Tidings For September

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Boone's Creek Baptist Association Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christ’s Churches JIM’S COMMENTS October is here again. Praise the Lord for the beautiful Fall colors which makes the hills and valleys so beautiful. I’m planning to get out and drive around on some of our roads that I don’t normally travel so I can see more of the beautiful Fall colors. “He (God) hath made everything beautiful in His time” (Eccl.3:11). Pastor Appreciation Day is usually held in October but you can show appreciation to your Pastor anytime. I appreciate the ministry of our Pastors with our Church families. I am thankful for our Lord’s Ministry through our Churches. Churches, pray about and watch for Ministry opportunities. World Hunger offerings are usually received in October (but can received at other times), and our convention makes sure that every penny of this offering goes to feed the hungry. Churches can help Greg and Alice Whitetree at the Freeda Harris Baptist Center with their big Christmas Toy project. We have Churches with their own toy and food give-away, also. The 2010 World Equestrian Games which will take place in KY next fall will provide many opportunities to minister. Our Sunrise Children’s Service provides opportunities to minister. On and On I could go, but Watch, Listen, Pray, and Go! Churches, our Children, Youth and High School Bible Drill materials are ready for you as well as Speaker Tournament Materials. Children’s materials are the Blue Cycle. Call the office for materials. I wish every Church could work with children and Youth in Drills, and that we would have youth to do the Speakers Tournament, also. Our Kentucky Baptist Convention’s 172nd annual meeting is to be held at Severns Valley Baptist Church, Elizabethtown on Nov. 10. “Find it Here” is to be the focus of the annual meeting. Churches, how are you coming along in your preparations of Prayer Walking/ Prayer Driving, etc. for “Find it Here”? Let’s get ready! Prayerfully Jim Smith November 2009 Calendar 1- Daylight Savings Ends (turn clock back 1 hr. ) 2– Executive Bd. Mtg.- Kiddville at 7 p.m. 2– Woman’s Day of Prayer-Kiddville 7 pm 10– KBC Annual Mtg. Severns Valley Baptist-Elizabethtown 12– Camp Meeting here at the Camp –7 p.m. Open to all. 14– Workday at the Camp– 9till ?? 19– Pastor’s Prayer Fellowship- Cedar Village, Irvine 11:30 am 22– Thanksgiving Offering for Sunrise Children’s Services 26– Thanksgiving Office Closed 27– Office Closed 29– Week of Prayer for International Missions and Lottie Moon Offering

We are happy to announce that Stacy Hicks is the new camp ON SITE HOST and Floyd and Gale Holbrook are the new CAMP MANAGERS. We are very happy they are here.

James Smith, Director of Missions Angel Kane, Secretary Office (859) 744-0037 Fax (859) 744-1069 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web Site:www.boonescreekbaptistassoc.com Printed Oct. 2009, Volume 42, issue 9 Deadline for next Issue: Nov. 15, 2009

We need Men and Woman to come and help us here at the camp on the Saturday Workday. There was a list passed out at the Camp Meeting of things that need to be done. If you didn’t attend the meeting you can call Gale and Floyd Holbrook 859744-3993 or here and we can tell you about it. If you can come and work during the week, call the office to let us know when you will be here. REMEMBER the Camp belongs to the 37 churches. Take Pride in it.

6 11 16 17 20 25 26 28 29 29

Best Wishes to these November Birthdays: Kevin Strausbaugh, Pastor, Macedonia Loretta Powell, Pastor’s Wife, Valley View Cindy Perry, Pastor’s Wife, Boone’s Creek Nevedda Canter, Pastor’s Wife Heidelberg Jim Rediford, Pastor, Corinth Sharon Kline, Pastor’s Wife, Northside Sandy Beasley, Pastor’s Wife, Central Susanna LaBona, Pastor’s Wife, Providence, CC Gerald Peeples, Pastor, Heritage Jan Milheiser, Pastor’s Wife, Howards Mill

Best Wishes to these November Anniversaries: 8 Delmar & Catherine McGee, Greenbriar 21 Jeff & Melissa Ryder, New Hope 21 Phil & Shirlene Ronk, Panola 24 Harold & Burnadean Calmes, Retired 25 Douglas & Nevedda Canter, Heidelberg 26 Ron & Karen Montgomery, Emmanuel 28 Joe & Noreen Lahrmer, Cow Creek World Equestrian Games Preparation Mission Trip

July 5-9, 2010 Students grades 7-12 are invited to Georgetown next Summer for a special ministry opportunity. You will stay at Georgetown College. The cost is $200.00 per person and includes all meals, lodging and ministry supplies. You will need to contact LaRaine Rice as soon as possible if you are interested. Also to get the registered forms and to ask any questions. You can also e-mail her at: [email protected]


