Media Bias

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Media Bias

It doesn't take a rocket science to comprehend that the mainstream media is consumed with bias. It isn't just toward one side or ideology. Media bias existed in America among many political perspectives spanning numerous decades. This is nothing new as the Bible says. The CIA created Operation Mockingbird in order to infiltrate the media. Back in that time (during the late 1940's and the early 1950's), the media had paranoia about Communism. The truth is that the international bankers (as admitted by Carroll Quigley's book entitled "The Tragedy of Hope") funded high level Communists in the Soviet Union, so these globalists can monopolize their economies (and control the world more. Quigley actually agreed with the new world order, but believed it should be more publicly. Carroll Quigley also admitted that a plan for a Pan-American Union existed). Quigley was the mentor and professor to Bill Clinton in the Jesuit Georgetown University. Bill Clinton was once apart of Demolay as a child. Bill Clinton was a famous puppet President who shown the horned Il Canuto horned hand sign, he meet into a Bilderberg Group, he was involved

in the Waco genocide, and committed other evil policies (in his Presidency from 19932001). Carroll Quigley spoke of the goal of some elites such as international bankers as:

"[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences." ( Professor Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy & Hope', p. 324. Can the Pilgrims, which Quigley never mentioned, verify his story of an AngloAmerican Establishment?) Propaganda is common on many avenues and I won't just expose bias in one network. Multiple networks have inherit bias. Let's be real here. The mainstream media isn't true free. The media that's global is controlled by a select few of corporations who are funded by the international elite in league with globalism. For example, the 5 major media conglomerates of AOL/Time Warner, News Corporation, Walt Disney, Vivendi Universal, and Bertelsmann control the vast majority of the mainstream media in the world. It's a monopoly and not a true free market of ideas. They control most of messages sent in the mainstream media. The good news is that the alternative media is growing in leaps and bounds. Anderson Cooper is an heir to one of Astor family and is related to the Vanderbilt family. Even Tucker Carlson is an heir of one of the big families. Of course, you can't write about the mainstream media without outlining words about FOX News. FOX News is a popular and controversial news network. Many liberals and musicians like Nas hates its guts because of perceived bias. Are they biased? Yes, and that's the case for other networks. All networks are biased in fact, because human beings are fallible people. On many occasion, media hosts and commentators daily carry out their emotions plus their political views on their selves. It's greater today, because the media has become more like popular culture with certain segments (that don't deal with real issues, but trivial points like celebrities and the like). FOX News is controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is one of the most powerful media figures in the world. He is a Papal Knight of St. Gregory, so the Vatican holds great influence on the man plus FOX News. One of the easiest examples of FOX News's bias is dealing with the Iraq War. Dale Stienreich wrote an article entitled "Fibbing It Up at Fox" which is located in He said that FOX News tried to legitimize the war ever since it commenced in March 20, 2003. Sheppard Smith (a FOX News commentator) said that Saddam is using flood water as a weapon (in March 14) and the Iraqis were planning to use large stores of napalm to kill coalition forces (in March 19). Even on March 24, Colonel Dave Hunt from FOX said why don't coalition forces blow up Al Jazeera TV. The media typically didn't take enough time to analyze and display the drawbacks of the war which are evident today. FOX have many fake conservatives like Ann Coulter considering supporting Hillary Clinton. Some ex-FOX employees believe certain memos exist to exhibit bias. Former Fox News producer Charlie Reina explained, "The roots of Fox News Channel's dayto-day on-air bias are actual and direct. They come in the form of an executive memo distributed electronically each morning, addressing what stories will be covered and, often, suggesting how they should be covered. To the newsroom personnel responsible for the channel's daytime programming, The Memo is the Bible. If, on any given day, you notice that the Fox anchors seem to be trying to drive a particular point home, you can bet The Memo is behind it."

The most famous and controversial FOX News host is Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly claims to be "Fair and Balanced" but that's impossible because our human nature. Now, on many times, he raises his voice for no reason at all to cut down a guest. There is nothing wrong with being emotional, but not to impede the ideas of another guest. Now, it's much easier to figure out bias dealing with him because Bill O'Reilly has a whole stack of quotations outlining his views. Here's one of Bill's famous quotes: "Reverend, you can go back to Africa if you want to. I mean, you could go and repatriate back to the continent or anywhere. Not any country will take U.S. citizens, but African countries will." --Bill O'Reilly, to slavery reparations advocate Rev. Al Dixon (The O'Reilly Factor, 3/6/01) Regardless if you agree with reparations or not, that comments was derogatory. For example, Bill O'Reilly called Hispanic people the "W" word with no apologies. He told blacks who strongly disagree with him that you can go back to Africa. One April 15, 2003, Bill O'Reilly said to African American students jokingly not to steal his hood caps of his car. O'Reilly called anyone who sincerely questions the official story of 9/11 are nuts, which is a lie. He agrees with the Iraq War and neo-conservative policy. There is nothing wrong with being biased if you want to. Yet, since Bill claims to have none so he must be called on it for his hypocrisy. People should be up front about their views and not sugarcoat it like FOX News is achieving time after time again. It's even been found out that Katie Couric from CBS was at a NOW gathering. Recently in late July 2008, ex-White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan accused some FOX News commentators like O'Reilly and Hannity of receiving talking points from the White House so to speak. Scott made a distinction between journalists (he said many of the journalists didn't receive talking points from the Bush administration) and pundits. It is true that Hannity (along with other neo con talk radio hosts) has meet in the White House with Bush not too long ago to discuss policies and political strategies. Bill O'Reilly strongly denies the charge. O'Reilly called McClellan a liar and he has lost all respect for him. The truth will come out. The truth is that despite Scott telling the truth or not, FOX News does have very favorable coverage of the White House. The ultra-liberal National Organization for Women honored Couric at their annual Intrepid Awards Gala last week in Washington, DC. She quipped to her hosts that "[i]f everyone in the country was like you, CBS News would be number one." NOW is right that women should be treated with respect without unfair discrimination. Yet, NOW is wrong in supporting abortion on demand. Katie Couric calls herself a feminist. Katie is the host of CBS Evening News. When she was still on the Today Show in 1997, a guest named Whoopi Goldberg ousted Couric's "pro-abortion" position ..ion when the comedienne revealed the two had attended a "pro-abortion" march together. Before her, liberal Dan Rather was its host on CBS Evening News. He's suing CBS presently for money problems. In October 2006, after the father of a victim of the Columbine shootings declared his pro-life position in a "Free Speech" segment on CBS Evening News, Couric wrote on her blog that his view might be seen as "repugnant." Those views weren't repugnant but honorable. The disrespectful of human life and moral relativism does have a huge influence on the mindset on why school shooter enact their rampage of murder plus destruction. Hence, if you deny many liberal media leaders executing bias, you're wrong or falsely mistaken.

