The Ancient Roman Sculpture(2)

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 631
  • Pages: 36

Roman Sculpture

Roman Sculpture Roman sculpture refers to the sculpture of Ancient Rome. Although Roman sculpture initially copied much from Greek sculpture just as Greeks had originally copied from late Egyptians, it eventually became its distinct form of sculpture, which more emphasized the individual. Much Roman sculpture survives, although some of it is damaged.

There are many surviving sculptures of Roman emperors. Tombstones of rich citizens often exhibit portraits of the deceased carved in relief. Unlike Roman architecture, Roman sculpture was deeply affected by the tastes of artists and patrons as well as by class interest. The “patricians” gravitated to the Greek styles and the “plebeians” favored the local art, called Italo-Roman

1. Metal –Bronze(mixture of copper and tin) -easily melted, rich in color, and has a smooth texture

2. Stones –Marble - durable, smooth, and pliable to touch

Roman Sculpture’s Five Categories: • Portraiture --portrait busts of ordinary citizens carved in a very realistic manner that showed their own imperfections; vigorous and alive in appearance.)

• Relief Sculptures a. Historical Reliefs b. Funeral Reliefs

• Sarcophagi (coffin-like structures) • Equestrian Statues

1.Portraiture intent is to display the individual likeness, personality, and even the mood.

Idealization in portraiture allowed emperors to emphasize their loyalties to the imperial dynasty, and legitimize their authority by visually linking themselves to their predecessors.

Portrait of Lucius Verus

Portrait Busts

Cato and Portia

Emperor Caracalla

2.Relief Sculptures A. Historical Relief

TRAJAN’S COLUMN This spiral frieze commemorates Emperor Trajan’s victories in the two campaigns against the Dacian people of the lower Danube region.

This relief depicts a sacrificial procession.

B. Funeral Reliefs

Cameo fragment with Jupiter astride an eagle

3.Sarcophagi a funeral receptacle for a corpse, commonly carved or cut from stone.

Stone sarcophagus of Merenptah.

Asiatic garland sarcophagus Endymion sarcophagus

4.Equestrian Statues Rome’s contribution to the world. These carved statues represent a figure astride a horse. These statues inspired artists in the Renaissance Age

Marcus Aurelius

Characteristics of Roman Sculpture: • It is finely detailed to show its realistic portray. • Have an origin, very remote and altogether Italianate. • It is usually made of Bronze metal but later on, they made used of Marble. • It is realistic (it actually portrays an actual person, wart and all compared to Greek which portray a perfect vision of god, goddesses and hero).

• Some are usually small, and could be used as seals.(Intaglio sculptures) • It is more modest and natural. • It is sometimes shallow three dimensional carvings on flat surfaces, used for architectural works such as columns, arches and Temples. • Fulfilled public relations and publicity roles.

• Hellenistic motifs and styles(Hellenic Style) • Idealized Portrait style • Realistic style (realism) • Symbolic Idealism Style

Hellenistic style

Hermes and Dionysus of Greece

Idealistic Portrait

Antinous Chalkis


Idealistic Portraits Brutus

Empress Julia Domna

Realistic Style

Emperor Vespasian


Symbolic Idealism Style



Marcus aurelius

Symbolic Idealism Style

Marcus Aurelius




Seated boxer from the baths of Diocletian…

And this is how the Greeks used to do it; Demoxenes delivering an openhanded thrust to Creugas, penetrating his side and killing him instantly (not shown).

The painting depicts personal violence…


Gladiators at work…

Gods and Goddesses Venus and Mars (a young man preparing for war)

Minerva (Athena)


Cherubs carrying arms

Romans fighting Gauls…

Wounded Gaul, Roman copy of Greek original

He is lying on his shield, sophisticated

-looking sword, scabbard and war trumpet.

The Gaul is wearing a torc…

Captured “Barbarians”

war trophies

pair of fasces as carried by lictors…

This scene of stabbing someone under the skirt was apparently considered extremely hip on your cinerary urn...

Prepared by: Leanderson Alon Manilyn Bagne Sofia jia Donna delos santos Jan Mark Nueva

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