Narasimha Avathara - Significance

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Om! Gam! Ganapathaye! Namaha! Om! Sri Raghavendraya Namaha! Om! Namo! Bhagavathe! Vasudevaya! Om! Ham! Hanumathe Sri Rama Doothaya Namaha!


Ahobile GaarudaSailaMadhye Krupaavasaath Kalpitha Sannidhanam! Lakshma Samalingitha Vaamabhagam LakshmiNrusimham Saranam Prapadye!! Lord Sri Maha Vishnu has incarnated on this Earth in many forms called Avatharas. All his Avatharas had specific significance and were always meant for a particular cause or purpose. It could be for Dusta Sikshana, or for Sista Rakshana, or for protection of Dharma etc. The longevity and form of His Avatharas depends on the needof the hour and the purpose. The types of avatharas Lord Vishnu has taken are classified into Paripoorna Avathara, Amsaavathara, Aavesaavathara, and Archaavathara. Significance of Narasimha Avathara Out of the several avatharas of Lord Vishnu, ten important incarnations are classified as Dasaavatharas. Among them Nrusimhaavathara has attained a rare significance and importance. All His avatharas are generally of a single form. But Nrusimhaavathara is of a dual form, Nara + Simha. Nara means man and Lion is an animal. Narasimha means combined form of a Lion and a Man. This was the 4th avathara among the Dasaavatharas and it was a Krutha Yuga Avathara said to have taken place in Chakshuva Manvanthara. It is said that reference to Lord Narasimha is found in as many as 15 puranas, and a separate Purana (Upa Purana) itself has been scripted in his name called Nrusimha Purana. It was an instant avathara, called as Aavesaavathara (no prior preparations were made) where the Lord Narasimha appears in a very ferocious and fascinating form. Narasimha Avathara is referred to as a very powerful, precious avathara and the Lord Narasimha is depicted as a great protector at the time of need. He is the God of Gods. He is Mrithyu for the Mrithyu (one who eliminates the death cycles)

Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama describes Lord Vishnu as “NaarasimhaVapu Sreemaan Kesavah Purushothama” meaning He is the one who has taken a rare and unique form of a man and a lion whose worship will eradicate the ignorance, possessor of Goddess of wealth Sri Maha Lakshmi who always dwells in his chest, one who has beautiful and charming hair, the giver of knowledge to Gods, greatest among all Purushas, the Supreme Soul, who is omnipotent and omniscient. Legend behind the Avathara (Story of Prahlada) The legend behind this goes back to the days of Krita Yuga when two demon brothers Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipa were creating lot of trouble to the mankind and devathas. The elder brother Hiranyaksha was killed by Lord Maha Vishnu in his Varaha Avathara. In order to take a revenge on Lord Vishnu, the demon Hiranyakasipa started doing a severe penance. When Lord Brahma appeared before him as a result of the penance Hiranyakasipa asks for a rare boon. The boon was that he (Hiranyakasipa) should not get killed by any deity or demi God or demon, by a man or a beast, should not get killed with five elements (Pancha Bhootha), either in the day or night, either indoors or outdoors, by any kind of weapon and accordingly the boon was granted by Lord Brahma. In the mean time Hiranyakasipa’s wife Vedavathi who was pregnant before he left for the penance delivered a male child Prahlada who went on to become an ardent devotee of Lord Sri ManNarayana for whose sake and cause the Lord had totake the Narasimha Avathara. While he was in his Mother’s womb Prahlada was listening and responding to divine stories. Seeing this sage Narada preached (upadesa) Prahlada the Narayana Ashtakshari Manthra and the child started reciting this manthra while he was in his mother’s womb itself. As Prahlada started growing he started learning Narayana Tatva and started influencing his friends also with his preachings’ which his father Hiranyakasipa did not like. Since Prahlada was not listening to his father’s words in this context and not stopping the recitation of Narayana Manthra, several attempts were made to change the mind of Prahlada and lots of restrictions were also imposed on him. But they were of no use and Prahlada was showing exemplary courage every time. In the process he had to meet with severe punishments also in the hands of his demon father Hiranyakasipa but every time getting saved with the kind Grace of Lord Sri ManNarayana. Hiranyakasipa was fed up with his son’s attitude and wanted to finish him once for all. In the immediate next confrontation with his son Prahlada on the issue of Lord Sri Man Narayana’s omnipresence, Hiranyakasipa emotionally asks his son Prahlada to show the Lord in a pillar in his palace and hits the pillar with his mace. All pervading Lord SriManNarayana in order to prove the truth in his devotee’s words instantly appears and comes out of the pillar in a rare and ferocious form as Narasimha. Keeping in mind

