The Rock - Foundation Academy - Jan 2009

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Calendar of Events

High School Exhibitions

January 2009

MASC / HILI 5-8 January 20th

MASC / HILI 1-4 January 27th January 2nd Home School Day # 6

(904) 241-3515 SACS CASI Accreditation


January 2009 NIPSA Accreditation

January 5th Return To School

Elementary and Middle School Exhibitions

January 26th Middle School Exhibitions

January 26th

January 16th End of 2nd Term

Student Led Conference

January 19th Home School Day # 7

January 29th

January 20th - 27th High School Exhibitions

Once again our students rise to the top! Every time they take the stage we realize how truly amazing they are. Thank you parents for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the Middle School Production on February 12th, the Elementary Musical in March and the Spring Musical in May. For more information on these programs please visit our website ( or call the school office at 904-241-3515.

January 22nd Grades Due

Art Exhibition

January 29th 2nd Student Led Conference

January 20th 2009

This is our school’s essential question this year.

January 30th Yearbook Pages Due

The class is studying the history of pottery and ceramics. Each artist has chosen a time period and an art form from that time. We will be creating replicas and inspired pieces to create a ceramic time line of pottery through the ages. showing CHANGE through time in art. We then will create a installation in the "Art hallway" representing Modern Art of Today. emele

It is a difficult task to change. Is there anything you feel you should change?

February 12th - 13th Middle School Production February 16th Home School Day # 8

Digital Imaging---it's everywhere! Images from cameras, phones, computers, U-Tube, websites & tv surround us. At TFA we have a class that specializes in using our creative talents to capture interesting images with cameras, as well as learning to improve, change or add to those images using Photoshop Elements. There's just no limit to what can be done with the computer software these days. Recently we worked on creating a concept image as well as creating visual illusions. These were composed in the camera. There's an example below. Interested in joining the class? It's fifth period Monday & Tuesday.

February 17th - 20th Senior Projects Presented

What will you lose? How can you change? I struggle always with these questions. I usually try the typical things. Personal effort and manipulation of my circumstances.

3675 San Pablo Road S. , Jacksonville FL 32224 Fax: (904) 821-1247

What will you gain?

Find all of you TFA photos at:

----Pam Casey

Phone: (904) 241-3515

A new year reminds us that change can happen.

February 2009

Digital Illusion

Why Change?

Finally I go to the Lord in Prayer. “Then he said to me, “This is what the Lord says:…

Registration Begins Now

It is not by force nor by strength, but by My Spirit,

For 2009-2010

says the Lord Almighty.”

Register now for the 2009-2010 school year. Special sign up planned during the Student Led Conferences January 29th. Registration fee is $100.00. Save $25 per student if you register during January-February.

Zechariah 4:6 Happy New Year

Web: 3675 San Pablo Road S., 1 Jacksonville, FL 32224


Phone: (904) 241-3515

Fax: (904) 821-1247


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Whenever you login to Edline, click on your child’s name in the yellow Shortcuts box. You will then see shortcuts to his or her classes, activities, calendar and reports. Be sure to click the Help button and read or print the ‘Student/Parent Quick-Start Guide’ to take advantage of Edline features 2

Christmas Around The World In December, the elementary department focused on Christmas around the world. We played spin the dreidel, broke Christmas crackers, learned 10 different ways to say “Santa Claus”, and made Mexican hot chocolate and English cranberry scones. We are excited to continue our travels around the world in January when we focus on the Chinese New Year! Look out for a collection of our multicultural recipes this spring! Miss Mandi

World Environment at Green Market Ms. Rachel and World Environment students Ayanna Faison, Tiffany Jordan, and Brandon Siebert opened their booth at the Neptune Beach Green Market for the first time on Saturday, January 3, 2009! Produce, from their enchanting organic garden on the TFA campus, was artfully displayed on a picnic table with greens, lettuce, tomatoes, marigolds, lemon grass, and assorted herbs filling wicker baskets. The weather was perfect so the crowd of shoppers lingered to chat with the students to learn about their unique school. If you are looking for a place to stroll on a Saturday afternoon, treat yourself to a visit to Jarboe Park from 2:00-5:00 and take home something for supper from TFA’s own garden. ---KLSH

Asian Exhibition from HILI/MASC 1-4 This year, the year of the Essential question “Why Change?”, ninth and tenth grade students have been studying Asia, a region of ancient tradition and ultra modernity. The study began with China, looking back from the Beijing Summer Olympics to China’s thousands of years of dynastic rule, then to the twentieth century under Chairman Mao and his government’s impact on Tibet and the 14th Dalai Lama. From this base in China, students, in teams, began to choose a specific Asian country to research. In HILI, the teams explored the cultural history, including political and economic practices, as well as religious and artistic traditions. In MASC, they studied the biomes of their country, as well as more in depth economic principles. Throughout the study, all kept in mind what has changed, what has remained traditional, and how the natural environment has affected and been affected by human habitation. Students spent the last week before Christmas break teaching their classmates about their team’s country. The team studying Burma (Myanmar), for example, showed a video portraying the military repression of the largely Buddhist population, as has occurred for decades in both Burma and Tibet. Now the teams will create dioramas depicting the geography, weather, plant and animal life, and aspects of human life specific to that region. Creating these replicas should assist in deeper recognition that the natural world is the human world; there is one world which human life partly shapes--and is shaped by, as well. The study of Asia is particularly suited to discerning how this transformative shaping can be viewed as cyclical, the wheel of life, and as linear, marked by eruptive events. “Why Change?” becomes “what change do I want to see?” and “how change?” The quintessential Asian, Gandhi, suggests a starting point, whether linear or cyclical: “I must be the change I want to see.” ---KLSH 3

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