Time And Works Of Narasimha

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Time and Works of Narasimha

-By Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS, M.Sc., AIFC C/47, Palaspalli, Bhubaneswar-751020 (Phone) +91671-259172, Mobile +91-

9437034172 Email <[email protected]> 1. Aim-Narasimha is an avatāra (incarnation) of Vişņu which are linked to the wars between Asuras and Devas. Thus, we have to ascertain the area of Devas and Asuras and their place in world politics and the approximate time of the wars, their purpose, and effects. What is Vişņu and his incarnations is also to be known. Then what are the places of Narasimha and in particular Narasimha-nātha in Paikmāla in Baragarh district of Orissa. 2. Vişņu and his incarnations-The Supreme Lord is one. He is creator, created, place and process of creation, result and stages thereof, material and different directions of creation, and different stages of the world. In that sense, he is called Dāru-Brahma. Brahma means-the highest, always growing, and who does bharaņa =looking after. Dāru means wood, tree, forest. As the Supreme Being is within everybody, the making of man is same as making of Jagannātha idol. Body of man is not consuming earth and stones directly, it is built by eating plant products-called dāru. As man is a Dāru-creature, The Supreme Jagannātha also is Dāru-Brahma. Other meanings are1. It is chain of creation from formless ocean of source material called rasa to 5 levels-Svāyambhuva maņɖala (Universe), Parameşţhī maņɖala (galaxy), Sauramaņɖala (solar system), Chāndra maņɖala (sphere containing moon orbit which has normal conditions of life), and Bhū- maņɖala (earth planet). The chain is represented by roots of plant as source called up and stem, branches down wards. That reverse tree as chain is eternal, but the end products are individual objects closed within boundary (chhandas) which die away after their life-Gītā (15/1). 2. It is material of creations. In same way, timber of trees is used to make furniture etc. In general any material is called wood or tree. 3. It is different stages of creation like parts of tree from root to leaves. 4. It is a forest of trees like different chains of creation at different places and times. 5. It is place and foundation of creation like a forest. 6. It is himself static like a tree, creation is His desire only creates. Source material and creator aspect is called Brahmā, maintaining the chain or cycle of creation, called yajña is Vişņu. Perception of the world and its steady decay is Śiva. Vişņu is static aspect called sleeping. Its active aspect is called Jagannātha. In Durgā-saptaśatī, chapter 1, when Lord was sleeping, he has been called Vişņu and after he is awake after leaving of Yogamāyā, he has been called Jagannātha. In literature, jagata and viśva-both mean the world. But in Veda and purāņas, their technical meaning is different- Vişņu is always called Jagannātha and Śiva is Viśvanātha. Viśva is any part visible within a boundary which is complete and interconnected (Śvetāśvatara upanişad, 5/16 etc). Galaxy, earth, man, its cell, atom, atomic particles-all are viśva. Jagata is an abstract aspect of viśva which is not visible. It is the process of life, action. 3. Eternal Avatāra-The source has been called up, so its resulting stages are down. A lower form of God, is descending, so it is called avatāra (=descending). The stages of creation in space are eternal incarnations, which are 5-