the boon Hiranyakasipa had on his death, Lord Narasimha pounces upon the demon, drags him to the threshold of the palace door, keeps him on his thighs and kills him with his finger nails (Nakha) at a time when it was Pradosha (neither day nor night) thus fulfilling the conditions of his death. After killing the demon Hiranyakasipa, the fearful and ferocious form of Lord Narasimha did not calm down and it was roaring, creating greaterscare among the devathas. To make him cool down Devathas had to request Prahlada to pray him and it is said that they had to even invoke Goddess Lakshmi also to come down to pacify him. Finally with the prayers from Prahlada and with the presence of his consort Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Narasimha got cooled down. Prahlada was crowned as the emperor of the kingdom which he ruled for several thousands of years. Purpose of Narasimhaavathara The specific purpose of this avathara was for protection of his devotee Prahlada from his demon father Hiranyakasipa, to prove a point and to make true the words of his devotee that God is in existence every where. Prahlada’s episode proves that God will always come to the rescue of his devotees who prays him with sincere devotion. Why this rare form? Because of the rare boon Hiranyakasipa had the Lord had to take this rare form which was neither man nor animal. In using the Lion Head, the message was that Lion, the king of animals hunts its target and kills it only when it is hungry and non else and doesn’t store its food unlike other animals. Similarly in his Narasimha Avathara the purpose was only to kill the demon Hiranyakasipa to save his devotee and nothing else and there was no need to kill any body else. The avathara also ended with the killing of Hiranyakasipa. He is the lion among the Gods and the people. He killed him with his nails which is not a weapon and the timing was neither day time nornight, it was Pradosha time. He killed him on his thighs to fulfill the condition of not getting killed in Pancha Bhoothas. It is said that the Dasaavatharas of Lord Vishnu have link to the concept of evolution starting with Mastyaavathara (Pisces) transformed into a full fledged human being in Ramaavathara and Krishnaavathara. Narasimhaavathara is the beginning of transformation from animal to man (half animal and half man) Temples of Lord Narasimha There are many temples in our country dedicated to Lord Narasimha out of which majority are in South India and more so in Andhra Pradesh. Some of the major temples of Lord Narasimha are Ahobilam, Yadagirigutta, Mangalagiri, Simhachalam, Dharmapuri, Antharvedi, and Kadiri which are all in Andhra Pradesh, Namakkal,

Ghatikachala, and Chintalvadi in Tamil Nadu, Melukote, Saligrama, and Mulabagalu in Karnataka States. Brief about Ahobilam: Out of all the temples of Lord Narasimha the one at Ahobilam has attained lot of significance and importance and it is said to be the geographical location where the Nrusimhaavathara and the story of Bhaktha Prahlada hadtaken place. “Aho” means spectacular, surprising, awesome, and “Bilam” means cave. Ahobilam means the Lord appeared in a cave suddenly in a spectacular and astonishing form. Here the Lord Narasimha got manifested (Swayambhu) in a cave after killing the demon Hiranyakasipa andis called as Ugra Narasimha. This place is called as Upper Ahobilam (Eguva Ahobilam). There is a temple for Goddess Lakshmi besides the main temple where Goddess Lakshmi is called as Chenchu Lakshmi. It is believed that during Thretha Yuga, Lord Sri Rama had visited Ahobilam and worshipped Lord Narasimha during his search for Goddess Seetha Devi. As per Sri Madbhagavatham, it is said that Pandavas also had visited and worshipped Lord Narasimha at Ahobilam. Lord Narasimha is said to be the family deity ofLord Venkateswara. As per Venkatachala Mahatyam it is said that Lord Venkateswara had visited Ahobilam at the time of his marriage with Goddess Padmavathiand worshipped the Lord Narasimha by installing the idol along with Goddess Laxmi. This temple is in Lower Ahobilam (Diguva Ahobilam) in the down hills. It is also said that at the time of Lord Venkateswara’s marriage the offerings (Nivedana) of the preparations were givento Lord Narasimha at Ahobilam as per the directions of Lord Brahma. Ahobilam is also called as Nava Narasimha Kshetramwhere Lord Narasimha is said to have manifested in nine different forms within Ahobilam. The nine forms are Jwala, Ahobila, Malola, Krodha, Karanja, Bhargava, Yogananda, Chatravata, and Paavana. All these locations are not easily accessible and one has to go with their own arrangements. It is said that the place of the pillar from which Lord Narasimha came out for killing the demon Hiranyakasipa is located about 5 km to the east of Upper Ahobilam temple. A symbolic iron pillar is erected there where it is said that Lords foot prints are available. This place is called as Ugra Sthambam (Ferocious pillar). Ahobilam is located about 24 Km from Allagadda in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh on the banks of sacred river called Bhavanasini. The place is located in Nallamala forests of Andhra Pradesh. The temple is on the top of Vedadri hills about 2800 ft. above the sea level.

