The Source-october 1, 2009

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Newsletter for




A United Methodist Community of Faith 6200 Williams Dr. Georgetown, Texas 78633


The Source

Georgetown, TX

Rev. Debra Crumpton, Pastor

A Monthly Publication October 1, 2009 - Volume 14, Issue 11

Rev. Steve Buchele, Assoc. Pastor Church: (512) 930-5959 Home: (512) 869-7838 Pastoral Care (512) 677-3885

Worship Times:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,…. (Matthew 6:19-20, NRSV).

8:30 am-Traditional 9:30 am-Traditional 11:00 am-Celebration

Sundays in Worship Sunday, October 4th – World Communion Sunday This is a special time in the life of the church where we recognize our global connection with Christian all over the world. We will seek to observe this time by using breads from various traditions and cultures. Sunday, October 11 – Laity Sunday Members of United Methodist Church are asked to “faithfully participate in its ministries by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness." (¶ 217 The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church 2008) Laity Sunday is a day designed for the lay members of local congregations around the World to lead the worship service and to give the clergy a much needed time away from the pulpit. This year’s theme is about the use of Prayer to transform the world. Sunday, October 18 –Children’s Sabbath We share in the national observance of the sacredness of children. Sunday, October 25 –Stewardship Consecration Sunday Special guest preacher and a luncheon following the 11:00 am service

Reliable Investments I once had a coworker whose investment strategy was searching for poorly rated municipal bonds and penny stocks. His risk generally paid off, however, there were times when he missed the mark. When we traveled together other coworkers would tease him about his family being left behind to clip all of his bond coupons. But, as much as he valued investments, I never heard him talk about the investment of a lifetime. Which is an investment in God’s Kingdom. His world was very myopic consisting of himself, his wife and children. And while he made money we watched him lose joy, peace, and happiness. Perhaps if he would have invested in the lives of others, thereby drawing his circle larger, his frowns may have turned to smiles. On Sunday, October 4th we will kick-off our Stewardship Campaign using the theme “Extravagant Generosity”. Many of you are familiar with this theme from the study of Bishop Schnase’s book “The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations”. Our campaign will culminate on Sunday, October 25, with Rev. Jim Turley preaching the 9:30 am and 11:00 am services. However, all three services will be held. Often, people think of Stewardship Campaigns as the church trying to raise money for its budget. Let me assure you our primary task is not Wellspring’s budget but an investment in Kingdom Ministry. God has not called us to maintain buildings, rather God has called us to transform lives by teaching people about Jesus Christ. This happens through the various ministries we provide. Your investment will determine what ministries Wellspring can and cannot do. During our Stewardship Campaign, you will receive a narrative bi-annual budget highlighting some of the ministries for 2010 and 2011, which we believe will advance the Kingdom of God in our world. Indeed God has a plan for the ministries of Wellspring to touch and transform lives in Georgetown and throughout the world. Shalom, Debra

Carol Williams and her sister, Norma Davis-Hanks, Lorenzo & Mary Perez and William Medford

A Child’s Place is growing in children and staff. We have opened with more children than ever and currently have 42 children enrolled in our school. The teachers worked hard at the end of August getting their classrooms ready for so many new young ones. They scrubbed shelves, ordered more chairs, cleaned up the playground and got extra supplies ready. They continually put their best foot forward and the children who have A Child’s Place as their pre-school are fortunate to be in such loving hands. Please celebrate our success and keep the school and its ministry in your prayers. We offer a quality preschool program for toddlers through five years of age. We want to keep our program growing and improving. This takes a lot of love and dedication and prayer and we love your support. Feel free to walk through the classrooms on Sundays or peek down the hall when the children are here in the morning you will be glad you did. Children’s Ministry has started off the year with 9:30 am and 11:00 am programs for children of all ages. We are very excited to meet new families and welcome back our returning students. Our child friendly programs are open to all visiting children and grandchildren. We are looking forward to growing our ministry and we look forward to upcoming family events in the fall. Thanks to all of you who volunteered to work with our kids this summer and who have volunteered again this fall to help make our programs fun and Spirit filled. We are also opening a new class this fall for our older elementary students. Where the Godly Play for younger children focuses mainly on sharing and connecting with the stories of our faith the Way of the Child program will encourage children to explore their own individual journey. These older children will have opportunities to practice different types of prayer, meditation and journaling. They will learn how Christian children practice their faith all over the world and how they can apply that to deepen their own practice. These children will also have the opportunity to learn about John Wesley’s Means of Grace and connect Wesley’s work to the work of their church, their family and themselves. If you think you might be touched or be willing to touch the life of a child, please consider volunteering in Godly Play or Way of the Child programs. There is no preparation necessary and trained teachers will be in the room with you. All you need is an open heart, open mind and the desire to share your presence with children.

