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THE USE OF DRILLING TECHNIQUE ON STUDENT’S VOCABULARY LEARNING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL Submitted to the English Education Program of UNSIKA as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for Proposal Seminar

By: Ariny Pratiwi ID. 1610631060024


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Vocabulary is one of the essential micro skill in English learning. Theoretically, vocabulary is a group of words or phrases that arranged in alphabetical order and it has meaning. To master the four skills in English, vocabulary is the core component to learn first, so that students will be able to speak, listen, read and write well. According to the statement above, there are several purposes of vocabulary related to four skills in English. The first purpose is to increase the student’s communication. In this case, when the students have a lot of vocabulary they would be able to speak fluently without getting stammered. Then, the more vocabulary mastered by students, the students will more easily understand the conversation or writing of other people and students can express their opinions fluently both orally and in writing. In Indonesia, vocabulary is included in English learning. Ministry of education in Indonesia provides the basics that the students should learn. There are several competencies that students should mastery, one of the competence is vocabulary. It can be seen on the seventh-grade junior high school syllabus, it stated that students should be able to understand and use English to mention the names of animals in the school and home environment. In this case, students should be able to understanding and memorizing the vocabulary related to the nature of people, animals, objects. Based on the observation and interview from the location that is observed, the researcher found several problems. The first problem is some students difficult to memorize the vocabulary related to the nature of people, animals, objects. They tend to look into their books rather than doing the task given by the teacher. The second problem is students busy with their own activities. In this case, the students make a lot of fun with their friend. This situation makes the class not conducive.

After analyzing some problems happen in the class, it can be stated that there are some factors that make the problems occurred. The factor is some students did not have a strong basis from elementary school so that they difficult to learn English. The other factor is the students did not interested in English, it might happen since the method that the teacher used did not make the students enthusiasm. The last factor is the teacher is from the other field of education background, this factor is one of the most crucial problems. There some technique in teaching vocabulary in the class. One of the technique is the use of Drilling Technique. According to Setiyadi (2006), the drilling technique is taught by dialogue by emphasizing the student’s formation by repetition, memorizing grammatical, and tense transformation using the target language where the language is spoken. There are several a types of the drilling technique that mentioned by Setiyadi (2006), which are repetition drill, substitution drill, transformational drill, replacement drill, response drill, cued response drill, rejoinder drill, restatement, completion drill, expansion drill, contraction drill, integration drill, and translation drill. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the use of the drilling technique is important because it can increase the student’s vocabulary learning. Therefore, the researcher interested to conduct research entitled, “The Use of Drilling Technique on Student’s Vocabulary Learning”.

B. Identification of Problem According to the background of study above, researcher identified several problems which will be used as a material for further research. 1. Does the student’s readiness affect the learning process of vocabulary? 2. Does the student’s learning model affect the process of learning vocabulary?

3. Does the use of medium in English learning affect the student’s vocabulary? 4. Does the teacher’s ability affect the learning procces of vocabulary? 5. Does the teacher’s teaching technique influence the learning process of vocabulary?

C. Limitation of the Problem To avoid misinterpretation of the problem, the researcher will limiting the scope of the study as follows: 1. Teaching technique that will be used to increase student’s ability in mastery vocabulary is Drilling Technique. 2. The use of creative and active learning strategies. 3. The research subjects were seventh grade junior high school students. 4. Research carried out in the second semester of the academic year 2018/2019. 5. Learning English were conducted in seventh grade class in junior high school students.

D. Formulation of the Problem Based on the background of the study, identification of the problem, and limitation of the problem, the problem are formulated as follows: a. What are the difficulties in English vocabulary faced by the seventh grade junior high school students? b. What are the possible causes of the difficulties in Englih vocabulary faced by the seventh grade junior high school students? c. What are the solutions to solve the difficulties in English vocabulary faced by the seventh grade junior high school students? d. To what extend is the student’s vocabulary increased after being taught by drilling technique?

E. Significance of the Research The researcher hopes that the result of this research can give information about the level of student vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, the researcher hopes that the using of drilling technique in teaching and learning vocabulary will be useful for both, for the teachers, for the students. For the teacher: Drilling technique gives and shows an alternative way of teaching vocabulary because it is a good opportunity to bring the group together. Drilling technique can help the teacher to solve the problem for teaching. For the students: Students can get a different and meaningful experience of learning vocabulary by using Drilling technique. Drilling technique can motivate the students in learning English because they can increase their ability in vocabulary learning.

