The Millenium, February 2009

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The New

Millennium February 2009

The Newsletter of New Life United Methodist

On The Inside: Interested in Joining the Church Scout Sunday Women’s Lunch Bunch Join A Small Group Music Guests Music Notes from Mary Ellen Fellowship Ministry Job Network Congregational Care Youth Stuff Wood Ministry Worship Flowers Community Garden Valentine Feature Finance Committee Report Older Adult Ministires

Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. Church Staff checks phone messages throughout the day. Pastor Maxwell is available for appointments days and evenings and is glad to schedule at convenient times.

Worship Opportunities:

Christian Education (all ages): Sundays 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30a.m. and 11:00a.m. Praise & Worship Service: 6:30p.m. on 3rd Sunday Family Night Dinner February 22, 5:30p.m. Praise & Worship Service to follow at 6:30p.m. Floris UMC Praise Team will be our special guest! More information on page4

Something exciting is happening at New Life during the season of Lent. Come and see! Lent is the six weeks leading up to Easter. It is often a season marked by reflection upon Jesus’ life, confession of our sins and self denial after the example of Christ who died on the cross for us. Sometimes during Lent people consider what they will give up: chocolate, soft drinks, biting nails, and the list goes on. I want to challenge you to pick up something that will help you grow deeper in your relationship with Christ: join the church wide Lenten journey. You will gain the most from the journey if you commit yourself during February and March to the three practices that make up the journey: attend a weekly small group, read and respond to daily Scripture readings, and attend weekly worship. (Look further in the newsletter for more information). This church wide study is an invitation to learn six things everybody ought to know about God. The first disciples didn’t know much about Jesus when they began to invite their friends to meet him. None of them had degrees in theology or years in Bible study. They just had the simple truth that an encounter with Jesus was life changing. The Gospel of John tells us that after Philip met Jesus, he went to tell Nathaniel. “Philip said, ‘We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’ ‘Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?’ Nathaniel asked. ‘Come and see, said Philip.’” – John 1:45-46 Lent is a time of self-denial. You can do anything for 6 weeks. So eat all the chocolate you want, but join a small group and learn 6 Things Everybody Ought to Know About God – the whole church will be doing it – Come and see!

February 2009

The New Millennium


Interested in joining the church? You are invited to

Lunch with the Pastors Sunday, February 8 12:30pm – 2pm Whether or not you have been previously connected to a church, Lunch with the Pastors is how you get connected in membership to New Life UMC. At this lunch you will have the opportunity to get to know better your pastors and others who are joining the church at the same time as well as understand what it means to be a Christian, a United Methodist, and a member of New Life UMC. Following the Lunch, participants will have the opportunity to decide whether or not membership is for them. If you know someone who is interested in joining, tell them “Lunch is on us!” and to indicate their interest on the Registration pad or call the church office at 794-4522.

Girl Scout Sunday

Boy Scout Sunday

March 8, 2009

February 8, 2009

New Life United Methodist Church would like to recognize the boys and girls who participate in Scouting. They will help out in the service and participate in a responsive reading. There are no names or groups called out during the service, so there’s no need to RSVP. Everyone is invited, whether they attend New Life or not. The Scout is welcome to invite their group to attend! If you would like more information, please contact Jennifer Van Derwerker at 598-9608 (Boy Scout Sunday) or Cindy Butler, Director of Christian Education, at 379-3578 or education@

Women’s Lunch Bunch For our February lunch bunch gathering, Laura Adkins has invited us to her house for a salad bar lunch! This lunch will be on Friday, February 20th at noon, 10724 Red Lion Place, Richmond. Please RSVP to Laura by Wednesday, February 18th so she can plan accordingly (320-8358, cladkins@comcast. net). This is a fun fellowship time to meet and chat with the women from New Life Church. You are welcomed to invite friends and neighbors!

February 2009

The New Millennium


Eat the chocolate and join a small group! The church wide study Come and See: 6 Things Everybody Ought to Know About God really is for the entire church: children, youth and adults! This is an easy way for families to begin conversations about faith. The journey has three components. As with anything, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. So, you will gain the most from this journey if you commit yourself to all three practices: attend a small group, individual reading plan, attend worship.

