March 2009 Newsletter

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The New

Millennium March 2009

The Newsletter of New Life United Methodist Church

On The Inside: Dig Into the Bible Proactive Parenting Class Easter Eggstravaganza VBS Preschool Worship Flowers Ushers Needed Music Notes Women’s Lunch Bunch Community Garden Job Network Congregational Care Thank You Notes Youth Stuff Older Adult Ministires Going Green

Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. Church Staff checks phone messages throughout the day. Pastor Maxwell is available for appointments days and evenings and is glad to schedule at convenient times.

Worship Opportunities: Christian Education (all ages): Sundays 9:45a.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30a.m. and 11:00a.m. Praise & Worship Service: 6:30p.m. on 3rd Sunday

Family Night Dinner March 15, 5:30p.m. Praise & Worship Service to follow at 6:30p.m.

What will you find? A month ago a friend helped me take a busted water heater, two leaking dishwashers, a rotted mailbox and a few other other odds and ends to the dump. We drove up, paid the $38, offloaded the stuff and returned home. Just getting rid of the stuff felt sooo good! I was amazed at how much space that freed up in the garage. I thought maybe I can work on this a little bit and we can make room for Maria’s car during the winter! Frankly I was getting a little embarrassed by what people saw in our garage as they drove by and the garage door was open. I have the same concern for my heart. Long ago, the church determined that Easter is too important to rush into quickly, so they established a six week season prior to the celebration of resurrection for reflection, confession, and repentance. Lent begins with a somber reminder of our humanity on Ash Wednesday and continues for six weeks focusing on selfexamination and self-denial. There is nothing wrong with singing the up-beat song, expecting the feel-good message, and focusing on what is going well, but we need balance in life. We need opportunities to consider where we have stepped off the right path and how we might be restored to the right road. This is why it’s good to reflect upon verses such as this one from Ezekiel 36:25-26: I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all our idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. From what do you need to be cleansed? What impurities if washed away would make you sparkle? How is your heart hardened like stone? What would it be like if you were given a new heart and a new spirit? What if God gave you his? There’s no way I’d bring the junk back into my garage. Things are certainly looking better, but there’s still more work to be done. I can get Maria’s van in, but we can only open the doors half way on one side! So, she still parks in the driveway during the cold and ice. Oh, the dream of using a garage for what it’s built for! I have the same desire for my heart. What will you find as you examine your heart during Lent?

March 2009

The New Millennium


“Dig into the Bible” is the theme for the 1st – 5th graders Sunday School lessons for March and April. They will be given Bible verses to memorize and do activities to help them learn more about their Bibles and feel comfortable using it. The schedule and verses will be posted on the door to the double Sunday School room. If you have any questions or would like to help out, please contact Cindy Butler, Director of Christian Education at 379-3578 or [email protected].

The Proactive Parenting Class has just started a new book, entitled “How to Manage Your Money” by Larry Burkett. In the How to Manage Your Money Workbook, trusted financial author and teacher Larry Burkett leads you on a step-by-step adventure to eye-opening biblical principles and offers powerful applications you can use immediately. You will learn the following: • • • •

God's definition of wealth The importance of short-range and long-range planning The dangers associated with the burden of debt How to handle a surplus

If you are interested in the class, please contact Tracy or Kurt Cooper at TLCooper@ or 378-3293. The class meets during the Sunday School hour (9:45 – 10:45) in the sanctuary near the praise band area. You are also welcome to drop in on the class and the conversation at any time; you do not need to be a parent of small children to be a part of the class!

Easter Eggstravaganza!

Mark your calendars for the Easter Eggstravaganza! April 2nd, Thursday night, from 6:30 – 8:00. The children preschool – 5th grade will participate in fun activities to learn about Jesus’ resurrection! There will be more information in upcoming bulletin inserts and in handouts to the children. If you would like to help out with this or have any questions, please contact Maria Maxwell at 739-8643 or [email protected].

