The Roman Catholic Church

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The Roman Catholic Church *This is especially for many people propping up the Catholic Church as almost divine like Oil Empire praising the Pope in his condemnation of the Iraq War, etc. Orbiting the Roman Catholic Church are heresies and great superstitions. The origin of the Catholic Church appears to be when Emperor Constantine created a state church 312 A.D. after his “conversion to Christianity.” By 606 A.D., the modern Papacy as you see it today was fully activated. Very few Christians expose its false doctrines since it’s composed over 1.1 billion individually globally. People are also scared because of the backlash since Catholicism worldwide is extremely potent in the media, religious affairs intentionally, etc. Sometimes taking the unpopular course is the most courageous stance for to hate the world and go against the grain is a sign of being of God. Usually [it happened to me] when anyone legitimately layout bible verses and other evidence that contradict the precepts of Roman Catholicism, Catholics and pro-Papist Protestants will label you as an anti-Catholic bigot or a basher. The fact of the matter is that I hate the Catholic religion and never Catholics personally. Manifesting Roman Catholicism’s deceit show care and love for deluded Catholics not hatred.

There are numerous Catholics who are trying their best to find a real relationship with God, but God in Revelation is calling them to leave. It’s not necessary to be apart of a church incorporating falsehoods for so long then expecting it to reform. Some Catholic apologists attempt to discredit Bible-believers claiming that before Luther; only the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches existed. This is flat out false for before the Reformation, Waldensians, the Anabaptists, The Celtic Church, Benegarians, the Church of the East, independent groups, and other religious Christian churches existed from the time of the Apostles to 1519 as the remnant. God said he will preserve his church forever. Other Catholic apologists claim that Protestantism is flawed because it split into 25,000 to 30,000 different denominations. Additionally, they view that Protestants exhibit so much disagreement, that no Protestant is apart of Christ’s church. Is this a just case? No, see there is basic unity among all Protestants and Baptists for we all agree on the Foundational doctrines of Christianity (This is what makes you a Christian like the Incarnation, the Atonement, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Salvation by grace through faith alone, the authority of the Scriptures being infallible, etc.) All bible-believers subscribe to this and: “Some things are negotiable. These include things such as the form of baptism, the kind of worship music, the form of church structure and organization, defining the relationship between free will and predestination, and eschatology (beliefs about what will happen during the End Times). These are important issues. They can affect the quality of a person's Christian life. But they do not determine whether or not a person is a Christian. These are areas in which Christians can agree to disagree. Differences among genuine Protestants occur in the second area, the negotiable items. They could be compared to flavors of ice cream. There are many kinds of ice cream, but they are all ice cream. They aren't pie, or cake, or salad. In real life, people know when they are eating ice cream, and when they are eating something else. Some Catholic apologists say that there are 30,000 different Protestant denominations. This is not true. Dr. Eric Svendsen has made an in-depth study of this claim. There is no valid foundation for it. His book "On This Slippery Rock" has a chapter about it, which you can read on-line. Dr. Svendsen also has an on-line article about diversity in Catholic beliefs. [Note 2 gives addresses.]… Let's compare this to something in everyday life. There is a huge difference between cats and dogs and horses. Now if you narrow it down to dogs, there are many different varieties. And within each variety, there are subgroups. For example, there are different kinds of collies and different kinds of poodles. Catholic apologists act as if differences in Protestant churches are like the huge differences between cats and horses and birds and dogs. In reality, they are like the differences between different kinds of dogs (variations in the same kind of thing.) Often, they are like the differences between different kinds of poodles or different kinds of collies (small variations in things which are essentially the same)…” (From “The Spirit of Roman Catholicism What Lies Behind the Modern Public Image?” by Mary Collins in 2002) It’s time to further explain Dr. Svendsen’s “On This Slippery Rock” which refutes the 30,000 Protestant denominations claim more elaborately. Svendsen’s work has found according to Barret’s research that there are 8,196 denominations of Protestants and 223 denominations of Catholics (which Barret broke down into 2,942 Catholic separate denominations in just 1970with 3,294 Protestant denominations in the same year). Barrett also unified many names of the same Protestant group into denominations even if there are no theological differences between them.