For stay and accommodation at Upper Ahobilam there are choultries constructed by different voluntary organizations where dormitory facilities are available. At Lower Ahobilam one can get guest house facilities as well as dormitory facilities provided by various voluntary organizations including TTD. Nrusimha Jayanthi It is believed and said that Narasimhaavathara has occurred on the 14th day of Lunar Month called Sukla Chaturdasi in the lunar month Vaisakha in the star constellation of Swathi. To commemorate the incarnation of Lord Narasimha, special celebrations are held every year on this day called Nrusimha Jayanthi. This is year it is happening on 7 th day of May, 2009. On this occasion Lord Narasimha is to be worshipped with special prayers. Worshipping the Lord during Pradosha time on this day is very effective and arghya to be given with the following sloka Parithranaya Saadhunaam Jaatho VishnorNrukesari Gruhanarghyam Maya Dattam SaLakshmirNruhari: Swayam! In some cultures there is a tradition of fasting on this day. On this day special celebrations are held in all the temples of Lord Narasimha. At Ahobilam a ten day festival is held on this occasion. Lord Narasimha – The Divine Astro Remedy Worshipping Lord Narasimha is considered to be very effective remedy for astrological related problems especially the Mars related and Saturn related problems. Mars is considered to be the Paramatma Amsa of Nrusimhaavathara. For people born under the star constellation of Mrigasira, Chitta and Dhanista whose star Lord is Mars, regular worship of Lord Narasimha will be very useful. In general for Navagraha Doshas, apamrityu dosha, sufferings from ill health, debts, enemies, obstacles in life, Lord Narasimha worship is a suggested remedy. It will also be very useful and effective while undergoing the periods of Sade Sath, Astama Sani, and Ardhastama Sani (all related to Saturn). Some of the powerful prayers of Lord Narasimha Nrusimha Mantra Rajam, Nava Narasimha Mantram, Prahlada Virachita Narasimha Kavacham, Sri Nrusimha Panchamrutha Sthothram (by Lord Sri Rama), Sri Mantrarajapada Sthothram (by Lord Shiva), Rina Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Sthothram (from Nrusimha Purana), Nakha Sthuthi (Sri Madhvacharya), Sri Narasimha Sthuthi (by Sri Narayana Panditacharya), Sanaischara Virachita Sri Nrusimha Kavacham, Sri Nrusimha Karavalamba Sthothram (by Sri Aadi Sankaracharya). All these are very powerful prayers and will yield definite results if done with all sincerity and devotion.

ANNEXURE Nrusimha Mantra Rajam Ugram Veeram Maha Vishnum Jwalantham Sarvathomukham! Nrusimham Bheeshanam Bhadram Mruthyu Mruthyum Namaamyaham!! I surrender and bow to Lord Narasimha “who is ferocious and heroic, who is Maha Vishnu, radiant and glowing from all sides, who is omnipresent, who is terrific, who is adorable, who bestows auspiciousness and who is the death of death personified." Above sloka is called as Sri Nrusimha MantraRajam, a very powerful manthra when recited with sincere devotion, will come to the rescue of the person in times of need, sudden aberrations and obstacles in life. Nava Naarasimha Manthram Jwaalaa Ahobila Maalola Krodha Karanja Bhargava! Yogaananda Chatravata Paavana Navamoorthaya!! Runa Vimochana Sri Nrusimha Sthothram Devata karya sidhyartham sabhasthambha samudbhavam! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye!! Lakshmyaalingitha vamangam bhakthanaam varadayakam! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye!! Aantramaladharam, sankhachakrabjaaayudha dhaarinam! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!! Smaranath sarvapapagnam khadruja vishanasanam! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!! Simhanadena mahatha digdhanthi bhayanasanam! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!! Prahlada varadam Srisam daithyeswaravidharanam! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!! Krooragrahaih peedithanam bhakthanamabhaya pradham! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!! Vedavedanthayajnesam BrahmaRudradhivandhitham! Sri Nrusimham mahaveeram namami runamukthaye!!

Ya idham patathe nithyam runamochana samjnitham Anruni jaayathe sadhyo, dhanam seegramavapnuyath Above sthothram is an extract from Sri Nrusimha Purana. Daily reciting this sthothram will ward off evils and sufferings from ill health, debts and enemies. Maata Nrusimhascha Pitaa Nrusimha Bhrataa Nrusimhascha Sakha Nrusimha!! VidyaaNrusimho Dravinam Nrusimha Swami Nrusimha Sakalam Nrusimha!! Itho Nrusimha Paratho Nrusimha Yatho Yatho Yaamithatho Nrusimha!! Nrusimhadevaadaparam Na Kinchittasmat Nrusimham Saranam Prapadye!! Irrespective of the caste and creed people strongly believe and have faith in Lord Narasimha who has become a family deity and a source of instant remedy for many day to day problems. Lord Narasimha bestows health, education, wealth, prosperity, and relieves his devotees from all types of debts (Rinas) Bharjanam Bhavabeejanaam Sarjanam Sarvasampadam! Traasanam Yamadoothanam Nruharrnama Garjanam!! Nrusimha Nrusimha Nrusimha Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu

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