(1) Matsya (Fish)-The whole universe is a sea in which galaxies are floating like fish. Thus, the last zodiac sign is called Mīna (Pieces) =fish. Its lord is Pūşā called Viśvavedā =knowing all. (2) Kūrma (Tortoise)-Creation of galaxy is in elongated spherical zone whose shape is like back of Kūrma. In Vedas, it is called kūrma as it does work (kurmah =we do). It is a zone of radiation (Go =light rays), so it is called Goloka in Brahma-vaivartta purāņa, Prakŗti khaņɖa, chapter 3. This is the eternal field in which the great child called Mahā-Vişņu (galaxy) is created. This is also called Bāla-Gopāla (Child managing Goloka). Its size is 1018 yojana, i.e. 10 times the size of galaxy of 10 17 yojajans. (3) Varāha-It means Boar, which is an animal of water and earth both. But the Boar on whose teeth the earth looks like a dot is not the animal. It has to be many times bigger than earth-about 2000 times. Vāyu purāņa (6/12), tells that it is 100 yojana high (from sun) and its body is 10 yojana wide. Thus, earth is somewhere between 100 and 110 yojanas from sun. In terms of sun diameter as unit, distance of earth is 108-109 units. Thus, sun diameter is called yojana here. Size of earth is 1/109 yojana, i.e. about 1000 times smaller. In another unit, it has been called 2 12 =4000 times bigger than earth in vedas. The spread material in space is called water and spread is ocean. For each level, there is an ocean-(1) Sanyatī ocean creating Svayambhū (=self -created universe), spread of rasa. (2) Sarasvatī ocean of Āp or Vāh (vāri) because it contains the whole (avāpnoti =obtains) creating galaxy. Its lord is Varuņa =lord of vāri. (3) Arņava ocean with mara (=mortal), water with lord called Marīchi (lord of mara)=sun. It is closest to us, so called Mitra (friend) also. This created solar system). (4) Ocean of water on earth. Earth of 3 levels (earth planet, solar system, galaxy) are created from these oceans. The intermediate stages of creation between earths-oceans are called Varāha, living on earth and water both. This is like a cloud-a mixture of air and water, so varāha means cloud also. The stage from which creation started is called āditya (ādi =beginning). Āditya of universe, galaxy, solar system are called Aryamā (Āzam in Arabic), Varuņa, Mitra. Intermediate forms or Varāha of these are-(1) Ādi-varāha, (2) Kūrma or Yajña (creation in cycle) varāha, (3) Śveta-varāha =white or bright zone. Bhū-varāha is creator of earth which took it out from Arņava ocean. The layer of clouds in atmosphere is Emūşa-varāha (adjacent). (4) Yajña-This is eternal cycle of creation at different levels. (5) Vāmana (dwarf)- This is compact form. For us, the field of sun (gravitational or bright zone) is body (ratha =chariot), of sun, its soul is body of sun called Vāmana. Ratha of sun in Vişņu purāņa etc. is stated to be 15.75 million yojanas (1 yojana =sun diameter) This is a sphere of diameter of 2 light years. There is no definition or estimate of solar system in modern times. The zone of solid planets till mars is called dadhi-vāmana (curd is solid form). This is the size of dadhi samudra (ocean of curd) in Bhāgavata purāņa, part 5. In human body, ātmā (controller soul) is the Vāmana, body is ratha. In ratha-yātrā, we have to see the Vāmana in the ratha. Sun is Vişņu as it encloses the planets within its pull. His 3 steps are zones of heat, brightness, light till 100, 1000, 10 5 yojanas (=sun diameter) from sun. These are within solar system. Parama-pada (limiting step) is galaxy at the end of which sun looks like a star. After that, it is not visible. This is one of the methods stated in books of astronomy that size of galaxy is that distance at which sun will look like an average star. Thus, parama-pada or galaxy is Mahā-Vişņu . 4. Human incarnations- Supreme creator, the conscious being Puruşa is seen at 4 levels-(1) Kśara-physical form which is always decaying. (2) Akśara =functional

identity (kūţastha). (3) Avyaya (same total)-This is chain of continuous transformations called reverse tree. (4) Parātpara-in which there is no distinction between different objects-all are one. Perception of change is called Kāla (=time), ruled by Śiva who is perception aspect of Brahma. Kāla of the 4 levels are-(1) Nitya =eternal which always decays any object or system, called entropy in second law of thermodynamics. (2) Janya (=creative)-Creation is in cycles called yajña and measure of its cycle is called janya, which is unit of time-day, month, year etc. (3) Akśaya kāla =total time of gross structures in space. (4) Parātpara-which is beyond imagination. Thus, Puruşa (=man, Supreme Being also) is called an Aja (=unborn, goat) of 4 legs. In same sense, it has been called Bakar in holy Koran which means God, or any 4 footed animal. The largest chapter Al-Bakarah is translated as the cow. It also means camel, goat or sheep. Bakrid is worship of Bakar. Levels starting from kśara merge successively into higher aspects, called sacrifice of self, symbolized by offer of coconut, a symbol of head. The 4 levels and 4 types of changes are called 4 vyūha (formations) explained in Rāmānuja philosophy. Commonly, they are 4 hands of Vişņu holding 4 objects -śańkha, chakra, gadā, padma. The permutation of 4 objects in 4 hands is in 4x3x2x1=24 ways, so there are 24 incarnations of Vişņu . This is same as 24 Tīrthankaras of Jaina. Combination of 4 objects in 2 hands can be in 10 ways, so there are 10 incarnations in short list. This is same as permutation of jñāna, bala, kriyā-symbolized by Jagannātha, Balabhadra, Subhadrā.