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoretical Framework In this part, the reasearcher will provide an explanation about the theoretical review of student’s vocabulary as the improved variable and drilling technique as the solution variable. 1. Student’s Vocabulary

A. Definition of Vocabulary Vocabulary is a very basic element to learn English because it is the foundation to learn other skill. Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides many basis of how the learners speak, listen, read, and write well.1 Vocabulary is one of the element in English which has an important role in understanding and expressing ideas in a form of written or oral. Someone must know the word if they can recognize its meaning when they see it.2 It means that students should mastery vocabulary in order to make good communication. In learning vocabulary, students have to know the meaning and function of the word and also understand to use it in context.

B. Teaching Vocabulary Teaching vocabulary plays an important role in language acquisition because with mastering vocabulary, students will be able to master all the language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. The vocabulary will make the students practice life and will


Richard, J. And Rogers, T. (1991). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: Descriptive and Analysis. Cambridge Language Teaching Library. 2 Cameron, . (2001). Teaching Languages to Young Learners.Cambridge University Press.

strengthen the belief that English can be used to express the same ideas or feeling they express in their native language.3 Furthermore, the teacher may introduce the list of vocabulary in teaching vocabulary that is taken from the book, environment around them, things that they used, and many more. Teaching vocabulary should consider these following factors : 1) Aims The aim of teaching vocabulary is to make the teacher easy to formulate the materias, which will be taught to the students. 2) Quantity The teacher has to decide the number of vocabulary items to be learned. The learners will get confuse or discourage if they get many new words. Therefore the teacher should select new words, which can easy to understand by learners. 3) Need In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really needed by the students in communication. 4) Frequent exposure and repetition Frequent exposure and repetition have means that the teacher should give much practice on repetition so that the students master the target words well. They also give opportunity to the students touse words in writing or speaking. 5) Meaningful presentation In teaching vocabulary the teacher should present target words in such a way that the meaning of the target words are perfectly clear and unambiguous. 6) Situation and presentation The teacher tell to the students that they have to use the words appropriately. The using of words depends on the situation in 3

Finochiaro, M. (1974). Teaching English as a Second Language: From Theory to Practice. Regents Publishing.

which they are used and depends on the person to whom they are speaking.4 From the explanation above, the researcher conclude that the teacher should know and aware how the important of vocabulary in learning english.

C. The process of Teaching Vocabulary The learning of vocabulary is very crucial. The teacher should pay attention to what the students have to learn in the process of getting the right vocabulary. The activity of learning help students to understand the new vocabulary terms that will be taught directly and they will be able to remember what they have learned at a later date.5 In order to conduct the ideal learning, the teacher should pay attention to the several steps and ways of teaching vocabulary, as follows: 1. Introduction Teaching vocabulary is very crucial since there are hundreds of thousands of words in English. However, we should remember that the native speaker just uses about five thousand words in their daily conversation. In addition, the students do not need to use all of the words that they have learned, some of them just need to be introduced. Choosing what will be taught based on the frequency of occurrence of words and the benefit of the words to their needs is very important. When teachers have chosen what will be taught, the next step is what the students should know and how the teacher will teach it. 2. What is the possibility of students needs


Wallace, M.J. (1982). Teaching Vocabulary. London: Heinemann. Marzano, R.J. (2004). Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 5

The students should know the purpose of the words properly and then the teacher should give several questions to make sure that the students already understand. Then, students should know how to pronounce the words and how to spell it. 3. Way to represent vocabulary There are several ways to convey the meaning of a word. It can






synonym/antonym/gradable, definition, translation, and context. The way of teaching vocabulary that the teacher choose depends on the words that will be taught. Some of the strategies above may be compatible to teach several words, Commonly, the combination of several strategy will be helpful and facilitate to remember the words that will be taught. 4. An alternative way to teach vocabulary a) Give a few words to the students, then ask them to look for the meanings, how to pronounce them and write examples of sentences that use the word. Then they can teach the words to their friends in one group. b) Prepare a worksheet, then ask students to match the words with their definitions. c) Ask students to classify a group of words into several categories. For example, a list of transportation equipment which is categorized by water/sea/land. d) Ask students to look for a new vocabulary from the discourse they read and teach the vocabulary to their classmates. 5. Things that should be considered a) Review vocabularies taught through games or activities that can motivate students to do the same at home. b) Get used to your students becoming independent learners. Ask them to read, watch movies, listen to songs or else, and then record important words.