Not to mention that there are only about less than 2 dozen main Protestant groups not 30,000. Catholicism itself are in numerous divisions like Catholic feminists, (nuns, priests, and historians who openly defy the Pope, Liberation theology Catholics, Catholic Pentecostals, Christo-Pagans [Latin American Catholic influenced by folk Catholicism with Amerindian paganism], and Evangelical Catholics. I forgot about the Spiritist Catholics, moderates, conservatives, traditionalists, Sedevacantists, and cafeteria Catholics. No Catholic apologist mentions this at all. What is the

reason why Catholicism isn’t Christian? Basically, Roman Catholicism acquires a false base of authority which are the Pope and its tradition. Also, it teaches the wrong way of salvation. It emphasis is misplaced in the 7 sacraments to be saved instead of Christ’s blood alone. Its acceptance of Christ’s divinity is accurate, but it believes that an object transforms into God plus Christ’s death wasn’t enough for atonement. It also gives unnecessary adulation to Mary plus adds false dogma as integral of its creed like: the infallibility of the Pope in 1870, Scapular in 1521, purgatory proclaimed as a tenet in 1439, etc. You can copy this expose to assist Catholics to leave that church and believe on real concepts. Catholicism (like Masonry) is one of the easiest religions to refute, but its supporters are one of the toughest to get through. I guess since they’ve been so conditioned (almost in a cultic way) in following those systems. They are involved in the Inquisition, murder of Jews and real Christians, supporting the One World Religion, the international slave trade, pedophile priests, false doctrines, and even never excommunicated Adolf Hitler. This doesn’t mean we promote hatred of Roman Catholics. We love all humans regardless of their gender, creed, race, etc. What we do is show the Gospel to Roman Catholics with love and clear, yet firm examples.

The Priesthood *I have over 200 verses to refute Catholicism, but this is a simple summary to simply refuted their primary doctrines. Roman Catholicism institutes a select priesthood, but priests as clergy has no basis from scripture today. Only in the Old Law were priests instrumental in religious services as performing sacrifices, etc. Now in the New Testament, The Lord Jesus Christ is the only High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, his new title. Behold this 2 verses to prove that: “Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.” (Hebrews 6:20) and: “But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building.” (Hebrews 9:11). Christ Jesus is the only mediator between God the Father and man (1 Timothy 2:5). Yet, priests in Catholicism have claimed a special status as a mediator to “forgive” sins. On the other hand, Mark 2:7 is rather clear that: “…who can forgive sins but God only?“ (Mark 2:7). The priesthood today is extended unto all believers (1 Peter 2:5-9, Revelation 1:6). Early church writes such as Chrysostom (350 AD), and Basil (350 AD) wrote strongly about confessing sins to God only. The Levitical priesthood had the old law of using the blood of animals, but now they can never atone sin, but through the precious blood of Christ alone. Catholic priests are celibate, but mandatory celibacy enforced by anyone is forbidden and a doctrine of devils. (1 Timothy 4:1-3). Elders, bishops, pastors are many titles of select clergy not priest plus even a bishop should have one wife in marriage. (1 Timothy 3:2-6). The Scriptures in Hebrews 13:4 says that: “…Marriage is honorable in all..“ The Bible never forbids people to be celibate voluntarily (like eunuchs of course). Yet, the Scriptures does forbids forcing people to be celibate for the sake of a religious tenet. Romanism forcing priests, bishops, and other clergy to be celibate whether they want to or not. These restrictions (among other reasons) contributed to the epidemic of Roman Catholic priests abusing young children and other people. This child abuse isn’t limited to the Roman Catholic Church though. Again, 1 Timothy 4:1-3 outlines that: “…Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with hot iron; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth…”