न तस्य ककायर्यं करणणं न वविद्यतते न तत्समश्चकाभ्यवधिकश्च ददश्यतते । परकास्य शवकतवविर्वि वविधिधैवि शशरूयतते स्विकाभकावविककी जकान बल वकशरयका च ॥ (श्वितेतकाश्वितरउपवनषदश (६/८)

=He has no work nor implements. There is none equal, how greater can be seen ? His power is beyond imagination, heard in many forms. His nature is seen in three forms-Jñāna (knowledge), Bala (force), Kriyā (action). (written below wall paintings of 10 incarnations in maņɖapa of Mahālakśmī temple in Jagannātha temple, Puri). If we name them as a. b. c-the permutations are-a, b, c, ab, ba, ac, ca, bc, cb, abc=10 forms. Kŗşņa had all the 3, so he is called Bhagavāna and almost same as Jagannātha. As Narasimha, bala (force) was the main thing, so his place is called Balāchala or Balangir (achala or giri =hill). 5. Action by avatāras-The 3 lokas of Devas under Indra were-Russia (Ŗşīka), China (Chīna, of Mahāna tribe =Han), Bhārata. Seen from below (south), Bhārata looks like an inverted triangle, called śakti-trikoņa. Being the main among 9 parts of Bhārata from Arab to Indonesia, it is called Kumārikā-khaņɖa. Seen from above, it is bound by semi circular Himalayas like crescent of moon. In addition, it is cold like moon. As moon spreads light of sun to world, India also spreads divine light or knowledge to world. In all the three respects, Bhārata was called Indu (=moon) which was pronounced as Inde by the Greek. Ruler of India was called Agni (agraņī =leader). As he was able to feed (bharaņa) the world, Agni was called Bharata and the country as Bhārata (Yajurveda 11/16, Śatapatha brāhmaņa 1/4/2/2, 1/5/1/8, 1/5/19/8, 2/2/4/2,6/1/1/11, Ŗk 1/161/14,4/25/4 etc.). Lord of east part was Indra, in west wereMitra in Iran and Varuņa in Arab. Varuņa is called lord of Yādasa =Tāj tribe who are in Tajikistan now. He was overlord of Pashas in west Asia now, and was called Pāśī. He had great naval power and was called lord of waters (Jalārām). Asura empire was centered in north Africa whose Libya part is named after Prahlāda, son of Hiraņyakaśipu. Their main influence was in Pātāla (north America). South America was Rasātala ruled by Nāgas under Śeşanāga. Europe was inhabited by Daitya (Dutch, Deutsch) in west and Dānava (Danube river) in east.

