The Millenium, January 2009

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The New

Millennium January 2009

The Newsletter of New Life United Methodist

On The Inside:

2009: The Year of You

Leadership Training Day Focus on Sunday School Women’s Meeting Music Notes from Mary Ellen Congregational Care Job Network 14 Cubits by 20 Cubits Thank You Daily Devotions Youth Stuff Older Adult Ministires Congregational Care

The New Year is often when people think about new beginnings. We make commitments to better health, less spending, more family time, fewer bad habits, greater efficiency, and other lofty aspirations. Some have defeatedly confessed “I don’t do New Year’s resolutions because I never keep them.” Frankly, I admire those who set out to make plans for improvements even if they don’t “make it all the way.” There’s some truth to the statement that “it is better to try and fail than never to try at all.”

Church Office Hours:

The Chinese have had names for their years for a long time. For the Chinese, 2009 will be the year of the Ox. From what I gather it has been used to forecast what the new year will be like. So, my to challenge you and our church is to a new commitment, a new attitude, a new philosophy or a new way of doing life for the New Year. What if we lived 2009 as “The Year of You”?

Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. Church Staff checks phone messages throughout the day. Pastor Maxwell is available for appointments days and evenings and is glad to schedule at convenient times.

Worship Opportunities:

However, more than conventional wisdom, I’m learning to buy into grace. Grace says that there is always opportunity to start over, begin afresh. The verse that keeps running through my head is 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”For Christians, new beginnings are available, not just at the turn of a new year, but every day and even every moment.

“The Year of You” is not about you, but about others. If the year were about us, then it would be called “The Year of Me” and might not be much different than past years. However, if we thought about God and others each time we came to a decision about what to say, what to do, where to go, how to act or react it would be absolutely amazing!

Christian Education (all ages): Sundays 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30a.m. and 11:00a.m. Praise & Worship Service: 6:30p.m. on 3rd Sunday

Worship wouldn’t be about what I want, but about what I can give to God, or who I could invite. Caring wouldn’t be about getting my needs met, but how I might minister to “you.” Money wouldn’t be about what I can get, but what I can give to “you.” When people ask, “What do you want to do this weekend?” You could respond, “It’s not my year; it’s the year of you!” I can only imagine how people would respond! You may have to pick them up off the ground!

Family Night Dinner

So, let’s offer friendly reminders to each other through the year that it is “The Year of You.” Then, instead of fizzling out after a month or so, we’ll arrive at Christmas next year in a completely different frame of mind! I look forward to “The Year of You”. After all, it’s your year… or is it?

January 18, 5:30p.m. Praise & Worship Service to follow at 6:30p.m.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4) Pastor Mike

January 2009

The New Millennium


Leadership Training Day For Everyone on a Ministry Team Saturday, January 17 8:30am – 11:30am This event is for church leaders to be inspired, vision and plan what God has in store for New Life UMC in 2009. If you are a part of Council, SPRC, Finance, Trustees, Building, Good Samaritan, Worship, Evangelism, Mission, Family Ministries, or Congregational Care Teams you are encouraged to come with your ideas, enthusiasm and passion! If you have questions, contact Kurt Cooper (378-3293) or Pastor Mike (794-4522).


The Middle School Sunday School class is revamped! The Middle School Sunday School class is revamped! David Pastore, Darleen Stigall, and Cary Adkins will be the teachers, rotating throughout the year. David Pastore and Cary Adkins have been active in our youth program at New Life for some time. Darleen Stigall has been attending New Life and the Proactive Parents class for a while and has a strong knowledge of the Bible. She is currently a 7th grade Science teacher at Swift Creek Middle. Jimy Edwards is stepping down, but not totally out, of the middle school Sunday School room. For some time now, he has felt God’s calling to start an older adult Sunday School/Small Group. He will be in the Middle School class on occasions for special projects or as a substitute; he feels it’s a great joy to stay connected with the youth! If you’re in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, you’re invited to come to the Middle School Sunday school class that meets in the room next to the pastor’s study on Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:45. For more info, contact Cindy Butler (379-3578) or David Pastore (423-6476).

