The Biblical Significance Of Numbers

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  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 3
The Biblical Significance of Numbers

If you are like me, then you have a special number that you believe works for you. Personally my favourite number is five, but if I attached significance as it relates to my spiritual journey then the number would be three. When I thought of my spiritual journey, I realised that I made the third Anglican Women’s Cursillo, I made the third parochial renewal weekend [Discovery] in our diocese and most significant it was the third relationship of my life that resulted in marriage [although engaged prior to that]. So you can see why the number ‘3’ is of great significance to me both spiritual and otherwise. Now I’m not a ‘new age thinker’ nor am I a mystic. I am simply a student of the word of God and I have found through my study and research that if I truly want to have my steps ordered by His word, then I must may attention to detail. Granted, the world order places meaning on numbers as it relates to jobs and success. There is the practice of numerology used by physics and/or mediums. However all of these things have their roots in the bible. One of my books for study is the “Book of Bible Lists” by H. L. Willmington and in it I found the implication for certain numbers as it related to the spiritual journey of the God’s people. As I often lead bible studies, I have prepared a short study on a few of the core numbers and what they represent: Number 1: The primary number that signifies absolute singleness. Study: Deut. 6:4; Eph. 4:4-6 Number 2: Is the number of support and witness. Study: Gen. 1:16; Exod. 25:22; Matt. 26:60; Acts 1:10; Rev. 11:3 Number 3: Is the number of that represents unity and accomplishment.

Study: Gen. 6:10; Exod. 23:14, 17; Ezra 10:9; Neh. 2:11; John 2:19; Luke 13:7 Number 4: Is an earth-related number and it refers to the four seasons of the year and the four directions. Study: Dan. 7:3; Matt. 13 and Rev. 6 Number 5: Is the number for Grace Study: Lev. 1-5; Matt. 14:17; Matt. 25:2 Number 6: The number of man. Study: Gen. 1:31; Josh. 6:3; 1 Sam. 17:4; Num. 35:6 Number 7: The number of God that exemplifies divine excellence. Study: John [7 miracles are found]; Luke: 23:34, 43, 46; Mark 15:34; John 19:2627, 28, 30 [together are the seven sayings on the cross]; Ps. 12:6; Gen. 2:2; Rev. 1:4, 12, 16; Rev. 5:1; Rev. 8:2 Number 8: Signifies a new beginning. Study: Gen. 7:13, 23; John 20:26 Number 9: Represents the measure of blessing. Study: Rom. 12; Eph. 4; Gal. 5:22-23 Number 10: The number for human government. Study: 1 Kings 11:31-35; Dan. 7:24; Rev. 17:12; Ruth 4:2 Number 12: The number that indicates Divine government. Study: Matt. 10; Rev. 7; Rev. 21 Number 40: Is the number that is associated with difficulties and hardship. Study: Num. 12:25, Exod. 24:18; 1 Sam. 17:16, Matt. 4:2; Acts 1:3 Number 50: The number of celebration and feasts. Study: Lev. 23:15-16; Acts 2 This is not an exhaustive list, but simply a guide to start studying God’s word as it relates to your own spiritual journey. I encourage you to meditate on these scriptures using the method of Lectio Divina. You can find the model for this in my e-book, “Sacred Reading: “Forty Day and Forty Nights” which can be found at Or you can use the biblical references for a small group bible study. You will be pleasantly surprised to note that you have been walking in the footsteps of the faithful. Copyright@2009

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