c) Leave a portion of the board to record the words that appear during the teaching. Use different colors of words / phonemes / prepositions / word classes. d) Teaching or learning words that have association meaning at the same time will be very useful. e) Encourage the students to buy a good dictionary and use the time in the class to emphasize the importance of using a dictionary. f) Teach word class names grammatically and use script phonemes. g) Always prepare a dictionary near you in preparation if there are students who ask a word that you don’t know. h) If you do not know or have never heard the word asked by students, tell them that you will look for the meaning and will tell them later. i) Give additional examples to students if they are not sure of the meaning of a word and suggest that they write the word in an example sentence.6

D. The Benefit of Vocabulary Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second language learners because a limited vocabulary in a second language impedes successful communication. Lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second language.7 The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language use as complementary: knowledge of vocabulary enables language use and, conversely, language use leads to an increase in vocabulary knowledge.8 Vocabulary is very important in 6

Depdiknas. Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 8 Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning Vocabulary in another Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 7

and out of school. In the classroom, the student’s achieving process is the most sufficient vocabulary. The acquisition of vocabulary is essential for successful second language use and plays an important role in the formation of complete spoken and written texts. In English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL) learning vocabulary items play a vital role in all language skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing.9 Furthermore, the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because, without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and functions we may have learned for comprehensible communication.10 As a result, vocabulary is very important in English learning. As a teacher, they should explore ways of promoting vocabulary more effectively. For the learners, it is as essentially a matter of learning vocabulary and therefore they spend a great deal of time on memorizing list of second language words and rely on their bilingual dictionary as a basic communicative resource.

2. Drilling Technique A. Technique A technique is something that actually takes place in language teaching or learning in the classroom. It is a superordinate term to refer to various activities that either teachers or learners perform in the classroom. In other words, the technique includes all tasks and activities. It almost always planned and deliberate, done on purpose rather than by accident.11


Laufer, B. & P. Nation. (1999). A Vocabulary Size Test of Controlled Productive Ability. Language Testing 16, 33-51. 10 Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology A Textbook for Teacher. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall. 11 Brown, D.H. (2001). Teaching by Principle. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

B. Definition of Drilling Technique Drilling Technique is a way to teach with giving exercises towards what students have learned before so that students will get a certain skill. The words exercise contains meaning that something that is learned done repeatedly, however between the first learning situation with a realistic learning situation is the same. If the learning situation is changed, the response will also be changed. In order to implement the drilling technique in the classroom, there are several kinds of this technique : 1) Repitition Drill Repitition drill is a drill in which the students only repeat what the teachers says. For example: T

: I study in the morning.

S1 : I study in the morning. T

: I study in the afternoon.

S2 : I study in the afternoon. Etc. 2) Substitution Drill Substitution drill is a drill in which the students are required to replace one word with another. For example: T

: Mary is smart.


: Diligent.

S1 : Mary is diligent. T

: Mary and John.

S3 : Mary and John are diligent. Etc. 3) Transfromation Drill Transformation drill is a drill in which the students are required to change sentences from negative to positive, from positive to interrogative, or from simple present to simple past

tense, depending on the instruction from the teacher. For example: T

: The pencil is new.

S1 : Is the pencil is new? T

: John is in the class.

S2 : Is John in the class? Etc. 4) Replacement Drill Replacement drill is a drill in which the students replace a noun with a pronoun. It is the same drill as the subtitution drill, but it involves with a replacement. For example: T

: I like English subject.

S1 : I like it. T

: I met the people in the school.

S2 : I met them in the school. T

: Mary and John will come here.

S3 : They will come here. Etc. 5) Response Drill Response drill is a drill in which the students respond to somebody’s sentence. This drill may involve “wh” questions or “yes/no” questions. For example: T

: Tuti is at home.

T2 : Where is Tuti? T3 : At home. Etc. 6) Cued Response Drill Cued response drill is a drill in which the students are provided with a cue before or after the questions. For example: T

: What did the woman buy? (A book).

S1 : The woman bought a book.


: Who will help Tuti? (Her mother).