January 2009

The New Millennium


Women’s Meeting We had a very productive meeting last September and it’s time to meet again to plan for the Spring. Let’s gather at Piano Café on Monday, January 5th, at 7:00. If you need babysitting, please contact Cindy Butler (379-3578, [email protected]) for more information. Please pray that we hear God’s direction concerning mission work, Bible studies, a Spring retreat, and fun get-togethers. MUSIC NOTES from Mary Ellen “One Incredible Moment” presented by the Adult Choir, friends and a cast of characters gave us moments of deep worship in praise of God becoming man in the birth and life of Jesus, the Christ. God blesses us in many ways and music and visuals certainly are ways He touches our souls. Thank you to all who participated, worked behind the scenes and gave so much time and energy to making these exceptional times of worship so special! We are all being blessed this Holy Season! My thanks to all for the many cards, gifts and kindnesses to Fred and me during Advent and Christmas. May God richly bless you and yours in this new year of 2009! Mary Ellen

Congregational Care Job Network Do you know of employment opportunities within your company or elsewhere that you can share with Congregational Care, for those in our church family that may be in need of work? In our congregation, we have the following needs:

Help Wanted

Seeking Employment

Caregiver for an 8-year-old

Underwriter for

With Down Syndrome

Property & Casualty lines/Marketing

Flexible hours

and Agency Management. Please contact Anne Pierce @ 804-379-5733.

January 2009

The New Millennium


New Life Weekday Preschool Jams in January New Life Preschool is excited about our January activities. We have Rosie the Clown coming for a visit with winter stories and balloon characters. We also have our second annual “Hero Night”. The preschool students will bring their fathers to school one evening for popcorn and activities… sorry but no moms! Believe it or not, January is also registration time for the Fall 2009 school year. All currently enrolled students and New Life church members will have the opportunity to enroll their children beginning January 20, 2008. Registration is based on a first come first served basis. The community will have the opportunity to register the following week. For more information about New Life Preschool, please contact Tracy Cooper, Director at 794-4522 (Monday-Thursday between 9am-1:30pm)

14 CUBITS by 20 CUBITS Cultivating the “seed idea” for a New Life Garden a garden for all. This is a garden which will provide nourishment for the body and the soul. Now is the time of planning. Perhaps the produce from this garden will feed 100 or the beauty of this garden will refresh a weary soul……God has a plan. A site (approximately 20’ x 30’ ) has been selected: just beyond the picnic tables. Water can be provided by the existing wells on the Church property. God is providing the sun, the earth and the water. Who will design this garden? Who will plant this garden? Is God calling you? He has already called me and I would like to work with you….Please call me if you are ready to till, plant, harvest, dream…. Just call Barbara Roe, a gardener in training, at 794-0226.

January 2009

The New Millennium


THANKS!!! -- for all help from everyone who assisted with the many special aspects of worship during Advent and Christmas. From the Hanging of the Greens, to Lightings of the Advent Wreath, the Christmas Cantata, Children’s Pageant, Caroling, Hand Bells and our three Christmas Eve Services we enjoyed them all and more. Blessings were abundant as our Community of Faith came to worship and praise the birth of our Lord and Savior.

Congregational Care 2nd Annual Thanksgiving with Friends was great fellowship and a wonderful meal at Cracker Barrel, enjoyed by all! Thank you to Lyn Jorgenson for the beautiful quilt displayed in the Sunday School hallway! It's a wonderful way to display the lessons we learned about the Shema, Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Thank you for your support of the Silver Bells Project. Because of your generosity, we provided gifts for 40 seniors and special needs individuals in our area nursing homes who may not otherwise have received any Christmas gifts. The Salvation Army was delighted to receive so many Silver Bells gifts at one time. I anticipate continuing this project next year and I hope I can count on your support. Thank you again. Patrick Brown

Dear New Life Family Thank you for your visits, calls, prayers, flowers and cards during our recent illness. We hope we are both on the road to recovery at last. In Christ Name, Hugh White and Family

DAILY DEVOTIONS THE UPPER ROOM – If you made a New Year’s resolution to be more intentional in your devotional life, please take the opportunity to pick up the new issue of “The Upper Room” for Jan/Feb. This is a great and convenient daily devotional guide complete with Scripture Reading, Meditation, Prayer and Thought for the Day. It is available in the Gathering Area on the table next to the church office. Get your copy soon and you are on your way to an enriched Devotional Time each day.

