The Gum Exchange - Blue Moon Project

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  • Words: 3,201
  • Pages: 21
The Blue Moon Project Dave Myers THE GUM EXCHANGE 1032 Rutledge Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45205 (513) 702-5835 [email protected] January 18, 1999

Table of Contents

1Table of Contents Executive Summary.................................................................................3 Abstract ...................................................................................................3 Project Description ..................................................................................4 Background ............................................................................................. 4 Motivation and Need ...............................................................................5 Benefits ...................................................................................................7 Support.................................................................................................... 8 Objectives................................................................................................ 8 Success Measurements .......................................................................... 9 Prerequisites ........................................................................................... 9 Scope .................................................................................................... 11 Methods................................................................................................. 11 Deliverables........................................................................................... 12 Organization .......................................................................................... 12 Personal Qualifications.......................................................................... 13 Necessary Equipment ........................................................................... 13 Budget ................................................................................................... 14 Economic Return................................................................................... 15 Summary ............................................................................................... 17 Bibliography...........................................................................................17 References ............................................................................................18

Executive Summary

1Executive Summary The purpose of this project proposal is to come to an agreement with the administration of Walnut Hills High School allowing THE GUM EXCHANGE to sell it’s products on the property of Walnut Hills High School. At Walnut Hills High School there is a very high demand for a wide variety of gum and candy, unfortunately there is a very low supply. THE GUM EXCHANGE with its Blue Moon Project can provide a convenient and high quality source of gum and candy to all of the students and 1 faculty members of Walnut Hills High School while at the same time satisfying all involved parties - all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School, the administration of Walnut Hills High School, and THE GUM EXCHANGE.


1Abstract The Blue Moon Project will provide a supply to the high demand of gum and candy to all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School. 1

A faculty member is any person who is not a student. This includes teachers, administration members, custodians, janitors, etc. The Blue Moon Project • January 18, 1999 • 3

Project Description

1Project Description An employee from THE GUM EXCHANGE will come to Walnut Hills High School every school day with a wide variety of gum and candy to sell. THE GUM EXCHANGE will only sell its products before school, between classes, at lunch, and after school. THE GUM EXCHANGE will not sell it’s products during classes unless permission is given by the teacher of the class to do so. THE GUM EXCHANGE will bear all responsibility of selling it’s products and managing all paperwork and will not require any assistance from Walnut Hills High School. THE GUM EXCHANGE will divide the net profits from all sales of it’s products on the property of Walnut Hills High School as follows: 

62.5% of the net profits will remain in a company fund for paying its employee(s) and other things such as future expansion, possible advertising, and other miscellaneous expenses.

37.5% of the net profits will go to a club, organization, or department of Walnut Hills High School.

Background The Blue Moon Project • January 18, 1999 • 4

1Background THE GUM EXCHANGE has had a lot experience in selling gum and candy products. It began selling it’s products in the middle of the 19961997 school year at Walnut Hills High School and stopped just before the end of the first quarter in the 1998-1999 school year. In all of this time THE GUM EXCHANGE has never had a severe shortage in it’s gross revenues. And at times when there have been small problems with it’s gross revenues THE GUM EXCHANGE has always been able to fix it’s problems. THE GUM EXCHANGE has found that by constantly offering new types of gum and candy to it’s customers it can constantly increase it’s gross revenues. Title 42 §1779 of the US Code states that the sale of competitive foods in food service facilities under the National School Lunch Act shall not be prohibited if the proceeds from the sales of such foods will inure to the benefit of the schools or of organizations of students approved by the schools. Title 42 §1779 of the US Code does not say that all of the proceeds from the sale of competitive foods in food service areas under the National School Lunch act have to inure to the benefit of the schools or of organizations of students approved by the schools. An example of this is that the music department of Walnut Hills High School has a cheese and sausage sale every year. For every five items a student sells he or she gets five dollars cash. And the top seller from all of one teacher’s students gets one hundred dollars cash.

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Motivation and Need

1Motivation and Need There are several motivations and needs for The Blue Moon Project: Walnut Hills High School needs a convenient and high-quality source of gum and candy. · Walnut Hills High School does not presently have a convenient and high-quality source of gum and candy. · If John Q. Student finishes eating his lunch and wants to buy a pack of Big Red gum, a Snickers candy bar, and a pack of Wintergreen Tic-Tacs he presently has no way of doing that. · THE GUM EXCHANGE could presently provide nineteen different types of gum and candy to every student and faculty member of Walnut Hills High School.

Walnut Hills High School without a doubt needs extra money. · There is not a club, organization, or department at Walnut Hills High School that is over funded. · If THE GUM EXCHANGE were to talk to every club, organization, or department head at Walnut Hills High School none of them would say that they couldn’t use extra money on a regular basis. · The physical condition and/or the quality of education could benefit greatly for the students of Walnut Hills High School with a donation from THE GUM EXCHANGE of approximately five dollars, and possibly more in the future, per every day that THE GUM EXCHANGE sells it’s products. If Walnut Hills High School received five dollars per every school day in a school year it would total about nine hundred dollars. The employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE need(s) a reliable source of personal income. The Blue Moon Project • January 18, 1999 • 6

· ·


Presently the employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE has/have no reliable source of personal income. If the employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE want(s) to go to a Walnut Hills High School football game or he/she/they want(s) to buy a Walnut Hills High School T-shirt from the spirit shop he/she/they has/have no way of doing that. The employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE could benefit greatly from a reliable source of income of approximately five dollars, and possibly more in the future, per day that THE GUM EXCHANGE sells it’s products.

