Carpe Candy - The Bonanza Project

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  • Words: 5,450
  • Pages: 31
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Table of Contents Executive Summary....................................................................................2 Abstract ......................................................................................................4 Project Description .....................................................................................4 Background ................................................................................................8 Motivation and Need...................................................................................8 Benefits ....................................................................................................10 Support.....................................................................................................12 Objectives.................................................................................................12 Success Measurements ...........................................................................13 Prerequisites.............................................................................................14 Methods....................................................................................................15 Deliverables..............................................................................................15 Schedule ..................................................................................................16 Organization .............................................................................................17 Personal Qualifications.............................................................................18 Summary ..................................................................................................19 References ...............................................................................................19

Payment Schedule ...................................................................................21 Appendix A ...............................................................................................21 Appendix B ...............................................................................................24 Appendix C ...............................................................................................27 Appendix D ...............................................................................................28

Executive Summary

Executive Summary The purpose of the Bonanza Project is to provide many valuable benefits for the entire Walnut Hills High School Community by opening a store for Carpe Candy’s use inside of the school. This proposal outlines a detailed plan of how Carpe Candy will successfully accomplish this task.

Currently, Carpe Candy cannot successfully provide all of its products and services to all of its potential customers, which are the students and 1

faculty members of Walnut Hills High School. The benefits of the Bonanza Project will be exponentially higher than the benefits of the Blue Moon Project. The Bonanza Project will create a source of money, much larger than the Blue Moon Project produced, for Walnut Hills High School, and for Carpe Candy.


A faculty member is any person who is not a student, such as a teacher, administrator, counselor, cafeteria worker, custodian, etc.

The Bonanza Project is essentially the same as the Blue Moon Project, except on a much larger scale. For the Blue Moon Project, Walnut Hills High School provided Carpe Candy with a suitable environment within the school for it to sell its products and services, and will be doing the same for the Bonanza Project. In both the Blue Moon Project and the Bonanza Project, Carpe Candy operates independently, and does not require any monetary support from Walnut Hills High School. With the Bonanza Project, Carpe Candy will be like a permanent fundraiser for Walnut Hills High School. Walnut Hills High School will receive a constant, significant, and a guaranteed amount of money, each month, indefinitely.

The Bonanza Project will give Carpe Candy a much more professional and respectable appearance. This will give Carpe Candy a distinct advantage, which will result in increased revenues for Carpe Candy, and increased profits for Walnut Hills High School.

With the Bonanza Project, Carpe Candy will only be able to sell its products and services at times that its store is open. Dave Myers will not have any of Carpe Candy’s products with him during his school classes, meaning that Carpe Candy will only be able to sell its products and services when its store is open.

The Bonanza Project will allow Carpe Candy to successfully sell all of its

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products and services to all of its potential customers, something that it was not able to do with the Blue Moon Project.


Abstract During the Bonanza Project, Carpe Candy will open a store, which will be inside of Walnut Hills High School. Carpe Candy’s store will be in the same area of the Old Student Store, and it will open for business at the beginning of the next school year. The main goal of Carpe Candy is to provide many valuable benefits for the entire Walnut Hills High School Community, and it can only do this by opening a store inside of Walnut Hills High School.

Project Description The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 4

Project Description The Bonanza Project will provide many valuable benefits for the entire Walnut Hills High School Community. Wholesome products such as fresh muffins, fresh bagels, fresh fruit, and an assortment of milk and juices will be available to all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School. Carpe Candy may also sell a wide variety of school supplies to all of the students and faculty members. These items may include notebooks, pens, liquid paper, combination locks, calculators, and many more. Carpe Candy will also be able to sell necessary school materials that Walnut Hills High School currently sells, such as safety goggles and science fair display boards, for the school without making any profit from the sales. During the Bonanza Project, Carpe Candy will sell its products and services during five different time periods of the day - before school, during all three lunch periods, and after school. In order for this to occur, Dave Myers’ school schedule must be arranged accordingly. It will be possible for him to meet all of his academic requirements and still have time to operate Carpe Candy’s store. Dave Myers must be allowed to spend time during his study hall(s) operating Carpe Candy’s store.