UMW Autumn Gathering-Oct. 3rd “Living Together as God’s Children” will be the theme for the Conference United Methodist Women’s autumn gathering from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at Austin Avenue UMC, Waco. Harriet Olson, deputy general secretary of the Women’s Division, and UMC missionary to Kenya Jerri Savuto will be featured guests. Send registration by Sept. 28 to Registrar Donna Hughlett, 2501 Massey Lane, Robinson 76706. Childcare will be provided for this event. Bring a sack lunch for each

Wellspring welcomes Lead Worshippers Laura Platt and Loren Hamson to Deep Water, their 11am praise band. Ms. Platt is a freshman at Southwestern, majoring in Musical Theatre and Psychology. She was raised in Beaumont, and is a 2009 graduate of the Texas Academy of Leadership and Humanities. She is a former lead worshipper at Beaumont United Methodist Church. Mrs. Hamson was born in Sulphur Springs, but raised in Temple where she resides and is married to Karl. They have three beautiful children and several pets. Her passions include loving God, her husband, her children and music. Mrs. Hamson is a former lead worshipper at Foundation United Methodist Church.

Wellspring Methodist Men's Garage Sale-October 3rd in conjunction with the Sun City garage sale. We need donated items of all sizes and shapes. Big ticket items would be greatly appreciated. Proceeds go towards the Valentine Brunch and the youth missions. Please drop off your items in the “Munch & Mingle” area. For questions please contact Bill Miller 864-3715, Herman Knodel 869-8170 or Jim Thompson 868-1349.

Save the Date: Sunday, Nov. 8th Special Worship with Dr. John Holbert, preaching Professor from Perkins School of Theology will be preaching at the 9:30 am and 11:00 am services. He will also teach a Bible Study on the Bok of Job at 6:00 pm.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Thursday, October 8th at 2:00pm in Room 203.

STEPHEN MINISTRY IN OUR CONGREGATION, meets the needs of people. There are times when each of us needs the care of another person, a Christian friend, a Stephen Minister! These needs include but are not limited to: • The hospitalized • The terminally ill and their families • People who move into or out of our community • Those grieving a death or serious loss • The homebound and institutionalized • Those with a job crisis • The aging and elderly • Those with disabilities and their families • Those needing the support of a Christian friend • Those facing life transitions • The separated or divorced Stephen Ministry is confidential ministry: those receiving care can be sure that their identity and what goes on in the caring relationship will remain private. Contact Stephen Leaders Bob Derse (677-3885), Linda Hudson (869-1509), or Clara Yeck (868-4466)

BLESSING AND BEING BLESSED: WELLSPRING SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:25 Give and it shall be given unto you; pressed down; shaken together and running over, Luke 6:38 Being a member of Wellspring gives one many opportunities to give and to grow in the cause of Christ. One of the most precious resources that we can give is our time. And Christly giving of what we have, whatever form it takes, can never impoverish nor diminish us. For God has promised us that we shall be more than fully recompensed, “pressed down, shaken together and running over.” Presently, there are a number of opportunities available to serve at Wellspring. Many of these positions are critical to the functioning of the Church and must be filled if our Church is to effectively accomplish its mission. All we ask is that each of you, as a member of our Church, pray to God to discern whether He would have you fill one of these positions if you are called upon to do so. In addition, the end of the year is approaching when new appointments must be made to fill positions that are currently filled. We therefore request that each member of Wellspring begin praying for our leaders to be guided by the Holy Spirit in making their selections for the coming year. And let us pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to insure that we will make the appropriate decisions if we are asked to serve. We can be sure that following the leadings of the Holy Spirit will not be only a tremendous blessing to the church and community, but will be a blessing to each of us as well.




