The Source-july 1 2009

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Newsletter for


A United Methodist Community of Faith 6200 Williams Dr. Georgetown, Texas 78633


Rev. Debra Crumpton, Pastor Church: (512) 930-5959 Home: (512) 869-7838 Pastoral Care (512) 677-3885

Worship Times: 8:30 am-Traditional 9:30 am-Traditional 11:00 am-Celebration

Summer Reading 2009 Good Books!!! Have you read any good books lately? Summer is a great time to explore and travel places we have never been. It is also a great time to read a good book while relaxing in the sun with a cold glass or lemonade or ice tea. Listed below are some books that provide great reflections and food for thought, please consider adding one or more to your summer reading list. Some are great to share in a small group discussion group or in devotion time with your spouse. And others offer powerful perils of wisdom. Enjoy! Yes, one of them will be part of a Sermon Series this fall. --Debra How Full is Your Bucker? by Tom Rath and Donald O Clifton, Ph.D. The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch Longing for Enough in a Culture of More, by Paul L. Escamilla Three Simple Rules That Will Change the World, by Rueben P. Job

The Source A Monthly Publication July 1, 2009 - Volume 13, Issue 8

First Annual Pie

Vacation Bible School

Baking Contest

Share your culinary skills and earn bragging rights by entering. Wellspring’s Pie Baking Contest will be held on Sunday, July 5, 2009. To make this event a great time of community fellowship the 9:30 & 11:00am worship service will be combined and held at 10:00am. The 8:30 service will meet at its usual time. Our celebrity judges will select the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The judges are: Gabe Sansing, Lori Locke, Ron Swain, Mary Fenologio So dust off those recipes and prepare to enter your favorite pie in the contest. Also, as a part of this friendly competition and in celebration of the Fourth of July we will have barbeque, potato salad, beans and games for the kids. Please plan to participate in this festive celebration and bring a friend. NOTE: Please do not enter store or bakery pies.

Rome is looking for a few good citizens to help with this summer’s Vacation Bible School. We are in need of over 30 volunteers to help this city come to life. This is a wonderful intergenerational experience that will leave you thrilled about our church’s role in the lives of children. You will have the opportunity to put Wellspring’s mission into action. Looking for ways to help with VBS, but not sure what works for you? Here are some ways you can be a big help. We are in need of lots of donated items to help make our market place look and feel authentic. VBS will be held July 13th-17th; 9:00-11:30am. Please Donate: Old top sheets-any size, Mexican blankets, Fake potted plants, E-Z up shade tents, Baskets of all sizes, Bags of almonds, dates, figs, dried apricots. Please drop these off in the basket in the munch and mingle area and let us know if you need the items returned. If you would like more information on VBS please contact Dorothy Light at 930-5959 or e-mail us at [email protected]


Administrative Assistant We would like to welcome Gwen Reed, our new Administrative Assistant. Gwen and her family have been residents of Georgetown since 1979. Gwen and her husband Brian have two daughters, Timberly (10) and Morgan (5). Gwen’s email is [email protected].

Youth Director Stacey Queen is our Youth Director. Steve has been married to his wife Barbara for 21 yrs. They have two children, Rose (18) and Ryan (15). Steve works full-time at AirBorn Interconnect and has a BS in Sales/Marketing and an AS in Electronics. Stacey grew up in Grand Junction, CO and moved to Georgetown in 1999. He enjoys working with the youth and helping them understand how Christ works in their lives today.

New Members Gary and Laura Davis moved to Andice 3 years ago from the Metroplex area. They live on a farm with cows, dogs, cats and chickens. They have been married for 22 years and have two children, Madaline (15) and Marshall (13) that go to Florence ISD. Laura is a teacher at Liberty Hill ISD and Gary is a fiber optic network engineer and has a home office. --Laura Davis