Because of the location that Carpe Candy’s store will be in, it will be a great idea for Walnut Hills High School to consider it an “extension” of the

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school’s cafeteria, allowing Carpe Candy’s customers to patronize the store during the school’s three lunch periods.

Carpe Candy understands that Walnut Hills High School does not schedule classes close to the area that Carpe Candy’s store will be in during the three lunch periods, meaning that no classes will be disrupted during those times. It will be possible for Carpe Candy to sell all of its products and services during all three lunch periods, and for Walnut Hills High School to maintain control over the students inside and outside of its cafeteria. Because of Carpe Candy’s store’s close location to the cafeteria, Walnut Hills High School will be able to reposition its hall monitor from outside of the cafeteria’s north entrance to in front of Carpe Candy’s store. This will allow the hall monitor to control the movement of students in the first floor north hallway and the north stairwell closest to the cafeteria, and at the same time allow all of Carpe Candy’s customers patronize its store during all three lunch periods. Because of the hall monitors inside of Walnut Hills High School’s cafeteria, the repositioned hall monitor will not cause any loss of student supervision.

Carpe Candy must have complete control over the environment inside of its store. Carpe Candy must also have complete control over the exterior of the door to its store. This is obviously important so that Carpe Candy’s store will be in a presentable condition and so that Carpe Candy’s customers will have a good impression of it. Carpe Candy will not do

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anything to the interior of its store and/or to the exterior of its door that would be deemed unacceptable by Walnut Hills High School.

For the Bonanza Project, Carpe Candy will pay a fixed fee to Walnut Hills High School each month, as opposed to a percentage of the net profits. This will be beneficial for Walnut Hills High School because the school will be guaranteed a certain amount of money each month, and the amount of money that it does receive will not be affected by slow sales and/or larger than normal expenses. Carpe Candy will pay a fee of ten dollars to Walnut Hills High School for each day it is able to sell its products and services in its store. On the first school day of each month, Walnut Hills High School will receive a payment of ten dollars for each day Carpe Candy was able to sell its products and services in its store during the previous month.

Carpe Candy will require an adult advisor for the Bonanza Project. Mr. Tom Wilger, a teacher at Walnut Hills High School, has tentatively agreed to accept this responsibility. When necessary, he will advise Carpe Candy on various aspects of the Bonanza Project, and he will be responsible for helping handle any challenges that may arise with the project. He will help take some of the responsibilities that are involved with the Bonanza Project off the Walnut Hills High School Administration. He will not be expected to manage Carpe Candy on a day-to-day basis, and he won’t have to work in Carpe Candy’s store. Although Mr. Wilger

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will be Carpe Candy’s advisor, he will not have any liability for Carpe Candy’s actions. Mr. Wilger will officially agree to be Carpe Candy’s advisor after Walnut Hills High School approves the Bonanza Project and after he has spoken to Dave Myers’ parents.

Obviously, the Bonanza Project will have some unpredictable results. The best way to know exactly what all of the results of the Bonanza Project will be is to have a trial period. After a trial period is over, Carpe Candy and Walnut Hills High School can evaluate the Bonanza Project, and decide whether or not to continue.

The Bonanza Project will improve Walnut Hills High School’s already extremely positive image. People will admire the fact that a school can have an independent business inside of it that benefits the school, all of the students and faculty members, the owner of the business, and at the same time has a program with extremely high standards such as Walnut Hills High School.


Background Carpe Candy has a strong background supporting the Bonanza Project. The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 8

Carpe Candy has sold candy and related products for approximately three years, with one year involved with the Blue Moon Project. There is a strong demand for candy and related products at Walnut Hills High School. This has been shown by the strong sales of Carpe Candy with the Blue Moon Project.

The Blue Moon Project has been a phenomenal success. Carpe Candy has met and exceeded all of its highest expectations for the project. Because the Bonanza Project shares the same principles with the Blue Moon Project, the Bonanza Project will be bigger and better, and produce more revenues for Carpe Candy, and more profits for Walnut Hills High School than the Blue Moon Project did.

Mr. Marvin Koenig, the principal of Walnut Hills High School, has told Dave Myers that the Bonanza Project will not be in violation of any law or policy.