Vacation Bible School will be June 21- 25 from 6:00 – 8:30 pm. Our theme is Camp E.D.G.E.. Aura Deane and Julia Swagger are at it again working on Vacation Bible School! They have planned a huge camping theme, relating it to the Camp E.D.G.E. (Experience and Discover God Everywhere) lessons the kids will learn. As always it will be in the evening with a light dinner, a Bible skit, and classes/activities for all. This is a fun family event! To keep costs down, we are looking for large amounts of brown craft paper to make floor to ceiling trees! If you or a business you know has large rolls of brown craft paper, please contact Aura Deane at 320-4795 or [email protected].

March 2009

The New Millennium


Weekday Preschool Marches In To Spring New Life Weekday Preschool is marching right into spring. This month is a busy month with our celebration of Dr. Seuss/PJ Day and St. Patty’s Day. The children will begin studying the new growth in spring and end the month talking about the true meaning of Easter… the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. The children at New Life Preschool are fortunate to have loving teachers that use a faith-based curriculum called Scripture Bites. While learning the A, B, C’s , colors and counting, children also learn the stories of Jesus and how much God loves them. We are currently enrolling students for our 2009-2010 school year. We accept children 2-5 years old. If you or anyone you know is interested in finding out more information about our weekday preschool, please contact Tracy Cooper, Preschool Director at 794-4522 (Mon. – Thurs. 9a.m. – 1p.m.) Advertise your business in the Monthly Preschool Newsletter (and reach more than 40 families)…. If you would like to advertise your business in the preschool newsletter, submit your business card to Tracy Cooper at New Life Preschool, 900 Old Hundred Road, Midlothian, VA 23114. All business cards are due by the last Wednesday of each month. Please enclose a check for $10 made payable to New Life Preschool. For more information, contact Tracy Cooper at 794-4522. Life Preschool is celebrating LOVE in February. We will focus on how much God loves us, and how much we love our friends and family. In addition to our Chapel time and music classes our exciting highlights this month will include our Valentine Parties and a visit from our community fire fighters. We are currently holding registration for the 2009-2010 school year. Make your child’s first experience in school a positive one. Our qualified and loving teachers help children explore their creativity through art, music, stories and play. We offer classes for 2, 3, and 4 year olds. For more information, contact Tracy Cooper, Director at 7944522 (Monday-Thursday 9a.m. – 1:00 p.m.)


Remember, if you would like to honor a special event or a loved one by placing flower on the Worship Table in the Sanctuary it is easy to do. Just sign up on the date you request on the Flower Chart on the wall behind the door in the church office.

March 2009

The New Millennium


AN OPEN INVITATION: To: All past, present and “want-to-be” ushers. From: Worship Area Team We are slightly reworking the Ushering Program for our worship services. This is a ministry to provide a hospitable and meaningful worship experience for all who attend. We would like to invite anyone who is interested in being a friendly face and guide to our congregation. We hope you will prayerfully consider this way of serving your Lord and your church. By increasing the number of our usher participants, we will all get to know each other in our church family better as well as our visiting guests. In addition, having more working together, we can choose a rotation of service that fits everyone’s needs. If you have any questions or would like to serve as an usher please contact Wendy Pease 5989444 or Loyce Edwards 794-4570. MUSIC NOTES from Mary Ellen Knowing you will receive this newsletter during Lent with Palm Sunday to be soon on April 5, 2009, makes me want to write about our spring cantata. The Adult Choir and friends will be presenting a cantata for both services of worship on April 5th. The cantata reminds us that “Hope was in short supply in the land of Israel. Rome was just one more iron hand in a long history of rulers that oppressed the Jews. They must have doubted they would ever see the nation restored to what it had been. Then a Prophet appeared. Oh, there had been prophets before, prophets like John the baptizer who had come preaching that the Kingdom was close. But this new Prophet…this Jesus of Nazareth…seemed so different,” (narration from the cantata by Mauldin and Smith), “Then Came the Morning.” On April 5th our children will enter the sanctuary with palm branches and singing “Hosanna.” This will set the mood to help us focus on that day so long ago when Jesus rode on the back of a colt and entered into Jerusalem. The atmosphere was one of celebration praising God: “God bless the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory to God!” (Luke 19:38) Our cantata will begin with the singing of “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” then the story unfolds with messages. We sing about how Jesus comes to us with Love and how He can touch a soul if we but let Him do so. “The Breaking of the Bread” is the special song about the last supper. Jesus came and paid our debt for sin allowing us to rise and be healed. We sing a “Victory Medley” of our Lord being our hope and end with hailing the Power of His name. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to participate in the beginning of Holy Week with special words and songs about our Victorious Lord.