Wednesday September 2009


Friday 1

7:00 PM-Al-AnonRm 203 7:00 PM-Teach Me to Pray-Rm 205

4 8:30/9:30AM-Traditional 10:45AM:Navigator’s Class Season’s of the Spirit Class Cornerstone Bible Study S.T.I.R. Class The Battle for God 11:00AM-Celebration! 5:30PM-Youth Snack Supper 6:00PM-Crossflow-Rm 109

5 4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus Group-Rm 203 6:45PM-Stephen Ministries-Rm 203

6 1:30 PM-Sun City Bible Study 6:30 PM-Board of Trustees-Rm 202 6:30 PM-Methodism 101 and New Members Class-Rm 203

7 2:00 PM-Prayer Ministry-Chapel 4:00/4:30 PM-Mass Set upSt. Helen's Mass-Worship Cntr 6:00 PM-Chancel ChoirWorship Cntr 7:00 PM-Singers-Munch & Mingle 8:00 PM-Deep Water-Worship Cntr

Saturday 2

A Heartfelt Thank You to Wellspring! The board of directors of the Getsemani Community Center thanks the Wellspring community and most especially Arlin Thomsen, Dan Bonner, and George Brightwell. Getsemani provides several programs to the community including after school tutoring, literacy classes, office space and classes for Life Steps, and a summer program for first and second grade students- targeting academically at risk students for academic and social support. Dan and George serve on the board and do yeomen’s work from finding community support to cutting grass!


10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)


8 2:00 PM-Prayer Shawl Ministry-Rm 203 7:00 PM-Al-AnonRm 203 7:00 PM-Teach Me to Pray-Rm 205

10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)


Arlin Thomsen drove a church van to pick up and deliver children to the school every day for two weeks. These fine folks and all of you who provide volunteer or other forms of support are greatly appreciated. These efforts reach out across our community to offer a helping hand and acknowledge the importance of presence and need beyond our own circles of friends. Muchas Gracias!!!

10:00-3:00 PM Fall Festival

BAR-B-Q: 11 am-1:30 pm 11 8:30/9:30AM-Traditional 10:45AM:Navigator’s Class Season’s of the Spirit Class Cornerstone Bible Study S.T.I.R. Class The Battle for God 11:00AM-Celebration! 5:30PM-Youth Snack Supper 6:00PM-Crossflow-Rm 109

12 4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus GroupRm 203 6:30 PM-Alzheimer’s PresentationWorship Ctr 6:30 PM-Stretch Out Your Hand- Exploring Prayer-Rm 202

18 8:30/9:30AM-Traditional 10:45AM:Navigator’s Class Season’s of the Spirit Class Cornerstone Bible Study S.T.I.R. Class The Battle for God 11:00AM-Celebration! 5:30PM-Youth Snack Supper 5:30PM-ALPHA-Rm 203 6:00PM-Crossflow-Rm 109

19 4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus Group 6:30 PM-Stephen Ministers-Rm 203 6:30 PM-Stretch Out Your Hand- Exploring Prayer-Rm 202

25 8:30/9:30AM-Traditional 10:45AM:Navigator’s Class Season’s of the Spirit Class Cornerstone Bible Study S.T.I.R. Class The Battle for God 11:00AM-Celebration! 5:30PM-Youth Snack Supper 6:00PM-Crossflow-Rm 109

26 10:00AM-UMW Faith Circle 4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus GroupRm 203 6:30 PM-Charge Conference-Worship Center 6:30 PM-Stretch Out Your Hand- Exploring Prayer-Rm 202

13 1:30 PM-Sun City Bible Study 6:30 PM-Finance Team-Rm 202 6:30 PM-Methodism 101 and New Members Class-Rm 203

