Torture Mod

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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#wxsand: owen piette's falling sand game #version 4-20060322, file subversion 2 group victim human hurthuman deadhuman blood hair heart ash mouth robo meletedmetal robot roboshiedl haironfire cyborg zombie nastystuff zombie2 undead-cyborg zombieflames group explosives plutonium gunpowder scatterbomb droplets pops air-bomb group creatures killerworm leech buzz buzzpart2 maganobee meganobeeleftovers dragon eater group septic poison bandage knife group electric battery cable oncable surge surgeon remain heater heateron heat group liquids hotwater moltenmetal lava liquidsun lemonjuice group tools fallingknife lemon lemonopen electro-knife group vampire tooth vampire vampiremouth speicalblood vampireheart happymouth happyvampire neck bittenneck vampire2 sources empty empty empty empty element empty 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 element water 0 0 255 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1 neighbor 0.5 water fire 1 water empty neighbor 0.5 water fire 1 steam fire #hot! neighbor 0.05 water roboshiedl 1 empty empty neighbor 0.95 water roboshiedl 1 empty roboshiedl neighbor 0.1 water robo 1 water empty neighbor 0.9 water robo 1 empty roboshiedl element fire 255 0 0 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.6000000 1 self 0.25 fire 0.25 empty element steam 128 128 255 -1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 000000 1 self 0.1 steam 0.05 water element wall 128 128 128 0 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1 hotcolor wall 255 0 0 #make you guy outta this, i suggest size 32. element human 255 128 128 0 0 1 0.3 1 neighbor 1 human fire 1 hurthuman empty neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 human killerworm 1 killerworm hurthuman neighbor 1 human leech 1 hurthuman empty neighbor 1 human fallingknife 1 empty fallingknife hotneighbor 75 human empty hotcolor human 255 53 53 element hurthuman 204 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 self 0.03 hurthuman 0.03 deadhuman neighbor 1 hurthuman knife 1 deadhuman knife neighbor 1 hurthuman killerworm 1 killerworm deadhuman neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty element deadhuman 79 79 79 1 0 1 0 0 self 0.1 deadhuman 0.1 empty element blood 159 0 0 1 0.7 0 1 0 self 0.01 blood 0.01 empty #use for hair, clothing or eyes! neighbor 0.05 hurthuman empty 1 hurthuman blood neighbor 0.95 hurthuman empty 1 hurthuman empty element hair 128 64 0 0 0.7 0 1 1

neighbor 1 heart empty 1 ash empty #place in the centre of the body, be careful though, it's very sensitive. neighbor 1 hair fire 1 haironfire empty neighbor 1 hair haironfire 1 haironfire haironfire element heart 191 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 ash human 1 ash ash neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 ash hair 1 ash ash neighbor 1 heart fire 1 ash empty element ash 192 192 192 0.8 1 0.3 1 0 neighbor 1 plutonium fire 1.0 fire fire explosion plutonium fire 200 200 #boom. element plutonium 0 255 64 0 1 0.3 1 1 pexplosion gunpowder fire 25 fire #burns, hard. element gunpowder 60 60 60 1 1 0.3 1 1 neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 killerworm heart 1 empty ash #more brutal than i planned, just eats away at your guy! element killerworm 0 255 64 00.5 1 0 1 1 neighbor 1 scatterbomb fire 1.0 fire droplets explosion scatterbomb droplets 200 200 #light this the set off lots of little bombs element scatterbomb 128 128 128 0 0.5 0.9 0 1 element droplets 64 0 0 0.1 1 0.9 0 0 self 0.05 droplets 0.05 pops pexplosion pops empty 10 fire element pops 255 0 0 0 0.5 0.9 0 0 neighbor 1 mouth ash 1 ash ash #put some nasty stuff in here. element mouth 255 0 0 00 1 0 1 1 #put in mouth for serious pain. element poison 128 255 128 1 1 1 1 1 neighbor 1 poison mouth 1 ash empty element battery 255 128 0 0 1 1 1 1 neighbor 1 battery cable 1 battery oncable element cable 128 128 128 0 1 1 1 1 neighbor 1 cable oncable 1 oncable oncable element oncable 0 0 255 0 1 1 1 0 self 0.4 oncable 0.6 cable neighbor 1 surge oncable 1 surgeon oncable element surge 0 128 255 0 1 1 3 1 neighbor 1 surgeon empty 1 remain surgeon neighbor 1 surgeon human 1 surgeon empty neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 surgeon hair 1 surgeon fire neighbor 1 surgeon cable 1 surgeon oncable pexplosion surgeon heart 150 fire element surgeon 0 128 255 0 1 1 3 0 element remain 0 128 255 0 1 1 3 0 self 0.3 remain 0.3 empty element bandage 255 255 255 0 1 1 3 1