S2 : Her mother will help her. 7) Rejoinder Drill Rejoinder drill is a drill in which the students are given instruction of how to respond, similar to the cued response drill. For example: T

: Come to my birthday party. (Be polite).

S1 : Would you like to come to my party? T

: Your idea is not good. (Disagree).

S2 : I disagree with your idea. Etc. 8) Restatement Drill Restatement drill is a drill in which the students rephrase an utterance and address it to somebody else, based on the content of the utterance. For example: T

: Tell her where do you live.

S1 : I live at Raya Merdeka Street no. 19. T

: Ask him what she has for breakfast.

S2 : What do you have for breakfast? Etc. 9) Completion Drill Completion drill is a drill in which the students are told to supply a missing word on a sentence or statement. For example: T

: I bring my pencil and you bring ...

S1 : I bring my pencil and you bring your pencil. T

: I have to bring ... own book.

S2 : I have to bring my own book. Etc. 10) Expansion Drill Expansion drill is a drill in which the students bulid up a statement by adding a word or phrase. For example:


: English.

S1 : We study English. T

: Everyday.

S2 : I study English everyday. Etc. 11) Contraction Drill Contraction drill is a drill in which the students replace a phrase or clause with a single word or shorter expressions. For example: T

: I did not mean to eat your bread.

S1 : I did not mean it. T

: Do not go to that place.

S2 : Do not go there. Etc. 12) Integration Drill Integration drill is a drill in which the students combine two separate statements. For example: T

: Which one do you think is true? The earth goes

around the sun

or the sun goes around the earth.

S1 : I think the earth goes around the sun. T

: I know that man. He is wearing a yellow coat.

S2 : I know the man wearing a yellow coat.12

Based on the explanation above, researcher can conclude that drilling technique is a good technique for the learners to develp their voabulary by first listening to a model from the teacher, and then repeating this model several times while receiving positive and negative feedback for their efforts.


Richards, J. C and Theodore S. Rodgers. (1986). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis. United. States of Underhill, N.1987. Testing Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press America: Cambridge University Press.

C. The Procedure of Drilling Technique In order to the implementation of this technique, the teacher should pay attention to the procedure in the classroom. The procedure includes: 1) Students first hear a model dialogue (either read by the teacher or on tape) containing the key structure that is the focus of the lesson. They repeat each line of the dialogue, individually and in a chorus. The teacher pays attention to pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. Correction of mistakes of prononciation or grammar is direct immediate. The dialogue is memorized gradually, line by line. A line may be broken down into several phrases if necessary. The dialogue is read aloud in chorus, one half saying one speaker’s part and one other half responding. The students do not consult their book throughout this phase. 2) The dialogue is adapted to the students’ interest or situation, through changing certain keywords or phrases. This is acted out by the students. 3) Certain key structure from the dialogue is selected and use as the basis for pattern drills of different kinds. These are first practiced in the chorus and then individually. Some grammatical explanation may be offered at this point, but this kept to an absolute minimum. 4) The students may refer to their textbook, and follow-up reading, writing, or vocabulary activities based on the dialogue may be introduced. 5) Follow-up activities may take place in the language laboratory, where further dialogue and drill work is carried out.13


Larsen, Diane. (2000). Freeman. Technique and Principle in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press.

According to the statement mentioned above, the researcher concludes that drilling technique is a technique that can help students to sharpen their skills in memorizing especially in vocabulary. It is possible because this technique is done repeatedly to get skills about the lesson that have been learned before. Moreover, that skills are expected to be permanent and it can be used every time by the students. Therefore, teachers needs to pay attention and understand the value of the exercise itself and its relation to the overall lesson in school.

B. Conceptual Framework As a result, vocabulary is very important in English learning. As a teacher, they should explore ways of promoting vocabulary more effectively. For the learners, it is as essentially a matter of learning vocabulary and therefore they spend a great deal of time on memorizing list of second language words and rely on their bilingual dictionary as a basic communicative resource. Moreover, drilling technique is a technique that can help students to sharpen their skills in memorizing especially in vocabulary. It is possible because this technique is done repeatedly to get skills about the lesson that have been learned before. That skills are expected to be permanent and it can be used every time by the students. Therefore, teachers need to pay attention and understand the value of the exercise itself and its relation to the overall lesson in school. In order to create good vocabulary learning, the researcher expects that the drilling technique is beneficial to teach in the classroom.