Broad chronology is given in Brahmāņɖa, Matsya and Vāyu purāņas. After glacial floods in about 31000 BC, Svayambhuva Manu was the first human Brahmā to start the civilization in 29,102 BC. He was 26000 years before start of kali in 3102 BC. Vaivasvata Manu was 43 yugas (of 360 years each) or about 16000 years after him and then 28 yugas or about 10000 years passed till kali start(Brahmāņɖa purāņa 1/2/9/36-37,1/2/29/19, Matsya purāņa 129/76-77, Bhavişya purāņa 3/4/18,26). Cycle of historic yugas is of 24000 years which is same as the glacial cycle explained in my books Vedic view of Śrī Jagannātha and Sānkhya-siddhānta. First half is avasarpiņī (descending) from satya, tretā, dvāpara, kali of 4800, 3600, 2400, 1200 years. Second half is utsarpiņī (ascending) with yugas in reverse order starting with Kali. Now it is 3rd cycle called day of human Brahmā in which kali of avasarpiņī was from 3102 to 1902 BC and then utsarpiņī Kali from 1902 to 702 BC, dvāpara till 1699 AD and then tretā is running. Mahābhārata, śānti parva (232/32-35) has stated that tretā is the period of yajña or industrial production. Thus, industrial revolution started in 1699 and after 300 years of sandhyā (junction), information era has started in 1999 AD. Vaivasvata Manu in 13902 BC is the transition zone. Prior to that, Asuras were supreme for 10 yugas (3600 years) and then Devas for 10 yugas. In about 10000 BC, there was glacial flood during period of Vaivasvata Yama called Jamshed in Zend-Avesta. After the floods, Ŗşabha Deva was last among Devas and 11th Vedavyāsa in about 9500 BC who revived the Vedic civilization. Though there were 17 more Vyāsas till Kŗşņa-dvaipāyana in 3102 BC, no body after Ŗşabhadevaji created any Vedic mantra. So, he is the first Tīrthankara of Avasarpiņī. The last was Mahāvīra, born just before closing of avasarpiņī in 1902 BC-on 14.3.1905 BC-about 18 years before 31.3.1886 BC when Siddhārtha Buddha was born. Decline of Asuras started with killing of Hiraņyākśa by Varāha incarnation. Zenda Avesta tells that he went by boats in Amazon river and had put a mask of Boar worshipped by Asuras. So he went up to capital there un-opposed and killed Hiraņyākśa. Thereafter, Asuras hated Boar which is an abuse in Islam. His younger brother Hiraņyakaśipu was killed by Narasimha, who was called lion among men due to his strength. He is projected as lion with human face (Sphinx) in Ezypt and as a man with lion face in India. Thereafter, kings were called Simha (lion) for respect-in Lāngūlopanişad, Rāma has been called Rāmachandra Simha. After killing Hiraņyakaśipu, Narasimha settled in Śrī-parvata as per Narasimha purāņa (44/38.39). इन्दशररोऽवप सविर्वि दतेविधैस्तत हवरणका स्थकावपतरो वदववि । नरवसणंहरोऽवप भगविकानश सविर्वि लरोक वहतकाय विधै ॥३८॥ शशरकी शधैल वशखरणं पशरकाप्य वविशशरुततः सतरपपवजिततः । वस्थतरो भकत वहतकाथकार्विय अभकतकानकाणं क्षयकाय च॥३९॥ Śrī parvata extended up to Śrīśailam in Andhra pradesh from where Śiva had fired missiles on Bāņa ruling towns of Vişņu, Śiva, Brahmā (Puri, Bhubaneswar, Brahmapur). The missiles after destroying Bāņa ruling in Banpur formed a jāla (net) of arrows called Jaleswar (Skanda purāņa, Revā khaņɖa 165). Guptas kings at time of attack by Alexander belonged to this area and were servants of Andhra kings. Later on, Sanandana of Chola region on banks of Kāverī worshipped Narasimha at Śrī-parvata called Balāchala in Śankara-Digvijaya (11/46).

पतरका वकलकाहरो बलभपधिरकागशरते पतण्यणं समकावशशरत्य वकमप्यरण्यमश । भकत्यधैकविश्यणं भगविन्तमतेनणं ध्यकायन्ननतेककानश वदविसकाननधैषमश॥४६॥

Balāchala is now called Balangir or Bolangir. Sanandana was first disciple of ĀdiŚankara called Padmapāda and became first Śankarāchārya of Puri in 483 BC (Yudhişţhira śaka 2655), Vaiśākha śukla 10th. Wife of Narasimha was Lakśmī, also called Śrī (Lakśmī-Nŗsimha stotra).