Motivation and Need

Motivation and Need There are several motivations and needs for the Bonanza Project:

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Carpe Candy must be able to reach all of its potential customers.

It is currently impossible for Carpe Candy to sell all of its products and services to all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School.

During part of the Blue Moon Project, Carpe Candy was barely able to sell its products and services to all of the people eating lunch on the Commons during the first lunch period. Most of the time, there were no more than a few hundred people on the Commons at that time, showing that Carpe Candy was only able reach a fraction of its potential customers.

With a store, Carpe Candy will be able to reach all of its potential customers.

Walnut Hills High School needs extra money.


Walnut Hills High School is not in perfect condition, and would benefit greatly from a constant, significant, and a guaranteed amount of money each month.


With the money paid to Walnut Hills High School from Carpe Candy, the school will be able to buy a brand new personal

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computer each complete school year.


Walnut Hills High School will receive ten dollars per every day Carpe Candy is able to sell its products and services in its store.

Carpe Candy needs to grow and expand its business.


All great companies must be in a continuous process of growth and expansion.


If a company isn’t growing and expanding, it will never make more money, and more important, it will never be able to reach all of its potential customers.


With the Bonanza Project, Carpe Candy will be able to grow and expand so it can reach all of its potential customers, resulting in increased revenues for Carpe Candy, and increased profits for Walnut Hills High School.


Benefits The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 11

Several benefits will come from the Bonanza Project which will help Walnut Hills High School and Carpe Candy:


Carpe Candy will be able to reach all of its potential customers.

All of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School will be able to purchase all of Carpe Candy’s products and services from its store. °

Walnut Hills High School will be provided with an extra source of money.

Walnut Hills High School will receive a constant, significant, and a guaranteed amount of money from Carpe Candy each month. Walnut Hills High School will receive enough money each complete school year to buy a brand new personal computer. °

Carpe Candy will grow and expand its business.

The Bonanza Project will allow Carpe Candy to grow and expand its business so that it can sell all of its products and services to all of its potential customers, resulting in increased revenues for

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Carpe Candy, and increased profits for Walnut Hills High School.


Support The majority of the support for the Bonanza Project comes from Carpe Candy’s customers. Some of this support has even been shown by people offering to work in Carpe Candy’s store. The Bonanza Project is also strongly supported by the faculty of Walnut Hills High school. Carpe Candy also has a great deal of support for the Bonanza Project from the great success of the Blue Moon Project.


Objectives Below is a list of objectives that the Bonanza Project will address:

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Providing many valuable benefits for the entire Walnut Hills High School Community.

Allowing Carpe Candy to sell all of its products and services to all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School. This objective will be addressed through the use of a store which will be inside of Walnut Hills High School. This will take place on the first day of school in the 2000 - 2001 school year.

Providing a constant, significant, and a guaranteed source of money for Walnut Hills High School. On the first school day of each month, Carpe Candy will give ten dollars to Walnut Hills High School for each day it was able to sell its products and services in its store during the previous month.

Allowing Carpe Candy to grow and expand its business. This will be accomplished through opening a store inside of Walnut Hills High School, resulting in increased revenues for Carpe Candy, and increased profits for Walnut Hills High School. This effect will occur relatively soon after Carpe Candy opens its store on the first day of school in the 2000 - 2001 school year.

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Success Measurements

Success Measurements The Bonanza Project will be a success if the following criteria are met:


If the entire Walnut Hills High School Community is provided with many valuable benefits.


If Carpe Candy is able to sell all of its products and services to all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills High School with a store.


If Walnut Hills High School is provided with a constant, significant, and a guaranteed source of money from Carpe Candy.


If Carpe Candy receives increased revenues, and if Walnut Hills High School receives increased profits due to the growth and expansion of Carpe Candy’s business.


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Prerequisites Before the Bonanza Project can begin, Walnut Hills High School must agree to all of the following prerequisites:


Walnut Hills High School will have no control over the management of Carpe Candy. If Walnut Hills High School wants any aspect of Carpe Candy to be changed, it must discuss its ideas with the company for approval.


