The Art Of Ancient India_13

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abhanga."Betd"; a standing posture with a slight bend in both the upper and lower halves of the body so that a plumb line from the top of the head to a point midway between the heelspasscsslightly to the right ofthe navel. abhaya mudra. A gesture of protection and reassumnce (the granting of the "absence of fear") dispiayed by deitics to their worshipers; the hand (usually the dght) is held palrn outward with the fingers pointing upward. In Buddhism, it is used as a teaching gesture,for it is through the Buddhist teachings thar the "absence of fear" (of death) is granted. a&fiirr&a.Religious consecrationor initiatiotl by sprinkling with water. acarya.O\e who observes(the rules of his religious otder); a teacheror spiritual guide. -llLe adhiyhana. base (of a Hindu tenple) . Adi Buddha. The supremeBuddha; rhe enbodimenr of linyati;in certain esoterictraditions, the Buddha fion whom emanatethejlaa Buddhas.Technically, he is withoutforDr, but, accordillg tovarioustcxts, he may manifest as difercnt suprene Buddhas, including Vairocana,Vajradhara, Aksobhya, and othcrs. driAsa.Without violence; the doctrine of non-injury to living beings praciced by members of many Indic religious sects. aiil'arya. Sovercignty. Ajaikapnda Bhairava. "One-lcgged goat Bhairava." A one-leggcdform ofBhairava. SeeFig. 19.43. akala. Eaher. In Buddhism, "spacc" in the absolute sense;thc itlfiniry of Universality. Aksobhya. "Imperturbable." One of thejina Suddhas; he symbolizesthe awakening ofthe will to cnlightenment and presidcs over the eastcm paradise, Abhirati. SeeFig. r8.rr. al ha. A standitg posrure in which the deiry is shown activeiy posed, sometimes trampling upon an cnemy, usually with onc leg bent, the other stretched.SeeFig.

-amalalea,"Fruit"; a fattened, fluted round form used as a crowning member of the superstructure of northern-style Hindu temples, as a relearing decorative motif on such superstructures,and sometimes in other atchitectural contexts. Amitebha. "Light (Radiance) Without End"; "infinite radiance." One of thejlna 3r:ddhas; he symbolizcs entry to attainmenr rhrough mediratiol and presides over the westem paradise, Sukhavati. As presiding Buddha in Sukhtvati, he is identical with Amltayus. An.ritabha/ Amitayus. The Bnddha who presides over the westcrn paradise, Sukhavati. Sre a/-,o Amirabha; Amitayus. Amitayus. "Life Without End." Another name for Amitebha as the presiding Buddha of the western paradise,Sukhavati. In contrast to Arnitabha, however, Amitayus is not considered to be one of the jina Buddhas. Amra. Mxngo trcc. anandafindara. A dance performed by the god Siva; the nadantu.Seepp. J3J-36 ard Fig. 2r.34. Ananta. "Endless." Thc serpent upon which Visnu reclinesor sits. Also called Sega.SeeFig. ro.z9. aiijali xndra. "'lwo-h"ndf,r1. pose"; a g.rt"oreofrespect and saiutation in which the two hands are held together near the chest, palms touching. See Fig. 5.r2. aflturAla.An interrncdiate space in a temple; an antechamber or vestibule bctween the main shrine and the ardhanatdapa. -Ihe anugnha. god Siva's power to grant grace to a devotee. Afiuttatuyagini-f4nttuA classificationof Buddhist Tantric texts that emphasize the most esotcric teachings of the "nrother" or femalc f prajin radition. apsaras(pl. apsansas).A female minor divinity that inlrabits the sky, apwrasasare the "wives" of the gatidharuasand ^re often depicreddancing or making music.




ardhantandapa.A closed hall (na4dapa) wiicb may be joined to the main shrine of a terr-rPle6y an anturald or rnay abut it dirccdY Ardhanarilvara. "The Lord who is half woman"; a represcntationof Siva cornbined into a single body wlth his consort. The proper right side ofthe body is rnale, the proper left, female. SeeFigs. r3 6, 18 3o' A half-squaning standing pose charardhaparyairka. acteriitic ofangry (&rodlra)deities. SeeFig. 18 13 ardha pataka. "Half-flag"; a hand gcsture. See pp' 267-68. asatld.Se t or throne; the leg Positions or slttlDg postures assumed by deities and religious practidoners. ajola. "Absence of sorrow"; a kind oftrec; also the red flower of that tree. aloka dohada.A dahadawho grasPsatr djokd tree; a symbol ofbirth and creation. SeePP. 68-69' asidhanr. Metal of eieht alloys. Seep. 388 and cheP. r 8 ,n . 7 . The eight protective, directional deities; aStadikpalas. the iesenrsofrhe regronsofthe sky ' l\i eryhr pa'iuara or "retrnue astapaririradevata. deiriesarrendingthc rn:ringod ofa shrine Usurlly p[accdin surroundingcircuit'. corridors.or shrine' of a templc. flre number r"ric' accordtngto some systems. asflia. "Asserter"; one who is "orthodox" and accepts the authority ofthe Vedas. asurc.ln the Vedas, a classof gods who were adversariesofthe deras.Later, the teln came to refer to a type of demon. aivanedha.Y cdichorsesacrifice alrotd/d. A rrurler rhe uahata of the goddessSrr' See Pl. zz, alt)attha. A {ig tree (Lat Fins teligiosa)',the bodhi tree of Sakfamuni Br'rddha; a fipal tree' Its lcaves arc essentialiyheart-shapcdand have an elongated ooint. SeeFig. r'4d. Arman. In Indrc rcliqiou' thought. the Un'versel; Brahman. SeePP. 29, 3o. ahlafl.lnhrdic religious thought, the individual See p.29. A.'alokite3vara.A nnhasattva bodhisattva,the embodimcnt of compassion and sometimes of enlightennent itsell Afrer xbout lhe sixth century, he becane the most populer bodhisattva in Buddhivn For some ofhis variAn! names and forms, seeIndex and lllustration Index avafit, Ln incartation (lit "descent") of a deiry; generally used to refer to the lorms of the god Vi9nu. ignorance. In Indic reaailTa. "Non-wisdom";

ligions, iqnorance is seenas an "encmy" that must bJ defeatld in order to achievereligious "victory." ayudhapwuga.A personilication of one of Vignu's weapon attributes. SeeFig. ro.:9.


bocn bala. A term for "wall" in Orirsrn architec(rrrc. Bahubali (Gommate6vara).A Jain saint; thc son of !.gabhan-dra(thc first lair tithaikara) . SeeFig. zz.3 bala. Powcr strcngth; forcc. Balarlma. "Rama of strength"; thc clder brother of Kr$na. Balarima is considered to be the seventh incarnationofVignu. SeeFig r8.3z. Bhagavad-Ctta.The "Song of the Lord [Krgna]"; an appendedportion ro the Mahabhantu which has as a theme thc notiou that only deedsspringing fron altruistic motives, devotion, alrd faith can lead ro rhe rcalization ofBrahman. Central to much Kr;na bhagawta. A devotee. In later Hinduisrn, generalll' used for devoteesof Krsna. bhakti. "Devotion"; a mystical religious doctrine oi faith by which the devotee, through ardent, uncompromising love of the god, attains unity wjth the god. bhasdaLTl\e libftty of a Jain religious establishment bhik5u.A "beggar" or "mendicant." A Buddhist or fain monk (fem. bhiklu4r, a nun). biogona4dapo. The "hall of offerings [enjoyl.renr. in an Orissantempie. wealth, possessions]" 'Farth"; floor; [otrndation; level: stagc: bhntni. story. In architecture, the levels or stories (of a In Buddhist Lhoughr. burlding or supcrsfructurc). the stalcs 1or spirirurl sphcre') through uh'ch : bodhisattva (or practitioner) moves in quest oi enlightenment. bhunispdrla mudra. "Earth-totching gesture." Characteristic of depictions of Sekyamuni Buddha in his victory ovet Mtra. The right hand exten& downward, palm inward, and touches (or reaches toward) the earth. Used only for seatedfigures. Sc?Fig. 8.2r. btja. Seed; semen; sound essence.A mystic syllabl: that constitutes an essentiaiPortion of a ,ratrrr; Can also refer to the rel,icirLa stipa. biuda. An epithet; usually for a god, a king, or : great religious teacher. ,oJ[i. In suddhi,-, enlightenment; perfectedknol:edge or wisdom; the result of the uni{ication c: compassion(&araaa)and wisdon (pra.1na). bodhitree(botlhiuTky).Enlighrenment tree; eachmorrr (lranr.r5i)Buddha became cnlightened while med:tating under a type offfee that cameto be considerea his "cnlightenment tree."






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bodhipaksika. The rhirty-seven "rvings" or aspcctsof cnlightcnment; "ralcnt" lbr enlishtcnment or the thiftv-seveD nrcntll gifts characteristicof e Buddirx. bodlrisattvalboihtsduual). "ErrlighrcnmcnrBeilg." A potenrialBuddha; a bcirg desrinedro atrainllutldhahood;a bcinq capableofattainirrgBuddhahood .,r'hoscrvcs:rsa guidc to others on thc luddhLt padr. Srr:p. ri5. bodhyaiginudra. Scepp. 4o2-l and Fi.s.r ti.r S. Brahna. A Vcdic and Hindr godlin latcr l-lrnduisln, hc is seenas the god of crcatiorl and is considc'rcd to be, aions u'ith Siva and Visnrr, one of thc Hindu triad. Hc is soncrines cotrsidl-rcdro be a rlil,pala ard suardian of thc zenith resiolr of the sk\. Src I i s . I t .r 8 . Brahna &rpala. Thc severcclhcrd of li-aluni: somctincs held in dre hand of a lludclhist dein to sr-rnbolizesuprcrnacvovcr Ilrahnranism.S.. iig. ri.rr, lor'"'erproper left hand. Brahnan. Thc Universal;Atnan. Seepp. :t9, 3o, a t . r . n ' t ' t , aoh a ) .T ' r e ; r ' . . r l r . 1 . . ' i . \ e d . . r , . d Hinduisrn. [1had.Great; 1:rrge; gigantic. Iluddha (l.,rrl/la). An enlight,:.ncd,omniscicnt leing. May rcGr to rnortal 0rtrrlri) beines (suchasSak-r'an . r r n 'S r d d h - ) o r L h o \ c^ r h e . b . r r - . r , r n . . . " r r c " r realns. buddhaloha. Buddha-world. A world that is presided over by a Buddha.Srcp. 2,47. Buddhandt&a.Morber of Buddhas. The Pr,tjii a?arcniia texls. Ituddhapada. Footprint of a BLrddha. B u d d h i . n , .T h e B r r o d i r r sr t. l i , r , . l r . r , - n \ r u r r . , sects,and variatioDsrevc:ria greatdivcrsitv; onLl.a portioDofthc religionccnrerson rhc historicalBuddha, Saklarnuni, and his tcachrngs.Irs basic prur, , ' u l e , r ' r l . . d e n o n r : . l e n c cr. . ! j j p r . 5 l o n .I n d g e rc - ous works; for most Buddhists,the eoal of thc rellgiorl is to att?in cnlighleDrnent,and, bencc, cxtinccionof individualexistcnce (rrlrrana). carrya.A sacred spot, sotrrerinlesassociatcdrvith a r . l i c . t . . n - r . . 1p . r e . o r b u r . . J .I r n r 1 b c r . , r ^ c d by a trec or nroond and surroundcdby a sacrcd railing (relila). A srrpais a tvpe ofrairTa. caitya\z|l. A ha11that conrainsa rnirya. ;aftra. Wheel; discus; sonretinrcsa solar svnrbol. l n l i u n d h I l , r h c . a l r ar . t c r . ^ r h . \ r ' c c o t r L . law (dharntacahra) and, soncrirnes, to (tkvaruunj B r r d d - r ' .t r r . r' - r r r r u r rb. r ' r r 1 . ,, 1 , . , r ' , 1 1 l rvheelof the laql' jnro motion. In llinduisrl, thc ca&r,ris a s,vmbol(aud *'eapon) of Visnu.