After Narasimha, Vāmana duped Bali, grandson of Prahlāda to make Indra as lord of 3 lokas. Bali went back to Pātāla (north America). Slightly after that, Kūrma pursuaded Deva and Asuras to stop fight and cooperate for exploring mineral wealth-called samudra-manthana. Expanse of earth crust is also ocean (samudra) and extraction of minerals is its churning (manthana). This was done In mineral belt of India from Bilaspur to Ghatsila at the top of which lies Mandāra hill in Bhagalpur district where Vāsukinātha shrine exists. Asuras of Africa were in direction of Nirŗti (south-west), called negrito now. They were experts in excavation, hence all are still settled in the mining region having titles related to minerals-(1) Muņɖā = iron ore, mura = iron (murrum), (2) Hansadā = survey and finding ores like hansa (=swan), (3) Kerketta-Locating mines on map, karkaţa = compass.(3) Oram-gold, Aurum = gold in Greek. (4) Hembram = working with gold. Hema =gold. (5) Khalko-copper. Xalco=copper in Greek, Chalco-pyrite is copper ore. Center of iron ore area was Murā town which has submerged in Hirakud reservoir in 1956 and shifted to Burla. Veda branch of that area was Muņɖaka whose upanişad remains. Brāhmaņa of that branch have Muņɖa title. Kśatriyas of Murā were called Maurya. Gods were experts in refining small amount of gold and silver from ores. They went to Zimbabwe (Jāmbūnada gold) and Mexico (Mākśika = silver) for refining gold and silver. Asuras were dissatisfied that Devas took supremacy by deceit and always felt that they could have won in war. Superiority was established by military victory of Kārttikeya whose army called mayūra (peacock) was naval power in Pacific region. He destroyed Krauñcha dvīpa (North America) by missile attack. For maintaining military communication in pacific, he devised a shorthand script of Tamil by changing meanings of 50 out of 2000 root verbs of sanskrit. It is generally believed that he was dissatisfied that Gaņeśa was made head of state despite victory by him. That dissatisfaction could not have made a long lasting language. Till today, Maoris of Pacific islands spread over the largest region of world 12000 kms in length and breadth speak the same language, which has descended from Tamil. Captain Cook had brought a Maori interpreter from Hawai island who signed in treaty with Maori king of New zealand in 1835 (Indian history in 18 vols. by BHISHMA, Bombay 1995, Vol16, pages 110-116). Tamil is shortened by merging initial 4 letters in each group of sanskrit consonants. Discrete objects are Brahmaņya, pattern by merging them is Subrahmaņya. Subrahma is merging of Brahma parts by sveda (sweet) as per Gopatha Brāhmaņa (1/1). Matsya incarnation was in 9533 BC when Jovian years of Pitāmaha and Saura methods both started with years Prabhava when Jupiter is in Puşya star in Karka sign not in the first sign and star (Vişņu-dharmottara-purāņa 82/7,8). After 5100 years again they started together in 4433 BC when Rāma was born. Some quotes are as follows-

सख्यमकासकीत्परणं ततेषकाणं दतेविनकामसतरधैतः सह । यतगकाख्यका दश सम्पपणकार्वि हकासकीदव्यकाहतणं जिगतश॥६९॥ दधैत्य सणंस्थवम दणंसविर्वि मकासकीद्दशयतगणं वकल ॥९२॥ अशपतत तततः शतकशररो रकाष्टश रणं दश यतगणं पतनतः ॥९३॥ -बशरहकाण्ड पतरकाण (२/३/७२) यतगकाख्यका दश सम्पपणकार्वि दतेविकापकाकशरम्यमपधिर्विवन । तकाविन्तमतेवि ककालणं विधै बशरहका रकाज्यमभकाषत ॥ विकायत पतरकाण ( ९८/५१) दधैत्यकासतरणं ततस्तवस्मनश वितर्विमकानते शतणं समकातः॥६२॥ पशरहकादस्य वनदतेशते तत यतेऽसतरकानव्यविवस्थतकातः ॥७०॥ धिमकार्विन्नकारकायणस्तस्मकात्सम्भपतश्चकाक्षतषतेऽन्तरते॥७१॥ यजणं पशरवितर्वियकामकास चधैत्यते विधै विस्विततेऽन्तरते । चततरयकार्यं तत यतगकाख्यकायकान्नकापन्नतेष्विसतरतेष्विभप ॥७२॥ सम्भपततः ससमतदरश कान्तवहरण्यकवशपरोविर्वि धिते । वद्वितकीयरो नकारवसणंहरोऽभपदरु श दतः सतर पतरतःसरतः ॥७३॥ बवलसणंस्थतेष त लरोकतेषत तशरतेतकायकाणं सप्तमते यतगते । दधैत्यधैस्तशरधैलरोकय आकशरकान्तते तदतकीयरो विकामनरोऽभवितश ॥७४॥ नमतवचतः शम्बरश्चधैवि पशरहकादश्चधैवि वविष्णतनका ॥८१॥ ददष्ट्विका सणंममत हत ततः सविर्वे वविष्णत ततेजि वविमरोवहतकातः॥८४॥

एतवस्तसशरतः स्मदतकास्तस्य वदव्यकातः सम्भपतयतः शतभकातः । मकानतष्यकातः सप्त यकातस्य शकापजिकाणंस्तकावन्नबरोधित ॥८७॥