Carpe Candy must be able to sell any type of product or service. Carpe Candy will not sell any product or service that is not permitted by the rules of Walnut Hills High School.


Carpe Candy must be able to hire employees in order to help manage its store. All employees will be students and/or faculty members of Walnut Hills High School.


Methods Below is a list of methods that Carpe Candy will use in order to execute the Bonanza Project:

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First step: Carpe candy will purchase its products to sell.


Second step: Carpe Candy will bring its products to Walnut Hills High School in order to sell in its store to all of the students and faculty members at the specified times.


Third step: Carpe Candy will give Walnut Hills High School its monthly payment for the previous month on the first school day of each month.


Deliverables Below is a list of deliverables that will be produced by the Bonanza Project:

Many valuable benefits for the entire Walnut Hills High School Community.

A store that will allow Carpe Candy to sell all of its products and services to all of the students and faculty members of Walnut Hills The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 17

High School.

A constant, significant, and a guaranteed source of money for Walnut Hills High School.

Growth and expansion of Carpe Candy’s business, resulting in increased revenues for Carpe Candy, and increased profits for Walnut Hills High School.


Schedule The schedule for the Bonanza Project will include several simple tasks. These tasks will include presenting the Bonanza Project to the Local School Decision Making Committee of Walnut Hills High School, renovating Carpe Candy’s store, and opening Carpe Candy’s store for the first time.

Carpe Candy would not like to conform to a strict schedule for some of these tasks, however, some of them require exact dates. Such tasks that require exact dates include presenting the Bonanza Project to the Local School Decision Making Committee of Walnut Hills High School, and the The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 18

opening of Carpe Candy’s store. For Carpe Candy’s renovation, it would like to be able to use any of the time between receiving approval for the Bonanza Project and the opening of its store for that task.

Below is a list of dates and events pertaining to the Bonanza Project:


Thursday, March 16, 2000 Carpe Candy will present the Bonanza Project to the Local School Decision Making Committee of Walnut Hills High School.


First day of school in the 2000 - 2001 school year Carpe Candy will open its store for the first time.

Note: All of the preceding dates are tentative, and are subject to change.


Organization Below is a chart detailing the responsibilities of each person working on the Bonanza Project:

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Project Personnel Person


Phone Number

Dave Myers

Executing the Bonanza Project

(513) 702-5835

Advising Carpe Candy on the Tom Wilger

Bonanza Project

(513) 761-8424

Reviewing the Bonanza Project Tom Koopman


(513) 721-0006

Personal Qualifications

Personal Qualifications Dave Myers is the right person to execute the Bonanza Project for several reasons. He has a great deal of experience in the industry that Carpe Candy is in. He has worked at a wholesale candy distributor located in Downtown Cincinnati for several months, where he learned the “tricks of the trade” for the candy business. Through executing the Blue Moon Project, Dave Myers gained a lot of experience in business administration, and learned that operating a business independently takes an enormous amount of time and dedication. He is fully prepared to dedicate all of the The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 20

hard work and effort that the Bonanza Project will require in order to make the project a great success for the entire Walnut Hills High School Community. Furthermore, Dave Myers has all of the necessary resources available to him that are needed to make the Bonanza Project a success.


Summary As you can see, the Bonanza Project will provide many valuable benefits for the entire Walnut Hills High School Community by opening a store for Carpe Candy’s use inside of the school.

The Bonanza Project will provide a store for Carpe Candy inside of Walnut Hills High School in order for it to sell all of its products and services to all of the students and faculty members of the school. The project will provide Walnut Hills High School with a constant, significant, and a guaranteed source of money. The project will also provide increased revenues for Carpe Candy, and increased profits for Walnut Hills High School, resulting from the growth and expansion of Carpe Candy’s business.

On the first school day of each month Walnut Hills High School will receive a payment of ten dollars for each day Carpe Candy was able to The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 21

sell its products and services in its store during the previous month.


