The Board-dec 1 2009

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Separate Carpel(s) Crassulaceae: succulent; A basally fused when Co fused, G#=Ca# or Co#, Co w/glands Fabaceae/Papilionoideae: banner petal external, keel fused, A10 (9+1), G1, fr=legume Fabaceae/Mimosoideae: A10-∞;Actinomorphic and tiny, lvs bipinnate, G1, fr=legume Fabaceae/Caesalpinioideae: A5-10, banner petal interior, keel not fused, G1, fr=legume Magnoliaceae: woody, complete flrs spiral and

United Carpels Superior Ovary

Inferior Ovary

Corolla Absent

Corolla Present and Separate

Corolla Present and United

Corolla Absent



Hamamelidaceae*: woody, staminodes, G2, fruit = beaked capsule

Lauraceae: woody, aromatic bark & leaves, flrs 3-merous in whorls, anther flaps, G1 Apocynaceae: lvs opp., milky sap, stamens = lengths, G2 apically fused, fr=2follicles or caps Rosaceae*: alt lvs w/ stipules, woody simple lvs, herb cpd lvs, A∞, G1,5 or ∞, hypanthium Ranunculaceae: no stipules, Co act or zyg, Co4-5-0, A∞, G∞ w/ spiral arrangement Berberidaceae: Perianth whorls of 3, A6-18 open by pores with lid, G1, fr=berry

Euphorbiaceae: not synoecious, milky sap, cyathium in Euphorbia, G3, 1 seed per carpel Amaranthaceae: dense inf. axillary or terminal, scariose bracts below flower, one locule Betulaceae*: woody, alternate serrate lvs, monoecious, ♂and♀ catkins, fruit = samara Ulmaceae: woody, inequilateral leaf bases, monoecious, fruit = drupe or samara Aceraceae*: woody, lvs opposite and palmate veined, double samaras Salicaceae: woody, dioecious, ♂and♀ flowers in catkins, flowers fringed by hairy bracts, comose seeds Chenopoidiaceae: powdery mealiness on infl and young growth, lvs alt, infl loose spikes/panicle Polygonaceae: sheathing stipules=ocreae, sepals petaloid, fruit = achene

Brassicaceae: flrs 4-merous, A4+2(tetradynamous), fruit silique or silicle Geraniaceae: lvs palmately veined/lobed, fruit a beaked capsule that splits upward from the base Caryophyllaceae: swollen nodes, opposite lvs, notched petals, styles 2-5 branched Aceraceae*: woody, lvs opposite and palmate veined, double samaras Malvaceae: lvs stipulate & palmately veined, A∞ in column (monodelphous), unilocular anthers Portulaceae: lvs often fleshy, 2 sepals, Co5, 2-5 styles Papaveraceae*: colored or milky sap, caducous sepals, Ca2-3-4, A∞, fruit = capsule

Solanaceae*: lvs alt, viscid hairs, Co tubular or rotate, G2 with many seeds, fruit = capsule or berry Asclepiadaceae: milky sap, lvs opp/whorled, flr w/ corona gynostegium&paired pollinia,G2, fr=follicle Polemoniaceae: lvs alternate, flr twisted in bud, A≠, G3, style 1-3 branched Oleaceae: woody, opp lvs, 4 sepals and petals basally connate, A2 Boraginaceae: bristly herbs w/ alt lvs, inf coil cyme, flrs 5-merous, 4-lobed ovary,gynobasic style Gentianaceae: lvs simple entire & opp or whorled, nectary disk, A4-5(adnate to Co), style unbrnch, fr=cap Hydrophyllaceae: lvs alt, usually lobed or pinnate, infl scorpioid cyme or solitary, term style, fr=cap

Begoniaceae*: monoecious, succulent herbs, ♂ flrs w/ two large sepals “clam flrs”, ♀ flrs w/ twisted stigmas and winged ovary, G3 Betulaceae*: woody, alternate serrate lvs, monoecious, ♂and♀ catkins, fruit = samara Cornaceae*: woody, lvs opp, some with 4 petaloid bracts (involucre), 4-5merous, G2-5, fruit = berry Juglandaceae: woody, lvs pinnately cmpd and alt, ♂ flrs in catkins, ♀ flrs in catkins or solitary, fruit a nut or drupe with husk Fagaceae: monoecious, woody, lvs simple and alt, ♂ flrs in catkins, ♀ flrs sessile, fruit = nut



Oxalidaceae: lvs palmately cmpd, sour taste, 10 monodelphous stamens, 5 distinct styles Anacardiaceae: woody, lvs trifoliate or pinnate (simple), infl paniculiform, flrs small, 5-merous Celastraceae: woody, lvs simple opposite or alternate, A3-5, nectary disk, style undivided Clusiaceae: sm shrubs or herbs, lvs simple opp or whrld, entire & w/glandular punctations, A9-∞ Lythraceae: 4-merous, hypanthium, petals “crinkled”, A8-16, style undivided

Primulaceae: lvs opp whrld or basal, flrs 5-merous, Co basally connate, anthers opposite petals, fr=cap

numerous, stip scar circle stem; fr=follicle or sam

Pinaceae: lvs needle-like, often in fascicles, ♀ cone of woody bracts, seeds winged Cupressaceae: lvs alt, linear to scale-like, berry-like or globose ♀cone w/ peltate scales Taxaceae: dioecious, lvs twisted at petiole, solitary covered w/ fresh aril Ginkgoaceae: trees w/fan shaped lvs & dichotomous venation, fleshy ovules Cycadaceae: palm-like trees or shrubs, dioecious w/♂ & ♀ strobili/large fleshy seeds