adkrdprrrsn.A nale figurc rvho pcrsonilics \risnu's rvireei (ra&ra); onc of tbe ayudlnptrusa:. cdkrardttin. A univcrsaln]onarch Sf. Fjg. J.36. rarrdrajalr."Moon-charnbcr" ; thc rou,roccropenrng ar thc enclof a "barrcl-vaulrcd"ball. lts shapcis used as e rcfeating decorativernotlf in Sotdt Asirn religiousarchrtccnrrc. Src Fig. t2.3. carrrra. A danccpose.SceFig. :r.33. cdlrltDitillatilltltrti. Thc menfl -four lbr1lls or :rspcccs '1'hey of Visnu. are usuall_v dcpiccd :r\ sran;ing, lbur-armed ligures llho crn Lc rccognrzeo onr1, bl the twcntv-four variant rrrrs n r,,,hich thc god's four principal attribures ma., bc rotercd , . r ' e L i ' I . r n , l . .F . lr o ,l 'rpLor'. ,.' T. A. Cioplnathallao, Eluutntsol llituh lrattogralthy (Mrdras: Larv liinting Horrsc, r9r4 r6; : vols. in 4, Ncu York: Paragon l3ook Rcprinr Corp., r 9 6 3 J r, : r : 2 2 9 3 2 . rarrrl. Fh-r'hisk; chowriel rlso callcd rarrrara.Held by figurcs artending respccrcdindividuals (borh relglous and sccular).S.r Fjq. 4.12. cl,rrrr. Urrlbrell:r: parasol. A smrbol oi roralt1., Pfotcction,or honor. chaya:tanbha. "Shadc-pilJar";a t\fe ol hcro storrc (rrdgdl).S.r Fig. 9.3r. Daksinanhrti. SeeSiva Daksinanlrti danaru. A typc of drun consisringof r$,o rriangul:u forms Soincd at the apc)ies;uscd by drnccrs. Whcn hcld rn thc hand of e deitv, it can rcpresent thc rhlthm of tirnc and thc crcrtivc ener!j\'. Thc te.o joiDed sectionsmA\ also represcnt thc nrlc arrd fertralc principlcs. S.. Fig- 19.47, propcr right hantl, sccondfrom top. dardahasta. "Stall-hand," or tgajahdsta("clcphanrhand"): a harrdgcsrurc.Ss. p. JIJ and Fig. 2r.33. dar'aan."Vicrvurg"; espcciallvh:rvrng siehr of :r sacred inage, placc,or revcrcdperson. dataltlnnnika.The ten sragcsof achiercmcnr of thc bodhisattva,leading to Buddhahood. Sometines Dunbers other dran tcn are given (sucb as cicvcn md drirtcen) though thev arc srill calic.l thc ren saagcs. da\A1jdtarc. Tl\c ten principal ararar-ror rncarn:rtionsof Visnr.r.The incarnationsusuall.,citerl rrc: r. Mar ' 1 r / f J : : . h u r m . , r . r r o : , e 73:. \ - r " l r . b o , r ; l 4 Nrsirhha (nanJion); 5. Vimana-Trivikrama (drvarf); 6. ParaiLrrama (Ranrarlith the axe); 7. Ranra; 3. Krsna; 9. llalaram:r(or, sometrr-ncs, Sikyamuni Iluddha); ro. Kalkin. Accordlng ro Vaisnevitc t l . r r g h r .r l . c L r ' r r . i l e r r r ,' r r . , r r .r , l ' . ' e . ) r e r d ; apleared;thc tcnrh,Kalkin, is srillawaited. /eal. l-he residcncc of rhe dcity; rhe main shrine



ofa Hindu temple and its suPentructure; a ritltra. Sometimes used to refel to the temPle as a whole, including its manfopas.IJscd especially in Orissan architectural terrninology. (Similar terms include derakula, ilevagara,deuagrha,devalaya.J deva.A god of the Vedic Pantheon belonging to the ry'eraclass;later, the term is used generically to refer to a god or deity. (Fcm. /eri.) devakoitha.A niche on the exterior of the wall of a sourhcrn-styleHindu temple conceiningan image of a deity or, sometimes, other {igures. See Figs. 2r.t2-r4' 2r.r7, 21,r8. deva-kulika. A variant of deoabula(see deul\. Ofren used to refer to the small cells containing sacred images in the cloister surrounding a temPle. See Fig.2o.Jr. devaprtra. "son of god"; a term sornctimes used to refer to kings in Indic epigraphsand other contexts ilhartna."Lrw; practice; justicc; duty (moral or rcligiou')." h Buddhi.rn.refersto the be'is or c"sence of the religion itself, its foundation ln Hinduism, refers especially to duty performed for its own sake,without thought of reward. dharnacakra."Law-wheel"; "whecl of the law": the fust sennon of Sakyamuni Buddha is said to have "set the wheel of the law into motion," that is, to have set the process of world righteousnessinto motion. Reprc'entedas a whecl in arr. ln dcpicrion. of Sai.yamuni'sfirr. \eImon, a wheel m,y be placed in front of or beneath the Buddha. See Fi9.8.22. dharmacahramtdra. A teaching gesture (nulra); the gesture of "setting the wheel of thc law into moiion." The gescure requircs both hands, held at about chest level and touching each other, though there are many variations in the way the hands can touch. dharnakaya,"Law-body"; the universal condition of order. Scepp. I15. :o3. Secalsorri&aya. dhannapala.Guardian of the lawi a protector of the Buddhist faith; a Buddhist tutelary deity often having a tcrrifying appearanceand an angry (&rolia) character.Seep. i83 and Pl. 2r' dhoti, A g tr.rrentcovering the lower portion of the body, worn around the waist and passedbetween the legs to be tucked in behind. dhuaja. A stardard, banner, fag, or pole A form .rnd 'ymbol usedunivcr'ally in Indic religions dhvajacanbha. A pillar standard; a flagstaff. dhynna nudrn. A meditation hand-pose. Usually, both hands are placed in the lap of a seated{igure, palms upward, with the right hand atop the left.

Signifies deep meditation rather than communication to a devotee. The term may also refer to the similar lap position of one hand while the other (usually the right) makes another mu&a. See Figs. 8.r3,8.14,8.r8,8.2o. Digambara. "Sky-clad" (naked) Jain sect; one of the two rnainJain sects,distinguishedfrom the Svetanbar. b1 irt more rigorottr asceticism. dikpala. A rcEent or guardian of one of the directions or quarters of the sky who protects the world fron-r demons.Imagesofdi[palas are often depicted facing the directions on Hindu temples. Usually, eight such guardians are listed (attadikpala),who guard the four r,rain and four intermediate directions; sometimes,two others are cited as protectors of the zenith and nadir. SeeFig. r5.r4 for Agni, guardian ofthe southeast. "-lwo-iearted one"; seepp. 68-69. doha,La. drauida. Or.e of the three major "styles" of Hirrdu tryl". s." p. slo. architecture; the "southei' Dravidian. Rlrlrtilrg to e group of South Indian languages(Tamil, Malayalarn, etc.) and the people who spcak ther,r. dlrga. A fort; difiicult ofaccessor impassable. Durga. The supremegoddessin Hinduism, who came to have her owr very important cult. Shc cornbines aspectsof a war,rior goddessand a lrother Iigure and is lakti of Siva, to name only a few of her characteristics.SeealsoDurg- MahiSisurarnardini. Durga Mahi;asuramrrdini. Durga a5 suPremevicto: over the demon (aslra) Mahiga and a symbol oi rciigious attainment. See p. r9r and Figs. ro6. r4.r7, r J.8, r5.2o,r7.26. duarapala.Door guardian. SeeFig. rc.s, (Fetu. doar6palika- SeeFig. 14.22.) tbafttura1llt.An arch (tora1a)surrounding a doorwa! (duaru).SeeFrg.9.9. dvitala. "'fwo-tiered"; a tvro-tiered superstntctureon a southern-style Hindu temple. See Figs. 14.23' 27.15, EkadaSamukha."Elcvcn-headed"; a forr,r of Avalokrteivara in which he has cleven heads. Seep. z6; and Fig. rz.z7. ekawkhaliiga. A li*ga with a representatior of : singleface. SeeFig. ro.9. -lheLatin attha laee. i ne for the 43:u Fius religiosa, gada. A nace or club. One of Vi94u's principal aicribotes.SeealsoGadidcvi. Gadadevr. "Mace-goddess"; the personification c:

gala' a5 IO:

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Vignu's mecc (gada), which rakes a ftnale fbrm. SscFig. ro.7. qajala-va."Elcphant-htnd" ; secdandahasta. Gajalak5rni. "Elephant-Laksnl" ; a goddess symb o t z r r r gp r o ' p e r : t r . ' 1 ,. r , l r ' r c e".r r d 4 l l \ nc r o u \ r . \ \ . Shc is depictcd with two clephants sprinkling waterover hcr. seL'Fig.r4.rrSre p. zrr and Fig. ro.3r. Gajendraurokse. "Flock,"'inulritude": usuall,v, rcprcsented 1ala. asdwarvcs. Src Fig. r4.36. SolDeservc Asattendants to Siva (Fig. r4.r9, top lcft). The god Gane$ (Lord ofgaaas)presidesovcr thclanas who, in this contcxc end sorne othcrs, syrubolizc tirc "categoricf' (all drat c"tr bc counted, conprehendcd, or n:rmed). "Fraqrauthall." gandhakuti. a kind of sky-drvelling oattlharua. "Frtgrarcc"; dcttt gardhntas are somctinrcs considcrcd to bc tire rnusiciens of thc gods. Their "rvivcs" erc thc

torso, cspecially as a convcntiotl in mature Pala sculpture.SccFigs. r8.r7, I8.r9. gopl. Milkmaid; cowhcrdcss. One of Krsna's fcoale comp:urions.Scr Pl. 43. go7,ura.A south Iidirn tcnple gatervay. See Figs. 2r.29,23.8,24.6. grira. "Ncck"; an architecturaltern. In southern lnclin stlle tenr1,les,thc n'a1l portion bcncath the liklnra nd -vtli of the superstrlrcture over the shrinc. It ma,v be square, circular, or octagon:ll in shapc. r . r r ' p l e :g u d h n t ' . t n l a 1 a I. I e a ' , r ' , b l r I r l l o f rerm Lrscdcspcci:ll,v in *'estern lndian (Gujarati) nomcnclature.Scrp. 485. ganas.(]ualiries; thc threc universal qualities.Seeralas, sdttrdjtd las)and pp. :79, 367. jrnl. "Vcncrible": a religious guitle; a spiritual