What is a small group? Spiritual growth is enhanced through community. A small group is just that – a small group of people gathered to discuss insights, questions, life experiences and most importantly, apply lessons learned from individual study and corporate worship. Each group will meet once a week for six weeks which includes a video to enhance learning and group involvement.

What is the individual reading plan? For centuries people have grown in their relationship with God by reading the Bible daily. A participant guidebook is available to help draw you into a daily conversation with God by reading key scripture passages, responding to reflective questions, and journaling your considerations of how this encounter applies to your life.

What will be happening during worship services? Each Sunday during the six week series, the worship service will emphasize the theme of the week. The message will not be a repeat of the daily devotional journal or the group time, but rather a deeper exploration of the six things everybody ought to know about God. Materials will be available in the Narthex in the beginning of February and groups will meet for six weeks beginning the week of February 22 and through the end of March. We invite you experience how exciting learning about faith with others can be as we all learn 6 things everybody ought to know about God!

February 2009

The New Millennium


Exciting Musical Guests at New Life! Come out and join the New Life Praise Team and the Praise Team from Floris United Methodist Church in song! Floris UMC is Pastor Mike’s previous church and they have graciously agreed to come perform for us during their music tour. They will be coming Sunday, February 22. We will have dinner before at 5:30pm and the service will be at 6:30pm. Due to the fact that Floris UMC is coming on the fourth Sunday of the month, this will be our Praise and Worship Service for the month of February. Our Praise Team will be performing, as well as Floris UMC’s Praise Team. It will be a great time to sing praises to our Lord! For more information, contact Sarah Cafazza at [email protected]. Hope to see you all there!

MUSIC NOTES from Mary Ellen This is a new year that the Lord has made. Even though the economy is disappointing right now let us remember that we were created by God to worship Him. In the midst of our plenty we often forget to be thankful for what we do have. There is an old hymn that says, “Count your many blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done.” As we look to God in praise, adoration, confession, and with petitions we must put our trust in Him that He will guide and direct. As we stand at the door and knock He does hear us and will bless us. Our mission as a church is to be a witness of Him to others that they may know His love, peace, joy and comfort as well as His direction. I am convinced that the very heart of God is displeased with the corruption, greed and self centeredness that are all around us in our world today. This church will have new visions as we reach out to others in this community and support each other in our faith walk in this new year. When new people come to New Life UMC what kind of impressions do they get from being in our services of worship? Are we filled with His Spirit so they see Christ in us? Let’s make a new promise to loudly sing His praises and tell of His Love. Your heart-felt singing can reassure others of your praise and worship of God, the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Let your songs of thanksgiving for His blessings be evident in your lives. Do check our weekly schedule for the different music groups in this church and take advantage of counting your blessings through music and making a positive stand for the Lord. Come and share your gifts and talents, a good new years resolution.

February 2009

The New Millennium


Fellowship Ministry is Gearing Up! With a new year comes a new, or at least revised, ministry at New Life! We are changing the name of Family Ministry to Fellowship Ministry, so that members and friends of the church know that this ministry is all about bringing people together in Christian fellowship, and so that we have more opportunities to invite newcomers to our church events. Look for announcements of Fellowship activities throughout the year, and make sure you join in on (and invite others to!) the fun! Our first gathering was on January 18 when we ate dinner together before being blessed by a service led by the Youth Praise and Worship Band. The Fellowship Ministry will continue to organize the coffee and snacks offered on Sunday mornings. If you would like to participate by bringing snacks to share, please call Mary Lou Sybert (379-7911) or me. This ministry will also be responsible for stocking the kitchen. If you have a need, please call me. Personal dishes that are left after events will be placed in the bottom cabinet to the left of the stove. If an event is planned for the evening and you don’t like to drive at night, please call me to let me know, and I will arrange for someone to pick you up and take you home. We want everyone to participate in the events that are planned, and we don’t want transportation to be an issue! Fellowship Ministry is for everyone to enjoy, and we welcome any who are willing to help and give ideas. Let me know if you are interested in joining our team! Sharon Pastore 423-6476 [email protected]