The Papacy The Papacy is a system whose head is the Pope and Catholics proclaim Peter as its first. According to Catholicism, Peter is the Rock, but throughout the OT and NT, Christ is the Rock and foundation not Peter: “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ” (1 Cor. 10:4), “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11), “As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumbling stone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.” (Romans 9:33) Mt. 16:16-20 is the prime verse apologists use to justify Peter’s Papacy, but that isn’t the case. The Lord Jesus Christ said “thou art Peter [in Greek that’s Petros or a masculine word for small rock] and upon this rock [Petra, or a feminine Greek word for a large rock], I will build my church.” The Rock is Christ or his and the confession that built his church. Even John 1:42 gives the name of Cephas as meaning a stone. Cephas is Petros in Greek not Petra. Mt. 18:18 has the keys of heavens, but in the sense of opening the door of salvation to Israel first then the Gentiles, so all men can have a chance to enter in the kingdom of God. That power is also given to Christ’s apostles and disciples (John 20:23). Let’s remember that the foundation of the apostles is connected to Christ and Christ is the head of the Church (Eph. 2:20, Col. 2:19) The Pope is proclaimed as “Holy Father”, but Holy Father is a name utilized for God alone and it’s blasphemy to call a man by God’s name. (John 7:11, Rev. 15:4, 1 Samuel 2:2). Christ forbids to call a man father in part of a spiritual teacher like a rabbi (Mt. 23:79). God tells us to address him not as father. Father is used in the Bible for human offspring or lineage, but not spiritual religious titles for clergy (2 Cor. 6:18, 1 Tim. 5:1, John 8:38-39). Therefore, no where in the Scriptures do we call the Pope Holy Father since Holy Father is title given unto God alone. Peter was never a Pope for Peter was married (Mt. 8:14, 15) while popes aren’t, Peter would never let a man bow before him (Acts 10:25, 26), yet people bow before Karol, and Peter never exhibited supremacy over the Church. James’ advice on the Jerusalem Council was followed not Peter’s (Acts 15:13-19), Paul rebuked Peter, and Christ exhorted the greatest to be a servant for all (Mark 9:33-35) with no special papal leadership given unto Peter. The concept of a pope yet along the word Pope is no where in the Bible. Pope comes from Papa, a title for pagan Roman Emperors. Christ is the only foundation indeed. (1 Cor. 3:10).The early church had autonomous Bishops in the early centuries of A.D. Even the early Christian Cyprian didn’t want a bishop to be a bishop of bishops in a control freak manner. He said: “…For neither does any of us set himself

up as a bishop of bishops, nor by tyrannical terror does any compel his colleague to the necessity of obedience, since every bishop, according to the allowance of his liberty and power, has his own proper right of judgment, and can no more be judged by another than he himself can judge another…” Cyprian said these previous words at the Council of Carthage. Many Popes throughout history have acted in an immoral fashion. For example, Pope Hadrian II (867) declared civil marriage to be valid, but Pope Pius VII (1800-23) declared it to be invalid. Pope Eugene IV (1431) had Joan of Arc burned alive as a witch, but later Pope Benedict IV in 1919 declared her to be a saint. Pope Alexander VI (14921503) won election by bribing the College of Cardinals. He had 5 children by one lady. He lived in public incest with his two sisters, fathering a daughter by one of them; Lucretia Borgia. Pope Benedict IX (1033-1045) was made pope at the age of 12. This pope committed adultery and murder openly and flagrantly. Hence, Popes aren’t role models that I want to follow. The Antichrist concept is very interesting. Now, Antichrist is made up of 2 syllables. One is antimeaning in the place of (according to Webster’s 1828’s Dictionary. Anti comes from the Greek word of Ante). Therefore, Antichrist means in the place of Christ or another Christ. The Antichrist is a false Christ. It’s doesn’t take a genius to figure out that numerous Pope claim to have the title of Jesus Christ. For example, the Pope is called the Vicar of Christ. The Vicar of Christ is the concept that the Pope is God’s representative on Earth. That’s false and blasphemy of course since no human can take the place of God at all. Now, according to the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, Vicar comes from the Latin word vicarious and vicis. Vicar means a substitute in office. The Pope claims also to be a substitute of Jesus Christ on Earth. Pope Leo XIII claims to hold God’s place in Earth in a sick way. He said:

"[W]e hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty." --POPE LEO XIII Cited in Double Cross by Chick Publications, p. 27 quoting THE GREAT ENCYCLICAL LETTERS OF POPE LEO XIII p. 304, Benziger Brothers (1903) Here’s other quotes where the Catholic Church falsely claim to have power over the whole church and the world: "For the Roman pontiff (pope), by reason of his office as VICAR OF CHRIST, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal POWER over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise UNHINDERED."

--CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, 1994, P. 254 #882 "We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely NECESSARY FOR the SALVATION of every human creature to be SUBJECT TO THE ROMAN PONTIFF (POPE)." --POPE BONIFACE VIII, BULL UNUN SANCTUM, 1302 The Bible is clear that only Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation completely, not a Pope at all. The Bible in Acts 4:12 outline the name of Jesus as necessary for salvation. The Bible is clear form John 16 and John 14:26 that the Holy Father (as sent by the Father) is the true teacher of believes, not a Pope. The Bible is clear that all authority is held by Jesus Christ not a Pope: “…"Then Jesus came

to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20). The Pope is a mere man. In prophecy from 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4, its shows the Antichrist as falsely claiming to be God in a Temple. Revelation 13:4-5 refers to the Beast as speaking blasphemies, which Popes have historically have done. Not to mention that Pope Leo XIII’s boast of taking the place of God is very

similar to Lucifer’s boat of being like the most High (or God) from Isaiah 14:14. The Bible is clear from Isaiah 42:8 as showing the words of God that: “…I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another…” By these quotes and the Scriptures, it’s apparent that the Pope is an Antichrist that falsely tries to take the place of God on Earth. The Bible warns of many antichrists on

"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." (11 John 2:18) 2:18 . Archbishop the Earth before the one Antichrist during the end times:

Milingo have accused that Vatican of embracing Satanism by some of their high level members. The Papal follows the false doctrine of Papal infallibility. It was officially declared by the Papacy in 1870. Now, Papal infallibility means that by action of the Holy Spirit, the Pope is preserved from even the possibility of error when he solemnly declares or promulgates to the Church a dogmatic teaching on faith or morals. This is nuts, because all men commit error from time to time. Only God is without error. Popes Innocent III, Gregory XI, Clement IV, Hadrian VI, and Paul IV all disagreed with papal infallibility. So, there is confusion in the Pope’s interpretation of infallibility.

Mary Mary is a great, brave woman, but she isn’t the Mother of God for God pre-existed Mary. Isaiah 43:10 quotes God as saying “Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.” God is from everlasting to everlasting and only Mary is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ not the mother of whole preexistence. God has no mother. The Vatican believes in the Immaculate conception (or that Mary was born without sin, and he was ascended into Heaven). The Bible refutes this heresy easily. Mary does have sin for all humans including Mary are sinners, so it’s impossible for Mary to be without sin: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23) and “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Even Catholic scholar Ludwig Ott admits, "Neither Greek nor Latin Fathers explicitly teach the Immaculate Conception of Mary." (Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 1960, p.201). A list of just some of the many who opposed the Immaculate Conception include: Augustine, Chrysostom, Eusebius, Ambrose, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, Cardinal Cajetan and Popes Gregory the Great and Innocent III. Furthermore, the New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967, vol. VII, pp. 378-381) admits that the origin of this belief finds no Scriptural support: "...the Immaculate Conception is not taught explicitly in Scripture... The earliest Church

Fathers regarded Mary as holy but not as absolutely sinless... It is impossible to give a precise date when the belief was held as a matter of Faith, but by the 8th or 9th century it seems to have been generally admitted... [In 1854 Pope Pius IX defined the dogma] 'which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from all stain of original sin in the first instant of her conception.'"

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 1:8). Romans 5:12 proves that more. Luke 1:28 is a verse Catholics use to justify her as sinless and superior to all women, but it only says that Mary is highly favored among women not above women or full of grace. Only God is full of Grace: “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14). Other people are bestowed graced, blessed, and favored as well not just Mary (Mt. 25:34, Eph. 1:6, Romans 6:15). Mary was definitely a virgin until Jesus was born. This is found in Matthew 1:25 as she had children with Joseph. When Jesus started his earthly ministry at the age of 30, Mary is to be commended for telling the people at the wedding at Cana to do what Jesus Christ tells them to do as found in John 2:5. One smoking gun piece of evidence to prove that Mary is equal to the apostles and all believers is how Jesus told Mary that all believers are his brothers and sisters. This is found in the book of Matthew 12:46-50. Matthew 13:55-56 and Mark 6:3 have Mary’s children being shown (Sisters are mentioned in those verses. Sister in Greek concordance of the NT means blood relative sisters not cousins). Some Roman Catholics view Mary as the Mediatrix. The 1994 Catholic Catechism on p.252, # 969 says that: “,,,Therefore the blessed Virgin is invoked in the church under the titles Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix." 1 Timothy 2:5 describes the truth Mediator between God and man: “…For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” The Catholic Church calls Mary the Queen of Heaven, yet the Bible doesn’t say that at all. In fact, the book of Jeremiah forbids offerings to the false Goddess of the Queen of Heaven. Here‘s a verse on this subject: "The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger." (Jeremiah 7:18). The Queen of Heaven is a pagan title that should be rejected by real believers in God. There is no

