April, 2009 Newsletter

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The New

Millennium April 2009

On The Inside:

The Newsletter of New Life United Methodist Church

Lenten and Easter Services Easter Lilies/Flowering the Cross Easter Eggstravaganza Palm Sunday Worship Flowers VBS Preschool Capital Campaign May Day Children’s Program Teacher Assistants Needed Nursery Helpers Women’s Lunch Bunch Women’s Bible Study Women’s Retreat Vacation Bible Study We Are Planting Music Notes Preschool Congregational Care Finance Committee Report Library Thank You Youth Stuff Older Adult Ministires Going Green

Church Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. Church Staff checks phone messages throughout the day. Pastor Maxwell is available for appointments days and evenings and is glad to schedule at convenient times.

Worship Opportunities:

Christian Education (all ages): Sundays 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30a.m. and 11:00a.m. Praise & Worship Service: 6:30p.m. on 3rd Sunday

Easter Soup It’s one of those stories I remember because someone else has kept it alive for me by retelling it. I think it was the 70’s, because the outfit sure looks like it’s from then. Who knows, if I were to wear it now, it might be back in style. It seems as though each Easter we were allowed to get one new outfit to wear to church that would then become our church wear for that spring. There I was struttin’ the new threads and someone must have complimented me on the green and tan plaid suit complete with vest. My 5 year old response was, “It’s my new Easter Soup!” I haven’t been able to live it down since, but it seems to get better every time it’s told.


New clothes were a part of the early church at Easter. Sometimes those who wanted to join the church went through a three year learning/examination period. (Wow and some of you thought our 1 ½ hour Lunch with the Pastor was long!) The culmination was at Easter when the initiates were baptized into the faith. They would enter on one side of the water (sometimes unclothed), be baptized, and walk out on the other side to put on new white Easter clothes. The symbolism is clear: baptism as a sign of dying to sin and being raised to new life in Christ, clothed in white for the righteousness of Christ. “having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead.” – Colossians 2:12 This is the certain hope we have in Christ. We don’t have to wait for new life some time down the road, it is available to us now. We can start living in the power of the resurrection today! “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, that person is a new creation; the old is gone and the new has come!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 Being clothed in white is a reminder that we can live out the new life clothed by the qualities and characteristics of Christ now (Colossian 3:12-14). Yet it is also a reminder that those who are faithful to the end will be clothed in white as they are gathered around the eternal throne in heaven. continued on page 2

April 2009

The New Millennium


continued from page 1 After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” – Revelation 7:9-10 It’s amazing how a simple set of clothes can reminded us of the new life we have now and point to our hope for tomorrow – and how our hope for tomorrow can remind us of how we are clothed today. It’s not the soup (I mean clothes) that matter, but the story they remind us of that has been kept alive by the retelling – a story that doesn’t get bigger and bigger, but better and better as you and I tell it: Jesus has risen! Halleluiah!

LENTEN AND EASTER SERVICES We’re offering several opportunities to observe and celebrate our faith during the Lenten Season and Easter Sunday. Our “6 Things” small groups have been meeting weekly throughout Lent. On Palm Sunday we will celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem complete with palms and the Choir’s cantata “Then Came the Morning”. This promises to be an uplifting and inspiring service to glorify our Lord. We’ll hold a Maundy Thursday Communion Service at 7:00 PM on Thursday April 9, 2009 in the Sanctuary. Come and commemorate our Lord’s Last Supper as we celebrate Holy Communion with each other. On Easter Sunday we will celebrate our risen Lord with a Sunrise Service beginning at 7 AM at the cross in front of the church. Our regular worship services at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM will also be held as usual on Easter Sunday.

EASTER LILIES AND FLOWERING OF THE CROSS As is our tradition, we ask anyone who wishes to share in our celebration of Easter by providing Easter Lilies to adorn our sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Please purchase your lily or lilies and bring them to the church by Friday, April 10, 2009. We will have inserts in the bulletin on April 5 for you to note in memory or honor of your loved ones. Also, when you come to worship on Easter, sunrise or later, please bring cut flowers and attach them to the cross out front. As the flowers are added to the cross, it becomes a beautiful reminder of Jesus’ Resurrection and victory over sin and death.