20 1:30 PM-Sun City Bible Study

27 9:30 AM-Harker Heights UMC 1:30 PM-Sun City Bible Study

14 2:00 PM-Prayer Ministry-Chapel 4:00/4:30 PM-Mass Set upSt. Helen's Mass-Worship Cntr 4:30 PM-Church History 101Rm 205 6:00 PM-Chancel ChoirWorship Cntr 7:00 PM-Singers-Munch & Mingle 8:00 PM-Deep Water-Worship Cntr 21 9:30 AM-UMW-Ruth Cirlce 2:00 PM-Prayer Ministry-Chapel 4:00/4:30 PM-Mass Set upSt. Helen's Mass-Worship Cntr 4:30 PM-Church History 101Rm 205 6:00 PM-Chancel ChoirWorship Cntr 7:00 PM-Singers-Munch & Mingle 8:00 PM-Deep Water-Worship Cntr

28 8:30 AM-Faith in ActionWorship Center 2:00 PM-Prayer Ministry-Chapel 4:00/4:30 PM-Mass Set upSt. Helen's Mass-Worship Cntr 4:30 PM-Church History 101Rm 205 6:00 PM-Chancel ChoirWorship Cntr 7:00 PM-Singers-Munch & Mingle 8:00 PM-Deep Water-Worship Center

15 7:00 PM-Al-AnonRm 203

16 10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)

22 7:00 PM-Al-AnonRm 203

23 10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)

17 5:00 PMChildren’s Fellowship 5:30 PM-Mama & Papas-Munch & Mingle

24 ALPHA-Weekend TBD


29 7:00 PM-Al-AnonRm 203



10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)

Intercessory Prayer List Those known in our membership: Buzzi and Pat Ball, Harold Byram, Gerri Cook, Janice Creech, Trudy Derse, Gloria Gallagher, Pat Herff, Nancy Leasure, Deborah McCartney, Ron Spates, Loring White. Members in care or homebound: Lola Atkins, Kathy Burrier, Anna Fitzpatrick, Glenna & Earle Hamley, Tom Madden. Those serving in the military: Justin Blakely, David Corley, Travis Cox, Glen Cummins, Adron Elders, Patricia Figures, Jeffrey Gipson, Michael Harris, Jeffrey Hartman, Steven Kahn, Ron McLaurin, Matthew Miller, Robert Newman, Jeff Parr, David Pekar, Jr., Jeff Risher, Wes Stobaugh, Curt and Scott Taylor, Heath Vanderlinden. For those who grieve: Family of Barbara Madden, Scott Persons and Marty Rose, Joyce Pond, Dana Slocumb & family. Relatives of Members: Carver Family, Patti Casey, Eric & Doris Hartman, Nancy Hutchins, Carl Lidell, James Macklin, Carolyn Maddux, Linda Maxcy, Florence McCartney, Cheryl Reece, Georgia Wertzberger, Todd Thomsen. Also for: Morgan Abell, Bill Cadena & Family, Lonnie A. Reed, Carol Thames, Charles Walters, World Peace, New Beginnings, for the needed rain, our enemies, jobless, homebound, homeless, ill, expectant mothers, those in ministry, nursing homes, our Sunday School, volunteers, our youth, youth vision team, our staff, children, members, growth of Wellspring, the unchurched and for all in need. For prayer requests, email [email protected].

This year as we prepare for Fall Festival we will pre-sell barbeque lunch tickets. For ticket information please contact Gary Davis at 254-793-2952 or email at [email protected].