evidence that we pray to or through Mary. Doing that would be bordering necromancy. I respect Mary greatly. I just don’t venerate or worship her at all.

The Mass “The victim is one and the same: the same now offers through the ministry of priest, who then offered himself on the cross; only the manner of offering is different." In this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner." (#1367, p.381) The tabernacle is to be situated "in church in a most worthy place with the greatest of honor. The dignity, placing, and security of the Eucharistic tabernacle should foster adoration before the Lord really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar." (#1183, p. 335). This is transubstantiation or the belief that the bread and wine of the mass becomes the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ, but the appearance and texture of the bread and wine remain the same. That church gives their mass in an unbloodly manner, yet Christ had one bloody sacrifice (Hebrew 9:22). Historically, the early church never uniformly accepted the modern tenets of transubstantiation th at all. In the 9 century, Pashasius Radbertus (who was a French monk) made up the modern version of the doctrine (though others before him believed in this lie). Ironically, Johannis Scotus, Erigena, the founder of the University of Paris in the 800’s A.D. opposed plus exposed transubstantiation. Scotus came into France, wrote a book exposing Radbertus’ falsehoods, and he was a wise man. This work of Johannis Scotus has been written about in the book entitled, “History of the Scottish Nation, Vol. III). We do know that the Christian Berengarius opposed transubstantiation as well. There is also the adoration of the Masses’ host wafer, which is idolatry of course. Many religious Catholic would bow before the Host. In religious services, all believers are forbidden to eat blood, yet Romanism claims they have the

same blood and body of Jesus Christ. (Acts 15:10, Acts 21:25) Eucharistic adoration violates the 2nd commandment since we are to never worship to bow religiously to anything, but only to God. The mass is just an object and isn’t God (Exodus 20:4-5) Communion is solely a remembrance and John 6 utilized metaphors to mention the method of salvation (Luke 22:19). Throughout John 6, Christ present the belief that belief on him saved not eating his flesh. John 6:43-47, John 6:34-36, John 6:36-40 all show that eating physical bread will leave our body, but the internalizing of him will lead to salvation. John 6:63 called the spirit of God which gives life not the flesh profiting nothing (as found in these words: “…Doth this offend you? It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth (gives

life); THE FLESH PROFITETH NOTHING: the words that I speak unto you, THEY ARE SPIRIT, and they are life..."). The eating of Jesus’ flesh and drinking his blood literally aren’t mentioned in John 6 for that will be cannibalism which is forbidden in the Bible. Christ only has 2 comings in his total physical form not multiple masses (1 Thes. 4:16). Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was an one-time event with no repeats in the mass. Even Paul said that Christ’s presence physically in communion is non-existent (1 Cor. 5:16) Christ is not contained in an Eucharistic temple (Acts 7:48-49). The mass decays, but Christ’s blood and body can’t (Psalm 16:10). Luke 22:19 states clearly that the Lord's supper is for remembrance purposes: "This do in remembrance of me." This is a metaphor, where one thing is said to be another thing because of it's similarity. A metaphor is a figurative use of terms without indicating their figurative nature, for example, he shall eat his words. It’s obviously that the Bible has symbols to represent things.