April 2009

The New Millennium


Easter Eggstravaganza! We will recognize Jesus’ sacrifice and rejoice in His resurrection on Thursday, April 2nd, from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. This is for children in preschool through 5th grade. The children will learn about Jesus’ resurrection through stories and activities. If you have an empty 12-count egg carton please bring it along for a special craft. There will be an egg hunt, too. Extra help is always appreciated, so parents are welcomed to stay and assist with the activities if they don’t already have a Bible study to attend. AIf you have any questions, please contact Maria Maxwell at 739-8643.

Palm Sunday! The children will kick off our 11:00am worship service

on Palm Sunday by singing praises to God. Miss Lori and Miss Sarah will practice the music at 10:30am in the double Sunday School room. Then the kids will go with us to the back of the sanctuary for the 11:00am service. After singing, your children will sit with you. All children are invited to sing with us! If you have any questions, please contact Lori Epps at 897-4537.

WORSHIP FLOWERS What better way to pay tribute to a loved one or special occasion than to place flowers on the Worship Table in the Sanctuary for our Sunday Services. Choose your special date and sign up your request on the Flower Chart on the wall behind the door in the Church Office. We ask that you write a check for $30.00 on or before the Sunday you selected. Please note “Worship Flowers for (date)” on the memo line. The flowers are yours after the late service. Please feel free to take them home. If you prefer, you can request that they be taken to a nursing home or other appropriate use.

April 2009

The New Millennium


Planning and preparation of the capital campaign program has already begun! “Reaching Beyond Ourselves - Building Faith/Transforming Lives” has been developed to offer spiritual guidance to the congregation as we seek to meet the monetary needs of paying the debt we currently hold on our building, as well as support the expansion of our ministry center. First and foremost, please pray for this campaign. Prayer is the foundation on which the entire program will be built. The following topics are in need of congregational prayer and support: 1. Pray for the ministry of the program 2. Pray that the program will create an environment that will effectively motivate each member to seek God’s will for his or her life. 3. Pray for the leadership of the church who, with God’s help, will guide us spiritually through the program 4. Pray that God will show us the true meaning of sacrificial giving. 5. Pray that God will significantly use the expanded ministry center to build faith and transform lives. Two special prayer opportunities are being planned for the congregation. The first, a “prayer walk” will be held on April 19 at the church. The second, a period of “intercessory prayer”, has been scheduled for May. Please watch for additional information on these exciting opportunities! If you feel led to serve on the Steering Committee, but have not yet been contacted, please call Rhonda Cafazza, as there are additional opportunities for service available. For additional information, please plan to attend one of the informational sessions on Sunday morning April 19, after each worship service, or contact one of the members of the Steering Committee. A group Bible study is also planned for Adult Sunday School on April 19.

May Day

Family Friendly Music

Saturday May 2

Games for Children

Mega Yard Sale

Car Wash

Bake Sale

Great Food Job Networt

A community event WITH many different opportunities to get involved. Now is the time to start cleaning out the garage or attic of items to donate or sell. Spread the word to your neighbors and friends. For further information contact: Dale Scott – 314-7448 regarding food items Aura Deane – 320-4795 to donate items David Duncan – 379-4383 to reserve a spot or to contribute to the success of this event

April 2009

The New Millennium


The Children’s Programs are looking for a few good items: Stickers, large rolls of brown craft paper, construction paper, bottles of glue, balloons, glue sticks. Thank you to Joyce Smigal for the donation of over a dozen storage containers for Hannah Epps and I to organize the children’s craft supplies. If you have any of these items to donate, please put them in the donation basket in Cindy Butler’s corner office in the youth room/library. Thank you! Cindy (379-3578, [email protected])

Teacher Assistants/Shepherds are needed for the 1st-5th grade classes! What is involved with helping? • Have fun with the kids while they do their lesson • Help the teacher • Be the person the kids can count on for two months at a time. The teachers rotate, but the assistant stays the same for the two months. There are 2 shepherds needed for each two-month period – one for 1st – 2nd grades and one for 3rd-5th grade • Check out what the kids are doing • See if there are any rotations you might want to teach For more information, please see Cindy Butler, 379-3578, [email protected]

Nursery Helper Opportunities There are a few openings for volunteers to help Laura Baltz in the nursery with the babies and toddlers. Once every three months you will get to spend an hour during Sunday School or the 11:00 service playing games, coloring, and coddling babies. There is a brief training on our Safe Sanctuary Policy in the Spring that we ask you to attend. For more information, please contact Laura Baltz at 379-3319 or [email protected].

