Tidings For October

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Boone's Creek Baptist Association


Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christ’s Churches JIM’S COMMENTS “ O praise the Lord, all ye nations: Praise him, all ye people...O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good:..”(Ps. 117:1 & 118:1). How much are we praising and thanking our Lord for His blessings? We observed Veterans Day on November 11th. How much do we thank the Lord that we can carry our Bible down our roads and streets, and we can talk to people about our Lord without it being a crime. I’m so thankful that we have the freedoms that we have in the USA. Many Men and Women have suffered and many have given their lives for our freedom. I had an Uncle killed in World War 2, and other Uncles who were injured during that war. I have a Brother who retired from the Army a few years ago. He served in Vietnam 3 different times, and was shot down on one of his missions, but not injured too badly. All of you who read this probably had family and/or friends who served our country in the Military. We need to and surely do keep our present Military people in Prayer! November has another special day-Thanksgiving Day! Thanksgiving Day should be a reminder for us to be thankful for ALL of our blessings, not just our freedoms, but every blessing of our Lord! December has another very, very special day when we celebrate the Birth of our Savior and Lord! Where would we be today without our Lord Jesus Christ? Christ is our Hope, Joy and Life here in this life and for eternity. My prayer as I write this is that all who read this has Christ as your Savior and Lord, and are serving Him faithfully in and through a Church and in your everyday life. If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior, Please do so right now. With Thanksgiving, Jim Smith

December 2009 Calendar 4–Carol Sing– Reid Village Baptist Church- 7 pm 7-Ex. Bd. Christmas Dinner– Powells Valley Baptist Church7 pm 12- Workday at the Camp-9 am till ??.

James Smith, Director of Missions Angel Kane, Secretary Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager Office (859) 744-0037 Fax (859) 744-1069 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

www.boonescreekbaptistassoc.com Printed Nov. 2009, Volume 42, issue 10 Deadline for next Issue: Dec. 15, 2009

Bible Drills/ Speakers Tournament Churches, please Promote and Work with Children & Youth on Bible Drills. Call Jeff Ryder at 859/497-3826 or Association Office for materials. Also, Promote a SPEAKER’S TOURNAMENT. The winner of an Assn’l Speaker’s Tournament will receive a gift of $75.00 from a private donor!

Best Wishes to these December Birthdays: 9 17 22 27 29 29

Drew Martin, Retired Pastor Teresa Barker, Pastor’s Wife. Mt. Olive J. Edwin Davis, Retired Pastor Phil Milheiser-Pastor, Howards Mill Chris Winkler, Pastor, First Baptist, Irvine Lorinda Evans, Pastor’s Wife Kiddville

Best Wishes to these December Anniversaries: 12 Steve & Lorinda Evans. Kiddville 20 Phil & Jan Milheiser, Howards Mill 29 Ted & Teresa Barker, Mt. Olive

17- Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship-Taste of China– Winchester- 11:30 am 25– Christmas-Office Closed

World Equestrian Games Preparation Mission Trip

July 5-9, 2010 Students grades 7-12 are invited to Georgetown next Summer for a special ministry opportunity. You will stay at Georgetown College. The cost is $200.00 per person and includes all meals, lodging and ministry supplies. You will need to contact LaRaine Rice as soon as possible if you are interested. Also to get the registered forms and to ask any questions. You can also e-mail her at: [email protected]

BIBLE HUMOR Did Noah Fish? A Sunday School Teacher asked, “Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark? No, replied Johnny, “How could he, with just 2 worms”