January 2009

The New Millennium


WHAT IS G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. ALL ABOUT? G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. is New Life UMC’S Youth Group. We meet on Sundays: *To be involved in MISSIONS *Learn through DISCIPLESHIP programs *Experience WORSHIP Youth-Style & *To FELLOWSHIP through fun activities

G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. Stands for: Grounded in the Redeeming love of Christ, we Aspire to make the Voice of God heard and Inspire others to learn about him Through our Youth. I Challenge you in the New Year to check us out! You have heard it said, “The youth are our future!”. Well, I beg to differ…..New Life Youth can make a difference NOW, in the Present! Come be a part of something that is making a difference in the lives of youth as well as in the lives of our community! Check us out…..and get grounded in G.R.A.V.I.T.Y.

What Has The Youth Group Been Up To? Marshall Pastore enjoys time “in the boat” to prayerfully reflect on his Christian Journey. Katrina Edmunds soaks up the music and asks God into her presence. Emily Sybert Journals her prayers to God. Blake Fleck pauses to reflect on what he needs to confess to God and then wash away. This prayer time was a Youth Group Worship Experience on Sunday, November 16th. The youth got to take time to be still and quiet and experience God. They got to go to prayer stations such as music, creative expression, meditation, journaling, reflection, confession, and stories/ poems and experience prayer in different forms. What a neat way to stand in the presence of God.

January 2009

The New Millennium


Rake & Run….well, maybe not so much Running? The youth participated in a mission project called, “Rake & Run” on Sunday, November 2nd. We got to rake leaves at the home of Hugh and Aline White, members of New Life UMC. Thank you to the White’s for graciously allowing the youth to come to their home to rake leaves. Thank you also to the youth who participated in our Mission Project. Fun was had by all as we had rake races and fellowshipped with one another as we were mission for His Kingdom!

Who says that you can’t have fun at the Beach in December?

Chris Edmunds found a starfish.

Youth just hanging out. Ranger Rod, Erica and Melanie scouting out the lighthouse gift shop.

January 2009

The New Millennium


“Youth Group Beach Trip Family Photo” Eleven Youth (Kelsea, Marshall and Erica Pastore, Austin and Emily Sybert, Melanie Gainsforth and Melanie Cooper, Chris Edmunds, Jacob Townsend, Matt Heinz, and Travis Goetz) and 5 Adults (David and Sharon Pastore, Mary Lou Sybert, Rod Gainsforth, and Lori Epps) ventured to Hatteras Island on the weekend of December 5,6,7th. We played group building games, participated in small group sessions, listened to youth and adults share about Significant People and Significant Events in their lives, created posters and “Inside-Out Me” boxes, walked on the beach (and some swam in the ocean), journeyed to the Hatteras Lighthouse, ate,ate,and ate some more awesome food prepared by Sharon and MaryLou, slept and played in an awesome beach house donated to us by the Gainsforth Family, and experienced the presence of God all weekend long!! Thank you God, for binding us together as a closer family in Christ!!

2009 January Youth Schedule January 4th:

Potluck Family Dinner & Game Night

4:30-6:30 p.m. New Life UMC

Come one, Come all to our Potluck Family Dinner & Game Night. We will run around playing games, and hopefully run off some of our holiday treats that we have indulged in during Christmas & New Years. We will be discussing the January – June 2009 Youth Schedule, signing up to help at youth events & be on focus groups, and discussing our 2009 Summer Mission Project. Please bring a main dish & side dish (enough to feed your family & some to share). The youth group will provide paper products, drinks, and dessert. January 11th:

Discipleship Program Visioning the Future….Where is God leading us?