New Members-Cont’d. Michael and Terri Cassiday moved to Georgetown from Lake Jackson, Texas where they were members of Chapelwood UMC and now reside in Sun City. Michael had a 37 year career with Dow Chemical as a research scientist, 25 of those years in Michigan and the remainder in Freeport. Before her retirement, Terri was an interior designer, dividing her time between family and career. The couple have two children, daughter Meghan (26) and son Ryan (20). The Hazells moved to Georgetown from Bowie, Maryland last August. They have three children: Cicely, (16), Marney (7), and Jayce (5). Cicely attends a college preparatory school in Pennsylvania and will spend her Junior year in France. She is a musician and avid reader. Marney dances in Wellspring’s Reflections group and is going to be a rock star. Jayce will begin kindergarten and loves to know how things are manufactured. Terry is currently a VP of biologics at a small pharmaceutical company, Chairman of company she founded in Maryland, entrepreneur in residence at Texas State, and advisor at the Texas Life-science Collaboration Center. She enjoys activities with the kids and baking bread. Eric holds a Ph.D. in religious history and is a Research Fellow at the University of Texas, where he is writing a book about historical R&D. He is also an instructor of History and English at Central Texas College and Austin Community College. Eric is a renaissance man and plays guitar and piano and won Terry’s heart with song. Terry grew up in the Methodist Church and Eric in the First Christian Church, the denomination in which his father was a lay minister for 15 years. --Eric Hazell Mary Fields and her children Tim and Caroline. Mary is the sister of Sue Buchele. Tim is a student at the Ninth Grade Center and Caroline goes to Forbes Middle School. The family joined Wellspring in a ceremony that included baptism and confirmation. Mary was raised in New England but finally had enough of Boston’s cold winters and was happy to move to a mild climate near her sister and Steve. Mary now works part-time for a local doctor and volunteers in the school library. --Mary Purdy

Children's and Youth Ministries Pre-K Graduation on Wednesday, May 20th

Our year at A Child’s Place has come to an end. Reflecting back upon the school year, I am amazed and humbled by the uniqueness of every child. They are truly a gift for us. -- Ms. Dorothy Light Congratulations to all our Confirmands who received Confirmation on Sunday, May 17th .

Staci Renea Brooks-7th grade, Benold Middle School. Daughter of Brenda Brooks & the late Forrest Brooks. Anna Camille Buchele-8th grade, Forbes Elementary. Daughter of Steve & Suzanne Buchele Taylor Marie Reed Campbell-9th grade, Georgetown 9th Grade Campus. Daughter of Sam Campbell & Lisa Reed Campbell Marshall Davis-6th Grade, Florence Middle School. Son of Gary & Laura Davis Caroline Jeanne Fields-6th grade, Forbes Middle School. Timothy Fox Fields- 9th grade, Georgetown 9th Grade Campus. Daughter and son of JT Fields & Mary Fox Fields Ryan Neumann Queen-9th grade, Georgetown 9th Grade Campus. Son of Stacey & Barbara Queen Zachary Hunter Sutton -7th grade, Benold Middle School. Son of Steve & Ginny Sutton Nathan Keneda Wyman-6th grade, Benold Middle School. Son of Cathy & Stephen Wyman

Congratulations to our Graduates

Rose Queen was born April 30, 1991. Rose loves to work with kids, read about history, shop & hang out with friends. Rose has been active in Wellspring with activities such as leading the Reflections dance troupe, going on mission trips and helping out with VBS. She has also participated in conference programs and is the co-chair for the CTCYM mission trip this year. After graduation, Rose will be attending Schriener University in Kerrville, TX. Her goal is to major in education for early children through 6th grade. Wesley “Fox” Buchele is a graduate of Lincoln Community School, Accra, Ghana where he was Student Body President. He is the firstborn of Steve and Suzanne Buchele, and older brother to Grace and Anna. Called “Wesley” before his family moved to Ghana, he chose to use his middle name (Fox). Fox was born while his family lived in Austin, but has also gone to schools in Austin, Temple, and Salado, and Ghana. He has played sports such as football, soccer, basketball and volleyball. Fox has attended Glen Lake Summer Camp since 3rd grade, has been on several CTCYM Mission Trips, helped with Vacation Bible School, worked with Habitat for Humanity, and volunteered in served in Orphanages. Currently, Fox works at Southwestern University in the ITS department, and plans to attend Southwestern in the fall.


Celebration of the Arts

UMW Summer Social United Methodist Women will celebrate the summer with a potluck luncheon at 12:00 noon , July 19, 2009, in the Munch & Mingle area. There will be no business meeting so just bring your favorite dish to share. We are still collecting items for the Rainbow Room. Please bring diapers, baby formula, or any child care items and put them in the blue plastic tub in the Munch & Mingle area.

United Methodist Men The 7th Annual Golf Scramble was played on Saturday, June 27. Congratulations to the winning team: Sue Davis, David French, and Bill Miller. Thanks to all who participated and endured the heat. UMM will NOT meet on Saturday July 4th.