Vacation Bible Study will be June 21- 25 and our theme is Camp E.D.G.E. (Experience and Discover God Everywhere). As always it will be in the evening with a snack dinner, a Bible skit , and classes/activities for all. This is a fun family event! “Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman” – a retreat for New Life women and their friends Come and enjoy a morning away at the “Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman” retreat here at New Life UMC on February 28th. Barbara Markland has written this and many other studies and retreats for women. You can find out more about her, her Bible studies, and this retreat at her website www., or go to Postal Pal, where her books are sold. More information will be in handouts and email alerts. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Butler, Director of Christian Education at 379-3578 or [email protected]

February 2009

The New Millennium


JOB NETWORK Networking is an important tool for someone who is seeking employment. New Life Congregational Care would like to provide a venue for networking within our congregation. Several people from New Life have already lost their jobs and several more are waiting for word about their employment situation. •

This is how you can help with this networking mission. When you know of a full time, part time, or temporary job opening in your organization please pass it on to Laura Adkins at cladkins@comcast. net, 320-8358. She will post the job on the bulletin board in the Narthex at church. Supply a brief job description, company name, address, phone number, website, and the date the job was posted, when the posting will close, and your contact information. Every two weeks Ann Pierce or Laura will follow up with you for a status check on the job.

For those seeking employment: Contact Laura Adkins or Ann Pierce ([email protected], 3795733) to let them know what type of employment you are seeking. They will anonymously post that information on the bulletin board as well.

Other resources: The Career Transition Group hosted by Needles Eye Ministries meets weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7-8:30 am. The sessions include support, encouragement, networking, prayer and bible study. For more information and location contact Lisa Rattner at 358-1284 or lrattner@

Career and Connect at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, has human resource professionals who can offer tips to aid job searches as well as a group that shares how to walk through the emotional changes that job loss brings. The meetings are the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at 9155 Hungary Road, Room 122. For more information call 270-7613 or visit

Please feel free to offer other sources of information or suggestions on how we can support our friends at New Life.






* * * * * * * * * * Congregational Care Job Network




Do you know of employment opportunities within your company or elsewhere that you can share with Congregational Care, for those in our church family that may be in need of work? In our congregation, we have the following needs:

Help Wanted Caregiver for an 8-year-old With Down Syndrome Flexible hours

Help Wanted Baby sitter (Red Cross Certified)

Please contact Anne Pierce at 804-379-5733 or Laura Adkins at [email protected] Please keep our community in your prayers; as each day, there are more layoffs, and companies going out of business.


February 2009

The New Millennium


Help Wanted Part-time Director of Christian Education- New Life UMC is seeking Christian based enthusiastic leadership to recruit, train, support, and maintain participation of children, youth and adult leaders which will provide a quality Christian education program. Previous professional experience on a church staff is preferred. Please send your resume and letter of intent to [email protected] or to New Life U.M.C., Attention SPRC, 900 Old Hundred Road, Midlothian, VA 23114

Congregational Care Do you know of someone in our church community who is in need of care, please contact our church office or Robin Ann Gauthier @ 804-350-9045. Do you have a prayer concern/request you want to share with your church family? 1. Visit and click on Eprayer to submit your prayer request. If submitting via computer is not for you, please call Robin Ann @ 804-350-9045. 2. On Sundays, at worship service, your prayer request may be placed in the offertory plate for the prayer team and/or church family.

Congregational Care Shepherd Meeting February 15th following 11 o’clock service

This will be a brief meeting for all shepherds. Hope to see you there!

Congregational Care Shepherd Ministry Anniversary Reception Sunday, March 1st following 11 o’clock service in the narthex

Please join your shepherd and flock for a refreshment in celebration of the 1st Anniversary of our Shepherd Ministry.

February 2009

The New Millennium


WHAT IS G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. ALL ABOUT? G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. is New Life UMC’S Youth Group. We meet on Sundays: *To be involved in MISSIONS *Learn through DISCIPLESHIP programs *Experience WORSHIP Youth-Style & *To FELLOWSHIP through fun activities

G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. Stands for: Grounded in the Redeeming love of Christ, we Aspire to make the Voice of God heard and Inspire others to learn about him Through our Youth.