gaali. "TrrurL"r an architcctural terrn. Sedp. 413. r n ' r 1 C . . n r 1 ' r r i tL. o - d f . n r n : . r r " r r ' o ( o r ' mcl popul:rr HindLr god, charactcrizcd b,r, his elephant hced (antl, oftcn, lrodv). lIe ts tlso Kno\\'rl asVighncSv:rta(Overconer of Obsuclcs Ihindrences to religious anrinncnt]) and is rrrvokcd rt thc bcgrnning of :rny verturc, inclLrding rvorship. Sre pp. r9o-9r and Fig. r3.:7. Gangi. Thc Cartgeslliver; tirc goddesspcrsonif,ving the G:urgcs lliver. llcr synbol and r,r/rarrais drc tnkart. SceFigs.7.2,ro.37. Carigndhare(rrrrrLi). Siva as bc:rrcr of G:rnge, the (iangcslliver. Sr:cpp.279,28r xnd Fig. 13.8. garbhagln. "Wonb chambcr." l'hc rnncr, ;.rincipal conlpaltnlcllt ofr tclnple in rvhich thc n.rjor unage or /iriqa is placcd and, rs such, thc coutaincr ol the

lari-,,:. A (*i1d) goosc; sonctinlcs erroncoLlsll trmslared as srvan.ln Bucldhisnr,a semidivine bird that is ficclucntll cited es a rcsidcnt of various paradises llarill:ua. A clcit-vwho is half-Vi;nu (llarj), halfSiv:L(Hrra). The inraec is said ro rcprcscnra syrcrcrisnr betrvccn thc cults of drc trvo gods. S.e F i g s .t o . r o , z o . r r . Hariri. A goddcs; patronessof children. Sre pp. r47 .+8.LDdFig. 8.26. hdrntika.A reiiing crownins x Ilr/d. Sr( Fjg. 6.I. Ha-r'egrivrL. "Horsc-r'rcck"; a ficrcc form of Avalokitc(vrr:r. Slr Fie. I8.23. In lluddhisn, he is also a dhanldpnlu. ln Flinduisrn, the narue to onc of \iisnu'snren) inc:Lm:rtions. Hcruka. A lluddhisr dcitl and a classof deities.Scr p p . 3 9 E9 9 e n d F i g . r i l . r t . Ilcv:rjLr.A BucLlhistdeity. Ser p. 399 and Fig. t8.r4. Hirralarra."Lcsscr or sm:rllcr vehicle"; uscd ro dcscrib.' thc foru of Buddhism in rl,hicir it is believcd . g r . o ' 1 , ^ 1 " 1 'I 1 1 ,',^l..rl.r11.,or',.r'tl iluddhahood. The tcnn rvas apprreDtl-r crc:rtcd b,v \ 4 . 1, . , r . . r l i Ld d l ,' ' . , r " 1u ' e r r .r ' . , ] , c t o l I \ cormotxtiorl.Thc so-callcdHinalinists, thcrclbrc, rcjcctrhc tc[rr. S.f pf. 32,70, rrJ. HindLrlsru.A tcrm uscd to describcthc nan), Prirnaril,vorthodox (Vedic), indigcnousrelisionsxnd sectsof soLrth Asie (thLrsexcluding Buddhism and pracices, and belicG. J.rinisrn),drcir oLrscrvarccs, The ternr itsclf 1resa fofelen oriqtn; rhele rs no simrhrlr' corrprehensive*ord nlrive to thc Indic l:urgu:rges.L)uc to thc vast v;trlance ill bclicfs and is virruallv irrpossiblcto deprirctices,IliDduls111 6nc: thcrc is rro conurloncrccd,sctofdognlas,uni-

sccdof rnanilcstation. GarLrde.A p:ut Lrird, pxrt human crcarure essociatcd u'idr suu and rir; dre tardlr,r of Vi9nt. l1c rs t[e desrrover of scrpenrsand, likc Gane(a,is considercd to bc :r reruover of obstacles(th:rt is, hindrances to religiors .Ltt.inmcnt). ,qharta.A bell; lts tmnsieirtsound is svmbolic of rhe irnpermanencc of cxlstc'trcc.M:ry' be held in thc 1'",'d dcity. As an attribLrtcof Slv:1,it rnay "f " symbolizccrcation.Ils sourrrlcan n'lm lu':rt'dcmons and lttracr thc :rttcntiooof worshlPcrsor thc llLrddhisr, ir can rcprcscntpralria(rvisdotn). .S.fFigs.rE.22,2o.rj. .grn (,gri). Cl:rrifrcd bLrttcr. Uscd irr borh cooking and religiousritcs. (lornnratc(vara.Src Behubah and lig.22.3. .goalrAla.Corv's-licc; sorrerinlesrctirs ro shapc of



versally acceptedcanon of texts or deities,nor any "Church," per se. It evolved over nrillennia and has roots in the prehistoric cultures of South Asia and thc Vedic beliefs. The major Hindu deities includc Siva, Visnu, and Durglndra. Vedic god of thunder, rain, clouds; later rvorshipcd ti a dikpala and as Indra/Sakra, lord '7.7a' 17.2o. of TrayastJiriria hcaven. Sce Figs r7.14 See Fig. oflndla. The consort Indra4r. architectural tetn for na4dapa; Orissan 'Tagarrofian. --n,r.cnrb ly l r . . l l l. r c n c l o s c Jp o r c h . jdgdta. In architecture, a terrace, piinth, or platforrn; rhe basernenrof a temPlc. I a i n r . r r rl.l r e I . L i nr c l i g i o n .l t s r w o m a i t ri e c l s . r r e( h e I . ) i g r r r r b . ' ' . r , n d( i c t r r l t b r r * . A " n o n o r t h o d o x ' rcligiotr, its followers reject the authority of the VeJas and bclieve in a series of twcllty-four iitonc of whon-rwas Mahlvira (Grcat Hero)' /fiaa&aras, a contcnporiuy of Sekyamuni Buddha's. Sea pp. 3t-32. undcr which the ' /anlu. Rose-applc tree; the trce princc Siddhartha (Sakyarnuni Buddha) sat during his first neditation. SecFig. 8.r8. jafi. Mafied hair; charactcristicespecially of ascetics and ofSiva asthe great Yogitr. of one of the many -iatuko. "Birth story"; a narrativc lives of Sakyamuni Buddha prior to his final life. As a fully eniightened being, thc Buddha was able to reracmber theselivcs and he revealcd then ro his disciples.In erch case,the purpose of tLe rcvelation was to enPhesize the virtuc denonstrated by his actions in that life and, thereby, to have his lives serveas a modcl for others. loatnuk la. Crown o[ rnJtted ]lliLi worn bv sotrrc of 5ivr' charJclerrstic is espccr'rlly L-rLrr bodfusan,r.,'. jina. "Yictor; victorious." A beirrg who has attained rhe state of suprene knowlcdge. In Jainism, a tir,tdi[a/,1, In Buddhism, one ofthe uraniGstationsof the fivejidaas (transccndentknowledges) that make Lrpl.,orlli{enhghrcnrnenr). lhc fivejrrraBuddhesare considcredro-b. d;rc.t,on*l Buddha'.I he Frveare aimost invariably given as A}5obhya (east), Ratnasambhava(south), An.ritnbha (west), Amoghasiddhi(rrord4.^ ,d V,'rocrn,lccnter) In 'orrrc'ystems. Vairocana is associatedwirh the east and Akgobhya with the celter. jnara. Knowledge: specifically, suprernc knowlcdge or cranscetdentinsight Kailasa. A ralgc of mouncains in the Himalayas' In Hinduisrn, it is the name of the mountein that

servesas Siva's abodc; it is also the residenceoi Kubera. SeeFig. r6.7. kala. "'tirr.e" ; the destroyer of all; death. Oftcu used as a name and epithct of deities (both Hindu and Buddhnt). AIso neans "black," thc "black one " (Fcm.lali.) K i h c a k r . . T r r r r e - ' r h c c l .A t u t e l a r l d c i t y o f r h c Vajrayana / Tantric Buddhist pantheon. SeePl. z6 kalanaka. The d:tnceof time and cternjty; Performed by Siva.SeeFig. zr.zo, right. kdlaia. Pitch,er',\letcr pot; ewer. Sonerimes held as an attribute by a deirl. In architecture,may be the crowning emblcm of a Hindu temple. Kaliy.r.Secpp. JiG37 and Fig. 2r.35. fralpa. "World period": aIr aeon; a cosmic cycle. fron the creation to the destructiol of the physical univcrse. kalpadrunn. "Trce of the world period"; a wishfulfilling tree. SeeFig. 5.2. kalpalata."Yire of the world pcriod"; a wish-fulfilline vine or ctccpcr. Sc€ Fig. i.9, along thc copine stone. kalpaulk5a."Tree of dre world pcriod"; a ll'ishfulfilling tree. S?eFig. J.2. kalya4a na4/apa. "Marriagc h:rli " In late soutb Indian architecture, a building or pavilion in the tempie complex for celebration of divine wcddine festivals.SeeFigs.23.J,23.6. Kalytnasunduam[ i. Marriage ceremony of Siva and Parvati.SerFigs.20.2,20.3,27.31. frap;/a. A skull or cup nade of the upper part of, skull. The ternr nav also refcr to a severedheadSuch :r cup or head n-raybe hcld as an attribute in the lrand of a deity (usually o{ rhe krodha typc). kaparda.A type of scashell; a hairstyle in which rhe locks of hair curl spirally like the top of a shei1. Characteristicof some Buddha figurcs as well :s



p2r: be' ktrttir..t



c-:{ r6. koSan krodha deic

det: krodh: kroe Kfq{ra Hin:



hisc k ika tot the!


a kapardc kapadfu. Chuacterized by or wexitg (hairstyle). karnta. "Act; actiotri deed." Seepp. z9 3o. kartri. L typc of knife. An attributc hcld by some deities. In Buddhism, it is used n-retaphoricaliyto flay the skin ofthe meditaror asa gestureofdestror--

ksatril ktelra

ing the ego. Karnikeya. "Related to the Krttikas (Pleiade$." The Hindu god who is rlso known as Skanda,Kunara. Guha, Subrahnanye, and Sakddhara,arrrong other narnes.He is sometimes considered to be the son of Si.ra; gene'ally, he is depicted as a youth. S.. Figs.8.4o,rr.7, r9.12. &aruza.(Buddhist) Conpassion; a quality that consritures half of Buddhahood, the other half oi

kula. srd


i!uDc and InI kno


ilr! isti( usu

cLClssARY 7 21


r" I I !