Navigators Class June 7th - July 19th “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations”. Classes will be taught by Rev. Carol Hoke @ 10:45a.m. on Sundays in Room 205. (No class on July 5th)

George Perryman, was our featured artist for our fifth Sunday in May services. He was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and retired as a Mechanical Engineer in Houston, before moving to Sun City in 2006. He and wife Judy have been married for 46 years and have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. George has always enjoyed drawing and woodworking, but didn’t start carving until he was 50 years old. His love of carving Indians and mountain men comes from his American Indian heritage, the Creek Indians, who migrated to Tulsa, OK, from Georgia and Alabama in 1828. They owned the land and building which served as the U.S. Post Office and first carried the name Tulsa. George’s great, great, great grandfather was chief of the Seminole Nation.

Lost and Found We have collected quite a few lost and found items in the parking lot and worship center. If you have misplaced an item and have no idea where it is, please check with the church office.

STIR Sunday School Class The STIR class is on hiatus for the summer and will resume meeting in September at 10:45 AM.

“...but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give will never thirst; the water that I shall give will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

July 19-24 Please remember our youth and their adult leaders as they travel to Waxahachie, TX for this week.

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Opportunities Worship Power Point Writers Sound Board Operators Needed We have an openings for a Power Point Script Writer & Sound Board Operator for the 9:30 & 11:00 am worship services. Please send an email to Steve Buchele if you are interested at [email protected].

“Joys” We give thanks to God that Jim and Cheryl Russell recently celebrated 35 years of marriage and that on Monday, June 22, Jim completed his chemo treatments. However, let us continue to pray for healing and restoration of Jim’s health as he under goes further tests and evaluation.

It is with great joy that Wellspring welcomes back Mary Reynolds. Over the past months Mary has experienced some health issues that eventually required her to move with her daughter. But, God has restored her health and she has moved back into the Wesleyan at Estrella and once again graced the congregation with the warmth of her smile on Sunday, June 28th. We give thanks and praise to God for her healing and presence with us.

In the last Source that you received, I wrote about the changes that had taken place at the Post Office relating to Bulk Mail. In response to those changes, we created two communication tools as a means of keeping you informed about what is happening within Wellspring. These tools are the eNews and the ReSource. The eNews is an electronic newsletter which highlights upcoming events and is sent out weekly. If you have not subscribed to eNews you may do so during the worship service by filling out the attendance pad and checking off the box ”enews”, or you can email the church office at [email protected] The ReSource took what had previously been our worship bulletin and reformatted it to include information about events within the life of the church. However, we recognize that not everyone has access to computers and not everyone is in church on Sunday mornings. Therefore, in response to those who have inquired about why they are no longer receiving any information from the church, beginning this month we will publish the Source on a monthly basis. The intent is to mail it on the last Tuesday of each month. It will include information about what has happened at Wellspring as well as current articles and upcoming events. In addition to a postal mailing of the Source, it will also be available on line for those who wish to subscribe. Thank you for supporting your church and its ministries. May we continue to join our hearts, minds, and spirits together that God may use us to sow seeds and touch lives with his love. Shalom, Debra








July 2009 1 4:00 PM-Mass Set up


4:30 PM-St. Helen's Catholic Church Lenten Service (Worship Center)



10 10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)



18 5:00 PM-Children's Fellowship

Office Closed

7:00 PM-Al-Anon (Room 203) 7:00 PM-AA (Room 107)

6:00 PM-Chancel Choir (Worship Center) 7:00 PM-Singers (Munch & Mingle) 8:00 PM-Deep Water (Worship Center)

5 8:30 AM-Traditional Worship (Worship Center) 10:00 AM-Traditional & Celebration Worship Services Combined (Worship Center)

6 4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus Group



6:30 PM Trustee Meeting (Conference Room)

7:00 PM-AA (Room 107) 4:00 PM-Mass Set up

6:30 PM-Stephen Ministers (Room 203; Room 205

7:00 PM-Al-Anon (Room 203)

4:30 PM-St. Helen's Catholic Church Lenten Service (Worship Center) 6:00 PM-Chancel Choir (Worship Center)

11:00 AM-Barbeque lunch and pie baking contest.

