekey pointsaftereachsection? Did I presentmy visualswet[?


fl il I fl

. Howcan| ímprovethe mainpart? the key points? Conclusion Did I summarize whatto do (cattto action)? DidI tell the audience DidI leavea lastingimpression?

no l:i

. Howcan I improvethe conclusion?, -,


wett [-l Howwell did I dealwithquestions?verywett ll ¡ Why? e Whatquestions wereaskedthat I didn'tanticipate? ¡ HowcanI improvethe way I dealwith questions?

fairlywett i-]


Useful phrases and vocabularY Welcomlngtfte audlence andgentlemen' Goodmorning /afternoon,ladies Hello/Hieveryone. Firstof al[,let methankyoua[[for comingheretoday. Itb a pleasure to welcomeyoutoday. I'mhappyldelightedthat so manyof youcouldmakeit today. It'sgoodto seeyou all here. In8oducingyourself myself.I'mAnnBrownfrom..' Letme introduce Forthoseof youwho don'tknowme,my nameis ... mysetf.Mynameis ... Letme¡uststartby introducing

Ilmlng will takeabout3o minutes. Mypresentation It wítttakeaboutzo minutesto covertheseissues. Thíswon'ttakemor€than... Handou6 ofthe havea handout/brochure/copy Doeseverybody report?Pleasetakeoneandpassthemon. Don'tworryabouttakingnotes.I'veput altthe on a handoutfor you. importantstatist¡cs I'll be handingout copiesof the slidesat theendof my talk. presentat¡on to anybody I canemailthe PowerPoint whowantsit.

Givlngyour poslüon,functlon,department,comPany manager. As someof youknow,I'mthe purchasing hereandam responsible I'mthe keyaccountmanager for... l'm herein my functionas the headof ... in chargeof ... I'mthe projectmanager

Quesdons aftermypresentat¡on. Therewittbe timefor questions in the Wewilt haveaboutro minutesfor questions period. question andanswer feelfreeto interruptmeat lfyou haveanyquestions, anytime. Feelfreeto askquestions at anytimeduringmytatk.

Introduclngyourtopic WhatI'd liketo presentto youtoday¡s... l'm heretodayto present... Today's topicis ... of my presentation is ... Thesubject/topic In my presentation I wouldliketo reporton ... In mytalk I'll tettyouabout... Todayl'mgoingto talkabout... I'll be talkingabout...

Rhetodcalquesdons importantfor branddevelopment? ls marketresearch Dowe reallyneedqualityassurance?

Sayingwhy yourtopicls rctevantfor youraudlence interestto thoseofyou/ Todat'stopicis of particular us who... relevantto thoseof uswho... Mytatkis particularly ... Mytopicis/wilt be veryimportantfor youbecause Bythe endof th¡stalkyou will be familiarwith... Staüngyour purpose Thepurpose/obiective/aim is to ... ofthispresentation how/thebestwayto ... Ourgoatis to determine WhatI wantto showyou is ... Myobjectiveis to ... TodayI'd liketo giveyou an overview of ... you/reporting Todayl'll be showing on ... lU fiketo updateyou onlinformyouabout... Duringthe nextfew hourswe'llbe ... Structuring intothree(main)parts. I'vedividedmy presentat¡on ln my presentation I'll focuson threemaiorissues. Seguenclng Pointonedeatswith..., pointtwo ...,andpointthree... First,I'ttbe lookingat ...,second...,andthird... l'lt begin/start off by....Thenl'll moveon to ... Then/ Next/After that ... I'ttendwith...

Interesüngfacts ... According to an articleI readrecently, Didyouknowthat ...? I'd tiketo sharean amazingfuct/figurewithyou. Stodesandanecdotes I remember whenI attendeda meetingin Paris,... At a conference in Madrid,I wasonceaskedthe followingquestion:... Letmetell youwhathappened to me... Problemto thlnk about youwantedto .... Howwouldyougo Suppose aboutit? lmagineyou hadto .... Whatwoutdbe yourfirststep?

phrases andvocabulary Useful lrc

Sayingwhatls comlng I'd liketo talkabout." tn itr¡ipart of my presentation, 5o, tet mefirstgiveyoua briefovérview' Indlcatlngthe end of a sectlon Thisbringsmeto the endof myfirstpoint. So muchfor pointtwo. on ... 5o,that'sthe background That'satlI wantedto saYabout..' a Polnt Summarlzlng BeforeI moveon, l'd tiketo recapthe mainpoints. the mainissues. Letmebrieflysummarize whatI'vesaidso far... l'd liketo summarize lrlovlngto the next Point Thisleadsdirectlyto my nextpo¡nt. Thisbringsusto the nextquestion. Letbnowmoveon/turnto ... thispoint,let3 turnto ... Afterexamining Let'snowtakea lookat ... Goingback earlier,... As I said/mentioned Letmecomebackto whatI saidbefore.'. earlier. Let'sgo backto whatwe werediscussing ... As I'veatreadyexplained, As I pointedout in the firstsection,... Refenlngto other polnts with/concerning in connection I havea question payment. thequatity. Therearea fewproblemsregardíng we needmore to planning, Withrespect/regard information. background serviceneeds our customer According to the survey, reviewing. Addingldeas is In additionto this,l'd [iketo saythatour lT business goingverywetl. thereareotherinteresting Furthermore, Moreover/ hcts we shouldtakea lookat. this modelis too big. Apartfrombeingtoo expensive, Tatkingabout(difffcutOissues t thinkwe firstneedto identifuthe probtem. Ofcoursewe'llhaveto clarifua fewpointsbeforewe start. Wewill haveto dealwith the problemof increasing prices. pract¡ces? Howshatlwe copewith unfairbusiness Thequestionis: whydon'twe tacklethedistribution problems? lf we don'tsolvethis probtemnow we'ttget/runinto serioustroubtesoon. Wewill haveto takecareof this problemnow. wíth... havingdifficutties Wearecurrentty quesüons Rhetoricat canwe drawfromthis? Whatconclusion So,whatdoesthis mean? So,iusthowgoodarethe results? So,howarewe goingto deatwith thisincrease?