Note: In the two preceding sections the amount of five dollars is only an estimate. The estimate is based on the net profits of THE GUM EXCHANGE from the first part of the present school year. There is no guarantee that the actual amounts produced will be five dollars.


1Benefits Many benefits and many solutions to present problems will come from The Blue Moon Project: ·

All of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School will be provided with a convenient and high-quality source of gum and candy. If John Q. Student finishes eating his lunch and wants to buy a pack of Big Red gum, a Snickers candy bar, and a pack of Wintergreen Tic-Tacs he will have a way of doing that.

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Walnut Hills High School will be provided with an extra source of money. The club, organization, or department of Walnut Hills High School that THE GUM EXCHANGE decides to donate 37.5% of the net profits to will be more financially able and able to improve the physical conditions and/or the quality of education for the students of Walnut Hills High School.


The employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE will have a reliable source of personal income. If the employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE want(s) to go to a Walnut Hills High School football game or he/she/they want(s) to buy a Walnut Hills High School T-shirt from the spirit shop he/she/they will have a way of doing that.


1Support THE GUM EXCHANGE’S Blue Moon Project has received a great deal of support from the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School. The majority of the support has come from the students. Some students have even offered to make a petition in order to allow THE GUM EXCHANGE sell it’s products at Walnut Hills High School. THE GUM EXCHANGE has received advice from certain faculty members of Walnut Hills High School. THE GUM EXCHANGE has used some of this advice to write this project proposal. THE GUM EXCHANGE’S Blue Moon Project is also supported by Title 42 §1779 of the US Code.

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Objectives Below is a list of objectives that The Blue Moon Project will accomplish. ·



Providing every student and faculty member of Walnut Hills High School with a convenient and high-quality source of gum and candy. Providing Walnut Hills High School with extra source of money to improve the physical conditions and/or the quality of education for the students. Providing the employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE with a reliable source of personal income.

Success Measurements

1Success Measurements Measuring the success of The Blue Moon Project will be simple. It will either be a complete success or a complete failure. The Blue Moon project will be a success if every student and a faculty member of Walnut Hills High School is provided with a convenient and high-quality source of gum and candy. It will be a success if a club, organization, or department of Walnut Hills High School is provided with an extra source of money to improve the physical conditions and/or the quality of education for the students. And it will be a success if the employee(s) of THE GUM EXCHANGE is/are provided with a reliable source of personal income.

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1Prerequisites Before The Blue Moon Project can begin Walnut Hills High School must agree to all of the following prerequisites set by THE GUM EXCHANGE. 

THE GUM EXCHANGE reserves the right to sell it’s products until the end of the 2001-2002 school year. THE GUM EXCHANGE will not be required to sell it’s products on any certain days or at any certain times.

THE GUM EXCHANGE reserves the right to control the lengths of it’s fiscal periods2. The fiscal periods can be as short as one day or as long as several months or even longer.

THE GUM EXCHANGE reserves the right to donate the 37.5% of the net profits owed to Walnut Hills High School to any club, organization, department of the school. THE GUM EXCHANGE will be able to change which club, organization, or department of Walnut Hills High School receives the owed money at any time.

From the 62.5% of the net profits that THE GUM EXCHANGE receives it will not give more than 37.5% to it’s employee(s).


A fiscal period is a unit of time that THE GUM EXCHANGE uses to measure it’s expenses, revenues, profits, etc. A fiscal period can be any length of time.

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THE GUM EXCHANGE will give a full copy of all of it’s reports to the administration of Walnut Hills High School at the end of each fiscal period in order to insure that THE GUM EXCHANGE is following all of the rules of The Blue Moon Project.

THE GUM EXCHANGE reserves the right to sell any product it chooses at Walnut Hills High School. Even products that are not related to gum or candy. THE GUM EXCHANGE will not sell inappropriate products or products that are not allowed by the rules of Walnut Hills High school.

THE GUM EXCHANGE reserves the right to advertise any or all of it’s products on the property of Walnut Hill High School. THE GUM EXCHANGE will not break any rules while advertising it’s products and not advertise it’s products without approval.

THE GUM EXCHANGE reserves the right to hire additional employees to work for the company. All employees will be students of Walnut Hills High School.

Walnut Hills High School will not have any direct control over the management of THE GUM EXCHANGE. If Walnut Hills High School wants to change the management of THE GUM EXCHANGE or any other aspect of the company it will have to discuss it’s ideas with THE GUM EXCHANGE for approval.

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1Scope The Blue Moon Project will include THE GUM EXCHANGE selling it’s products at Walnut Hills High School. This will happen mostly on school days. The project will be conducted on the property of Walnut Hills High School mostly in the areas that the students eat lunch. Every student and faculty member of Walnut Hills High School will have the opportunity to buy a product from THE GUM EXCHANGE.