ALLANSVILLE - Gave away free water and evangelistic tracts at Winchester Pioneer Festival on Labor Day. Homecoming will be Nov. 1 followed by Fall Revival on Nov. 2-4. BEECH GROVE - Homecoming Oct. 25th. CALVARY - Youth going to concert in Lexington. Great Revival with Rev. Joe Moberly. 2 saved, 1 by letter. Christmas Shoe Boxes you can pick them up at the Church. If you need them call Beverly Miller 606/723-4484 or the Church 606/7232416. Calvary will be a relay center for Operation Christmas Child. CENTRAL - The laymen at Central Baptist Church led the annual EKCC Prison Revival. Trunk or Treat in our Church parking lot on Oct. 31. Harvest Day– Church’s 99th Anniversary on Sun. Oct. 25. CLAY CITY– Christmas/Thanksgiving meal in Dec. CORINTH - Sept. 20th, Gideon speaker, Kernit Lambert came and shared their ministry. A love offering was taken. Sun. Nov. 1st, Church Homecoming, Music with “The Klaves” Potluck Picnic (weather permitting), hayride, etc. No Evening Service. Also, Worship Video Ministry for Shut-ins and Homebound, planned for near future. COW CREEK BAPTIST-Fall meeting outside Church. EMMANUEL - Our Youth are planning a “Walk Around the Church Block” food drive to feed the hungry in our community. Sponsors agree to donate a can of food for every block they walk. Youth fall outing/hayride at the Rupard Family farm in October. EPHESUS– Our Fall Festival was held Oct 3 at the Graham’ family farm. The youth have begun remodeling the old basement into a youth wing. Bro. Todd & Frank Caudill attended the “Here’s Hope” Discipleship Seminar in Lexington on Oct. 12. Hosted associational pastors and wives prayer dinner Oct 15. Prayer walking for “Find it Here” taking place Oct. 24. Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner for the community will be Nov. 18 @ 6:30 pm. Youth going to “Hearts on Fire” conference in Gatlinburg Nov. 20-21. FAITH - We had a great homecoming on Sept. 20th, 48 members, and visitors enjoyed the day. B-Day meal was Oct. 11th. Fall Festival is Oct. 23rd at 6 pm. Church Singing is Nov. 7th at 7 pm. FRIENDSHIP-We had fellowship dinner & bid a special goodbye to Bro. Hoge and Nora Lee Hockensmith before their move to Wilmore. Youth is working on white glove ministry for Christmas program. Homecoming Nov. 1. HEIDELBERG-Had a fine Homecoming. HERITAGE –Anniversary & Property Dedication was a great day of fellowship & celebration. Rehearsal of Children’s and Adults Christmas Musical began. Evangelism Training begins, New Discipleship Training Classes being scheduled. Trunk and Treat-Oct. 29. IRVINE FIRST - We had our Homecoming on Sept. 27 with Rev. Raymond Flynn. We had lots of fellowship, food & fun. To start the month of Oct. was a Baptism of Colten Chaney, a very bright 11 year old. Next we had Harvest Sunday, Oct. 4 to collect non-perishable items for our food pantry. Oct. 10

church-wide bowling in Mt. Sterling, don’t miss out on the fun Oct. 30 Chili Supper Party for all church members and youth give out candy for trick or treat down in front of Church driveway. Nov 4 youth shoebox shopping meet at church at 4:30 pm . (All Youth) Nov 13 Youth lock-in from 6 pm to 9 am Nov 14, Wow sounds like fun. Nov 22 Dessert Sunday– Make a donation then pick up a dessert and take it home. (Can’t wait) This is to benefit our Scholarship Fund. IVORY HILL –Having Thanksgiving Dinner in Nov. Dec. 3- Christmas, Singing, and Birthday Dinner all the same day. JEFFERSONVILLE –Our main focus in September was our 50th Anniversary Homecoming. We had 270 people attending which included 15 charter members. Bro Gary Willoughby, a former member, was our guest speaker. Calvary’s Voice came from Florida to bless us with their music. It was a glorious time of praise and worship. (And of course there was plenty of food and fellowship) KIDDVILLE - Great homecoming with Bro. Jerry Adamson as speaker and Sunday Drive as singers and Hayride. Fall Festival Oct. 24th, Sat. at 4:00 pm MACEDONIA-Started a ministry to Shut-ins in our Church. Fall Festival. Ladies to attend Beth Moore Conference Oct. 9-10. Having a Pastor appreciation lunch on Oct. 25. MEANS-Hosting a community outreach and fellowship meal on Sunday Oct. 25th. Hosting special prayer meetings as a part of the “Find it Here” evangelism campaign. POWELL’S VALLEY– Secret Sisters held a bake sale on 9-05-09. Our meal ministry served over 200 people on 9-26-09. Homecoming on Oct.4-09. Fall Festival 10-24-09 at Fellowship Hall.

PROVIDENCE-CC– Homecoming Oct. 18, Morning SVC, Pot Luck Lunch PROVIDENCE, E.C-Had a wonderful homecoming with former member Tommy Thomas. Revival 18-21st with Bro. Kenny Davis form Berea, a fall Festival is planned for the 31st of Oct. REID VILLAGE –Ladies of our Church made candy, cookies, cakes, etc. And took them to our Police, Sheriff, Fire Dept., 911, Jail employees, EMT., to show our appreciation for all they do for us. We did this on Sept 11. Our CIA MF have sponsored Christmas in Aug. We have collected items to be taken to a Homeless Shelter in London, KY. We are going Oct. 17 to deliver them. We have hired Chase Lewis as Music Minister. SALEM-Had Pastor Appreciation for Bro Jerry Smith. Looking forward to Revival with Bro, Keith Sands from Calvary. SPEARS MILL-Our church is participating in the “Find it Here” campaign. Oct. 4, after morning service, church members were involved in prayerwalking and prayer driving through our area. WILLIAMS MEMORIAL– We installed a new sound system. A Representative from Sunrise Services spoke at a morning service. We’re planning Homecoming Oct. 25. We completed our Prayer Walk for the 2010 evangelistic campaign.


Find it Here Sharing Christ Across Kentucky Churches, how are you coming along in your preparation for “Find it Here” which is a wonderful evangelism campaign to deliver the Gospel to 1.5 million households across Kentucky during March 6-21, 2010. How wonderful to invite 1.5 million households to attend our Churches on Easter Sunday next year! Churches, are you PrayerWalking/Prayer Driving your Church field in preparation for this special evangelist event? Also, be in prayer daily for this sharing of the Gospel. The Salvation brochures and bags should come to the Associational office around the middle of January. I’m thankful that 34 of our 37 churches are participating.

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