So,wheredo we go fromhere? ... Whydo I saythat?Because to ...? Dowe reattywantto missthisopportunity

Inboduclnga vlsual Letbnowlookat the nextslidewhichshows... Toillustrateth¡s,tet'shavea closerlookat ... fhe chafton the followingslideshows... I havea slideherethat shows... Theprobtemis illustratedin the nextbarchart... to this graph,our net profithasdoubled. According Youcanseethe test resultsin thistable. Asyoucanseehere,... Explalninga vlsual F¡rst,let mequicklyexplainthe graph. Youcanseethat differentcolourshavebeenusedto indicate... Thenewmodelsare[istedacrossthe bottom. ... Thebiggestsegmentíndícates Thekeyin the bottomleft-handcorner... HlgtrligüüngInformadon the following I'd liketo stress/hightight/emphasize point(s). I'd liketo startby drawingyourattent¡onto ... Letme pointout that ... to seethat ... I thinkyou'ttbe surprised on .'. I'd líkeyouto focusyourattent¡on What'sreattyimportanthereis ... WhatI'd tiketo pointout hereis ... Letblookmorecloselyat ... Describlng trends slightlyin summer. Salesincreased sharply. fett/dectined Consumer spending Interestrateshaverisensteadity. Foodpriceswentup significantly. in prices' Therewasa suddenincrease falt. InAugust,we sawa moderate Thiswasfollowedby a gradualdecline. Therewasa sharpslumpin sales. Ticketsaleshavestartedpickingup. Exptainingpurpose flexibility. this methodto increase Weintroduced Thepurposeofthis stepis to expandto foreign markets. Ouraimwasto ... causeand effect É
Indlcaüngfte end of yourtalk theendof my I'mnowapproaching/nearing presentat¡on. Wet{,thísbringsmeto the endof rnypresentation. I wantedto say Thatcoversjust abouteverything about... I wantedto sayabout... OK,I thinkthat! everything As a finalpoint,I'd tiketo ... onekeyissue. lU liketo h¡ghtight Finatty,

Clarifflng quesüons l'mafraidI didn't(quite)catchthat. I'msorrycouldyou repeatyourquestion,please? youcorectly,youwouldliketo So,if I underctood knowwhether... 50,in otherwordsyouwouldliketo knowwhether". yourquest¡on. You'dliketo lf I couldiust rephrase know... Doesthat answeryourquestion?

polnts Summarizlng BeforeI stop,let mego overthekeyissuesagain. the mainpointsof mytalk'.. lust to summarize I'd tiketo runthroughmy mainpointsagain... I'dliketo ... Toconclude/ln conclusion, Tosumup (then),we ...

Avoldlnggivlnt an answer thaton another lf youdon'tmind,couldwe discuss occasion? today. l'm afraidthafs not reallywhatwe'rediscussing I'd prefernot to discussthattoday. Wett,actuatty

Maklngrecommendaüons We'dsuggest... (strongty) recommend that... Wetherefor.e In myopinion, we should... Basedon the figureswe have,I'mquitecertainthat... lnvltingquestions Arethereanyquest¡ons? Weiust havetimefor a fewquestions. you Andnowl'll be happyto answeranyQuestions mayhave.

Quodnga well-knownpeson Toquotea well-known ... businessman, Toput it in the wordsof ... Refeningbackto the beginnlng Remember whatI saidat the beginningof mytatk today? Letme¡ustgo backto the story| told youearlier. Remember,...

to clarifu to focuson to highlight to illustrate to indicate to leadto to ment¡on to moveon to to note to notice to passon to rise to solve to summarize to update

Admltüngyou dont know Sorry| don'tknowthatoffthe top ofmy head. I'maftaidI'mnot in a positionto answerthatquestion at the moment. l'mafraidI don'tknowthe answerto yourquestion, but l'll try to find out for you. Sorrythafs not my field.Butl'm surePeterBottfrom Salescouldansweryourquestion. quesüons Postponlng lf youdon'tmind,l'll dealwith/cornebackto thispoint laterin my presentation. Canwe get backto this pointa bit tater? I'dpreferto answeryourquestionin the courseof my presentation. Wouldyou mindwaitinguntilthe questionandanswer sessionat the end? Perhaps we couldgo overthis afterthe presentation. Summarizingafter Interrupdons Beforewe go on, let me brieflysummarize the points we'vediscussed. So,nowI'd liketo returnto whatwe werediscussing earlier.

Eeforewe go on, let meclariñ7 onepoin[. Weneedto focuson customer service. points. Letmehighlightthe following Thischartitlustrates oursuccess story. Thefigureson the left indicatesalesin France. Thisteadsto my nextpoint. As I mentioned earlier,ourstaffis welt-qualified. Let'snowmoveon to the nextquestíon. Pleasenotethat pricesroseslightty. You'llnoticea sharpdropin August. Herearethe handouts. Pleasetakeoneandpassthemon. prices roseby 5%lastyear. House Howcanwe sotvethis problem? BeforeI go on, let mesummarize the keyissues. I'd tiketo updateyou on the proiectstatus.

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