7:00 PM-Wednesday Night Bible Study: A Lenten Study - The Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (Room 203)

6:00 PM-Crossflow (Room 109)

9:30 AM-Traditional Worship (Worship Center)

7:00 PM-Leadership Council (Worship Center)

7:00 PM-Singers (Munch & Mingle)

5:30 PM-Youth Snack Supper (Munch & Mingle)

12 8:30 AM-Traditional Worship (Worship Center)


1:30 PM-Sun City Bible Study

8:00 PM-Deep Water (Worship Center) 13




9:00—11:30AM VBS

9:00—11:30AM VBS

9:00—11:30AM VBS

9:00—11:30AM VBS

9:00—11:30AM VBS

4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus Group

3:30 PM-Women's Reunion Group (Chapel (204))

6:00 PM-Chancel Choir (Worship Center)

7:00 PM-Al-Anon (Room 203)

10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)

6:00 PM-Finance Team (Conference Room)

8:00 PM-Deep Water (Worship Center)

10:45 AM-Navigator’s Class

7:00 PM-Singers (Munch & Mingle)

5:00 PM-Mamas & Papas (Munch & Mingle)

7:00 PM-AA (Room 107)

11:00 AM-Celebration! Worship (Worship Center) 5:30 PM-Youth Snack Supper (Munch & Mingle) 6:00 PM-Crossflow (Room 109) 19 8:30 AM-Traditional Worship (Worship Center) 9:30 AM-Traditional Worship (Worship Center) 11:00 AM-Celebration! Worship (Worship Center) 12:00 AM-UMW Lunch (Munch & Mingle) 5:00 PM– Georgetown Emmaus Community (Munch & Mingle) 5:30 PM-Emmaus Gathering (Worship Center) 5:30 PM-Youth Snack Supper (Munch & Mingle) 6:00 PM-Crossflow (Room 109) 26 8:30 AM-Traditional Worship (Worship Center) 9:30 AM-Traditional Worship (Worship Center) 11:00 AM-Celebration! Worship (Worship Center) 5:30 PM-Youth Snack Supper (Munch & Mingle) 6:00 PM-Crossflow (Room 109)



4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus Group

6:30 PM-Stephen Ministers (Room 203; Room 205)

22 1:30 PM-Sun City Bible Study

7:00 PM-AA (Room 107)

4:00 PM– Mass Set up

7:00 PM-Al-Anon (Room 203)


24 10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)


31 10:00 AM"Close Friends" (Munch & Mingle)

4:30 PM-St. Helen's Catholic Church Lenten Service (Worship Center) 6:00 PM-Chancel Choir (Worship Center) 7:00 PM-Singers (Munch & Mingle) 8:00 PM-Deep Water (Worship Center)

27 10:00 AM-Faith Circle 4:00 PM-Women’s Emmaus Group


28 4:00 PM– Mass Set up

7:00 PM-AA (Room 107)

4:30 PM-St. Helen's Catholic Church Lenten Service (Worship Center)

7:00 PM-Al-Anon (Room 203)

6:00 PM-Chancel Choir (Worship Center) 7:00 PM-Singers (Munch & Mingle) 8:00 PM-Deep Water (Worship Center


On May 30th, Wellspring UMC helped with “One Great Day of Service”. Our volunteers were outstanding and worked diligently painting, roofing, hammering and making sure our helpers had refreshments and lunch.. Each person had their own special talent. What a great turn out!

Intercessory Prayer List Those known in our membership: Buzzi and Pat Ball, Harold Byram, Katherine Council, Sylvia & Carroll Gregory, Gerri Cook, Pat Herff, Deborah McCartney, McLaurin Family, Jim Russell, Carol Jean Smith, Harold Steadman, Loring White, Louis Williams, Nancy Woods. Members in care or homebound: Lola Atkins, Kathy Burrier, Anna Fitzpatrick, Glenna & Earle Hamley. Those serving in the military: Justin Blakely, Ben Cook, David Corley, Travis Cox, Glen Cummins, Adron Elders, Patricia Figures, Jeffrey Gipson, Don Hammett, Michael Harris, Jeffrey Hartman, Steven Kahn, Ron McLaurin, Matthew Miller, Robert Newman, Jeff Parr, David Pekar, Jr., Jeff Risher, Wes Stobaugh, Curt and Scott Taylor, Heath Vanderlinden, Larry Swafford, II. Relatives of Members: Bill & Ken, Eric & Doris Hartman, Pamela Wallace Jett, James Macklin, Carolyn Maddux, Linda Maxcy, Cheryl Reece, Steven Shove, Todd Thomsen, Jim Wilkins, Florence McCartney, Nancy Hutchins Also for: Terry Lockamy, Mary Ghormley, Tom & Baerbara Madden, Ron Spates, our enemies, the jobless and homebound, homeless, ill, expectant mothers, those in ministry, in nursing homes, VBS, our Sunday School, Volunteers, our youth, youth vision team, our staff, our children, our members, those traveling, the unchurched and for the needs of us all.

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