April 2009

The New Millennium


Women’s Lunch Bunch Women’s Retreat at Blackstone. The United Methodist Women of Virginia will have their Annual Spiritual Life Retreat on Saturday, May 2nd and Sunday morning, May 3rd. The theme is “Lord Change Me”, based on Romans 8:29. For more information, there are brochures on the welcome table, visit the website www.vaumw.org or contact Cindy Butler, Director of Christian Education, [email protected], 3793578. Be sure to register by the deadline on April 24th. Women’s Bible Study The women’s Thursday evening Bible study starts again on April 23rd at 7:00 – 8:30pm at church. We’re going to do another book in the Coffee Cup series, entitled “Espresso with Esther”. “Espresso with Esther” helps us consider how God has everything, including perfect timing, in His control, and how this truth can dramatically affect our outlook. The Scripture that we need to read is in the book and it has a spiral binding; it’s a study made for us busy women who are trying to find ways to take God with us in our daily journey. There will be inserts to sign up for the study, or you can see Cindy Butler (379-3578, [email protected]) for more information.

What a wonderful, Spirit-filled women’s retreat we had on February 28th! Barbara Markland is a gifted speaker who gave us an inspired Saturday morning. If you want more information about Barbara or her studies, you may visit her website at www. blessingsmailed.com. During the retreat, participants had three mission opportunities. The residents at University Park Nursing Home are very thankful for your gifts of the bookmarks; I had the exact number of bookmarks needed! The letters of encouragement have been mailed and the table props are being saved for CARITAS. Thank you to everyone who helped by bringing food, setting up, praying, leading, and putting the sanctuary back together! Barbara would like to give us 25 copies of one of her studies for our women’s Bible study time. We will be talking about how to use this wonderful gift at our fall planning meeting! Cindy Butler, [email protected], 379-3578.

April 2009

The New Millennium


Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School is a fun inspirational event for all ages! Vacation Bible Study will be June 21- 25 from 6:00 – 8:30 pm. Our theme is Camp E.D.G.E. (Experience and Discover God Everywhere). The subjects for the 5 evenings are: God is with me; I will stay close to God. God guides me; I will follow. God teaches me; I will learn. God loves me; I will love God and others. God sends me; I will go. It will be in the evening with a light dinner, a Bible skit, and classes/activities for all. If you would like to help by preparing a meal, storytelling, or assisting the teachers, please see Cindy Butler (379-3578, [email protected]). All donations of time and service will be accepted!

We are planting!

April 2009

The New Millennium


MUSIC NOTES from Mary Ellen Let’s give God the praise and glory that “Then Came the Morning” when Jesus rose victorious over sin and death and lives today. Celebrate this joyous Eastertide and enjoy the beauties of spring in the new growth, blossoms, and new life in all living things. “To God be the glory.”

Weekday Preschool Marches In To Spring April is an exciting month at New Life Preschool. With the excitement of all things new, trees budding, flowers blooming, eggs hatching, we have the wonderful opportunity to teach the children the real meaning of Easter – The Resurrection of Jesus. We will have fun during our Easter Egg Hunt and enjoy petting animals when the petting zoo comes for a visit. Our 4-year old class will get to ride a Chesterfield County School Bus to prepare for the Fall. We are always looking for volunteers to help out in the classrooms. Do you have a talent you’d like to share? Do you enjoy reading to children? Are you interested in helping the children create a craft? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, contact Tracy Cooper, Preschool Director, at 794-4522. Also, we are currently enrolling students for our 2009-2010 school year. We have a few spaces still available in our 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s classes. New Life Weekday Preschool is a ministry of New Life United Methodist Church. We are excited to begin our 8th year this Fall. The children have the opportunity to learn and play through art, science, math, reading, drama and much more. Our curriculum is faith-based and we offer chapel two times a month with Pastor Mike and Pastor Jimy, music and movement weekly with Miss Lori and so many special events. 2009-2010 Classes 2-year olds Tuesday and Thursday 3-year olds Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4-year olds Monday-Thursday

$130.00 per month $156.00 per month $208.00 per month

For more information on registration, please contact Tracy Cooper, Preschool Director at 794-4522.