C. Research Hypothesis According to the explanation previously explained, the authors assume that the application of the drilling technique can influence the improvement of students learning outcomes in vocabulary.


A. The Purpose of the Research The purpose of this research is to find out the impact of drilling technique on student’s vocabulary learning.

B. Place and Time of the Research This research will be conducted in one of the junior high school in Karawang. This research is conducted in first-grade students. The research carried out in the second semester of the academic year 2018/2019 that started in January until May 2019.

C. Research Methodology This research will be using an experimental method. The method that will be used is the second experimental research, it is the pre-test post-test control group design. It will be carried out in two class and the class will be given pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Furthermore, the result of the posttest each class will be tested by using t-test.

D. Population and Sample The target population of first-grade students junior high school in Karawang is 5 junior high schools with a total of 1200 students. Then, the purposed population is one state junior high school that consists of 6 classes and has 240 students. Finally, the samples were taken in a class that contains 40 students, they will be represent all of the first-grade junior high school students in Karawang. This sample is taken by using a random sampling technique.

E. Research Instrument

As a result, vocabulary is very important in English learning. As a teacher, they should explore ways of promoting vocabulary more effectively. For the learners, it is as essentially a matter of learning vocabulary and therefore they spend a great deal of time on memorizing list of second language words and rely on their bilingual dictionary as a basic communicative resource. The student’s vocabulary learning in first grade junior high school will be measured with using test. The test that will be used is based on the basic competence in the syllabus. The assessment is based on the students’ ability in memorizing the vocabulary and the way they deliver the vocabularies. No.



Students engagement in activities Student use of vocabulary



Student effort

1 Students is not engage, quiet


Student occasionally participates Student is not Student using vocabulary uses correctly, many vocabulary mistakes, used correctly in vocab out of most context instances, with few mistakes Student is quiet, Student not using thinks about vocabulary, does answers, but not think about is quiet/not answers, makes using vocab simple mistakes – makes (where effort some would make it simple correct- not mistakes misundestanding) due to lack of effort

3 Student is constantly participating Students uses vocabulary words accurately

Students thinks about answers, is displaying effort to participate, makes few mistakes (due to misunderstanding not lack of effort)


Student can identify vocabulary

Student can not identify vocabulary on worksheet or picture woksheet: less than 5/10 right

Student can identify some vocabulary on worksheet or picture worksheet: 6/10 or more

Student can identify most vocabulary on worksheet or picture worksheet: 8/10 or more

In order to implement the aspect that will be used to measure the test, the teacher should pay attention to the materials that will be taught in the classroom. In this research, the researcher will provide the blueprint from the syllabus of the second semester on the first-grade junior high school students.



Basic Competence


Identify social functions, text structures, and lingustic elements of oral and written transactional interaction texts that involve the act of giving and asking for information related to the nature of people, animals, objects in accordance with the context of their use.

1. Students able to understanding and memorizing the vocabulary that related to the nature of people. 2. Students able to understanding and memorizing the vocabulary that related to the animals. 3. Students able to understanding and memorizing the vocabulary that related to the objects.


Num ber of item s 1





The Form of Items

F. Data Analysis Technique

1. Normality Test using Liliefors Test and Chi-quadrate Test 𝑥 2 =Σ

(𝑓𝑜−𝑓𝑒)2 𝑓𝑒

2. Homogenity Test using formulation of Fisher Test (F-Test) F=

𝑆 2 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑎𝑟 𝑆 2 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑙

Hypothesis : Ho : µ1 = µ2 H1 : µ1 ≠ µ2

G. Statistical Hypothesis Ho : µ1 = µ2 H1 : µ1 ≠ µ2 The hypothesis test is using “t” test formulation as follows: 𝑡=


𝑥̅ 1− 𝑥̅ 2 1 1 𝑆√ + 𝑛1 𝑛2

atau 𝑡 =

(𝑛1 −1)𝑠12 +(𝑛22 −1)𝑠22 𝑛1 +𝑛2 −2

𝑥̅ − 𝑦̅ (𝑛𝑥 −1)𝑆 2 +(𝑛𝑦 −1)𝑆 2 𝑥 𝑦 𝑛𝑥 + 𝑛𝑦 −2

1 1 + ) 𝑛𝑥 𝑛𝑦


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