FEBRUARY 2009 YOUTH SCHEDULE Sunday, Feb. 1st: Mission & Fellowship Superbowl of caring mission event in the morning during both services – bring a canned or boxed food to donate to a local food pantry. In the p.m. we will party like rockstars at the annual superbowl party. Time and place to be announced in the bulletin. Friday, February 6th: Fellowship – Tubing At Wintergreen We will meet to leave at 3:30 p.m., tube from 7-9 p.m., and return to church around 11:30 p.m. The cost of the trip is only $12. The deadline is Sunday, January 18th. Sunday, February 8th: No Youth Group Sunday, February 15th: 4:30-6:30 P.M. Discipleship Small Groups We will be starting our Lenten small group sessions. Come and be apart of what God is calling us to do at New Life UMC. Friday, Feb. 20-Sunday, Feb. 22: Richmond District Youth Retreat The retreat will take place at Eagle Eyrie Retreat Center. We will leave in the afternoon on Friday and return in the late afternoon on Sunday. The cost for the retreat is $105/ youth. Deadline to register is January 25th. Sunday, February 22nd: Praise & Worship Service Led By Floris Umc Come out and support Pastor Mike’s former church as we listen for God through their praises. Make plans to attend!

February 2009

The New Millennium


Summer Youth Mission Project The youth of new life have a unique opportunity this coming summer. We will incorporate a hands-on, awesome youth conference that is focused on missions as part of our youth mission project this summer. DC/LA is a youth conference that is an opportunity for students to join in the adventure of learning how to live into the mission of God. It is a call to “be”, “love”, “serve”!! (please visit www. youthspecialties website for more information on DC/LA) we will also have a free fun day and then proceed to our mission in the inner city of Washington D.C./ Baltimore area. The dates for our mission trip are Friday, July 10 – Saturday, July 18. The mission trip will be open to all youth who have completed grades 6th12th. A $50 deposit is due no later than March 1st in order to secure a spot. If you are interested in going on our mission project this summer please see Lori Epps for a mission project packet and all the wonderful details. Also, if you are an adult please prayerfully consider going with us as a chaperone. Your life will be changed forever!!!

Wood Ministry Our church is currently serving 6 or 7 families thru our wood ministry. We have been supplying much needed firewood for several years now. Some of the families who receive the wood not only heat with it but also cook with it. On a cold December morning we had a wonderful group come together to serve our Lord, by delivering and splitting wood for these families. We would like to thank Chris Kerns, Jimy Edwards, Mike Maxwell, Ken Branum, Corinne Campbell, Chuck Stewart, Kurt Cooper, Mike Littleton, and Trent Overvoe. We would also like to thank Robert Talley who has helped many times make last minute deliveries and the Kling’s who have supplied a large quantity of wood. The wood ministry is currently accepting hardwood donations that can be dropped off at the storage area. Please contact Dale Scott with questions at 314-7448. We would like you to know that the Mission Committee is here to serve the needs of church family, local missions and beyond. If you know of a need please let us know.

February 2009

The New Millennium


We have been enjoying the wonderful flowers that have adorned our Sanctuary Worship Table this past year, and thank all who have contributed in this way. Anyone is welcome to provide flowers on the Sunday of their choice to honor or memorialize someone or some occasion. You may do this by signing up on the flower chart designating the particular Sunday and reason. Then we would ask that you write a check for $30.00 on or before that date. Make the check out to New Life UMC with “Sanctuary Flowers” on the memo line. You will find the new Flower Chart for 2009 on the wall behind the door to the church office. What a great way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or pay tribute to a loved one.

The garden is off to a great start! Look for changes to the garden area located just beyond the picnic tables. The garden will include individual family plots and a cooperative church community vegetable and flower garden. More details will be available soon… If you have an interest in the project, please call Barbara Roe at 794-0226 or email at [email protected].