lhich is praTia(u'isdonr).Cbaracterisric of the Bodr,.,,rr.A . r . , ^ l . r c , v , . , .s ! L r ( 1 . ka1o,sdtld. A stAndinqnleditationpose ch:]racteristic ofJein irqures. The bc'dl shorvs no bcld lurd thc hatrdshans do*n at thc sides.Scr:Fiq. :-r.3. Kctllrlati. The exrrhlv p:1r:1.lisc thar rvill l-.c prcsidcd ovcr bv Maitrc)':! rt thc ti1llc of his dcsccntes I Bucldhr. I(LasarpanaAvalokiteiv:rr:r.A lor nr of Avalokjreivua. S f . F r q .r S . J . lhatrniga. A tlpe of stall or club rvirh :r sknll rLtthe top svmbolizing victorv ovcr dcmons, fiat is, rcligiorrsettainnrcnt. lihnara. A crearr.rrc thxt is p.rrt bird, part human, or' par! horsc, pilrr hrmrn. SoDrctillrcs considcrcdto bc :Ltvpc ofgarr/l,rrlr. ]
A)l beilgs, inclLrdinsBLrddhrs,bodhis:rrtves, and odrcrs,le cirssificdaccordinqto rhrss\'stcm. t r' ,., ..ij ) . A r .l, .l . r. .. rro r,:. Slc Fiq.:r.:6. /r a.{ r..' .'r'.\-..l kirroll,dl,in. A rheirrricrlfaviliol irr r l(cr alareml']e. Sr'r'ligs. :;.3 ro. la",r.A rnrrk, s.,rrl.ol, ,l sisn, espccl.rllv rhc .ruspicious nurts oD rhe bodl.of e lluddh.r,bodhisaLLva, ol calralarrir;. Sikllrruni is srirl to hrvc had thi1t1-t$'ornrlor lol.r,;rr,r-'. .!rr p. r:r. Lakyrane. "Erdoucd lith .ruspicious nrarks-" The h.rlt bro$cr of Itarr:r. A lrlor ch:uactcrof thc Rar;a1,anl. Stl I'iq. ro.39rrcl Pls.j5,.1,-r. Lrksnri. "N1aLk": "tokcn"; "sigu." Tlrc goddes of so,:,,:lfortune urci *crLth. qL'lrerrll\consjdcrcclro be rhc prircipal conyrrt of VjsnLr.Shcls conrmollv lino\l'1r

i]\ )fi

'1 ' t... L| lr' 'o u'1, 1 , . r ' o u. r r f s|stcnr.rtizef)of thc l)iiup:rre Srivirc scd, u.ho rs cr-.rrslclcrcd ro bc :ur in


Mahakale. An angry, Protective rnanifestation of Avalokite3vara and a dharnapdla(protector) of the Buddhistlaw. SeePl. zr' L latge rna4dapa(usually with rnany mahamandapa. preccding checentrrl shrinearea' oillar,t "C."riB.ittg': in Buddhi'rn, a rupre:rre ,nnharo,,io. bodhisattva,S??P. rr5. nahastupa.'Grcarsrttpa : , lrrgc stapa.SccFig 6 t' ' "Gre.rt KrrowledgeGoddcs'es lrr Maha-uidyadeus. tlre larn religion, the 5ixteengoddes'c' who per,oniiy tlrc varioLrskind' of knowlcdge and arc invoLed at various stagesin rcligious Practices Ses Ftg. zo.S7. ^ohaiilraro. "Gt. r,ihara"; a large Buddhist monastic establishrnent,usually having a number of srnalicr tnonesclcunlts. Mahevira. "Great Hero." Thc twenty-fotuth of the Megadha, ca 540-468 fain turhaikaras; he lived in B.c. SccpP. 3r-12. Mahayina.-'iGrcat Vehicle." one of the rnajor catesorics of Buddhist practices,encomPassing:r wide iariery of secrs,beliefs, and Pracliccs.Mrheyenists tyPe ald crnpn,,.rzebodhi.attr'r' of tlrc ,'r,:/ra'art,'o b.lieve i,, rhe potentiel of all ,enricnt being' ro achieveBuddhahood. S?ePP. 32, 70, Ir4-r5 Maheivara. "Great Lotd " Ao epith.r ofSi.'". Mahilasuranardini. "slavcr of the Buffalo DeInon " S?eDurga Mahiglsurarnardini. i'Friendly"; "benevolcnt"; "loving." In Mairreya, Budihisrn, Maitrcye appeersas both a Buddha and As a bodhisattva,Maitrcya a nahasattuabodl.risattva is said to reside in the Tuqita heavcl, where he awaits his rebirth as the ncxt mortal (rMrrrr;i) Buddhe. As a Br.rddha(of the fucure), Maitreya will presidc over KetLur:rti, an earthly pamdise whcrc iris dcvotccs will residc in great tranquility and rvill bc able to hear hirn preach the docrrine. For BodhisattvaMairrcya,seeFigs 8.rJ, 8 3,1,r8'2o, 2r'38; for Maitrcva l]uddira, -,eePl. 8. nakara, L nythologicxl qutsi-crocodilian creaturc that is a symbol of auspiciousnessand thc primal lifc sourcc-The vehicle (ealana)ofthe rivcr goddes G.rns;. S.c Fig. 5.8. T u , r / o .i r o . ^ r y l , g , r r l r r r d : . r r i r r go f L ' c , r d ' : ,w r c . r d r ' a tyPc o[ Yttrd' A diagram; circular L tnndala. nnddla car.scrve as the basisfor the groLrnd plan of a buiiding, es au aid to visuelization during ncditation, as a r,-ragicalor syrnbolic offering, ald in othcr capacities.Used in all Indic rcligions. For An architectural exal-rplc, sre Fig. 6.u; for a trl-odinrcnsionalexarnple,serPl 15. fldftddDd,A hall or porchlikc area, usually pillared' in *..,"ru... A rlaadaparnay bc atrachedto "."iigiou,

the shrine area directly, or nray Prccede a transitional space (such as an antechamber) beforc thc drrine, or rnay be completely detached from the portion of thc temple that contains thc shrine May be entircly enclosed, partially cnclosed, or opet (without walls)na4dk. "Tenple." ntaigala. ftt auspicious:igrr. U'u.rlly erght ,re ciicd a). (astanLahgal nanfrd. Ar. incantatiou; a vcrbal cha[t; a nystic sy1lablc; a phonetic synbol that both evokes and vivilies the divinity bei[g propitiared. A araatra consistsof a sericsof syllableswhich mav or rnav not have tratslarableneaning; ir is thc sound ofthe anlTd,ttot its "sense," that is ilnPortant. A ,tdtr,/n rnay be personifred(seeFig. 18.6). lrirlfi Buddha. A morcal (human) Buddha, such as Sakyamuni. In various types ofBuddhisrn, difcrent nun-rbcrsare cited, bur, frequently, Iive, or eight, such Buddhas are mentioned- Sce Fig. 12.39 Maravijaya. "Victory over Mara." Sikyanuni Buddha'sdefeatof Mira ("death," "destroycr," "killcr"l rnd, th r', hi' art rinrrrcnroI thc lrber.'t'veprorni'c oi Buddhahood. In arcistic represcntations,the Buddha-to-be is shorvn scated bcneath his borlll tree. his right hand usr.rallyrcaching lowrfd the eardl or touching ir (lfitLnispatla rrrlrlra) to call the carth (goddes) to lvirness his right to attainnent ind. somctimes, the arlties of Mara, his tempter's daughtersor others of Mira's retituc, are shown iI: the composition. See pp. r4z 43 arrd Figs. 8:t. r 2 .r J . nnstaka."Head" ; lhe crowning elemcnts of a Hindu ternple towcr. lritr. "Mother"; a goddcs; rhe goddcsswho persouiies the Grcar Mother, rhe mother ofall thilgs. ,,dtld. A lno[astcry or c]olster' naika. (Also, fifildrd arTdrrfl.) "Mother"; a divinr nother; a jaAfl of one of tire Hindu gods. Sevcra, r r r t n b . r t , r e g i v c n , b u f . o f t e l l . ) r ' v e l la r c n J l l l e i (sdptafitka). Also, a type ofloatra. Srr Figs. 13 r:. r6.8. rrrayn.Thc illusionary naturc ofrhe phcnomenalworlC' Thc power ofillusion or arti{ice. Srr P. 29. Ma)'a(dcvi)."lllusion"; "pon'et of illusion." Th: nxme of the rDothcr of Sakyauruni Buddha; thai from which he was born. ,,rd),t/d.A Pexcock.The aa,arraof Skanda,Anitalus. and othcrs. 'rcdrr, lnc OernrOt :r-rrrryd, nitltuna (rlso naithuna).A loving couple; the act t': Iove. Mithunns serve as sYnlbols of r.urion (r.rnit: wirhin duality) in thc Ildic rcligions and har':












nag d ilal

t tlaS

I tfig r,Ag nal


! Na

Na. t'






c l\x


GrossARY other meanings as well. They are cotsidered fitting ldornrnents to religious slructures and are found decorating or flanking doorways and at other localions on suchbuildings.Sre Figs.9.4, r;.r4, r9.4o, 24.r3, nro[pa. "Reiease"; "liberation." The religious goal of Hindus, whcrcby the ildividual realizesa sratc of otenesswith the Universal. nndra. A "sca'l" or "sign." A gcsturc madc rvith one or both hands. Sometines, the terrrr lrdrtd (hand) is substituted for nndrd ir naming rhe gesturcs. In Buddhism, the term is r generrc nanle for thc fcmale compatrion (prryria) of a male deity. 'atkln r,a\dapn.fhe front lr..1lor porch of. rerrple. rrrl<a. "Crown or diadern"; a tiara. ,rrrli. A forrn; al image or represerltatroD ; a tDalllftstation; a personiftcarion(esofa god). aada.A roar (asofa lion); a voice. nddanh. TLe atLdndafil1da1,adancc pcrformcd by S i v a .S e ep p . J 3 J - 3 6a n d F i g . 2 r . 3 4 . trag,r.A snake (sarpa);gcnerally, a cobra. A serpent oerr\. lrenl. r4gl?r.J ,agalc-rara.A type oftree; :l twig or 11owcrofrhis rree nrrv bc clrricd as an atribute of Bodhisatrva Mairrcya. rrarara."Town"; "pertaining to tllc city." Thc stylc of tcnrplc archirecture associatedwilh northern India. Seep. 5,10. 1filarajd.A scrpc\tking. Sre Figs. 5.r2, 12.5. Agi i. SeetiAta. nnlanbaldn. In Kerafa, thc cloistcr sulroruding a H i r r d ur c r r r p lcco r r r p l e \S. c . F I g .2 J .r . ttandlkAta naqddpa. Iu Kerafa, :L deac\crJ nandapa preceding the rnain telnple. Src Fig. :5.4. Nandi (Nandin). "Thc Happy One." Siva's bLrll L,ahad. SeeFig.23.11. 11 dtd. seenf. Nara-Narayana (Nr-Narayana). Two saints rvho are together considered to cornpr-isetirc fourth of rhc twenty-two rninor incarnaliots of Vi5nu. Scc pp. zro-r r and Fig. ro.3o. rrasti[a. "Denier." Onc who rejects dre aLrthoriry of che Vedas. Src pp. 28-29. natat atdir. "Hal1 of dance"; onc of rhc arandapas ofan Orissal tcurple;a trila sabhh. \ . r r . r r - j - . K i n g o l l ) - n c e : S i v . ,. . , l o r d o f d . , r r . c . SceFigs. r3.:o, 2r.33) 2r.31. Orher vlrtualiy equivalent terms includc Nateia and Natesvara. noa-cltokl A nine-conpartrnent hall; a typc of rnandapa,tlrc ceiling of which is divided into nirrc coliers, arrangcd in three rows of thrce.