4:30-6:00 p.m. New Life UMC

Won’t you Come & Be Apart of the Journey as we look to the future of New Life Youth…..Pray, Vision, Reflect, Implement! Let’s take a look at where we want to be & who we want to be known as? God is calling….Will we follow? January 18th:

Fellowship Night “Drive-thru” Scavenger Hunt

3:00-5:00 p.m.

Meet at New Life UMC & travel back 2 NLUMC

What do you get when you mix clues hidden through-out Midlothian with vehicles of youth scrambling to figure out where to go next? Well…..a “Drive-through” Scavenger Hunt. This will be a night of excitement, adventure, and intrigue. We will divide into Car Teams at New Life and hit the road for our Drive-thru adventure. January 25th:

Worship Night Listening to God’s Voice through Prayer

4:30-5:30 p.m. New Life UMC

Come & experience God in a new and fresh way. We will worship youth-style as the Youth Praise Band leads us & we will hear a testimony from our “Surprise” Guest of Honor. You will leave blessed, uplifted, and ready to begin a new week in the world! For More Information on New Life’s Youth Program, please contact Lori Epps, Director of Youth Ministries at 794-4522, 897-4537, or 239-8318 or [email protected].

January 2009

The New Millennium


New Life Older Adult Ministries Council Be ready for fun and excitement! We are not retired but re-treaded!! Older Adult Ministries (OAM) Bible Study Workshop Our Bible Workshop will be meeting on the 2nd Thursday of January, 8th, at 10:30AM. We are continuing our study of Revelation through a DVD presentation, discussion, and free workbook. This study takes the (sometimes perceived) mystery and apprehension out of this Book of the Bible. Please bring your Bible and join us for an interesting time of learning. There also will be a class on January 22nd, the 4th Thursday. After the Bible Study Workshop on January 8th, we will have a lunch, fellowship and a program brought to us by Monica Hughes, of The Lifelong Learning Institute. The Lifelong Learning Institute is located in Midlothian. They have programs to help Boomers, and Seniors grow physically, mentally and socially. Even old Dogs can learn new tricks. This all begins at 11:30 am. Come and enjoy our surprise lunch menu. If you can join us please call Olive Jane and Frank Stiller 897-0678 so we will have an approximate number for which to prepare. Alzheimer’s Support Group Every 2nd Wednesday at 10:00AM the Alzheimer’s Association has our monthly Support Group Meeting at the church. Much is to be learned when this disease affects a loved-one. Come and learn along with the rest of us who find ourselves in this situation. This month’s meeting will be on January 14. Also, go to the web site to sign up for the local newsletter. Lunch Bunch Our group will be gathering for lunch on Sunday, January 11th, at Home Team Sports Grill in Powhatan. This has always been a well attended lunch spot, so let’s round up the team and have some fellowship and fun in January. The Home Team Grill is located at number 1795 across from the Food Lion in the One South Creek Mall on route 60. Please make your reservation with Olive Jane at 897-0678 or by email to MSANODIZE . See you there. OAM Advisory Board Let’s start our year off with fun and excitement We are not retired but re-treaded!!I Don and Brenda Bray Ed and Margaret Higham Bob and Linda McCann Bob Roe Frank and Olive Jane Stiller Bill and Nancy Swann

We are getting together to plan some day trips, overnighters, and programs for our group this year. If you have any ideas we would like to hear from you—or stay tuned, you will hear from us. These folks will be listening to the heartbeat of our congregation and looking to how our adults and our church can best serve each other.

New Life United Methodist Church

900 Old Hundred Road Midlothian, Virginia 23114 Office: 804-794-4522 [email protected] Rev. Mike Maxwell: [email protected]

Congregational Care Do you know of someone in our church community who is in need of care, please contact our church office or Robin Ann Gauthier @ 804-350-9045. Do you have a prayer concern/request you want to share with your church family? 1. Visit and click on Eprayer to submit your prayer request. If submitting via computer is not for you, please call Robin Ann @ 804-350-9045. 2. On Sundays, at worship service, your prayer request may be placed in the offertory plate for the prayer team and/or church family.

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