References Below is a list of personal references for Dave Myers:

Tom Koopman Manager H.K. Campbell & Co. (513) 721-0006 1014 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 [email protected]

Pete Minges General Manager Peter Minges & Son, Inc. (513) 241-7376 138 West Court St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 [email protected] The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 22

Terry Eby Construction Foreman Amity Partners, Inc. (513) 922-6077 5540 Pinecrest Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45238 [email protected]

Payment Schedule

Payment Schedule Walnut Hills High School will receive a payment schedule prior to the start of each school year regarding payments Carpe Candy will make to the school for the Bonanza Project during that year.

Appendix A

Appendix A The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 23

1032 Rutledge Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45205-2096 (513) 702-5835

September 23, 1999


Solutions for concerns regarding the Bonanza Project

To whom it may concern: I have met with Mr. Koenig and discussed the Bonanza Project and all of its aspects. During this meeting he expressed one major concern. He was concerned about the impact that the Bonanza Project would have on other candy fund-raisers at Walnut Hills High School. His concerns are extremely valid, but do not constitute stopping the Bonanza Project. I am very confident that we can find a solution that would solve all of the challenges of the Bonanza Project, and that would make everyone happy. Even with the Bonanza Project, other candy fund-raisers at Walnut Hills would still have a large advantage over Carpe Candy. In general, it would be much more convenient for the average student to buy candy from someone other than Carpe Candy. The Bonanza Project will involve Carpe Candy selling other products besides candy. These products include gum, food, drinks (pop, juice, coffee), school supplies, and possibly magazines. As you can see, the Bonanza Project will make Carpe Candy very diversified, meaning that the school can benefit from other areas besides candy. Below is a list of possible solutions that can solve our challenge of the Bonanza Project interfering with other candy fund-raisers: _

During the time when an organization at Walnut Hills has a candy fundraiser, Carpe Candy can sell their products in its store without making any The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 24

profit from the sales. Although some products from candy fund-raisers overlap Carpe Candy’s products, they are generally in different packaging. As a result, sales of candy fund-raisers will go up and the students of Walnut Hills will have more selection to choose from. _

Carpe Candy could raise its prices on certain items that it sells which overlap with other organization’s products during certain times of the school year. This will make other organization’s candy more attractive, and students would be more likely to buy their candy.


Carpe Candy would be able to supply organizations at Walnut Hills, which sell candy, with their products to sell, and offer them a better price than what they now pay. Carpe Candy would be able to arrange a deal where they could pay less than .50¢ for a candy bar that retails for $1.


Carpe Candy could donate its time and money to put a label on each piece of candy for other candy-selling organizations. These labels could thank customers for buying their candy and supporting their cause. With these labels, sales of other candy-selling organizations will dramatically increase.


Walnut Hills could give some of the money that it would receive from the Bonanza Project to the organizations within the school that have candy fund-raisers in order to help compensate for some of the changes that may occur.

As you can see, there are many possible solutions to concerns regarding the Bonanza Project and that there is no valid reason to stop it. If we work together, the sales of all of our organizations have the potential to make a spectacular rise. If you have any question about any aspect of the Bonanza Project or any aspect of Carpe Candy please contact me at [email protected] or (513) 702-5835 at any time, day or night. If you would like, we can have a private meeting in order to discuss any of your questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you for your time and attention, and I look forward to all of us working The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 25

together in the near future!


Dave Myers Carpe Candy

Appendix B

Appendix B

1032 Rutledge Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45205-2096 (513) 702-5835

October 22, 1999 The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 26

Walnut Hills High School Administrative Team 3250 Victory Pkwy. Cincinnati, OH 45207


The Bonanza Project

Dear Mrs. Dola McMullen, Mrs. Donna Perzigian, Mr. Stephen Ranker, Mr. John Young: I want to thank you for taking interest in the Bonanza Project and using some of your extremely valuable time to evaluate my proposal. After meeting with Mr. Koenig, I understand that you may have a few remaining concerns regarding the project. In this letter I hope to resolve any remaining issues you may have about the Bonanza Project and tell you how the project will be beneficial for everyone. Mr. Koenig conveyed to me that you don’t like the idea that I will be personally gaining money from the Bonanza Project. Here are several reasons why I should be entitled to personally gain from the project: °

Everything that I gain from the project will be a result of the labor that I put into it. This country is founded on the idea of free enterprise and that if you want something you have to work for it. I am very happy to have this wonderful opportunity to start a project that will benefit everyone, and gain from it at the same time. This should be seen as a positive thing and not a negative one.