March 2009

The New Millennium


Women’s Lunch Bunch Our March lunch bunch gathering will be at the Q Barbeque Restaurant. It is located in the small strip shopping center behind the Sam’s Club on Midlothian Turnpike. The date is Friday, March 20 at noon. This is a fun fellowship time to meet and chat with the women from New Life Church. Please invite friends and family. If you have any questions call or email Laura Adkins (320-8358, [email protected]).

THE UPPER ROOM – Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the new issue (March/April) of The Upper Room. They are available from the display rack on the Gathering Area Welcoming Table next to the office.

Community Garden Look and walk out to the area just beyond the picnic tables. See and touch the beautiful soil that has been tilled and readied for planting. Thank you to Ken Branum for making this possible. Our next step is to install a watering system to keep the garden flourishing. The church has a working well and an irrigation system ready to be tapped into…how blessed we are to have this essential ingredient available to us. The garden committee is designing the space now. We have a few family garden plots available in this design. Or perhaps you have some seeds or plants that you wish to donate to the garden - our hands are open. Yes, a few garden tools or some useful equipment would be helpful. The budget for the garden is $0 yet we believe God will provide. Who can you talk to about this project? The garden committee members: Laura Adkins, Bonnie Andrachek, Bob and Linda Andrus, Hank Goetz, Alice Husbands, Anne Keeler, and Bob and Barbara Roe –would love to talk with you. It is our vision that the fresh produce from the church corporate garden will be distributed to those in need. Watch this project grow!

March 2009

The New Millennium


JOB NETWORK Networking is an important tool for someone who is seeking employment. New Life Congregational Care would like to provide a venue for networking within our congregation. Several people from New Life have already lost their jobs and several more are waiting for word about their employment situation. •

This is how you can help with this networking mission. When you know of a full time, part time, or temporary job opening in your organization please pass it on to Laura Adkins at cladkins@comcast. net, 320-8358. She will post the job on the bulletin board in the Narthex at church. Supply a brief job description, company name, address, phone number, website, and the date the job was posted, when the posting will close, and your contact information. Every two weeks Ann Pierce or Laura will follow up with you for a status check on the job.

For those seeking employment: Contact Laura Adkins or Ann Pierce ([email protected], 3795733) to let them know what type of employment you are seeking. They will anonymously post that information on the lower section of the new members board in the Narthex.

Other resources: The Career Transition Group hosted by Needles Eye Ministries meets weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7-8:30 am. The sessions include support, encouragement, networking, prayer and bible study. For more information and location contact Lisa Rattner at 358-1284 or lrattner@

Career and Connect at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, has human resource professionals who can offer tips to aid job searches as well as a group that shares how to walk through the emotional changes that job loss brings. The meetings are the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 pm at 9155 Hungary Road, Room 122. For more information call 270-7613 or visit

Please feel free to offer other sources of information or suggestions on how we can support our friends at New Life.






* * * * * * * * * * Congregational Care Job Network




Do you know of employment opportunities within your company or elsewhere that you can share with Congregational Care, for those in our church family that may be in need of work? Please contact Anne Pierce at 379-5733 or Laura Adkins at [email protected]. In our congregation, we have the following needs:

Help Wanted Baby sitter (Red Cross Certified) Please keep our community in your prayers; as each day, there are more layoffs, and companies going out of business.


March 2009

The New Millennium


Help Wanted Part-time Director of Christian Education- New Life UMC is seeking Christian based enthusiastic leadership to recruit, train, support, and maintain participation of children, youth and adult leaders which will provide a quality Christian education program. Previous professional experience on a church staff is preferred. Please send your resume and letter of intent by March 15, to [email protected] or to New Life U.M.C., Attention SPRC, 900 Old Hundred Road, Midlothian, VA 23114.

Congregational Care Do you know of someone in our church community who is in need of care, please contact our church office or Robin Ann Gauthier @ 804-350-9045. Do you have a prayer concern/request you want to share with your church family? 1. Visit and click on Eprayer to submit your prayer request. If submitting via computer is not for you, please call Robin Ann @ 804-3509045. 2. On Sundays, at worship service, your prayer request may be placed in the offertory plate for the prayer team and/or church family.