xaugraha (nangrha). Thc nine pianets or the nine pl:rnct dcities. SdeFig. 19.33. nidhi. "Treastre." Kubera, the god of wealth, is said to havc :nile nidhis, all of which may be pcrsonificd. i latrakaya. In Buddhisrn, the "transformation bod,v." The bodv-form taken by a rrrdraslBuddha or another r,r:nifcsr tcachcr. See pp. rr4-r5. See riryana."B1ow oui'; "extinguish."The goal towards rvhich Buddhists strivc. The alraiDnlenr of perfec! knowledge and intcgration with the Universal. r , i a . A r t r c h eo l c . , v i r t :. ' r ' i c \ e r e r . , p l e . ,''. "Mar." Used wirh rhc namc of one of Vi5nu's dtjatars)refels to a humai.or partially human fon,r. Seca/soNrsirirha aud Nr-Varahr. Nrsirhha (Narasirhhe). Thc man-1ion incamarion of V i s n u .S c eF i g s .9 . 3 o ,r 7 . 2 7 , 2 3 . r 5 . nftta trrti. A dancc-fomr; a manifestalior ofa dcit)' perforrning a dalce. EspeciallycharactclisricofSiva, but other gods, such as K;gna alrd Ganela, arc also s l , o * n d a n c i n gS. r t F i g s .: r . 3 3 , : r . 3 4 . nrtta salfia. A dance-pavilion; ^ taqddpa lot daice pcrforrnancesand ccremonies; a fiald1ita4dir. Nr-Varaha. Visnu in his Veri)r:r (boar) irrcarnarion, depiccd rvith the bod,v of e nan and the head of a boar. Scepp. 19:-93 and Fig. ro.r:'. Otu na4i patlnt lrrira. A lluddhist jartra; t\1e t antn of Avalokirelvara. ft is generall,vtrenslatcdto neau " t r L c e $ c l / , ' , ? r di ' i r r t l r el o r r r r. 7 ' a 1 , , ,' la 7 in c.or(ric lluddhism, thc jcrvel is seen ,rs the mele sex orgaD (rajm), rvhile the iotus in which ir restsis intcrprercd as the fenlrlc generativc organ (l,aga). The six syllablesof thc rrrarro-a are personi{icd in dre Sad:rkgari forrr of Avalokiteiv:rra.S??Fig. r8.6. patlua. "LotL:'s." Onc of rhc mort Lrniversal arrd u idcsprcrdsrnbols in Indic cuhure,the lotus scrvcs as a pedcst.l upon which divinc bcings sland or sir rnd is an attributc characteristic of narv dcitics. Its syrlbolism has manv veriations, brrt ir is invariabiv associatedrvith transcendcnce,lifc-asserrion, gricc, and peacefulness.Speci{ic subt,vpcs ald color variations of thc lorus carrv specific ncanrngs. Padruapani."Flaving a iotus in thc haud": a fomr of the Bodhisettva Avalokiteivara. lddnfisafia- "Lotus-seat"; a sittiDg posture in *hich both lcgs are crosscdand each foor rests upon thc thigh of tire oppositc 1cg. Used bv 1,ogiru and religious practitioners primarily during meditation. Characteristic of divinities, especially of Ruddhas



and tnthaikdlas or otherswho are being depicted in pcaceful,meditative forms. Other namesfor idcntical (or slighdy variant) forms inclnde vajrayaryS.'eFig. ro.2o. aikasana, vajfisana, dhyanasdna. pallippadai.h sott\India, a ternplc that servesParti:llly as a coirnemorativc funerary monun-rentfor a dcceasedrolal personagebut is, at thc sarnetime, also dcdicated to e deit-v. -fhc na4dala of the five jirra Budpaiiu jina tnandala. dhas.Seep. 263. paicaloha. An alloy of iive mctals, usuallf cired as being copper, silvcr, gold, tin, and lcad; the alloy prcsur,red to have bccn popularly used in south Indian rr ctalwork. paica nakarc. The iivc "rl'-i'; in Hindu Tanrric practiccs,the enjoyrDentofthe conrpanv ofwomcn (nrdra), tbe drinking of wine (rrra,/a),thc cating of and sexual llcsh (raafisa),thc ceting of fish (rrrar-,1,a), intercoirsc (lnilnna). Thc,v are so called bccause in Sarskrit all the tames of thcse things begin rvidr thc letter l;. Sornc lists substitute htuuan sacriice, the use of thc human skull as a drinking vessel,and thc singing of lusty soDgsfor sone of thc prlctices. Although the fivc "rrr'-." arc not specifrcallv ruentioned as a group irr Buddhist tcnts, the sxnlc practicesoccur in Tentric Buddhisn. Seep. 468. paicaratha. "Fivc-rat/ra": a side of a pcdcstal or tt building thar is ollier so that its length is divided into Iive sections.S.e p. trri. Peicer,tra. A Vaignavite sect. The Drflrning of ils n . r r n e( " F r v eN r g l r t . ' ) r . o L r ( L r r ci .' r r c i t ' o r ' g i r r ' . Its doccrines,however, can be tr"ced to the latc first rnillenniun g.c. and arc known to have bcen formalized around A.o. roo. Thc Pencaratra sect ernphasizesrnonotheisnl, bhakti, ad simple lbrurs of worship. paiayatatl(I. "Five-tcmple (shrine, support, abodc, rcsdng piace)." In architecture, a temple thar has I ccnrr.rl,hrine strrrorrndcdbv {otrr othcr. Scr Frg. ro.27. Pdncika. A rvcrlth god aud ya&saking; another nanre fbr Kubera. Scc pp. 146 48 end Fig 8:5. Seeaho r r r . ' r tr: r c r c l t e r :, u ' r d t . p a n d i , aA. . c h o b r : r l e . ' r r ' c d 'lcr[c.rlur) : r c r r r rt t t e r r ) l n g para,,fiaA . Fudd]ri* specifically,rhe virrues to be perfcctcd b,vI bodhisattva in thc quest for brtddhehood. Gcnera1l1',six or tcn ere cited, though mmerinrcs rrvclvc are narDed. The ten arc: r. rinaa(giving, charitt, generosiry); 2 rila (rnoralitl',proper conduct): 3. lsarrii(patiercc); 4. Irirya (cnergy, vigor'): 5. dhyatn (ncditetion); 6. rpaya (skillful lneans);7. pra4idhana(vows);8.

knowledgc); lala (strength);9. jtara (transceDdent nd rc. prajin (transcendentwisdon). Whcn onlv six are given, thc first five oftJre iist remain ascitcd, bLrtthe tcnth, pralria,is listed asthe sixth. parcit, " Axc" ; lhe axe attribute carried by a numbcr of Buddhist and Hindu dcities. parikranB. " Circtrnambulrtion" ; "roaming abour": cspcci:rll,v, circumambulatiol (ofa deity or a reJigious . r n r c r u r e pr e rl o u r r d p . , n o f r e l r go L r 'u r . , c t i . t . " whel circurumbulation is perforDrcd with thc objec of vcncrrtion to the right of thc dcvotcc (that is, with the devotee noving in a clockrlise llrshion), the circumambulrtior, is ci)ed pralakSina; whcn the objcct is to the left (and tJrc rvorshipcr . . , o v e ,i r r , c o r r n r c r c l o . k w i sdei ' e . r i , . r , ) r. h c , . Cloclwisc novcculTambulationis calledprnsar,ya. rDcnt is considcrcdto be auspicious;counterclocklvisc lnovement is inauspicious and gcncrrllr' associeted wjth death.Se. pp.62,:o8-ro. pari irNalJa.Thc "completc" rrln,ipa; thc 6rr.rl p:rssing . r s r y o f S a k l r r r r u r rBr u d d h " : h r s c x t i n c t i i, . I l ( dceth aftcr which the lluddhe was to havc no rrrorc births.SerFigs.8.23,rz.r4. pariudra. O:nc of the "retitruc"; e deity attcnding rire main deiry ofa shrinc. dcrry. A 'hrir'c for ,r 1'arirar,r yorivaralaya. Parnaiabari. A femalc &rorllradeity and :rn emanation ofdre BuddhaAkgobhla. Seep.4oo and Fig. rE.r5. parlta-rlevata."Side-deit1"; secondar) deitics of :lr iconogrephic progranr, usu:rll,v placed in subsidiarynichcsin a tcn,ple. P r r v . r t r .I h e p f i r ) c r p r(l o r . s o r ro t S r v : . H c r e l ' i r h r, ' and variant forms includc Devi, Durga, Crr.rrr, ^ilt t, lvl-1t1ilocvl, ano uDtJ,

po1,r.A paintcd bemrer or cloth. phatirsaa. A peakcd, p,r'relnidal roof rising fr-onr a squarebase.SccFig. II.rr. pidla. Horizoltal platformlike divisions or courscs of lhc superstrucllrc o\er t\e .idgd,iahal1llual1daj)a) ofan Orissantemplc.Sft Fig. I9.r9. -the ptpal. borlhitree of Sali\arullni Buddh:r. Scc :rlst-' pi-va. In Orissan architecture, thc p1:rtfornr or brse comprisirg thc lower portion of a tcnrplc. p,rl,n. \i,rr": Lhlolc. Thc pede.r',1of .'r' i:rr'';. or liiga. prul*anandala. "Circle of light or radi:tncc"; :rn alr,: or haio radiaring 6on the head or bod,v indic:rtirre trrnscendencc or diviDit,v. Sonetjmcs c:rlled a yrabhavalt.Sccalsoiirajcalratnd \nasprablfiukra. p r , r r l ,srrir n . T o t r - r d r h c r i g l r t " : r ' , , t . t t s o r t r r r ' t t i t t c in a clockwiscdirecrion.Sccalsolari[rorrra.