ALLANSVILLE –Everyone had a great time at our Hallelujah Harvest in Oct. It included a chili supper, children’s activities, and a concert for the adults enjoyment. We are collecting toys for the Freeda Harris Baptist Center’s Toys give away at Christmas. BEECH GROVE –We had a great Homecoming. BOONE’S CREEK - Our Children’s Christmas Musical will be Dec. 16 @ 7 pm. Our Adult Musical will be Dec. 13 @ 7 pm. Our blood drive and Christmas potluck will be at noon on Dec. 13. CALVARY - Oct. 28 had a fall Festival-90 present. Nov 18th Thanksgiving Supper. If you need Franklin Graham Shoe Boxes call one of these numbers-606/723-2027-606/723-2416 or 606/723-4484. We will be a relay station for Operation Christmas Child. CENTRAL - We had Trunk or Treat on Oct. 31. We observed our Church’s 99th anniversary with Harvest Day on Sun. Oct. 25. Our Children’s Choir will present a Special Worship Service, “Attitude of Gratitude” on Sunday morning Nov. 22 @ 10:45 am. Our Adult Choir will have a Christmas Worship Experience called “Have no Fear” on Sat. evening Dec. 12 @7 pm and Sunday evening Dec. 13 @ 6 pm CLAY CITY– Oct. Pastor appreciation month included a reception of cake & ice cream, in honor or Grider Denney, our Pastor for 25 yrs. of service. Planning for Christmas Program & distribution of food baskets. CORINTH –Oct. 24, all enjoyed “Harvest Gathering” with a chili supper and games for all ages. Participated in the Trapp Elem. Trunk & Treat, passed out Church information w/treats. Nov 1-all enjoyed the “Homecoming Celebration” with 115 in attendance. Dec 6Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner, following Morning Worship. Dec 20, Christmas Program “This is Christmas” Morning Worship Service. Ongoing: Our Worship Video Ministry for Shut-ins and Homebound now in progress. We hope that this will be an encouragement to those who cannot attend Church due to illness. COW CREEK BAPTIST-Pew’s had been re-upholstery, it has added a pleasant addition to Church. Basket’s are being made for delivery at Thanksgiving. Christmas Cantata practice has begun. EMMANUEL - Instead of Halloween, our youth enjoyed a “Fear Factor” Party. Teams answered Bible questions, but an incorrect answer meant your team was out of the game, unless you faced the “Fear Factor!” We found out that we have a lot of brave kids at our Church. EPHESUS– Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Nov 18. Youth trip to “Hearts on Fire” Conference in Gatlinburg Nov 20-21. TNT (Tuesday night in Town) Nov 24 @ Frisch, 6:30 pm. Deacon nominations being received until Nov 29. Christmas Celebration Service Dec 20 @ 6 pm. FAITH-Oct fest was a fun time. Christmas dinner Dec. 6. Dewey Rison’s ordination to Deacon Nov. 15th. Annie Armstrong Penny march going on through Dec. FRIENDSHIP– Prayer walked. Had work day and did some landscaping. Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner planned for Dec. 6. Children’s Christmas play for Dec. no date set yet. HERITAGE – Completed Evangelism Training with 30 avg. attendance– Wed. Testimonies to begin. Successful trunk and treat outreach. Nov 12– Cookie Bake for Police/Fire/School Personal. Nov 29– Special Person Appreciation Day (people who have helped you Spiritually) Dec 6– Church wide Christmas Fellowship– EveningMorning Children’s Program. Began planning for Big Tent Revival May 23-26, 2010 w/KBC President Don Mathis, Evangelist. HOWARDS MILL-A new children’s play set has been purchased and set up in the children’s play area. IRVINE FIRST - Nov. 4-Youth Shoebox shopping meet to purchase items for children. Nov 13– Youth lock in 6pm to 9 Nov 14.Bet they had lots of fun. Nov 22nd-Dessert Sunday– all kinds of good desserts-