April 2009

The New Millennium


Congregational Care Do you know someone in our church community in need of care, please contact our church office or Robin Ann Gauthier @ 804-350-9045.

Prayer • Do you have a prayer concern/request you want to share with your church family? Visit www.newlifeumc.org and click on Eprayer to submit your prayer request. • Have you signed up to receive email prayer requests regarding your church community? If not, and would like to be included to receive prayer requests from our church community, please follow step #1 as above and insert the message: “Please add my email address to the Eprayer list,” and we will add you to the prayer distribution list. • If submitting via computer is not for you, you may call Robin Ann @ 804-350-9045. • On Sundays, at worship service, your prayer request may be placed in the offertory plate for the prayer team and/or church family.

Shepherd Ministry Anniversary Reception

Do you know of employment opportunities within your company or elsewhere that you can share with our Job Network Team, for those who may be in need of work? If so, please contact Anne Pierce at 379-5733 or Laura Adkins at 320-8358, [email protected].

March 1st was a time for fellowship and refreshments for all, in celebration of the 1st Anniversary of our Shepherd Ministry at New Life. It was great to be together! A special thank you to Mary Lou Sybert for her donation to the Shepherd Ministry of a lovely cake for the occasion! It was beautiful, and enjoyed by all! Thank you Mary Lou!

Easter Blessings from Congregational Care, Robin Ann Gauthier, Loyce Edwards, Tracy Swineford, Midge Washburn, Anne Pierce, Pastors Jimy and Mike.

April 2009

The New Millennium


We reported in the February newsletter that the church is facing a difficult budget year in the General Fund. This is the fund that pays everything in the church except the mortgage, which is paid out of the building fund. The pledges to the General Fund account for approximately 2/3 of the operating budget. In past years, nonpledge donations account for about 15 percent of the total income. If that continues to be the pattern for this year, we will have a significant shortfall in the general fund, and will have to make some difficult decisions. Our current level of giving, through the first four weeks of March, extrapolates to annual giving of $290,000, still far short of our budget $326,000. We are very thankful for the continued generosity of our congregation in the difficult economic climate we are living in. Giving to the General Fund in January and February totaled just over $42,000, and in the first four weeks of March over $25,000 has been received. This is encouraging indeed, and would seem to indicate that many, if not most, of our church members are being faithful in following the scriptures’ teaching on giving to God through the local church. If you have any questions about the church’s finances, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with someone on the Finance Committee. The members this year are Dave Bailey, Linda Andrus, Jennifer Bennett, Paul Davis, Hank Goetz, Rob Greer, David Hicks, Mike Hurd, Sue Pass, Margaret Pence, and Dori Burger. Thank you again, and may God bless you and yours in this Easter season. Dave Bailey, Finance Committee Chair

LIBRARY Please remember you have a library in which to take out books, VCR tapes and DVD’s. There is no time limit on books just return them when you are finished. VCR tapes and DVD’s are to be returned within two weeks and must be signed in and out. Even though your library is at the end of the hall it is waiting for you to use and enjoy. God Bless, Marilyn Leander.

My Family and I want to thank all of you for your prayers and beautiful cards. You surprised us during our time of need and understanding. God bless you all! In Christ, Marilyn Leander ad Family

April 2009

The New Millennium WHAT IS G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. ALL ABOUT? G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. is New Life UMC’S Youth Group. We meet on Sundays: *To be involved in MISSIONS *Learn through DISCIPLESHIP programs *Experience WORSHIP Youth-Style & *To FELLOWSHIP through fun activities

G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. Stands for: Grounded in the Redeeming love of Christ, we Aspire to make the Voice of God heard and Inspire others to learn about him Through our Youth.