crossARY 725 prdrlaksindpathd. A passager"'ayor rv:rlkwav 1bl cir-pufiyaparafiita.Pcrlcction of moral or religious ncrit. cunrarnbulation surrounding an in,:rgc, shrirrc, or Purenxs. Meaning "o1d," these arc ancient tales or building. In lX/eslcrn lircrature, the term is uscd histories, especiallya specific type of rext that regcncricalll to refer to all circLtuanbulatorv pascords stories abont thc gods and the anciclrt Indic segervals.Ho'"vcvcr, since the lerrn prarlaksinatndvnasries. Sedpp. 3o-3r. plics onlv cJocku'isc nlovenrent, the nAnc nav It nrnaghatn. Vase-of-plcntv. b e r n . , p p r o ; ,rt e l " r r o r r ' cr o n ' r . o f c i r c r r r r . r r r r b r r l . r -lrl/,r,!d. "Mln." As a sullix (esit cakraptnrsa),it refers tion, rvhich are performed in a connterclockwisc ro a personification.Thc tcrm alsorefcrs to the nrale ( p r , r , , r , , ydai )r , , r " r . . 5 L c . r l s o nrernbcr of tbc prakrti-purusa dualjtr. Scc also 1nrrtrn,r,a. lrdJ,in. "Wisdon." Thc transcendentelrvisdonr that constitutcsone half of rhe srareof buddhahood. pustaka-A lrook or nTanrucript; sonletirllc'sheld in It is personified in MahaleDa Buddhisn :rs a thc hand ofa deitv asen :rtliburc. li:rr alc who can servc es a consorr to a nalc dcitv, ald, rhus,ashaifofa unitcd du:rlitl that reprcsents Rahu. "Seizer." Onc of thc nine p1:rnets (nauagroha) buddhahood.As:r fcmale consort, rhc fr,1i, js in Indic astroDornical thought; thc :rscetdingnode sonlctirnes corrpirrcd rvith dre jn&ti in HjnduisrD of thc moon. IlahLr is bclicvcd to causeeclipscsby althoughthe ternrs:rrcnor full,vcquivaient. seizing and slvallo*ing the sun and moon. His Pr:!jnaparan1ita.In Buddhisn, thc fcninine personifibodv rvas supposcdlyseveredfron Jrisheed and, cxrion of dle P/dj,l,ilaldnil, tcxrs and thc pcrsonithus, he is ofrcn dcpictcd as a head rvithour:r bodv. f i c . , t i o no f p c r t c c r\ \ r s d o ' r . S h . i s r o r n e t i n r er,c r H i . b o J y . s K < r r r . r r r o r l r eo rf r l r cr r n e p l , r , r c r. sr n r l g,rrdcd as thc nrodrcr (thrt is, crcator or source) thc descending nodc ofthe moon.) SccFigs. r9.33, of all Buddhas. r9.31. yakata. An cnclosure wxll of e south Indian tcmple;"Ki1g." au enclosurewall ar,dthc conrpoundcrearcdb.r,the lajallla. Ali, a-{rr,li rhe posc of royal casc. Both legs u . r l l n . . , o r r r hl r r d r . r lne r )r l ( : I r . \ e r e d ! \ . r i k \ \ ) arc beDtand xrc pl:rcedorr the sc:rt;one knee (usually that scr'vesas ln enclosure boundarv in a soudr thc riehl) js raised *fiilc dle othcr resrs flir on l n d i . r rtre r r f l c .S c i I i g . : 4 . r o . rhc scat. The t&'o fcet are closc togcther. Ser:Fig. prckti. \he "urge to produce." That which has the 20.37. imnanenr qu:rlity of crearivitv or production; the rafa-r.One of the threc universal qualitics (guza-r);it rescrvolr of potcrrial. In FlindLrthoLrghr,prakri irnplies ncntal activitl and rhe rhlrhmic division is seenas thc active prirrciple and is pcrsonified as a ofspaceand timc. Secp. :79. fcnralc. With ! flt$d) the rTTaleprinciple, r'hich is rafarrrar."King-bor'"; a priDce. coDsidercdto be inactivc, all things are nallifested. Ranra. The scvcnth inc:nlation of Visnu, rvho apTogethcr, thc n1ile and femrlc principles represent pcared on earth as thc king of Avodhli ro save all of crcation, that is, Nature, whjch is both rhc the world fron destruction br the den,on Rtvana. crertor and destrovcrof:rll. l h e . r o r \ 'o f h i s + r r g g l c , i , r . r ep r . n c i p . r. rl r L r j e or rf pralanbapaddsatn. (ne Kal ,afahi. A sitting posture in r'hich rhe trvo legs hang dou,nrvard. It is often ca1led"Europcan Ranayata. One of the two major epics of ancient pose." Also knorvn as lladrr-.arraand,paryaikasana. Indii. S.r pp. 30 3r. SccFig. 8.2. raiXa nondapa.An asscmbll hall in a tcmple; a tlpc of prasauya."'loward the left"; r'noving or rurning in a nandapa; a sabhananrlapa. counterclockr"'iscdircction. Scc alsoparikronfi. fithd. "C^rt or chariot." Solnetinrcs used to refcr to the tcrnple dlar scrvcs as rhe "charior" (even ltraslata.A Aat surfece; e flat top; a level. In rrchltccturc, the ent:lblatlrrcabove the rvall ofa structurc. though inuuov:ble) of :r deity. The term rlso rcfcrs prcln."Dcad"; "departed."Often deined asa "hungry to the pcdcstalofrn jmagc or thc b:rscofa building ghosr," the term refcrsto thc fornl into lvhiclr bejngs (that houscsan inrage). In forrr, the pcdestalor base who havc been lustful end sreedl in their past livcs nray be ofiiet, in which case,rhc r,1lr,1is dcfined by ere born. Scr p. 393and Fis. r8.J. the nunrbel of its scctions.For this latter neaning, paf. Thc acts perfomed to honor or u orship a r.. P. 213. 'Jervcl-born." divinitr. M:r1 includc rhc ollcring ofilorvers, food, Ratnasambhava. Onc of the jlrra aDdl'!'aterto the god. Buddhas; thc Buddha of the sourh, $'hose 1/rrdr4 pr,r1a.Monl or religiousfrcrit. is the horse.Scr Fig. r8.r:.



Ravana. A demon who is bcst known as the principal demon of the Rarrtala4acPic. rckha. "Streztk"', "ourlinc." In orissan architccture, the name for the ji/ehala-tyPctenPlc; the curvilinear portior of a jilfirld. rckhadeul.A rckha-ryPetcnPle. !.9abhandtha.Thc' first ttrthaihard. Srs Fig' ro 42' A reer. An inspi|cdpocr:a s;ge' rsitrisr). ',,ipnkayo. '[orrn-bodl of n errly B.rddhi',n, the 'tIrc'two-kaya systcn. At solne Point before the fourth century, the concept was divided into the sanbhogakayaand the nimuryakaya,which are still pakaya. See also trift'l'd' krrown collectively x Seepp. r t4-r J. sabhama4lapa.An assemblyhall in a tcrnple; a rnazdapa;a rai|a tna\daPa. S"d.k5"., iu,lokit.ivera. "Six-syllrble \vrlokitc3vara." A forn-r of the Bodhisatrva Avalokite3vara as the Personification of the six-syllable ntarrra 6' "on nini padnehluh." sedpP. 393 94 and Fig 18 "tl.e sitra; A Buddhist Saddhanttaptt4danka-sLrrra. rrrra ofihc lotus of drc wonderful l:rw." sadhau, Thet which lcads to thc (religious) goal; a type of Tantric religious practice. Also, in Budtyp" of text that serves as a ritual and dhi.-, " . iconographic guide. Saivite. Pertaining to Siva. latii. r. A spearlikeirnplemcnt that is $e cmblcm of Skanda (Karnikeya). See Fig. 8.4o z "Energy " In Hinduism, the fen-rinile creativeforce or the personification of that forcc as the fenale consort of a male dcity. A coroliary of the concept ofprale1i Scc also praAlti. Thc corresponding terrn in Buddhism is praiia. It is unhrowr asto whethcr thc two rnc"ning, of thc *ord iakti as "spear" and "fcnale .nergy't stc,tt frorn rclated or completely difercnr root-words. In al1ycase,in certain Buddhist contexts at least,thc spearsubstirutesfor the fcmalc (pralria), perhrps;sr pun on rhe word saAtr' 5ri'vr,,r,rrti.One of rhc rrorr'l i'rrla'r5irBLrddh"':thc Buddha who livcd in Magadha (ca 563-483 n c )' Thoueh sometines rcqarded as the "founder" of Buddirisrn, hc is nr fait held by Buddhisrs ro be only one of a number of Pastnortxl lluddhas and potential future mortal Buddhas.Seepp. 31 3u jni (iald). A tree (L*. Shoreatobtsta); thc rree graspcd by Quccrr Maya rs .he birtlr ro Prirrc' 5iddJrarrha,tltr future Saky:mrrnrBuddha jala. A type ofshrine or a nriniature version of a shrinc thar is rcctangularin plan and hasa "barrei-vaulted"' o, perh"ps, ltto.. propcrly, "barrel-shaped" rooi

It may servc as thc crownilg clement of a tower (s, lig. :4.n) ot a. a decor.rivc morif rePertedon of , to,'rh lndirn rhe ,roric, of rhe suPe-strrrclure sryle tcnplc (-reeFig. 14.23), as well as in other architccrurai and dccorative contexts. jifa. An enclosureor cloister (seep 457). who grasPsa lalal:haijika. A tree goddes (ur&Saderdtr) :Al i'rce. sannbltahga.A sranding posturc in which thc legs are unbeni and thc weight of the body distributed equally on the feet. SeeFig. 14.26. sonihogokaya."Bliss Body." One of the thtee kayos of dre Mahayana Buddhist rrileayasysteir. It is one branch of thc rnpakafa, the odrer being the lirna1al




universe. ^flte six bone ornaments wom by Tantric sannudfi.,Jand Tantric divinities. SeeFig. r9.47 saptiitattka. "Scven Mothers." Though the numbtr of these goddcssesis generally given as scven, the li.t oF goddc*es 'rho compri'e thc group varies' The'inothers" are seenesia&tisofsevcral principal Hindu gods. saptaratha."severtatha"; a side of a pedestal or building that is olIset so that its length is divided into sevcnsecdonsSre P. zl3. Sarasvati.Thc namc ofonc ofdrc ancient rivers ofthe northwestern Indic region. Though it was one of thc n-rostrenowned of the rivers rnen[ioncd in the 4g Verta,it is today virtually dried up. Also, rhc pe-.scni{icationofthe river asa goddesswho is seen cooro.t (^,td sonetines a daughtcr) of Brahma, "s


crossARY but also asa consort of Vignu. Sheis regardedase goddessoflearning andwisdom. SeeFig. zo.4r. Sadnlo.Aleogryph; a winged lion or tiger. Sarvavid Vairocana. "All-knowledee Vairocarra." A manifesadon of the Adi Buddhal the embodirnenr of.iarya and omniscience;the personificationofthe undill-erentiated state.Seepp. 402-3and Fig. r8.r8. Jdti. A suttee: a faithful. dutiful wife who immolates henelf on her husband'sfuneral pyre. In someparts of India, sucha woman is afterward honored by a memorial stone. tattlid. r. A being or creature. z. One of the three qualities (gr4ar) in operation throughout the universein Hindu thought; the cohesiveforce implying a concentrationof energy and a coming together. - Seep.279Sega."Remainder"; the serpent upon which Vignu reclinesor sits. Also called Anenta ("Endless").See Fig. ro.29. Siddhartha.The princely nameofSakyamuni Buddha; the name of that Buddha during the preenlightenment yearsofhis lastlifetime. 3ikharu,t. In north Indian architecture,the spireor tower over the shrine of a temple. SeeFig. zo,z|. z. In south Indian architectue, the term doesnot refer to the entire superstructurebut only to the globular or domical roof of the uppermostelement in the supersructr:re.It is topped by a finial known asa rtrli andis supportedby the "neck" (grita). See Figs.14.23(for an examplelackng e stupi),zt.zt. Silpin.An atchitect;.a craftsman. sirhha-A Iionsirhhaghoga, "Voice of the lion"; a referenceto the teachingsof Sikyamuni Suddha. 'Ihe, 3ithhaxada. "lion's roar"; a referenceto the teachingsof S-kyamuni Buddha. SirhhanadaAvalokite3vara, "Avalokite6vara of the lion's roar"; Avalokite3vara asreciterof the Buddhist teachings.SeeFigs. r8.7, 2o.37. "Liot seator throne"; a throne supported sirhhasana. by lions.SeeFig. 8.3r. Also, "sitting postureof the lioq" an asana. lbalcahra."Head-whee1"; a halo that is restricted to the head of a figure. See alsoliraiptabhacaktaatd ptabhana4dala. 3iraiprabhaukta."Head-light wheel"; a halo that is restrictedto the headof a figure. See*lso litaicakra atd.ptabhana4dala. Slta. "Furrow"; the heroite of the Ranayattaepic ar.d. the wife of Rama; shewas abductedby the demon Rivana and carried off bv him to Sri Lanka. Siva."Auspicious."One ofthe principalHindu gods;