self 0.25 neighbor neighbor element 1 self 0.2 neighbor element neighbor element neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor element self 0.15 neighbor element self 0.9 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor element self 1 neighbor element neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor element element neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor hotcolor element self 0.05 element self 0.3 neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor

bandage 0.25 empty 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife 1 empty empty 1 empty empty knife 255 128 64 .000000 .000000 0.000000

empty 1.4000000

knife 0.2 empty 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty leech 0 255 0 0.4 1 1 0 1 1 buzz empty 1 buzzpart2 buzz buzz 255 255 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 buzz human 1 buzz surgeon 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty 1 buzz hair 1 buzz surgeon 1 buzz robo 1 surgeon robo 1 buzz roboshiedl 1 surgeon empty buzzpart2 255 255 128 0 1 1 0 0 buzzpart2 0.15 empty 1 maganobee empty 1 maganobee maganobee maganobee 128 0 128 0 1 1 0 1 maganobee 0.1 meganobeeleftovers 1 maganobee human 1 maganobee meganobeeleftovers 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty 1 maganobee hair 1 maganobee meganobeeleftovers 1 maganobee heart 1 maganobee meganobeeleftovers 1 maganobee mouth 1 maganobee meganobeeleftovers meganobeeleftovers 0 0 255 0 1 1 0 0 meganobeeleftovers 0.3 empty 1 dragon empty 1 dragon fire dragon 255 0 0 -0.1 1 1 0 1 1 eater human 1 empty eater 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty 1 eater hair 1 fire eater 1 eater empty 1 empty eater 1 empty empty 1 empty empty eater 128 128 64 0 1 1 0 1 robo 128 128 128 0 0.5 1 0.5 0 1 robo fire 1 roboshiedl meletedmetal 0.98 robo empty 1 meletedmetal empty 0.4 robo maganobee 1 meganobeeleftovers meganobeeleftovers 0.6 robo maganobee 1 robo empty 0.05 robo eater 1 robo empty 0.95 robo eater 1 eater empty 0.5 robo knife 1 meletedmetal knife 0.5 robo knife 1 surgeon knife 0.02 robo empty 1 robo surgeon 0.95 robo eater 1 eater empty 0.95 robo eater 1 eater empty robo 255 0 0 meletedmetal 128 128 128 1 0.5 0.9 0 0 meletedmetal 0.05 empty 0.0001 robot robot 128 128 128 0 0.5 0.9 0 1 robot 0.3 robo 1 robot empty 1 robot roboshiedl 0.05 roboshiedl empty 1 roboshiedl surgeon 0.95 roboshiedl empty 1 roboshiedl empty 0.05 roboshiedl fire 1 empty empty 0.95 roboshiedl fire 1 empty empty 1 roboshiedl surgeon 1 roboshiedl roboshiedl

neighbor 1 roboshiedl knife 1 surgeon knife neighbor 1 roboshiedl eater 1 empty eater neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty element roboshiedl 192 192 192 0 0.5 0.9 0 0 self 0.001 roboshiedl 0.01 surgeon neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty neighbor 0.001 roboshiedl empty 1 roboshiedl roboshiedl neighbor 0.001 roboshiedl empty 1 roboshiedl roboshiedl hotcolor roboshiedl 255 0 0 element heater 255 128 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 neighbor 1 heater oncable 1 heateron oncable element heateron 255 128 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 neighbor 1 heateron heater 1 heateron heateron neighbor 1 heateron empty 1 heateron heat element heat 255 255 255 -0.8 1.000000 0.000000 7.000000 0 self 0.35 heat 0.25 empty element hotwater 0 0 217 1 1 0 1.7 1 neighbor 1 moltenmetal roboshiedl 1 roboshiedl roboshiedl neighbor 1 robo empty 1 robo empty element moltenmetal 128 128 128 1 1 0 2.3 1 element lava 255 0 0 1 1 0 4 1 neighbor 1 liquidsun empty 1 liquidsun fire neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty element liquidsun 255 0 0 1 1 0 10 1 neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty #really "burns" cuts! pexplosion lemonjuice hurthuman 20 fire element lemonjuice 255 255 0 1 1 0 0 1 neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 fallingknife roboshiedl 1 fallingknife empty neighbor 1 fallingknife empty 1 fallingknife empty #a knife, that falls onto someone, quite cruel really. element fallingknife 128 128 128 1 0 0 0 1 #cut open to release juice. element lemon 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 1 neighbor 1 lemonopen empty 1 lemonopen lemonjuice neighbor 1 lemon fallingknife 1 fallingknife lemonopen neighbor 1 lemon knife 1 lemonopen knife element lemonopen 255 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 neighbor 1 electro-knife knife 1 knife knife neighbor 1 knife oncable 1 electro-knife oncable #turns into a knife when charged, for the more intricate sorts of torture. element electro-knife 128 128 0 0 0 0 0 1 self 0.02 electro-knife 0.02 surgeon neighbor 1 haironfire empty 1 haironfire fire neighbor 1 empty empty 1 empty empty element haironfire 128 64 0 0 0.7 0 1 0 self 0.1 haironfire 0.1 fire pexplosion air-bomb empty 10 fire #explodes on contact with air, funny if you make the person veins out of this! element air-bomb 0 255 255 0 0 1 0 1 neighbor 1 cyborg empty 1 robot empty