LENTEN SMALL GROUPS A HUGE SUCCESS!! The youth of New Life UMC spent the last six weeks doing the church-wide Lenten Bible Study Small Groups. The youth split up into two unique groups led by other youth. Marshall Pastore, Scott Cooper, Ellise Fleck and Melanie Gainsforth led one of the small groups with adult facilitators being Tracy and Kurt Cooper. Blake Fleck, Travis Goetz, Kelsea Pastore, and Emily Sybert led one of the small groups as well with adult facilitators being Sharon and David Pastore. The six week study focused on the sermon series, “6 Things Everybody Ought To Know About God”. Through opening “ice breakers”, reviewing daily readings from the journal, delving into the word of God through scripture and questions, and viewing the weekly video presentations, the youth were able to grasp the six lessons in unique ways. Prayer also played an important role in our six week study. Our youth and adult leaders had “sheep” that they were assigned to contact and be in prayer with and for during our study. Through reaching out and personally inviting and caring for our youth, the youth leaders were inspired and excited to see how God was working in each of our “sheep’s” lives. Thank you to all who participated in the study and all who were a part of the leadership team that made it possible. It is said in Matthew 18:20, “ Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you.” What a blessing it was to be with each of our youth, but especially to feel the Holy Spirit dwelling among us during small groups. Isn’t God Amazing!!


April 2009

The New Millennium


Prayer Opportunities for Youth Summer Mission Trip The youth of new life have a unique opportunity this coming summer. We will incorporate a hands-on, awesome youth conference that is focused on missions as part of our youth mission project this summer. DC/LA is a youth conference that is an opportunity for students to join in the adventure of learning how to live into the mission of God. It is a call to “be,” “love,” “serve”!! (please visit www.youthspecialties website for more information on DC/LA) we will also have a fun day and then proceed to our mission in the inner city of Washington D.C. area. The dates for our mission trip are Friday, July 10 – Saturday, July 18. Last year when the youth went to Mt. TOP, church members “adopted” a youth or adult and became their Prayer Partner for the months leading up to the trip and during the trip. Each of the Prayer Partners sent letters of encouragement to the mission trip participants that were handed out mid-week. These letters of love meant the world to the youth and adults on this trip. To know that we were lifted up and loved by our home church gave us hope and comfort and the ability to go out and serve others for the rest of the week. This year we would like to offer the same opportunity for you to become a Prayer Partner to one of the youth or adults who will be in mission this summer. I will have note cards with the youth and adults names on them along with their home address. This year I would like to start early and give you the opportunity to lift these people up in prayer and connect with them prior to the trip. Also, during the trip your responsibility would be to pray for your person and to lift the whole youth team up in prayer as well. Prior to the trip, you will have the opportunity to write a letter of encouragement that I will need to collect the week before we leave and then will pass out to your person during mid-week of the trip. If you feel God calling you to this awesome opportunity, please see Lori Epps ([email protected] or 794-4522) to “adopt” a mission participant. Please be in prayer for the following DC/LA Summer Youth Mission Team from New Life Church: Jeff Hobbs, Blake Fleck, Ellise Fleck, Austin Sybert, Emily Sybert, Abby McCann, Travis Goetz, Melanie Gainsforth, Scott Cooper, Melanie Cooper, Kelsea Pastore, Marshall Pastore, Erica Pastore, Jordan Swineford, Bailee Swineford, Karen Goetz, Laura Adkins, Mike Maxwell, and Lori Epps. God is going to do amazing things through those of whom He has called to service! Thank you for sharing in this unique opportunity to make a difference for others through prayer.

April 2009

The New Millennium


“2009 New Life Talent Show” Sunday, April 19th 5:00 p.m. Youth Fundraiser Dinner 6:00-8:30 p.m. Church-wide Talent Show Rules for 2009 New Life Talent Show: 1.

All acts must be family friendly


All acts must not be more than 2-3 minutes in length


Although your talents might be unlimited, we do have a 2 ½ hour time limit to this year’s show, so choose your BEST talent


You MUST sign-up by APRIL 5th

April 2009 YOUTH SCHEDULE Sunday, April 5th Sunday, April 12th Sunday, April 19th

Sunday, April 26th

Palm Sunday (beginning of Spring Break) No Youth Group Easter Sunday (end of Spring Break) No Youth Group Church-wide Talent Show 5:00 p.m. – Fundraising Dinner 6:00-8:00 p.m. – Talent Show Extravaganza Worship/Discipleship 4:30-6:00 p.m. Youth Sunday Worship Brainstorm Start laying out ideas and concepts 6:00-7:30 p.m. Youth Council Meeting (Please RSVP to Lori for meal by April 19th)

April 2009

The New Millennium


Cool Youth News!!