god of desruction. He may appearin many forms, botlr peacefuland angry. Ifis charactetisticvahana is the br:ll Nandi; he has many attributes, bur one of the most important is the trident. Irr temples dedicatedto htn, a lilrya is usuallyplacedas the centrel votive object in the shrine rather than an . anthtopomorphicimageof him. Siva Aadhakasuravadhamuri. Siva as destroyer of . the demon (asuta)Ar.dhaka.SeeFig. 16.6. SivaBhiksSgaaa. A form of Siva.Seepp. 516-17and Fig.2r.rr. SivaDaksinamurti.A form of Siva as the supreme teachetof yoga, knowledge, music, and the Vedas. The tetm daksinais thought to reftr to the south (supposedly the direction thc god faced when teachingthe sages,and the direction associated with deathand,hence, perhaps,the overcomingof death through Siva'steachings)or, ahematively,to the right, perhaps io referenceto the usual teaching gestureof the god's right hand in this form. See , FLgs.14.38,2r.r7SjvaVisapraharanamurti. A form of Sivaasa world savior.Seep.3zr and Fig. 14.39. Skanda.SeeKirttikeya. Skandamata, "Modrer of Skanda."Seehrttika. Somaskanda.Siva with Uma and Skanda.A rype of representationof Siva witl his consort and son that waspopular in south India beginning in the Pallava period.SeeFig. 14.27. auaqta.An ascetic;a monk, Sri. In Hinduism, the goddessof good fonune and wealth, sometimesconsideredto be an espectof Lak5mi. In Tantric Suddhism, aa angty (krodha\ female. For the latte\ seePl- 22i/t&oril.The main shrineofa Hindu templein Kerala. Seep- 602. stanbha,A pillar; frequently,a fiee-standingpillar. AIsoknown aslatl. sthAnaka."Standtng." The representationof a figurc in a standingposture. stipa. "Crest"i "summit." ln Jainismand Buddhism, an architectural term denoting a dome-shapedor rounded structurethat containsthe relic of a Buddha,greatteacher,or other honoredindividual, and, thus,generallyconsidered to be a type ofsepulchral monument.May be madein miniature(or votive) form, but even smallerversionsoften contain relics. A srupaisa rypeof ruitya.SeeFig.6.t. $npi (elsosfipika)."Pimacle." The usuallyvase-shaped finial atop the superstructureof a south Indian sryle Hindu temple. Subrahman. ya. "Dear to btdhmans."An epithet and



form of Skauda. Known primarily in south India. SeeFi,g.24.2. Sukhtvati. "Land ofBliss." The narne of the western paradiseover which Amitebha / Amitayus presides. 3linya."Zerc" ; dre void,. Seeinnyata, luhyafi. "Err'ptlness"; "nothingness"; "voidness." In Buddhism and Hinduism, the trental state that is to be achieved as the final result of religious practices;neither exiscence nor [onexisrence;nonbeing; a state ofcomplete neutrality that is consideredto be the ultimate realiry.It is seenasa dynamic, not a passive,stete. Surya. "Sun"; the sun god. See Figs. 8.42,, r7.zr, 19.3J. sutra. "Thtead." A short text or doctrine consisring of aphoristic thoughts or rules "threaded" together into a sequence.In Buddhism, all siilras are considered to represent the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha. However, the Hinayanists do not accept all Mahayana sitras as being authentrc. suabha kakaya."Selioriginated form." In Buddhism, the Adi Buddha; the source of all and that from which all things derive. suastika."Of good. fortune"; an auspicious emblem shapedlike an equal-armed crosshaving bent legs. It is found in the Indic regions as early as the Indus , civilization. SeeFig. 2.r7. Svetinbara. One of the two pincipal Jain sects; rne wnl(e-lrressed seci. tala, "Place." In architecture, a tier, especially, one of the tiers of the supentructure over the shrine in a south Indian style temple . tetmds-One of the three qualities (grias) in operation throughout the unive$e according to Hindu thought; the opposite of sattl)a; the destructive, disintegrating charactedstic that prevents concen- . ffation and is symbolic ofdissolution and nonbeing. Seep. 279. 'Iantra (taxtld; also, Tantric, Tantrisrn). The origin of the term is obscure and has been variously interpreted. In Indic religions, the term refers to a classof texts and the practicesand beliefs associated with them; Tantras are characteristicof some sects in all the Indic religions. They are associatedwith emphasis on the Gmale, se:-ual syrnbolism, and secret,esoterictraditions and practices.Though the goels of Tantrins and practitioners of other fonns of the Indic religions are essentially similar, the methods used to achieve the goals propounded by the Tantrins difler greatly from the other more widespread religious practices. Tantrism is consid-

ered a 6ster method of attaining religious achievement than the more conveltional means: however, it is also more dangerous, due to its involvement of_ the practitioner in normally prohibited jndulgedces.Seep. 468. tapas."Heat" (and, hence, ?orential power). In contrast to the heat generatedby sexual desire (&ana), fiis rype of "hear" is associatedwith religious austerity. Through penance and renunciation, the individual-whether well- or evil-intentionedmay gain power of such rnagnitude that even the gods rnay be threatened. For a penance-performing individual, seeFig. r4.r9, top center. Tara (also Taraka). "Star"; a goddessknown in the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist religions. She is besr known in Mahayana Buddhism, where she is implicitly the Nordr Star, and, hence, a guide (to the devotee). As such, she is an importani goddess in her own right; she is also the consort of Avalokite$ara. SeeFig. 20.63 and Pl. 30. tarjani mwhA.A thre rening gesture.SseFig. r8.rj. Tathagatagarbha. "Womb of the Thus-Gone One." The word tathagatuis rranslated as "Thus-Gonc One" (that is, one who has arrived at perfect knowledge and, thus, a Suddha). Widt garbha ("womb"), the rerm refers to Buddha-poteniial or the essenceof Buddhahood. In Maheyena Buddhism, the term refers specifically to the germ or essenceof potendal Buddhahood that is found in all seatientbeings. le7as.Spiritual power. thang-ka ('fibet^n). A painting on cloth; a banner Perntlngi ^ !at4. Theravada. The Pali term for the SansLrit stharirar.rada, 'ipeech the of the elders." A form ofBuddhism of the so-called Hinaytfla category. rirtha.A holy sire: a pJaceof pilgrrmage. tithaikata. "Ford-[nder." A Jainjina ("conqueror"). One rvho has attainedperfect knowledge. There are twenty-four such beings in the Jain system for the present time-cycle, the twenry-fourth being Mahavira, who lived in Magadha (ca. 54c468 !.c.). For a list of the twenty-four, see Senjamin Walker, Hindu Woid: An Extyclopedic Sutuey of Hinduisn, z vols. (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1968), 2i505-O. totatra. An arch; a portal; a gateway. See Fig. 5.8. Trtyastririria. The heaven of thirty-three (Vedic) gods, situated above Mount Meru; it is presided over by Indra / Sakra. 'lhe tribhaiga. "thrice-bent" posture. A standing posture in which the head, chest,and lower portion

!trr brt .hiF cotrl Tipq. tioDt

thet seco

dhir (dho1

nuol bi!ulapl Trivih Vi5o-r is oq and l Tusit2MaiE

Una-tr! siniu Up*i: Seep1 updsaka (Fen-

,pay. '

mearu be m; male I iltnA. Or fested


GrossARY ofthe body are angled instcadofaligned verrically; through a plurnb line from the top ofthe headpasses the lcft 1orighr) pupil. rhe center of rhc chcst, rhcn to the lefi 1or righr) o[ rhc nrvel .rnd.Irnrlly. to a point betweenthe heels.SeeFig. r8.5. nikaya. "'lhtcc bodics"; a Mahayana Buddhist doctrine conccrning the rhreefold naturc of Buddhahood. Thc thrcc "bodies" ue the nirnanakaya i l r - n r f o r r r , - t r o r ro" - " l o r r " B o d l ) , r h c r c . ' l n r ("3liss of the norral Btddhas; -rarrbfioga&a7a Body"), t)rc rcalm of thc jlrra Buddhas; and the dharnakayn("Law Bod,v"), dre realm of the Adi Buddha. Thc tiit firakayd and sanbhogakayarc together klowD as r pakAta. /ril!/a. "Three-h:Jl" ; :r triple-shrined structure. l r r n u r r i . " T - i p l c f o r r r r "o r " t n p l e i m r g e . - - s o l c times used to refer to a singlc, triplc-hcadcd figLrre, b r r r : l r o n r . . 1r e f e ' t . , r h ' c c \ e p . . r . r tier n r g e ' $ o r shiped together (-rceFig. r4.i3). Thc triad usually consisrsof Siva, Vi;nu, and Brahna. Tripitaka. "-fhtce baskcts"; in Buddhisn, the collections of sacredwritings. triratha."'lhrcc-ratha"; a side of a pedestalor building that is offset so rhat irs length is dividcd into three ,Se(p.2r3. sections. triratfla. "'lhtee ie'nels"; the thrcc "jewels" of Buddhism, that is, the Buddha, thc Buddhist law (dharna), er,d thc nonastic community (-rd/igra). tri.iala. A tridcnt; en attribute characteristic of a numbcr of dcitics, espccially 5iva. hiiilaptltusa. The pcrsonificetion of the tndent. Trivikrar,Ta. r. Onc of rhe twentl.-four forms of Visnu. z. An epithet for Vanana, thc dwarf, who is onc of Visnu's ten major incarnations.Sccp. 298 and Fig. Tugita. The heaven presided ovcr by Bodhisattvr Maitreya. Urna-Mahe6vara-Siva, scatcd,with his consorr Uma sitting upon his left knee. Ser Fig. 15.26. Upanigads.A body of encient Indic religious texts. Seepp. z8-3o. rpa-ra&a."Follower." ln Buddhism, a lay worshiper. lrem. upastFa,) ryaya. "Ski1lful neans; praclice." In Buddhism, the r u c , n s b y u h i c h k n o w i e d g eo r r o m p a . s i o nm a r be madc nanifest; it is identiiied with thc active, male principle. rrrra. Onc of thc auspiciousmarLs of the body manifesredas a whorl ofhair or a circle or protubcrancc between the eyebrows. lt is one of the lal5anas (lucky signs) of a Buddha and is characteristicof