We know that it takes time, energy and creativity to organize a blood drive, and we deeply appreciate your generosity. The 19 blood donations given at your blood drive will provide lifesaving blood products for three times that many people.

Thank you, all, for such tremendous prayer support of our Epiphany weekend. God is amazing, and Tracy and I feel privileged to be a part of His work at Beaumont Correctional Facility. We could not do it without the loving support of our New Life family. Thanks, again, and praise be to God for his abundant Love!

Thank you again for your help in saving lives.

Sherri Fleck and Tracy Swineford

On behalf of the patients whose lives you touched, thank you for your sponsorship of a blood drive on Saturday, January 31, 2009.

Sincerely, Eleanor Nelson Account manager

March 2009

The New Millennium


WHAT IS G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. ALL ABOUT? G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. is New Life UMC’S Youth Group. We meet on Sundays: *To be involved in MISSIONS *Learn through DISCIPLESHIP programs *Experience WORSHIP Youth-Style & *To FELLOWSHIP through fun activities

G.R.A.V.I.T.Y. Stands for: Grounded in the Redeeming love of Christ, we Aspire to make the Voice of God heard and Inspire others to learn about him Through our Youth.

LENTEN SMALL GROUPS TO BEGIN Come and be apart of something special. For the 6 weeks of Lent, leading up to Easter Sunday, the youth of New Life will participate in our own small groups. The youth will split up into two unique groups led by youth. Marshall Pastore, Scott Cooper, Ellise Fleck and Melanie Gainsforth will lead one of the small groups with adult facilitators being Tracy and Kurt Cooper. Blake Fleck, Travis Goetz, Kelsea Pastore, and Emily Sybert will lead one of the small groups as well with adult facilitators being Sharon and David Pastore. The six week study will go along with the sermon series, “6 Things Everybody Ought To Know About God”. Also, everyone is encouraged to pick up a participant guide ($5 suggested donation) that will guide you in a weekly reading and journaling activity based on that week’s lesson. Our youth and adult leaders have been in prayer for each of the youth of our church. Our prayer is that every youth in grades 6-12 will make a commitment to participate in the small groups for Lent. Don’t just “give-up” something this year for Lent, but “take-on” something that will change your life!! There is a place for everyone!! If you have any questions, please give Lori Epps a call, 794-4522 or e-mail, [email protected].

March 2009

The New Millennium


Summer Youth Mission Project The youth of new life have a unique opportunity this coming summer. We will incorporate a hands-on, awesome youth conference that is focused on missions as part of our youth mission project this summer. DC/LA is a youth conference that is an opportunity for students to join in the adventure of learning how to live into the mission of God. It is a call to “be”, “love”, “serve”!! (please visit www. youthspecialties website for more information on DC/LA) we will also have a free fun day and then proceed to our mission in the inner city of Washington D.C./ Baltimore area. The dates for our mission trip are Friday, July 10 – Saturday, July 18. The mission trip will be open to all youth who have completed grades 6th12th. A $50 deposit is due no later than March 1st in order to secure a spot. If you are interested in going on our mission project this summer please see Lori Epps for a mission project packet and all the wonderful details. Also, if you are an adult please prayerfully consider going with us as a chaperone. Your life will be changed forever!!!














“2009 New Life Talent Show”

Save the Date



Sunday, April 19th 5:00 P.m. Youth Fundraiser Dinner 6:00-8:30 P.m. Church-wide Talent Show Deadline to sign-up for Talent: Sunday, April 5th *Look for bulletin insert sign-up forms

March 2009

The New Millennium


Cool Youth News!!

Did you know……

Kelsea Pastore completed her Capstone Project for James River High School Leadership Program. She organized a Fundraiser called “Runway for Reconstruction,” which raised $1,800. for Hurricane Katrina Relief. Way to Go Kelsea!! Beth Scott performed in Midlothian High School‛s Fall Play, “10 November”. What a great job! Way to Go Beth!! Travis Goetz received all A‛s on his most recent Report Card for Blessed Sacrament High School. We are so proud of you and keep up the good work!! Way to Go Travis!! Jordan Swineford got accepted to Liberty University for this coming Fall 2009. They are so lucky to have you!! Way to Go Jordan!! We have AWESOME YOUTH at New Life Church and we are so very proud!! If you know of something we can celebrate on behalf of a youth, please pass that information along to Lori Epps, Director of Youth Ministries at [email protected] or 794-4522 church.