Did you know……

Erica Pastore made the Robious Middle School Soccer Team. Way to go Erica!! Emily Sybert volunteers as a Candy Striper for Johnston Willis Hospital during the Summer!! Way to make a difference Emily! Scott Cooper attended the February 20th weekend flight of Chrysalis! We are so proud of you!! Ross Cooper got accepted to the Engineering School at Virginia Tech for the Fall of 2009! Congratulations Ross and Best of Luck!! Austin Sybert made the Midlothian Trojan Varsity Lacrosse Team!! Yeah Austin! We have AWESOME YOUTH at New Life Church and we are so very proud!! If you know of something we can celebrate on behalf of a youth, please pass that information along to Lori Epps, Director of Youth Ministries, at [email protected] or 794-4522 church office.

BOOMERS AND BEYOND ARE OFF AND TRAVELING Our trips are coming together nicely. Check it out and see if you would like to come along. SPRING

Monday May 11


One day trip to the Greenbrier Hotel in WVA to tour the Underground Bunker

Saturday June 6


One day trip to the D-Day Memorial and lunch cruise on Smith Mountain Lake

We have made our reservations with the tour bus company; but if you would like to go, let us know and we will see if they still have room for more. FALL Looking ahead, we also plan to go to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Wednesday and Thursday Oct 14 and 15 2 day/1 night - $275 per person (double) Includes: The play IN THE BEGINNING Tour of Amish Countryside Smorgasbord Dinner Bus Transportation and Motel We understand this play is excellent; so let us know if you are interested in order for us to secure enough seats before the tour is filled. Call Jimy or Loyce Edwards (794-4570) to reserve your space!

April 2009

The New Millennium


New Life Older Adult Ministries Council Be ready for fun and excitement! We are not retired but re-treaded!! Lunch Bunch - ATTENTION DATE CHANGE April’s date for our monthly lunch has been changed to the First Sunday, April 5, so as to not interfere with your Easter celebrations. Come gather at 12:30 PM and enjoy lunch together at Candela’s Pizzeria & Ristorante Italiano at Ivymont at the corner of Rt. 60 and Winterfield Rd. in Midlothian. Make your reservation with Jimy or Loyce Edwards at 794-4570 or by e-mail – [email protected] by Friday April 3. We always have a great time; we look forward to seeing you there. Bible Study Workshop We‘re continuing with the church wide Small Groups Lenten Study “6 Things Everybody Ought to Know About God” at 10:30 AM each Thursday through April 2nd. Please bring your Bibles and journals to these sessions. Remember we will resume our study on Revelation on April 9. Thank you for participating; we gain so many insights into our faith as we study and share with each other. Boomers and Beyond On April 9, the 2nd Thursday of the month, our Boomers and Beyond will meet after the Bible Study Workshop for lunch at 12:00 noon. Again we will have a surprise menu certain to please the palate and fellowship to please us all. Our program will be a speaker from the Chesterfield County Speakers Bureau and the topic is “Once Upon A Time – From the Coal Mines of Yesterday to One of the Wealthiest Counties in Va.” This should prove to be very interesting for all you history buffs out there and anyone else as well. Let’s learn some little known tidbits of this area and how it has grown and changed. Alzheimer’s Support Group New Life UMC provides a great ministry by providing meeting space for the Alzheimer’s Association to hold a Support Group for caregivers of loved ones with the many forms of dementia. These meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month beginning at 10AM. If you need more information about this disease and how you can assist a loved one affected in this way, please come on April 8 and learn along with the rest of us. If you are a caregiver and feel you can’t get away to attend, please call Pastor Jimy Edwards for assistance 794-4522.

New Life United Methodist Church

900 Old Hundred Road Midlothian, Virginia 23114 Office: 804-794-4522 [email protected] Rev. Mike Maxwell: [email protected] www.newlifeumc.org

We’re Going Green Next Month! Okay, maybe not as green as Kermit, because you know “It Ain’t Easy Being Green!” We will start next month sending the newsletter via email. This will help us to reduce paper, postage and copy costs. We will continue to make a few paper copies of the newsletter for those who prefer to receive it this way. If you wish to get this publication via email, and you have not notified the office, please email Corinne Campbell at [email protected]. Please include your name and email address.

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