Walnut Hills High School already allows private companies to sell their products to its captive audience for the purpose of making profit. Examples of these services include class rings, school pictures, food service, the printing of the Remembrancer, and the printing of The Chatterbox.

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Although I will be personally gaining money, no other involved party with the project will lose money or be negatively affected. All of the students and faculty members will be provided with extremely valuable services, the school will have an extra source of income which involves virtually no effort on its part, and I will gain the awards from all of my hard work.

The Bonanza Project will provide several valuable services for all of the students and faculty members of the school. One of these services may be the sale of school supplies. I may sell school supplies for profit, but I can also sell necessary materials currently sold by the school, such as safety goggles and science fair display boards, for the school without making any profit on the sales. After going through some financial projections, I felt that giving payments to the school of $8 per day for the Bonanza Project will be fair and reasonable. If you have any concerns about this I am very open to any suggestions that you may have, and I encourage you to express them to me. I think that the Bonanza Project will continue Walnut Hills High School’s very positive image. People will admire the fact that a school can have an independent business inside of it that benefits the school, all of the students and faculty members, the owner of the business, and at the same time have a school program with extremely high standards such as Walnut Hills has. I think that the openminded ideas of the Bonanza Project will speak very highly of the school administration. The students of the school will greatly appreciate an administration that will allow them to enjoy such conveniences as a mid-day snack at a low cost. The only way to know exactly what will happen as a result of the Bonanza Project is to have a short trial period. I have Mr. Koenig’s support for this idea and I am willing to do whatever it takes to get the Bonanza Project off the ground. I will be able to open a store on February 1, 2000. I can execute the Bonanza Project until the end of the school year and then we can evaluate the project over the summer and decide wether or not to continue next school year. After you reach a decision or have a response to this letter, please send it to me via e-mail, [email protected], by November 2, 1999. The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 28

Thank you very much for dedicating some of your valuable time to the Bonanza Project and for allowing me to have a fair chance to express myself to you. I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Dave Myers Carpe Candy


I don’t expect the profits from the Bonanza Project to exceed

(A “100 Grand” candy bar was taped to the paper in this spot.)

dollars any time soon. CC:

Mr. Marvin Koenig Mr. Tom Wilger

Appendix C

Appendix C The Bonanza Project · March 9, 2000 · 29

1032 Rutledge Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45205-2096 (513) 702-5835

January 26, 2000 Mr. Marvin Koenig Walnut Hills High School 3250 Victory Pkwy. Cincinnati, OH 45207


Presentation confirmation for the Bonanza Project, and some changes in the project

Dear Mr. Koenig: I am very happy to inform you that I am almost ready to present the Bonanza Project to the Instructional Leadership Team of Walnut Hills High School. I am scheduled to present the Bonanza project to the ILT on February 9, 2000. I understand that there is a small possibility of a Cincinnati Federation of Teachers strike on February 8th. If this event, or any other event, prevents me from presenting the Bonanza Project on February 9th, I will present it to the ILT on February 23rd. There are a few important changes that need to be made regarding the Bonanza Project. Contrary to what I have previously stated, I do not wish to offer the service of putting a customized label on each piece of candy for candy-selling organizations at Walnut Hills. This service was originally intended to help counteract any possible effects the Bonanza Project might have on candy fund-raisers. This service would require an enormous amount of time and money and it would be relatively ineffective.

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I would like to increase the amount of money that Walnut Hills High School will receive each day during the Bonanza Project from eight dollars to ten dollars. With this change, Walnut Hills High School will receive almost four hundred dollars more each school year. I trust that you will not have any objections to these changes. I feel that they need to be made in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the Bonanza Project. Thank you very much for your time and attention.


Dave Myers Carpe Candy

Appendix D

Appendix D Contrary to what was stated in Appendix C, Carpe Candy did not present the Bonanza Project to the Instructional Leadership Team of Walnut Hills High School on February 9, 2000. Carpe Candy will present the Bonanza Project to the Local School Decision Making Committee of Walnut Hills High School on Thursday, March 16, 2000.

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