Silent Auction Items: Dinner treats Hand-made delights Crystal & Fostoria Golf for 4 with carts Colorado week RR Express tickets Palace Theatre tickets Flora decorations Balloon Rides Artist specials And more………. Homemade Baked Goods: pies, cakes, cobblers, bread & cookies. Live Entertainment: music, singing & dancing Children’s Games Fall Festival Frozen Casserole The casserole sale exceeded our goal of 150, with 195 being sold. Our cooks had to do some scrambling to make the extras, but, as usual, they came through. A reminder to those who have bought casseroles, they can be picked up Sunday October 4th before and after worship services. There are many people to be thanked for this success. It starts with the committee who got the ball rolling. Then there are cooks who gave of their time and ingredients to make the casseroles. The customers who bought these should also be thanked and there were some people who made a donation. It took everyone to make it a success. I want to give all of you a big thanks for your part in this project. --Fern Herring

The Williamson Count y & Cities Health District is now giving flu shots to adults for $20. Clinic times: Wed. & Thurs. 8-11 or 1-3 and go early to sign in for waiting does occur. They do not bill Medicare so you will need to submit it through your insurance for payment. Children’s vaccine has not been received at this time but will start giving shots as soon as vaccine arrives. The cost for children is $10 per shot and if the child has not had a flu shot before they must get two, one month apart. They do not have the flu mist. Infants 6 months and older can receive the vaccine. The clinic address is 100 W. Third Street. Telephone is 943-3640.

WILLIE HALL CENTER SNACKS NEEDED for after school tutorial program..individually wrapped juice boxes and crackers or cookies.

The Caring Place KIDS COAT or gently used, please...distribution date is Oct. 15, 2009…..577 coats provided to children in 2008.

Volunteer Opportunities Membership Assistants Responsibilities: Take pictures of new members and post them in a new members catalogue. Provide them with one on one contact to get them oriented to Wellspring ministries. Arrange telephone interviews between new members and Mary Purdy to ensure biographical information is gathered on each person for publication in the Source If you have a passion for meeting new people and enjoy photography this might be an opportunity for you. Please contact the office by email at: Marketing Have you worked for an Advertising Agency? Have you designed an advertising campaign? Do you have experience in Sales and Marketing? We are seeking someone with marketing expertise to develop and implement the church’s Christmas Season blitz. If you have these expertise, please contact the office at:

Sunday School Classes Offered: 9:30AM-Chapel Dwellers (Rm 204) 9:30AM-7th & 8th Grade-Middle School (Rm 207) 9:30AM-6th Grade-Confirmation (Rm 203) 9:30AM-Senior High (Rm 109) 10:45AM-The Battle For God (Rm 204) 10:45AM-Cornertstone Bible Study (Chapel) 10:45AM-Seasons of the Spirit Class (Rm 203) 10:45AM-S.T.I.R. Class (Rm 202) 10:45AM-Navigator’s Class (Rm 205)

NAVIGATOR’S CLASS 10:45 A.M., Room 205 September 27th – November 1st Rev. Carol Hoke teaching

THREE SIMPLES RULES THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD by Rueben P. Job Do you know the three simple rules that have the power to change your life and your world? Come join us for lively discussion! You’ll find a friendly welcome!

BENEFIT DANCE FOR FAITH IN ACTION CAREGIVERS - GEORGETOWN There will be a Harvest Moon Benefit Dance and Silent Auction on Saturday, October 10, 2009 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM in the Sun City Ballroom, 2 Texas Drive in Sun City. The music will be provided by the David Kautz Band, a great dance band from Austin. Please join us for a magical evening of dancing, good music and ”treasure” hunting. Tickets will be $15.00. The funds from the dance and auction will help fund transportation and other support services provided by Faith in Action Caregivers to seniors in Georgetown. Tickets may be ordered by sending your check (payable to Faith in Action Caregivers - Georgetown) to PO Box 743, Georgetown, TX 78627, to have your tickets mailed to you. Tickets will also be available at the door. For more information, please call the Caregiver office at 868-9544. The Caring Place planned for and purchased 700 new coats for the 2009 Coats for Kids distribution to be held October 15 – a 20% increase over the 577 given out last year. As of Thursday, September 24, the number of qualified children enrolled for this year’s program had already reached 781 – with one day still remaining for enrollment. Caring Place officials are renewing their efforts to raise the funds to purchase the additional needed coats. “This is yet another example of how the economic downturn has impacted families in Georgetown and Northern Williamson County” states John Stock, Executive Director of The Caring Place. “The community has really gotten behind us in our efforts to provide a new coat to each child this year, and we are confident they will help us reach our new goal of 875 coats”. The Caring Place has purchased the coats from Wal-Mart, and has been able to leverage both a non-profit and a bulk purchasing discount. Although new coats will be accepted, donors will be able to maximize the impact of their contribution by making a cash donation which enables The Caring Place to take advantage of the discounts as well as ensure the availability of the appropriate sizes. This is the first year that all new coats will be provided to the children. “Every child deserves a new coat for the winter” states Lori Frasco, Director of Program Services at The Caring Place. “Its very fulfilling to see the smile and the sparkling eyes when they get to select their very own coat – for some, the first new coat they have ever owned”. Families needed to prove documentation of need and verification of their home address to qualify for the program. Donations can be made at - or mailed to – The Caring Place, 2000 Railroad Street, Box 1215, Georgetown Texas 78627. They can also be made on-line with a credit card at Be sure to note that you are supporting “Coats 2009”. Additional information can be obtained from Lori Frasco at 869-4735, ext. 224 or at [email protected].