Congregational Care Shepherd Ministry Anniversary Reception Sunday, March 1st following 11 o’clock service in the narthex

Please join your shepherd and flock for a refreshment in celebration of the 1st Anniversary of our Shepherd Ministry.

BOOMERS AND BEYOND VOYAGERS Save these dates and let’s take a trip together. SPRING


Monday May 11


One day trip to the Greenbrier Bunker

Saturday June 6


One day trip to the D-Day Memorial and lunch cruise on Smith Mountain Lake

Wednesday and Thursday Oct 14 and 15 2 day/1 night - $275 (double) Lancaster, Pennsylvania to see the play IN THE BEGINNING Includes Smorgasbord Dinner and tour of Amish Countryside Call Jimy or Loyce Edwards (79494570) to reserve your seat soon!

March 2009

The New Millennium


New Life Older Adult Ministries Council Be ready for fun and excitement! We are not retired but re-treaded!! Lunch Bunch Arrangements for our Lunch Bunch meeting place will be made by someone different each month. Thank you to each of the volunteers who have taken a month. REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR NEWSLETTER EACH MONTH TO FIND WHO TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION. On the 2nd Sunday of March, the 8th, we will have our monthly lunch out after Church Service at Spinnaker’s Restaurant, (Home of the Flower Pot bread), 5000 Commonwealth Center Parkway. Come and enjoy the great fellowship and fun we always have. Please make your reservation with Pat Harper at 276-3793 or by e-mail at patriciaharper123@ by Friday March 6. Thanks and we will see you there; you may take home a door prize-----also come HUNGRY. Bible Study Workshop Our Starting February 26th, 10:30 a.m. we will depart from our study on Revelation for Six-weeks to participate in the church wide Lenten Study 6 Things Everybody Ought to Know About God. This study will be reinforced by Sunday sermons and a journal that we will explore each week. The small journal maybe picked up in the Gathering area-$5 donation, it’s just a suggestion for those who can handle the cost right now. This group should start following the study guide on February 19th, which would make it a full week before the first meeting. Even though there are only 5 days of reading, starting on February 19th will give all a day or 2 of grace period in case you miss a day. You will also need to bring your Bibles to the study. We will finish this study on April 2nd. This meeting time is open up to all that would like to attend this time period. Thank you Boomers and Beyond, we will resume our regular study April 23rd. Boomers and Beyond Lunch follows the 6 Things on March12 at 11:30 AM. Even if you can not come for the 6 Things, come for food and fellowship. This month we will have an “all you can eat” mystery dinner. (This only means we haven’t lined up a cook yet). The program will be by Bob Schaefer, FBI Special Instructor (re-treaded). Bob brings a wealth of information on dementia and stress. He is currently writing a book concerning dementia and trials in care-giving. His expertise in areas of stress management promises to be helpful in all situations. Come hear Bob’s Story and see a video he has a roll in. Alzheimer’s Support Group Each 2nd Wednesday at 10 A.M, the Alzheimer’s Association conducts a Support Group Meeting here at New Life. If you have a loved one affected by this disease or any dementia like behavior, there is much to be gained and learned by coming together with others who care and wonder like you. Come learn about this journey on March 11th. If you are a caregiver and have difficulty being able to attend, call Pastor Jimy Edwards for assistance. 804-512-1628.

New Life United Methodist Church

900 Old Hundred Road Midlothian, Virginia 23114 Office: 804-794-4522 [email protected] Rev. Mike Maxwell: [email protected]

We’re Going Green! Okay, maybe not as green as Kermit, because you know “It Ain’t Easy Being Green!” Over the next several months you will have the opportunity to opt-in to revieve the newsletter via email. This will help us to reduce paper, postage and copy costs. We will continue to make a few paper copies of the newsletter for those who prefer to receive it this way. For those wishing to get this publication via email, please email Corinne Campbell at office@ Please include your name and email address.

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