6. Indra and Narasimha-Indra has been called Lokapāla (ruler) of east. Center is taken as Ujjain which was 00 longitude in ancient world. Places of Indra are-(1) Ākhaņḍalamaņi near Bhadrak. Khaṇḍāyata controls one khaņḍa (part). Indra is lord of all khaņḍas taken together. Thus, kṣatriyas are called khaņḍāyata in Orissa only. (2) Buḍhārājā in Sambalpur is corruption of Bŗddhaśravā =first in chain of hierarchy. (3) Sambala is cantonment of army, Indra was called Bala and Balapati. (4) AttābirāAttā = bhoktā or eater of food, enjoying the wealth. Vīra =brave. Elder brother is successor of property, so he is called Vīra in north west India. In South India, he is called Annāda (Annā). Brave inherit the land, they are right hand of king, so Attābīrā is south of Buḍhārājā (dakṣiņa =right hand, south, Śatapatha brāhmaņa, 4/2/1/9). (5) Chhinnamastā-is Vajra-vairochanīya or vajra (=thunderbolt) power of Indra. She is Samlaeśvarī, as her place is in cantonment of Sambalpur. Naturally, Narasimha stayed where the force of Indra was centered. Paikmāl also means hill (māla) of foot soldiers (padātika =paik). Other words related to Indra are also used in Orissa only-gojā (flow of light from sun-conical from center and each point going in straight line), bayānī (weaving =vayana of creation by light source from sun), Bhuāsunī (land of Śunah Indra), asanā (=polluted), Dhenkānāl (ɖhakkā =ɖamaru of Śiva at Kapilas), Anugol (place of elephant army-as Ongole in Andhra pradesh, elephant army of Marathas was in Anugol of Belgam district in Karnatak), Mahābāhu is used for Jagannātha only, rāga word for anger, musmus for crisp mixture (Śatapatha brāhmaņa, 6/6/3/10), ţokā (tokah =son in Ŗk 1/114/8 etc), parişā (neighbour as in Ŗk 1/164/20) etc. 7. Time-Varāha, Narasimha, Vāmana, Kārttikeya-all the 4 were within 100 years war between Deva and Asuras before Vaivasvata Manu in 13,902 BC. At the time of Kārttikeya, pole had shifted from Abhijit star which started in 16400 BC (Mahābhārata, Vana parva, 230/8-10). Till the supremacy of Asuras, year started with southward motion of sun-called day of Asuras in all texts of astronomy. At the time of Kārttikeya, year start was from Dhanişţhā in stead of Abhijit. Then, Dhanişţhā was start of south motion of sun-in about 16000 BC. As year was starting with varşā (rains), it was called varşa. Ratha-yatrā is the start of new year or rains as per the ancient calender. Later on, in 13902 BC, Vaivasvata Manu, son of Vivasvān (Sun) started calender from vernal equinox and Chaitra month as stated in Sūrya-siddhānta. After glacial floods, this was revised by Maya Asura in 9323 BC at Romaka pattana (Rabat in Morocco, 900 west of Ujjain). This was just after Ŗşabhdevajī had started world order. However, avatāras are counted in sequence of natural development of life forms from matsya (water), varāha (amphibian), kūrma (land), Narasimha (half man), Vāmana (dwarf) etc. Then, after Ŗşabhdevajī, Paraśurāma, Rāma, Kŗşņa, Buddha, Kalki are in historic order. 8. Script-At time of Narasimha, Brāhmī script was used in India. The world order was set by earlier Brahmā at Puşkara (120 west of Ujjain and 35 0 north-Bukhara in Uzbekistan). West (left) part from that place wrote towards left, east part India from left to right and north east (China, Japan) from top to bottom. This system still continues. Brāhmī of 64 letters continues only in Karnāţaka and Andhra Pradesh. After supremacy of Indra, he started Devanāgarī with help of Marut (north west part is marut direction). So, Devanāgarī is used only in north India and Orissa. Its consonants from ka to ha-are symbols of 33 devas. The script is a nagara (city) of devas in symbols, so it is devanāgarī. As Indra started this, he was called Lekharşabha. Alekha name is used in Orissa only. Kārttikeya further shortened it to Tamil.

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