October 12th at 6:30: Wellspring Church is hosting Tam Cummings who is an expert in Alzheimer’s disease and has written several books. Her free presentation is for families to learn steps about staging the levels for the disease and to offer interventions and to learn strategies for care and options available.

LEADERS IN GERIATRIC CARE FOR 41 YEARS Tam Cummings, M.S., Gerontologist, provides geriatric care management, dementia testing and assessments, psychosocials and individualized care or activity plans for clients of Hill Country Care Providers and Jackie Verdoorn’s Geriatric Care Management. Tam received her Master of Science in Gerontology from Baylor University. She also has a double Bachelor’s in Social Work and Journalism from Baylor. She spent a year in post graduate Educational Psychology at Baylor to further her knowledge of the learning processes of the brain. Tam did her doctoral studies in the School of Rural Public Health at the Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center in Bryan-College Station. Tam received the National Gerontology Academic Award and was inducted into Sigma Phi Omega, the National Society for Professional Gerontologists in 1998. She is also a member of the National Gerontological Society of America. She has been studying and researching Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias for more than 15 years. She recently completed a book entitled A Guide to Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: Physiology, Perceptions, Communication, Stages, Grief and Death. A nationally recognized writer, Tam also has published works in Death and Dying: A Social-Psychological Perspective. She is currently working on two additional books; one on the grieving process for families with a dementia member and another on models of activities for persons with dementia. Tam has served as a board member of the Arlington Steering Committee for the Elderly representing Long Term Care for several years. She has also been the Director of Alzheimer’s communities in both skilled and long term care facilities. She is an expert at teaching families, social workers, registered nurses and professional caregivers the skills needed to navigate the disease process with individuals. She is available for public or private speaking engagements and is frequently sought after to teach families and caregivers the stages of the dementia process and the Global Deterioration Scale. Austin’s Leading Eldercare Firm – Serving Seniors More Than 41 Years ~512-402-1119~ Georgetown CROP Hunger Walks-Oct. 18th Each year many communities sponsor the CROP Hunger Walk, a Church World Service event to raise community awareness about global hunger as well as raise funds for both international and local hunger relief efforts. This fall you have the opportunity to participate in a CROP Walk in several of our CTC communities: Information about these events can be found at

October 5th @ 6:30 pm Wellspring church is having Williamson county EMS paramedic demonstrate the proper method of CPR and the use of the AED that is in our reception area. Please come to learn the techniques that could save a loved one’s life. There is no skills check-off or test.

Painted Churches Trip: The Temple District in conjunction with St. John’s UMC, Georgetown, is planning a trip to see the Painted Churches of Fayette County. The trip will gather at St. John’s, Georgetown, on Saturday, October 24th, at 8:00 a.m. The chartered bus will depart at 8:30 a.m. and return between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m. Cost of the trip will be $41 which includes the tour and bus rental. Lunch and love offering for the driver will be additional. For more information and registration form, please see information in attached icons or contact Pat Helms at 512-863-9589 or Wayne Ewen at 512-863-5886.

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