The Rock - Foundation Academy -march 2009

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Calendar of Events

Free VPK Program!

March 2009

Enrolling Now!

(904) 493-7300

SACS CASI Accreditation


March 2009 NIPSA Accreditation

March 2nd, 3rd Portfolio Due

Art-Centered Education

March 16th - 19th Tech for Elementary Musical

Montessori Inspired Curriculum

March 19th @ 7:00pm Elementary Musical

Quality Trained Teachers Register Online at:

March 20th Spanish Festival

March 20th 3rd Term ends

¡Bienvenido a Nuestro Festival Español 2009!

Register now for the 2009-2010 school year. Registration fee is $100.00

How I enjoyed the Middle School program. I am proud of our students and their willingness to try anything.

March 27th - April 5th Spring Break March 30th Home School Day # 8

Welcome to our 2009 Spanish Festival! Each year The Foundation Academy celebrates the grand and diverse cultures of the Spanish world. The students choose a country to research and present on the day of the festival. They celebrate their countries by creating expositions of Latin foods, dances, cultural artifacts, indigenous clothing and customs. This year we have chosen to include our essential question; “Why change?” Focusing on global Spanish influence our question became: How has your country effected ‘change’ in the world? This can range from authors, artists, inventions, political ideas, artifacts, food, and more. This year our students will be playing Spanish music on guitars and drums, they will be dancing, doing skits, and several students will be representing famous and influential people from throughout Latin America. It is even rumored that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel from Spain will be making an appearance. Plenty of authentic Spanish food and Latin flavors from every country will be served to all explorers. The Foundation Academy proudly presents our 2009 Spanish Festival on Friday, 20 March from 10:00 to 12:30. All parents and families are invited to join us on an international journey through this year’s Latin Festival and to share in this very special experience that our students create.

APRIL 2009 April 6th Return to School April 9th Student Led Conference # 3 April 10th School Closed (Good Friday) April 13th School Closed (Easter) April 19th H.E.R.O.E.S. Fund Raiser April 20th - 24th Senior Portfolios Presented April 24th Grad Night

$50.00 Registration Fee $700.00 $350.00 Half Credit 9:00am - 3:00pm Register Online at: www.

3675 San Pablo Road S. , Jacksonville FL 32224 Phone: (904) 493-7300

Fax: (904) 821-1247

Elementary Musical Thursday, March 19th, 7:00PM.  

Get there early to reserve your seat!

Student Exhibitions Find all of your TFA photos at:

Summer School

The elementary musical is just around the corner, March 19th! We have decided to do only one performance of the show, so be sure to get there early for a good seat! The theme for this year's musical is songs from around the world. The students have been working very hard on songs and dances for the show, even learning different languages! I know you will love seeing your students on stage, so mark your calendar now!

I hope you are registering your children for next year. We are interviewing an average of five families a week who are applying for the 2009-2010 school year. We are not planning on adding any more classes for the next school year so please register now so you will have a place with us. March is a time for new blooms, fresh grass, and great entertainment. The elementary musical is fast approaching. Be sure it is on your calendar. Be sure you will also be at our amazing all inclusive Spring Concert. The seniors presented their projects. I wish you all could have been there. Growth and maturity was evident. The students all did meaningful community work. Their service was based on research that gave evidence for meeting community needs. Congratulations seniors. It was great seeing you at our student led conference. I know you were pleased to see samples of school wide exhibitions. I am sure you are as proud as I am about the work your children are doing.

Students of the 5th and 6th Grade class at The Foundation Academy presented their exhibition project on the Aztecs, Incas and Mayas of Central and South America. The presentation included a research project with visual and written representations of the indigenous cultures. For more information please call 904-241-3515 or visit

"Come let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song." Psalms 95:1-2

Web: 3675 San Pablo Road S., 1 Jacksonville, FL 32224


Phone: (904) 493-7300

Fax: (904) 821-1247


Project Listen On February 19th, Project Listen brought Charlotte Mabry, professor of percussion at UNF, and her students to TFA for a performance. What a treat! Charlotte and her team performed pieces with snare drums, toms, tambourines, and even 5 gallon buckets! It was great to hear our black box full of percussive sound, and our students learned a lot about what percussion actually is. We heard many different instruments used to tell a story with sound, from a woodblock, to sleigh bells!

Students of The Foundation Academy hold the Freedom Award for Voter Registration presented to The Foundation Academy for the 2008-2009 school year. The award recognizes the school with the highest voter registration in relation to school population. For more information on The Foundation Academy, please call 904-241-3515 or visit 

Besides the gross looking stuff…. Foundation Nation: Join In On The Blog Excitement With the ever changing world of technology that we witness as students, teachers and parents, we must realize that the internet has become a portal where everyone can go to get information, comment on topics that interest them, and even network with people that are interested in the same things that we are. Statistics prove that 79% of Americans are getting online everyday. Even more interesting than that, is that 75% of those users are watching streaming videos while they're online. This is a fascinating number, and one that we have to grab by the horns. We want our friends, family, and neighbors to know more about The Foundation Academy, and the positive results that being a part of the Foundation Academy can have on students and parents. So we're on a mission to really expose what TFA is all about with the use of our blog! It's relatively new, only being up for a couple of months, but with its main structure in place, it's time to really start hammering away at it and filling it up with great content for the whole world to see. Tracy Caywood, our new Blog Chief, will be talking to students, teachers, and staff at The Foundation Academy, as well as recording quick video clips to add to the blog. These videos are sure to draw attention to the exciting events, activities, and creative ways of learning that take place right here at The Foundation Academy. Be sure to check out the blog at . Participate in the Foundation Nation by leaving comments, offering suggestions, and being ready for the camera when Ms. Tracy heads your way.

What is the purpose of life? What a great question: What is the purpose of life? What are we here for? What has God planned for our lives? Do you have the answer? Have you ever thought about the big picture? Do you care? Anyone can look in any spiritual, religious or “new age” book and come up with a plethora of answers according to beliefs of the author or religion they represent. But what is it that YOU think? Not what your parents think, not what your friends think, not what the MTV thinks, not what the government thinks, not what your girlfriend or boyfriend thinks. But what do YOU think. This planet is full of hatred, prejudice, wars, corruption, greed, and racism. What is the point? To answer this question I would look to Jesus for my answers. In the Bible, what is the gospel of Jesus? Jesus told and showed his followers many things in his ministry. The basic message is to love each other and to love God. This is the task given to us by our master and by doing this we will to make the people of the world more Christ-like, and help them to manifest God’s kingdom on earth. “ Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” We must start here and “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness…” -Mr. Cris


Before the actual dissection of the minks, Mrs. Clifford’s students studied several centers. In one center, students predicted what they thought they would learn during the dissection. In center two, students learned about the physical traits and adaptations of the species. In the next center, students compared and contrasted the mink anatomy to that of humans. In the final center, students studied the vocabulary involved. For more preparation, the students viewed a virtual dissection on-line. After the dissection, students reflected on what they did learn and then wrote a review of the process. Here are some examples. Absolutely, I would give this a thumbs up. Dissection is always a smelly yet wonderful experience. But besides all the gross looking body parts, the dissection was a fun experience. I think it helped a lot doing the centers and then the dissection because I could identify things. Highly educational and informative. All in all a good time. Thumbs up. I think this whole mink dissection was great. I had a lot of fun doing it. Also at the same time I was grossed out. At first, I didn’t want to touch it, but then I saw other students enjoying it. I got brave and started dissecting.


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