(make a donation) you pick up a dessert and take it home, to benefit the Mitch Baber & JL Thomas Scholarship Fund. Dec. 4 Carol Sing at Reid Village for everyone (Come make a joyful noise unto the Lord) Dec.6- First Baptist Ch. Holiday Meal– We have great cooks. Dec 20- Christmas Concert & Programs– Dec 31 Night Watch 9 pm IVORY HILL - Planning our Christmas boxes and Fruit baskets. They are giving out to the widow’s & widower’s in our neighborhood. The Christmas Dinner is Dec. 13 @ 6pm & our Christmas play will be on Dec. 20 @ 6pm JEFFERSONVILLE-We had a community Fall Festival which included a chili cook-off, games, inflatable slide and bouncy house, and free family photos. Fun was held by all attending. Our Outreach ministry visited the Windsor Care Nursing Home. Our youth group attended the Casting Crowns Concert. We donated diapers to the Sunrise Children Services for Foster Care in Morehead. KIDDVILLE –Making plans to be in Winchester & Mt. Sterling Parades. Thanksgiving & Christmas Dinner to be held on Dec. 11 @ 6:30 pm. MACEDONIA-Had a great turn out for our Fall Festival (approx. 200). Had six inflatable's, face painting, duck pond and served lots & lots of hot dogs (our pastor’s favorite) HA! Honored our pastor/youth pastor and families with a pot luck lunch on Oct. 25th. We are very blessed to have them serving at out church. Our Children in Action gave out 935 bottles of water at MS court Days. Youth going Ice skating at the Lex. Ice Center on Nov. 14. We are having a bible conference on Nov 14-15. Artie Gibson will teach Nov 15 during the AM worship and Jeremy Ray during the PM worship. MEANS-Had a wonderful time with great fellowship at the annual Homecoming meeting with special guests the New Found Four. Will be emphasizing missions in December. The choir will perform the annual Christmas Cantata on Dec. 20th and missionary Jack Fletcher will be speaking. NEW HOPE-Revival– very spiritual and good preaching. Plans for Thanksgiving-and getting ready for Christmas. NORTHSIDE-We had a good homecoming , good attendance and plenty of food to eat. We are to began putting a new sidewalk on. PANOLA-Had a good time at Natural Bridge on Oct. 17. Discussed new sign for Church. Operation Christmas Child in the works. Everyone working on their boxes. Started “New Beginnings” Sunday School Class. POWELL’S VALLEY– Radio Ministry began 11-01-09. Broadcast at 3:30 pm on WBFC-1470am Sunday afternoons. .PROVIDENCE-CC– Enjoyed Homecoming with Quartet “Pieces of Clay” singing followed by Potluck Lunch. Began a Wed. night youth group. First meeting was Oct. 23 with a pizza party. PROVIDENCE, E.C-Had a wonderful revival service. Plans are being made for the Cantata and Children's Christmas play this year, we will also be having an Adult play. The youth are working on Operation Christmas child boxes. Hope to have at least 100 shoe boxes from our Church. REID VILLAGE-Nov 8- High attendance for Sunday School. Our goal is 80. Fall Revival Nov 8-12 with Bro. Scotty McDowell. SALEM-WMU made cookies for the Estill Co, Fire Dept., and the Pre-teen Sunday School class gave them bottles of water with message attached. Collecting toys for Freeda Harris Center. (CONTINUE ON PAGE 3)

I apologize to Faith Baptist for putting the wrong amt. in SS the correct was 40 instead of 10.


I also apologize for the tying error in the report for Clay City I put in honor or should have been of Grider Denney.

Youth Minister Opportunity Heritage Baptist Church is seeking a Youth Minister. Please contact us at [email protected] or 859/744-0410.

REMINDER The office will be closed Nov. 26 and 27th for Thanksgiving. ———————————————Remember the CAMP will be closed Dec. through Feb. but not the OFFICE

SPEARS MILL-We are very pleased that our pastor, JT Rafferty, has decided not to retire and to stay at Spears Mill. SPRING STREET-Thanksgiving-Christmas dinner will be Dec. 6 and will have an auction following the dinner. THOMAS-Kenneth F. Brinegar Sr. was ordained as a deacon on 11/8/09 after being interviewed by Bro. James Smith before our deacons, pastor& congregation. A reception followed in the Fellowship Hall. Thanksgiving Dinner is planned for Nov. 29. 09 WILLIAMS MEMORIAL-We enjoyed a great Homecoming service, greeting many friends and families. Bro. Thomas Sparks brought the message.

EX. BOARD CHRISTMAS DINNER WILL BE AT POWELLS VALLEY ON DEC. 7 AT 7PM . Pastors, Ex. Bd. Members, and Spouses be sure and let Bro. Gary Willoughby know if you’re planning to attend. Call 859/498-0199 or 859/2745348 ASAP no later than Nov. 30th. Love offering of $5.00 per person.

“FIND IT HERE” Sharing Christ Across Kentucky I have heard good reports from a few of our Churches in their PrayerWalking/PrayerDriving the streets and roads on their Church fields in their preparation for the wonderful evangelistic campaign to help deliver the gospel to 1.5 million households across KY during March 6-21, 2010. Churches, lets all get ready for this sharing of the gospel by Praying much. Pastors, work with your people in this preparation. Be much in prayer for a great harvest of souls next Easter, or maybe you can reach many for Christ before Easter 2010! Blessings!

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