February 2009

The New Millennium


February 14th is Valentine’s Day. New Life has many long-time sweet hearts . Enjoy reading a few of these couples thoughts on their marriages. 28 years and still counting…….

Paul and Patti Davis Yes, Paul and I have been married for a long time and like any other marriage – it has had its ups and downs. I should have seen the writing on the wall when the wedding photographer came into my dressing room and asked if Paul usually ran late. Then sometime later, the photographer returned and informed the bridesmaids that even though he normally started with groomsmen, he would start photographing them, because the groom and the best man still had not arrived. I am not sure how much time went by (certainly time for him to get there), the photographer again entered the dressing room and asked “Are you sure that the groom is going to show up?” Well, eventually he did show and the rest is, as they say, history. Paul, to this day, blames his brother and sister-in-law, who were suppose to pick him up and bring him to the church, had lost track of time shopping at the mall. That is his story and he is sticking with it. Patti Davis

40 years and adding…….

Jimy and Loyce Edwards Yes, that’s how long we’ve been married. I think he’s a keeper. Jimy and I met at a MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship) Fundraiser when I was a Senior in high school and he was a mere Junior. When we go back to our former church for “Homecoming Sunday,” they always have a scrapbook out which includes a picture of us kissing under the mistletoe at one of those MYF Christmas Parties. Oops, now all the world knows. We married on a cold and drizzly day (but you couldn’t have told me that) in December 1968 and much has filled the years since. However, we have only lived in two homes. The one we came to after our honeymoon, and the one were are now in. We’ve had our ups and our downs; our triumphs and our struggles. But with faith, determination, a little or a lot of patience, much fun and a very necessary sense of humor, those 40 years have flown by and God has blessed us tremendously. As I said before, I think he’s a keeper and I would love to add on another 40. Loyce Edwards

February 2009

The New Millennium


52 years for many reasons……. Mary Ellen and Fred Balarzs Fred and I have been married for 52 ½ years. We have two married daughters, two sons-inlaw and four grandchildren. Worship of God and church activities have always come first in our marriage. Fred is an out-doors man and I am a fine-arts person. We have worked at allowing each other to pursue favorite leisure activities. The tips listed below apply to family relationships as well as between husband and wife. Here are our favorite tips for lasting relationships: 1. keep communications open; being sensitive to the needs of each other 2. laugh often (Fred’s good at making jokes.) 3. respect and trust each other 4. allow each other to be themselves 5. find your love language - “Little things mean a lot.” 6. find ways to compliment and complete each other Mary Ellen Balarzs

60 years a bond for life……. Margaret and Ed Higham Ed and I met on January 22, 1949 on a blind date and were married on August 13th 1949. A year later, Ed was called back into the Navy during the Korean War. We lived in Newport News for two years while he was in the service. I worked as a Bookkeeper for a tire recap shop and two service stations. After returning to Bon Air, Virginia we had a daughter and son. In 1965 we took two boys from the United Methodist Orphanage and raised them as foster children for 10 years. We have three grand children and one great granddaughter. Ed worked for the U. S. Government for 36 years. I drove the school bus for 22 years after her children started to school. We both agree it takes a lot of give and take on both sides and a lot of love. We were also taught that marriage was a bond for life. Margaret Higham

February 2009

The New Millennium


We are very grateful for the faithfulness of God, and God’s people, in providing the financial resources necessary for the ministry of New Life and our congregation. We realize that the past year was difficult for many in our midst, but despite that, giving has remained strong. In 2008, we received the following: •General Fund (also called Mission and Ministry):