Ovary Superior

Ovary Inferior

Orchidaceae: 2 pollinia, Alismataceae: aquatic, lvs w/expd blade,Co3 white,G∞ A in colum, labellum Liliaceae*: 6 tepals, A6, Liliaceae*: 6 tepals, A6, action- to zygomorphic action to zygo Commelinaceae: jntd stms, Iridaceae: equitant lvs, boat-shpd bracts, Co3 A3 Poaceae: hollow round stem, not 3-ranked, floret subtended by two scales (palea/lemma), fruit=achene Cyperaceae: solid triangular stem, 3-ranked, floret subtended by one scale, perigynia in Carex, fr=achene Juncaceae: solid round stem, not 3-ranked, floret subtended by six scales (sepals/petals), fruit = capsule



Corolla Separate Hamamelidaceae*: woody, staminodes, G2, fruit = beaked capsule


Myrtaceae: woody, lvs punctate w/ aromatic oils, small circular petals, hypanthium w/ nectary disk, A∞ Cactaceae: succulent, stems w/ spines in areoles, Ca∞ Co∞ A∞, hypanthium Begoniaceae*: monoecious, succulent herbs, ♂ flrs w/ two large sepals “clam flrs”, ♀ flrs w/ twisted stigmas and winged ovary, G3 Cornaceae*: woody, lvs opp, some with 4 petaloid bracts (involucre), 4-5merous, G2-5, fruit = berry Apiaceae: lvs compound to deeply dissected, petioles sheathing, infl umbel or compound umbel, fruit = mericarp Onagraceae: 4-merous, hypanthium, A8(10), G4-5

Violaceae: spurred corolla, stamens lie around pistil but not fused, G3, fruit=capsule/berry

Solanaceae*: lvs alt, viscid hairs, Co tubular or rotate, G2 with many seeds, fruit = capsule or berry

Rosaceae*: alt lvs w/ stipules, woody simple lvs, herb cpd lvs, A∞, G1,5 or ∞, hypanthium, fruit = pome



Balsaminaceae: watery juice, spurred Ca, fused anthers, G5, fruit = explosive capsule

Ericaceae*: shrubs or trees, campanulate or urceolate flrs, A dehisce by term pores, fr=capsule

Corolla United

Aspleniaceae: fronds pinnate lobed or entire, scales clathrate, linear indurate sori Dennstaedtiaceae: petiole green to tan, sori marginal or indusia cup-shaped, grows in soil Pteridaceae: petioles brown to black, sori marginal w/ revolute margins, grows on rock Dryopteridaceae*:pet grooved & scaly, veins forking in ult seg, sori on vein, similar to next Thelypteridaceae:pet not grvd or scaly, veins not forking, indument fine hairs,similar to last Polypodiaceae: fronds lanceolate to nar deltoid, pinnately lobed, often epiphytic

Ophioglossaceae: fertile & sterile forks on same petiole, lvs entire or dissected and triangular in outline Osmundaceae: pinnae of fertile frond reduced & not enveloping sporangia, sporangia 0.5-1.0mm diameter Dryopteridaceae*: pinnae of fertile frond enveloping sporangia, sporangia <0.4mm and dust-like

Hippocastanaceae: woody, palmately compound lvs, clawed petals, fruit = leathery capsule

Lamiaceae: aromatic oils, square stems, opp lvs, 4-nutlets, gynobasic style Scrophulariaceae: stem round, lvs opp or alt, didynamous stamens, bilocular ovary, terminal style Bignoniaceae: woody, opposite lvs, cymose infl, mainly tropical distribution Verbenaceae: stem square or round, lvs opp, infl a dense spike or corymb, 4-lobed ovary, term style Papaveraceae*: colored or milky sap, caducous sepals, Ca2-3-4, A∞, fruit = capsule Acanthaceae: stem occ. square, lvs opp, flrs subtnd by 2 foliose bracts,A4 adnate to corollaG2, fruit = capsule

Ericaceae*: shrubs or trees, campanulate or urceolate flrs, anthers dehisce by term pores, fruit = berry Asteraceae: inflorescence a capitulum (head), pappus often present, A5, style forked, fruit = achene Rubiaceae: lvs opp, fused triangular stipules, 4-5merous, A#=Co#, G2, 2 branched stigma Caprifoliaceae: woody, lvs opp, no stipules, stigma lobes = carpel number, flowers often zygomorphic Cucurbitaceae: monoecious, herbaceous vines w/ tendrils, fruit a pepo Campanulaceae: milky sap, leaves alternate, corolla bilabiate or actinomorphic, fruit a capsule or berry

“The Board” is a system for quickly learning and reinforcing the morphological characters of the 80 most common families of vascular plants in the Midwestern and Eastern United States. The most common character states of each family are listed. The user must be aware that exceptions occur and that using a regional key to families is the best way to identify unknown plants. The angiosperm and gymnosperm families listed here are as circumscribed in the fourth edition of “Vascular Plant Families” by Walters and Keil. The fern families largely follow that of the Flora of North America Project.

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