neighbor 1 cyborg robot 1 robot robot element cyborg 187 0 0 0 0.5 0.9 0 1 self 0.4 cyborg 0.35 human element zombie 0 128 0 0 0.5 1 0.2 1 self 0.2 zombie 0.2 zombie2 neighbor 0.01 zombie empty 1 zombie nastystuff neighbor 0.4 zombie fire 1 fire empty neighbor 0.6 zombie fire 1 zombie empty neighbor 1 zombie knife 1 nastystuff knife neighbor 1 zombie killerworm 1 killerworm nastystuff neighbor 1 zombie blood 1 zombie zombie neighbor 1 zombie maganobee 1 meganobeeleftovers meganobeeleftovers neighbor 1 zombie lemonjuice 1 zombie empty neighbor 1 nastystuff empty 1 empty nastystuff neighbor 1 zombie zombie2 1 zombie2 zombie neighbor 1 zombie fire 1 zombieflames fire element nastystuff 0 255 0 0.001 1 0.9 0 0 element zombie2 128 128 0 0 0.5 1 0.2 0 self 0.2 zombie2 0.2 zombie neighbor 0.01 zombie2 empty 1 zombie2 nastystuff neighbor 0.4 zombie2 fire 1 fire empty neighbor 0.6 zombie2 fire 1 zombie2 empty neighbor 1 zombie2 knife 1 nastystuff knife neighbor 1 zombie2 killerworm 1 killerworm nastystuff neighbor 1 zombie2 blood 1 zombie zombie2 neighbor 1 zombie2 maganobee 1 meganobeeleftovers meganobeeleftovers neighbor 1 zombie2 lemonjuice 1 zombie2 empty neighbor 1 nastystuff empty 1 empty nastystuff neighbor 1 zombie2 fire 1 zombieflames fire neighbor 1 zombie zombie2 1 zombie2 zombie #see if you can work out how to turn a human into a vampire! neighbor 1 zombie2 empty 1 zombie2 empty neighbor 1 zombie2 empty 1 zombie2 empty element tooth 255 255 255 1 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 neighbor 1 tooth human 1 empty vampire neighbor 1 tooth hurthuman 1 empty vampire element vampire 255 198 198 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0 neighbor 1 vampire human 1 vampire vampire neighbor 1 vampire hurthuman 1 vampire vampire neighbor 1 vampire mouth 1 vampire vampiremouth neighbor 0.999 vampire empty 1 vampire empty neighbor 0.0001 vampire empty 1 empty empty neighbor 1 vampire ash 1 ash ash element vampiremouth 255 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0 neighbor 1 vampiremouth mouth 1 vampiremouth vampiremouth neighbor 1 vampiremouth speicalblood 1 happymouth empty neighbor 1 vampiremouth ash 1 ash ash #blood for vampires to drink element speicalblood 255 0 0 1 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 neighbor 1 vampire heart 1 vampire vampireheart neighbor 1 vampireheart heart 1 vampireheart vampireheart element vampireheart 255 128 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0

neighbor 1 happymouth vampiremouth 1 happymouth happymouth neighbor 1 vampireheart empty 1 ash empty neighbor 1 vampireheart ash 1 ash ash element happymouth 255 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0 self 0.5 happymouth 0.5 vampiremouth neighbor 1 vampire happymouth 1 happyvampire happymouth neighbor 1 happyvampire vampire 1 happyvampire happyvampire neighbor 1 happymouth ash 1 ash ash element happyvampire 255 0 0 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0 self 0.15 happyvampire 0.15 vampire2 neighbor 1 happyvampire ash 1 ash ash #drop some tooth on this to make lots of speical blood! element neck 255 128 128 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1 neighbor 1 bittenneck empty 1 bittenneck speicalblood neighbor 1 bittenneck neck 1 bittenneck bittenneck neighbor 1 neck tooth 1 bittenneck empty element bittenneck 255 128 128 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0 element vampire2 255 198 198 0 0.5 0.9 0 0 self 0.15 vampire2 0.15 vampire neighbor 1 undead-cyborg empty 1 robot empty neighbor 1 undead-cyborg robot 1 robot robot element undead-cyborg 0 128 64 0 0.5 1 0.2 1 self 0.6 undead-cyborg 0.4 zombie neighbor 1 zombieflames empty 1 zombieflames fire neighbor 1 zombieflames zombie 1 zombieflames zombieflames neighbor 1 zombieflames zombie2 1 zombieflames zombieflames element zombieflames 0 128 0 0 0.5 1 0.2 0 self 0.15 zombieflames 0.15 fire

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