•Restricted Funds (Including Good Samaritan, Missions, Music, Youth and Older Adults) $7,947 •Building Fund (Pays mortgage on our current building, and accumulates funds for the next phase) $130,701 We cannot overstate the importance of your gifts to the church. Although expenditures slightly exceeded income, the stewardship of the leaders in the ministry areas kept the deficit to a minimum. We all are facing another uncertain year, and the church is as well. In 2008 there were 76 pledges to the general fund in the amount of about $255,500. This year pledges are significantly less – 66 pledges for $215,250. We know from talking to some of our members that they do not feel they can pledge this year because of the economic uncertainty, but they will continue to donate to the church as they are able. The budget that the Finance Committee is recommending to the Church Council is basically unchanged from the 2008 budget, which was $323,462. The Staff Parish Relations Committee has kept all staff members at the same salary level as in 2008 and only the Apportionments that we pay to the Richmond District and Virginia Conference of the Methodist Church have increased. Still the budget is significantly underfunded by the pledges to date. Therefore, we ask that if there are any changes in your financial status that you communicate with Paul Davis, the Financial Secretary, any increase or decrease in your financial support to the church. You may reach Paul Davis at 897-5671 or [email protected] We are trusting that God will provide the resources to continue the work of NLUMC. Thank you for your continued faithfulness in sharing what He has given to you. In Christ, Dave Bailey

Finance Committee Chair

Our family would like to thank you for all the thoughts, prayers and kindness during Paris’ recovery from back surgery. It is so nice to know that people were thinking of us during this time. Paris is doing well and we are hoping for a speedy recovery. Thanks again! The Neofotistos Family

Thank you New Life Family for the shawl. It brings warmth of your love. June Veith

February 2009

The New Millennium


New Life Older Adult Ministries Council Be ready for fun and excitement! We are not retired but re-treaded!!

Lunch Bunch WE WISH TO GIVE GREAT THANKS TO OLIVE JANE STILLER, who has always made our arrangements and taken our reservations ever since the Lunch Brunch began. She has been so faithful in serving us in this way. It is time to give her a break. Now the arrangements will be made by someone different each month. At our January lunch we passed around a sign-up list and it was filled for the whole year. Thank you to each of the volunteers who took a month. REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR NEWSLETTER EACH MONTH TO FIND WHO TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION WITH. This month, on the 2nd Sunday of February, the 8th , we will have our monthly lunch out after Church Service at TOPEKA’S STEAKHOUSE at 4731 Brad McNeer Parkway off of Rt. 360 in the Brandermill area. Come and enjoy the great fellowship and fun we always have. This time please make your reservation with Loyce Edwards at 794-4570 or by e-mail at [email protected] by Friday Feb. 6. Call Olive Jane only if you want to; make your reservation as stated above. Thanks and we will see you there; come HUNGRY. Bible Study Workshop Our continuing DVD presentation and discussion on the Book of Revelation is scheduled for February 12 and 26, 2009 at 10:30 – 11:30 AM. We are enjoying this study very much; gaining much insight and knowledge. You are welcome to come join us anytime; it’s never too far along in the study that you won’t learn something. Bring your Bible and we’re sure to have an interesting time together. Boomers and Beyond Lunch follows the Bible Study Workshop on February 12 at 11:30 AM. Even if you can’t come for the Bible Study Workshop, come for food and fellowship. This month we will have an “all you can eat” Pancake and Sausage Feast. And back by popular demand, we will have a BINGO party for all who attend. Who knows? You may win a loaf of bread or a trip to Petersburg. The prizes may not be overwhelming, but we have lots of fun. Alzheimer’s Support Group Each 2nd Wednesday at 10 AM, the Alzheimer’s Association conducts a Support Group Meeting here at New Life. If you have a loved one affected by this disease or any dementia like behavior, there is much to be gained and learned by coming together with others who care and wonder like you. Come learn about this journey on February 11, 2009.

New Life United Methodist Church

900 Old Hundred Road Midlothian, Virginia 23114 Office: 804-794-4522 [email protected] Rev. Mike Maxwell: [email protected]

New Life Weekday Preschool LOVES February New Life Preschool is celebrating LOVE in February. We will focus on how much God loves us, and how much we love our friends and family. In addition to our Chapel time and music classes our exciting highlights this month will include our Valentine Parties and a visit from our community fire fighters. We are currently holding registration for the 2009-2010 school year. Make your child’s first experience in school a positive one. Our qualified and loving teachers help children explore their creativity through art, music, stories and play. We offer classes for 2, 3, and 4 year olds. For more information, contact Tracy Cooper, Director at 7944522 (Monday-Thursday 9a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)

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