Town Of Rosthern Feb Minutes

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REGULAR MEETING - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2009 Minutes of a regular meeting held in the Rosthern Town Council Chambers on Monday, February 9, 2009 commencing at 7:00 p.m. Present

Mayor Councillors

Staff Press Call to Order Agenda 26.2009 Delegations p.m. Legion Hall 27.2009

Doug Knoll Dom Corbett Don Greve Dennis Helmuth Terry Hinz Ted Janzen Don Reimer Nicole LaChance, Town Administrator Colin Aebig, Outside Superintendent Rod Andrews, The Saskatchewan Valley News

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knoll at 7:10 p.m. Greve: That the agenda for the February 9, 2009 regular meeting be accepted. CARRIED. Don Maney, Dave Martin and Dan Remery (Rosthern Legion members) – 7:10 to 7:45 p.m. Sgt Flemming – 7:40 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Greve: That the administrator arrange for Council to view the Legion Hall for possible temporary Town office space. CARRIED.

January Payroll 28.2009 Hinz: That the payroll for January in the amount of $27,207.93 be accepted. CARRIED. January Bank Reconciliation & Financial Statement 29.2009 Reimer: That Council accept the January bank reconciliation and financial statement as presented. CARRIED. February List of Accounts 30.2009 Helmuth: That Council approve the February list of accounts, cheque numbers 8805 to 8920 in the amount of $195,763.02. CARRIED. _____ _____ Regular Meeting Monday, February 9, 2009 Page 2

Minutes 31.2009

Corbett: That the minutes of the January 19, 2009 regular meeting be adopted. CARRIED.

Old Iron Bridge 32.2009 Helmuth: That Doug Dahl be allowed to borrow one of the iron posts from the old iron bridge in order to make a replica and that the Town remove the bridge in spring 2009. CARRIED. Retirement Workshop 33.2009 Helmuth: That Colin Aebig, Pat Reimer and Nicole LaChance be authorized to attend a retirement workshop in Warman on March 18, 2009. CARRIED. Delegation

Bernie and Marianne Kramchynsky entered the meeting at 8:25 p.m.

Administration Reports 34.2009 Hinz: That the following administration reports be accepted as presented: a) Town Administrator=s Report b) Outside Superintendent=s Report c) RCMP Report CARRIED. Affinity Lot Next to Library 35.2009 Reimer: That the Town inquire with Affinity Credit Union about the status of its empty lot located next to the library on 6th Street. CARRIED. Torch Run Committee 36.2009 Reimer: That the administrator be authorized to set up a committee with members at large to celebrate the 2010 Olympic torch run through Rosthern. CARRIED. Spring Waste Minimization Forum 37.2009 Greve: That Doug Knoll, Terry Hinz, Don Reimer and Dom Corbett be authorized to attend the Spring Waste Minimization Forum being held in Saskatoon on April 2 and 3, with associated expenses being paid by the municipality. CARRIED. _____ _____ Regular Meeting Monday, February 9, 2009 Page 3

Correspondence 38.2009 Corbett: That the following correspondence be received and filed for information: a) SAMA b) Ministry of Environment – 312 Petro-Canada c) Canadian Red Cross d) Sask. Waste Reduction Council e) Sask. Watershed Authority f) bi&i CARRIED. Flaman – Bylaw Enforcement 39.2009 Reimer: That Flaman Investigation’s proposal for bylaw enforcement be tabled until the next regular meeting. CARRIED. Rosthern Seniors’ Curling 40.2009 Corbett: That the Town donate $50 to the Rosthern Seniors’ Curling Club for the bonspiel being held on March 3, 4 and 5, 2009. CARRIED. Business Tax Incentive – Hagel 41.2009 Reimer: That Lorna and Emmanuel Hagel (Video Corral) be offered the Town’s business tax incentive for 2008, 2009 and 2010, therefore cancelling 2008 taxes of $1,236.54 plus penalty. CARRIED. MEEP Infrastructure Plan 42.2009 Corbett: That the Town of Rosthern submit the attached infrastructure plan to the Municipal Economic Enhancement Program. CARRIED. Retaining Wall – Otterbein 43.2009 Reimer: That the issue of the retaining wall on 6 th Street near Otterbeins be tabled until the next regular meeting. CARRIED.

_____ _____ Regular Meeting Monday, February 9, 2009 Page 4 Bylaw 2009-01 – A Bylaw to Provide for the Closing and Selling of a Municipal Street 1st Reading


2nd Reading 45.2009

Greve: That Bylaw 2009-01, a bylaw to provide for the closing and selling of a municipal street, be read a first time. CARRIED. Reimer: That Bylaw 2009-01, a bylaw to provide for the closing and selling of a municipal street, be read a second time. CARRIED.

Give 3rd Reading 46.2009 Greve: That Bylaw 2009-01 be given third reading at this meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3rd Reading 47.2009

Helmuth: That Bylaw 2009-01, a bylaw to provide for the closing and selling of a municipal street, be read a third time and finally adopted. CARRIED.

Bylaw 2009-02 – A Bylaw to Provide for Short-term Borrowing 1st Reading 48.2009 read a 2nd Reading 49.2009 a

Janzen: That Bylaw 2009-02, a bylaw to provide for short-term borrowing, be first time. CARRIED. Hinz: That Bylaw 2009-02, a bylaw to provide for short-term borrowing, be read second time. CARRIED.

Give 3rd Reading 50.2009 Corbett: That Bylaw 2009-02 be given third reading at this meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

_____ _____ Regular Meeting Monday, February 9, 2009 Page 5 3rd Reading 51.2009 read a Adjourn

Reimer: That Bylaw 2009-02, a bylaw to provide for short-term borrowing, be third time and finally adopted. CARRIED. Corbett: That the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m.


___________________________ ________________________________ Mayor Doug Knoll


Town Administrator Nicole LaChance

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