other exalted beings, sucb zs nahasatna bodhis a t t v a sS. e eF i g . 7 . t r . a;ri;a. A knot of hair, probably a turbarl knot, atop thc head of a nale figure; indicative of princcly hcritage.SeeFig. 7.rr. vahatla."Vclricle"; the mount or carrier of a god; a 'lhe being who accornpanies a god. ualtand is rusuallya thcrior,rorph and may synbolize an aspect or quality of the deity. Vairocana. One of the -.arrrllrola&a7a Buddhas and, in some systems,a rnanifestation of rhe dhannakaya. He is also sometimesconsideredto bc a manifcstarion of thc Adi Buddha. Vaiqnavite.Pertaining to Vignu. ugrra. Atr implcment; an attribute. It rs sometrrnes dcincd as "thundcrbolt," though this is only a limired explanation of the term. The word is comr,ronly translatcdas "diamond"; however, this is epparcntly incorrect. Regaldiess of its cxact rranslation, it servcs as a s,vmbol of pernunency and imnutability, and, in Buddhism, thc adamantine nature ofthe universe.The rajra is a pronged inslnulcnt, sometimesflat, sometimesfully rounded, with prongs at both cnds. The number of prongs varies but is alr'ays idcntical at both ends and is an odd, rather than even, nunber. (SeeFig.8.3z, lefr, for a one-pointed cxample.) In Tantric Buddhism, all Buddhist deities are considcred to be uajras or njra-betngs rnd thc rrajra also servcs as a synbol of the phallus. In sonc Buddhist contexts (seePl. r5), deities ofnon-Buddhist panthconsrvho havc bccn convertcd to the Buddhist dharna re referred to as aajra-c. t,airahlikarc (nadra). A hand posture that signi{ics the syllable hwh (hun) h Vajrayana Buddhisn. Thc hands and wrists are crossedin front of thc chest; the right hand holds a lajra whilc thc lcft holds a glraata-the two symbols in the crossed lrands thus symbolizc thc union of male (uajra) ard femde (gharta), and of skillful means (upaya; t\e rnale) and wisdom (prajna; tbe female). See Fig. 19.47. Vajrapani. The bodhisatwa who bears ;L uajta it hts hand. See Fig. 8.32, left; for his angry form, sea Pl. 14. v ajraparyaikasana." Vajrc-thtone sitting." The lotus position dsdrr; seepadnfisana. uajrEsana."Vajra-seat." The scat of cnlightcnment urder the lodll tree. Also, rhe seat (or alrar?) prescntly bcneath the lndhi ttee at Bodh Gaya is kr.o'Nr as hijtasalla. Sc€ Fig. Thc tcrm also



refers to a throne or seat that has a aajra upon it the sitting posrure. (Some authorior o padmdsana, ties, howcver, contend that there are diferences between the udiasalla, rajrularyaikisana, xrd padnasana postves.) Vajrasattva. "Vajru Being." In Buddhisrn, a being th,rr rhe practirionerbcconret wh"n genel.rringr ma4dala.In Buddhist art, an image that symbolizes the fully-enlightelcd practitioner as the undif: ferentiatcd state of the Universal (iiryara). See p. 46o and Fig. zo.r3. Vajra)'ena. "Vajra vehiclc." one of the major types of Buddhist Practices; Tanlra, or Tantric BuCdhisrn. Seep. 32. Vdman:r. The dwarf incarnation of Visnu. Sre also Trivikrama and Fig. vatla lala. "Fotest g rland." A garland worn by Visnu that is usually shown hanging down to his knecs. Sr? Fig. r 8.28. rarada nndfi- The gift-bestowing gesture. It can be nade with eithcr the right or left hand; thc hand extcnds dowflward, rvith the palm outward, as if offering son-rething to a devotee, and, in fact, sonetimcs an object of offcring is held in e hand perfonrring thts utfua. Scr Figs. r8.8, r8 28. Varaha. The boar incarnarion of Vi9nu. In this form, the god may appear completcly as an anin-ral(see Fig. rr.r) or as Part-lnan, Part-beast,iu which case he rnay be identiiied as NJ-Variha (see Figs ro.8, ro.rz). Seepp. r9z-93. Varu4a. one of the principal Vedic gods and, iater, one of the dikpalas (protector of the west). Sec Fig. tg.z,z. Vasudeva. A maniGstation of Visnu; one of the twenty-four fonr-rsof Visnu; sonetincs, an epithet ofKr;na. (The namc should not be confused with that ofVasudeva, the father ofKrqna.) vau (also war). A step-wcll. SecFigs. 20.60, 20.61. Vedas. A group of texts sacled to Hinduism. See pp. 27 28. or pcdesta ,reJi.An ^l,.r.l .rn .Lltar-sr*nd a sacrcd .4ir14) or a sPot enclosing railing uedika. P' or object ofvenemtion. t,esara.L "rrrlle" or a "hybrid." The name of a stylc of architecture believed to be associatedwith the Dcccan rcgion. Seep. 54o. ridya. Ktowledge, especially practicel knowledge; lore. ' 'Berrer of Wisdorn Esoe.irlly, ligrrre' vidyadhata. ,iepicrcd,, if flvrns a6ot. thq lc.ri5 qf i.'i1i65whrle b.".irrg g".l"nis (lhat symboiize the attainlnent of s r r p r e r nuei ' d o r n ) .S c eF i g s .r 8 . 8 .1 8 2 5 . 1 82 8 . vighia. An obstaclcor impcdiment (to rcligrou! ir-

tAinnent). Sometimes, uighnasarc pcrsonilied and deities are shown trampling upon them as if to l".r^-


.(rp Fio

rR r<

rihala. A rnorTestety;may be eicher or rock-cut. 'lhe titnana. shrine porcion of a telnplc and its superstr!1cture. ,i/dgdl.A hero store. SeeFig.9.3r. rirl,d. Hcrois11l. Vigaprahipflanurti. SeeSiva Vigapraharanamfirti. uisnayd, A gesture of wonder, astonishmcnt, ol praise. The arlr is bcnt at the elbow; the fingers point upward and the palm irward. SeeFig. 2r.3. Visnu. Onc of the nost important Hindu gods; rhe "preretver" of tlre Urr'rcrsc.Hc apperrt in rn-nr forms, but is perhaps best known in his ten incxrnations (dalatafird) aud his twcnry-four forns (tat nimlattufift\. Vignu Amttyairyana. Visnu as creator, reclining on the serpent Ananta. Seep. zro ald Fig. ro.29. Also called Viinu Segaiayana. Visnu Caturmurti. A four-headed fonn of Vi9nu. Seep. 367and Fig. 17.r7, Visnu Sankartana.One of the twenty-four fornrs of Visnu. SeeFig. z,o.6z. Visnu Scsaiayana.SeeVismr Anantalayana. Visnu Vi3varupa. "Visnu (Having) All FonTTs." Vi5nu as the Univcrsai, in whom is embodied all things and frorn whom all things cmanate. See p. : 3 3 a n dF i g s .r r . r J , 2 o . 4 . uitatka nudri. A gesturc of discourse or discussion. Thc tips ofthe index linger and thurnb of the hand are pressed togcthcr to form a circle, with the othcr lingets pointing upward. See PI. 3r, lefr figures. nkladevatd. A tree goddess. Sre Fig. 6.6. Sec also ryaklryana mufua. A gesture of expianation or discourse in which the pain is outward, and thc lingers upward, with the thunb and index ftrgcr (or the thumb and mother finger) forming a circle SeeFig. ryala (or uyalaka).A homcd lion (1;li). uyiha. A manifcstrtion or enlanation; generalll, an emrnation of Vilnu but lot a ftrll incarnation \ r s i o no f r P a r a d i r c . L r B u d d h i ' m . . nc x p a n s i \ e yajia. A sactifice an offcring; a religious practice. cspcciaily characteristicof Vedic worship. ya&sa.A malc nature spirit; a wealth dcity and guardrao of treasurc. Yafr;asare especiallyassociatedwith trees.(Fenr. yokti, yaksirl.) yakqr(ar yak5ilti).See7aftsaand Fig. 5.r3.

ya ft:

s1ro 35:



ll I 1tr4. D t

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1ali. A holncd lion (r,1,a/a). \ r r r r ' . I n c - o . Lo f d e . r t l rt :l ' e . l r o ' ," r l r ' I - d . r l ' , orre lvho conchrctsthe dead ro the ghcc of the ancestots.Hc is consicleretlto be guardian of thc sorth (thc dircction asvrciated lr'ith dceth) and is onc of d1e directionel eurrclian dciries (diATalas). S . s p . 3 3 8a n dF i g . r j . 2 J . Yarnuna. Thc Yemurra (or JerrrLnl andJumne) River; thc goclless per-sonifrurg thrr rivcr. Her slnbol and r/rlard is thc tortoisc.SccFig. ro.37. r'lr '\'. oeol I i\ i ; n , , r r n\. r r r c c l r . . r i d. ' ' , c s,vrnbolic di:rqrrnr. A 1,ntrrr,:rrrar' scrvc :rs itn ai.l to mcdit:rtion, alnlos! xs a rli1p or ch:ut caD scr\ic .rsa grricle. A nayJnld is .\ trpc of y Ma. ldrii. A pole; in Buddhist -.itl, xrchitecture,thc pole drat rcprcscnrsrhe World Aris. yoga."YoLc": "union (asifjoined b,vr -r'oke)."Practiccs bv rvhich the iodlvidual rtaerllpts to "\'oke" himself rvith the Univer-s:rl.1'hcrc rre rlenl' trpcs ofloga, and yoglc practicesxrc niversal to a1l thc Irrdicr-eligions:thcv can be tracedin a1t at lcilsr:ls far back es thc lnclus civilization. In Hinduisur, the nanrv t"vpes of 1,opainclude: hatha yoga, .'bidt enrplrasizcsm:rsterr. of drc bodr'; bhakti yaga, rvhich srcssesunconditionallovc:rnd devotion of' god; .iiana i,o3a, t'hich propounds reintegr-i1!;on tlrrongh kuorvlcdgc; kanta yooa, *hich cmphasizes


the perlbrmar,ce of religiors dutics; and raja 1oga, tire ro,valw'ay,which is considcrcdto be thc suprcnc forrn of Toga and rhe one for which ali othcrs scrve merely ils prefxratioD, Yrga ts a vcrv im. | ] . . I I . l r . n r ,w l t p r e . r r logir pmcticesare classiliedinto various svstcms. yogrrr.A practirionerofTqgn. yo.grrri.A ferualc practitiotcr ofyya. A1so, :r goddcss of uaercal pox'cr-s.l)illclcut or .r rvom.rn possessed nurlbcrs ofyrgirrir arc citcd; sirt,v-four is :r popularly given nurnber. l'o.qiri * orship implicitlv srrggcsts scxualreligrouspractices.Vcrr' fcl' tenples of the ),ogiri cult rrc krroln irr Sourh Asia. Sre Figs. r9-4r 43 and zo.:r, zo.::. 7ori. The female gendrtlvc orEan; thc vulva. The s,vnrbol of tl,c limJc principle. Mav selve as thc pedcstal (or rccciver) of the liiga cnshrincd il a Saivitc tcmple. Togethcr, thc ltlLga :Ltd yotti fepresent thc uniq rithin dualit! th:rt is ccnrral to much Hindu thought. yr.qanaddha.Scxuallr joirccl: joincd :rs a pxir. A repfeserlretion()1x mrle il intercourservith his fcmale consof!. Thc cxtcnsioD aDd complction of the conceptofrrrirlrrra.Srl Fig. r8 r4. ytn'arnja. T\c heir :rplarent; the clorvn pritrcc. Thc term is sonretinresused to lefel to thc Bodhisattva lr,laitlcve, thc futurc Buddha.

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