This Is My World!

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Excerpt from POET IN EXILE

This Is My World! Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

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The Responsibilities of The Artist: Commentary and Poetry

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE

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“This is my world! We are going to reclaim it, For our children, For our decedents, Yet unborn, Who are depending on us, To do the right things…” By Poet Ricardo Saúl LaRosa The dawn of the New Age of Aquarius is upon us, now, today. For all practical purposes 2012 has arrived. We must be diligent and very cautious not to fall for all the hype concerning 2012 by many out there trying to sell a book explaining what will happen on December 21, 2012. As for myself, yes, I want to share my views, as well, but as with most of my poetry this essay is free; I am not selling anything. I am moved to express my thoughts via my poetry and commentaries. The Great Spirit of the universe has inspired me to write and share my thoughts with you, my cherished readers.

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE “To whom much is given, much is expected,” I truly believe in this statement. I believe that artists (painters, photographers, writers, poets, singers, composers, dancers, musicians, actors, etc.) have been tremendously blessed by Providence with talents and material wealth. I am suggesting that artists should be using their celebrity status and voices to champion the cause of the down-trodden. “Those who are strong, must support the weak.” I offer the following statements as a guide and a world-wide call to action using our talents, our voices, and all our strengths to shout out in one unanimous declaration that the current status quo of the world where the majority of human beings, the poor, are pushed around and treated inhumanly as commodities on the stock exchange by a small elite rich ruling class. I live a relatively good life. I have never been without food, clean water, medical assistance or a safe, warm dwelling over my head, however, this does not mean that I can be indifferent to those less fortunate and turn a blind eye. I refuse to be a conformist; I will not sell out; I dissent and I rebel. Seven Points of Recommendation: 1. It is the responsibly of the artist to speak out against all kinds of injustices whenever possible. The artist should express outrage when the powerful mistreat the poor, the helpless, the homeless, the hungry, etc. I am tried of the weak being pushed around; I am tried of children dying of hunger, needlessly, no more, no more! 2. It is the responsibly of the artist to meditate in reflections, prayers, in spiritual invocations to the Great Spirit of the universe to assistance humanity in these turbulent times of excessive evils and greed. 3.

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE It is the responsibly of the artist to speak out against all types of domestic violence usually against woman, children and the elderly. The 20,000 year reign of terror by the male hegemony ruling class is coming to an end as the new age that represents 2012 nears us. There is going to be a very violent reactionary movement on behalf of the powerful ruling male elite; we must be steadfast in our dedication to righteousness. We condemn all domestic violence against women, children and the elderly; we should be protecting them not hurting them. 4. It is the responsibly of the artist to speak out against all wars in which, again, the majority of the victims are women, children, the elderly, the poor, the weak, etc. War as a means to resolve international or regional conflicts has become obsolete. The only ones who want war are those profiting from war; they are the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us in his farewell speech. 5. It is the responsibly of the artist to speak out against the damages done to the environment by the excesses and greed of industry and the wealthy. Today, we have the means, the technologies, the scientific knowledge to clean and purify the oceans, the rivers, the biosphere but we do not have the political will to do so. Those in power would rather see the world trashed and polluted than spend money on its betterment. 6. It is the responsibly of the artist to speak out against cruelty to animals. The conditions of animals raised for meat consumption is horrific. The slaughter of elephants for their tusks in deplorable. The cruelty to animals during science experiments is unacceptable. The pollution of the air and oceans adversely affecting birds and sea animals is condemnable. The animals are our friends; they are our evolutionary cousins; they are part of our earthy family. The animals have as much a right to life as any human being. If we go by seniority alone most of the animals were on

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE earth before man ever walked out of his cold miserable pathetic little cave. By this criteria alone most of the animals have more of a right to live than any human. 7. It is the responsibly of the artist to embrace love, righteousness and all that is good. We must reject hate, racism, sexism, nationalism and all other isms that put people down because they “are different than us.” The artist should inspire people with his art and words for better world, a more just world, a less violent world. A world were people may have a fair chance to develop to their fullest potentials. This is not an idealist dream for all my suggestions are within reach and humanly possible if we truly apply ourselves to strive for a better world. My fellow artists please join me in this noble quest, not for ourselves, but, for our children and our descendants, yet, unborn, but still counting on us to do the right thing today. May the Great Spirit of the universe move you and bless you always. May Love, Peace and Happiness always dwell in your life. I love you with all my heart and soul! Welcome to my world! Poet Ricardo Saúl LaRosa June 28, 2009 Long Island, New York

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE Photo credit:

“The dolphins have lived on Earth at least 100 million years; they are very friendly with humans and they have been known to rescue people when they were drowning.”

This Is My World! Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

I. As I landed on the moon, I gazed with awe, As I looked on Earth from afar, Beautiful blue and white marble, My ancestral home, My home, sweet, home, The only one I’ve ever known,

II. We reject your paradigms, Your Wall Streets, Artificially made from greed, Causing economic terrorism, To billions world-wide, You do not care about them, You never did,

III. We condemn your wars, Wars for profits, Not for Democracy, Not for righteous ideals, Not for goodness, But for evilness, © 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE And Hell,

IX. We reject your false religions, Its dogmas, Its judgments, Its hypocrisies, Its laws that are unjust, We reject your gods, Money is your only god,

X. We reject your unjust laws, Your corrupt penal system, Your capital punishment, Putting people to death, As though you were God, You are not, God cries seeing what you do,

XI. We reject your philosophies, Your modern medicine, Your for profit hospitals, Your gold hungry doctors, Who break always, Their Hippocratic oath, Not helping the sick,

XII. This is my world! We are going to reclaim it, For our children, For our decedents, Yet unborn, Who are depending on us, © 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE To do the right things,

XIII. This world belongs to all living creatures, Humans and animals alike, Co-habiting a wonderful world, Turned into a living Hell, By the super powerful rich, But not forever, Welcome the spirit of 2012,

IV. The Great Spirit of the universe, Has spoken, The Council of the Elders, Have rendered their decisions, The Seven Powers of the universe, Are moving towards Earth, This moment,

V. The reign of terror, Upon the Earth, Is coming to an end, A Great Cosmic Shift, Will unfold, Bringing Peace and Hope, And Love will triumph… From POET IN EXILE

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE

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“What kind of world are we going to leave for our children?”

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

Excerpt from POET IN EXILE   

Ricardo Saul LaRosa was born on August 19, 1962 in the mountain valley of Santa Marta, Costa Rica. His family migrated to Long Island when he was five years old. He attended Freeport and Uniondale Public Schools. He holds a BA in Political Science from Queens College, City University of New York and presently is enrolled in a graduate program in Education/Social Studies. He has over 200 published articles in the local newspapers and magazines. He is a community activist and he has been a candidate for the schools boards and the Nassau County Legislature. The author resides on Long Island and works as a teaching assistant in the public schools, a private tutor and a freelance writer.                               He is available for poetry readings and educational lectures; contact him at [email protected].

© 2009 Ricardo Saúl LaRosa Poetry Collection

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