1Methods Below is a list of methods THE GUM EXCHANGE will use to carry out The Blue Moon Project. ·



First step: An employee from THE GUM EXCHANGE will purchase it’s products to sell. The mode of transportation will most likely be bicycle and the products will most likely be bought from Sam’s Club. Second step: THE GUM EXCHANGE will bring it’s products to Walnut Hills High School to sell to all of the students and faculty members at the specified times. THE GUM EXCHANGE will record all expenses, revenues, profits, etc. and at the end of each fiscal period will distribute the net profits to all parties and hand in all necessary reports to the administration of Walnut Hills High School. The Blue Moon Project • January 18, 1999 • 12


1Deliverables Below is a list of four deliverables that will be produced by The Blue Moon Project.  


A convenient and high-quality source of gum and candy for all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School. A source of income for a club, organization, or department of Walnut Hills High School so they can improve the physical conditions and/or the quality of education for the students of Walnut Hills High School. A source of income for THE GUM EXCHANGE. Full reports of expenses, revenues, profits, etc. from THE GUM EXCHANGE for the administration of Walnut Hills High School.


1Organization Below is a chart detailing the responsibilities of each person working on The Blue Moon Project. Project Personnel Person



Phone Number

The Blue Moon Project • January 18, 1999 • 13

Project Personnel Person



Phone Number

David Myers

Managing all aspects of THE GUM EXCHANGE



Personal Qualifications

1Personal Qualifications David Myers should be the person to execute The Blue Moon Project. He has a lot of experience in selling gum and candy. He is the one who brought THE GUM EXCHANGE to life and he is the one who conceived The Blue Moon Project and all of it’s details.

Necessary Equipment

1Necessary Equipment Below is a list of necessary equipment needed by THE GUM EXCHANGE in order to carry out The Blue Moon Project.

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Necessary Materials Item






Giant Yukon®

21 speed mountain bike

Bike messenger bag


TIMBUK2 Bolo bag

2200 cubic inches




Intel Pentium® OverDrive® processor with MMX Technology

Cash Box with combination lock


MMF Industries Product No. 221619003M

11-1/4"W x 7-1/2"D x 3-1/8"H


1Budget During The Blue Moon Project THE GUM EXCHANGE will spend nine hundred and seventy one dollars on the purchase of gum products. And THE GUM EXCHANGE will spend one thousand two hundred and ninety two dollars on the purchase of candy products. During The Blue Moon Project THE GUM EXCHANGE will receive gross revenues of one thousand seven hundred and fifty two dollars from the sale of it’s gum products. And THE GUM EXCHANGE will receive gross revenues of one thousand nine hundred and fifty nine dollars from the sale of it’s candy products. The Blue Moon Project • January 18, 1999 • 15

Note: The information in the two preceding paragraphs and the two following charts refer to the 1998-1999 school year only. All information is an estimate based on tripling the actual amounts from the first part of the present school year.

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Economic Return

1Economic Return With gross revenues of three thousand seven hundred and eleven dollars and with cost of goods sold at two thousand two hundred and sixty three dollars THE GUM EXCHANGE will bring in a net profit of one thousand four hundred and forty eight dollars by the end of 1998 - 1999 school year. A club, organization, or department of Walnut Hills High School will receive five hundred and forty three dollars (37.5%) and THE GUM EXCHANGE will receive nine hundred and five dollars (62.5%). Note: The information in the preceding paragraph and the following two charts refer to the 1998-1999 school year only. All information is an estimate based on tripling the actual amounts from the first part of the present school year. Actual net profits will be less because of unforseen operating expenses.

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1Summary THE GUM EXCHANGE’S Blue Moon Project will provide a convenient and high-quality source of gum and candy to all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School by allowing THE GUM EXCHANGE to sell it’s products at the school. The profits from all of the sales will be split up between Walnut Hills High School and THE GUM EXCHANGE. A club, organization, or department of Walnut Hill High School will receive 37.5% of the net profits so they can improve the physical conditions and/or the quality of education for the students. THE GUM EXCHANGE will receive 62.5% percent of the net profits so it can pay it’s employee(s) and pay for other things such as future expansion, possible advertising, and other miscellaneous expenses. THE GUM EXCHANGE will not pay it’s employee(s) more than 37.5% of the total net profits. At the end of each fiscal period THE GUM EXCHANGE will give a copy of all necessary reports to the administration of Walnut Hills High School to insure that THE GUM EXCHANGE is following all of the rules of The Blue Moon Project.


Bibliography The Blue Moon Project • January 18, 1999 • 19

1Bibliography 1. Timbuk2 Design’s Web Page 2. Intel Corporation’s Web Page

References Below is a list of personal references for David Myers. Robert Myers Project Management Consultant Focus Management 513-471-2980 1032 Rutledge Ave. Cincinnati OH 45205 [email protected] Tom Koopman Manager H K Campbell 513-721-0006 1014 Vine St. Cincinnati OH 45202 [email protected]

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