CNN is another famous network. It has been accused of bias mostly by conservatives. CNN has been caught with bias on many times just like FOX News has. One easy example is how once CNN head Ted Turner blatantly called Christians "losers" in a hateful manner. Turner wants the depopulation of most of the world's population. CNN Presents: God's Warriors was a three-part CNN Presents documentary produced by Christiane Amanpour. God's Warriors is the most bias religious documentary in the 21st century. It's a shame. It lied and compared conservative Christians to Muslim jihadists who have killed folks that disagreed with their religious beliefs. Christiane Amanpour was the narrator of the documentary. Amanpour lied and said that some Christians are playing the victim card. No, we're not playing the victim card when Christians are arrested in Canada, the UK, and the USA for just peacefully expressing their religious beliefs. We're not playing the victim card when Christians in America are ashamed and fearful to express their views publicly. We're not playing the victim card when the IRS' 401 (c)3 law stifles free speech of Christians and many other religious people from expressing their deeply held convictions inside of the pulpit. That's not a playing a card. That's presenting the facts. There's a big and monumental difference. Christiane also described how women with a dress code in a Christian school is equivalent to the sexist sharia law where folks force women to wear a dress across their whole bodies. Also, the documentary used falsehoods against Jewish believers and Muslim believers since the majority of Muslims reject the extremist Wahabbi Islamic bad tenets. The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), outlined criticisms against God's Warriors. Now, Christaine Amanpour wants to present a documentary called Buddhist Warriors which the commercial says they want peace. Amanpour is a hypocrite because she never takes the time outlining how certain religions in God's Warriors are seeking peace in the world. Now, she wants to praise the Buddhists. Mormon Glen Beck is another case of bias. He presents himself as an authentic conservative, but he agrees with the war on terror and the Patriot Act. Also, he said derogatory comments on air before. He once compared 9/11 Truthers to terrorists and classified the victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans as "scumbags." The innocent victims who died from Katrina were never scumbags at all. That's disrespectful obviously. Now, Glen Beck is on the FOX News network with his own show. Soledad O'Brian is

narrated a new CNN documentary entitled "Being Black in America." This documentary ranges from discussing the family, the Black Man, the Black Women, and other issues. From seeing some of it, it's not as bias as God's Warrior. O'Brian herself has a black mother, so she wanted to take special time in giving as much an accurate portray as possible to outline some clarity about Black America. Some criticism against the documentary subscribe to the notion that it focuses too much on the negative aspects of black society in America. Despite that, the negative and the positive portraits of black Americans ought to accurately presented in the media and society. MSNBC is another well known cable TV network. They have a whole list of personalities. Their major hosts include Dan Abrams, Joe Scarborough, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, David Gregory, and others. They classify themselves as the nation's fastest growing cable news network. Recently, they've taken an anti-Iraq War stance. For example, almost daily, Olbermann, Matthews, and even David Shuster criticized the President's policy about that the war in Iraq. Each blatantly call for a withdraw from Iraq. Even President George W. Bush said he's willing to have a time "horizon" to eventually get rid of some of the American troops from Iraq. Even MSNBC news leaders admit to the liberal bent of their coverage. I have no problem with this as long as they admit it. I have more respect for a network to admit to bias than sugarcoat it or put it under the rug. Even MSNBC isn't immune from extremism. Members of Morning Joe called for peaceful 911 Truthers to be tasers and sent into concentration camps. Joe Scarborough supported that and mocked 9/11 Truthers. Chris Matthews is a known Papal anti-gun, pro-abortion proponent. He even tries to intimidate people who even project legitimate dissent with the Roman Catholic Church. Keith Olbermann is right on many civil liberty issues and our freedom. Yet, Keith projects his information into the lenses of a Republican vs. Democratic battle line. The truth is that these issues are bigger than Democrat or Republican. It's about freedom, our civil liberties, and the opposition to tyranny plus oppression in society.

*What's the lesson here. The lesson is that you can't trust the media 100% of the time. The Internet and the alternative media harbor more Real News than the mainstream media ever had. Deception and lies ought to exposed and relinquished from our thoughts about the truth. The truth is absolute and the truth isn't always manifests in various mediums. It's the responsibility of us to

figure out the truth and help our citizens to research plus receive it. It's the 21st century and the manifestation of facts are more abundant. I wouldn't let spinmeisters like Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck, Amampour, Bill Maher, and other intimidate me or get me down. I have joy, inspiration, intelligence, and a constant fighting mindset to pursuit my dreams and aspirations. By Timothy

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