Sola Scriptura The Scriptures are superior to tradition and here’s logic reasons how and why. The Word of God is a compass to a person’s spiritual hearth and one of the breaths that gives life to Christians. All scriptures is inspired and God’s word is place above his name not tradition: “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:14-17) and “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name” (Psalm 138:2). Sola Scriptura means simply that using the Scriptures alone is sufficient enough to derive the decrees of God. You can be

reassured with the scriptures (Acts 17:1-5). Tradition is never given as much praise and magnification as the Bible has. Here’s what is Truth: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17). The Scripture cannot be broken (John 10:38). In comparison, no tradition have been propelled on such a level as the scriptures have, therefore the scriptures are superior to tradition. We ought to reject any theologian that promotes a doctrine that is against what the Scriptures say: "If they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah 8:20). Roman Catholicism have their tradition made up of a long list of Papal decrees, writings from church leaders, and other sources of information. Much of their tradition is different from other parts of Papal tradition. Some of tradition doesn’t present an uniform, consistent message like the Bible can. Also, not all of Catholic tradition are accessible, while the Word of God is easily accessible within 66 books. To follow all Papal tradition, you must find all of it. That’s a difficult task to accomplish. On the other hand, you can find all of the Scriptures preserved though. Christ in Matthew 15:1-3 condemned the Pharisees’ tradition since it was contrary to the Word of God: “Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” If the scriptures were equal to tradition, then no tradition would be condemned, but some verse have derogatory comments about some traditions. Now, the Scriptures are unique. It has been preserved for over 2,000 years. It has 66 books that are easily accessible to use and compare. It has all the sufficient information for a great Christian walk from the resurrection, early church history, baptism, Heaven plus Hell, prophecy, commands of God, etc. If the Scriptures have these thing, there is nothing I need from tradition. The reason is that the Bible has all the ingredients of living righteously, etc. Where is the need to add tradition to scripture when the scriptures already tell me the concepts needed to live a godly life, etc. The answer is you don’t need man made tradition. The Holy Bible was finished by ca. 100 A.D. It has been preserved in the Byzantinum Text and then through the Received Text for centuries unto today. Christ never condemned the Word of God at all. Therefore, tradition isn’t equal to the word of God. It is the word of God alone that is living and active: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12).

Baptism/Confession "The Lord himself affirms that Baptism is necessary for salvation." (Pg. 352, #1257) "The Church does not know of any other means other than Baptism that assures entry into eternal beatitude..." (Pg. 352, #1257) Actually, baptism is not necessary for salvation, but Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation. Baptismal regeneration not only originated from pagan religions, but has no basis in scripture for belief is required before baptism. (Acts 8:36-37) Salvation is done by confessing your sins to God and believe on Christ and his burial and resurrection. This is the prime verse for believers’ baptism. Only unbelief condemns you to hell (Mark 16:16). The blood of Christ cleanses all sins not baptismal water (Mt. 26:28, James 3:25). Paul didn’t even come to baptize, but to save souls without it (1 Cor. 1:14-17, Acts 8:34). Christ didn’t baptize a soul except his disciples and he saved people (John 4:2). Baptism comes from the Greek word “baptize” meaning immersion not sprinkle. Peter gives the perfect definition of baptism as a good answer of good conscience toward God as a figure. (1 Peter 3:21) As for confession only God can forgive sins. (Mark 2:7, Acts 8: 22, Hebrews 4:16) not priests. James only mention to confess your faults one to each other never to confess your sins to a man and expect a man to forgive all of your sins. (James 5:16) The apostles solely had the power to allow the Holy Spirit to proclaim the forgiveness of sins (John 20:22-23). Even the thief on the cross died without baptism to be in heaven (Luke 23:43). Throughout the NT, the son of man (Christ) had the power to forgive sins. John 3:16 eloquently issues the real way to be saves. So, baptism is after salvation for Paul only baptized souls after they believed (Acts 8:36-37, Acts 10:30, 31, 33, Acts 18:8, Acts 2:4, Acts 8:12, Acts 8:13). Infant baptism is no where at all mentioned in the Bible. A baby can’t show a good conscience toward God, so a baby doesn’t need to be baptized. By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy) March 22, 2005 12:26 pm. EST Edited: January 25, 2009 SOLA SCRIPTURA SOLA FIDE SOLA GLORIA DEO SOLA CHRISTO SOLA GRATIA SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS SEMPER LIBER RESURRECTION 7 CITIES NORFOLK PORTSMOUTH HAMPTON SUFFOLK NEWPORT NEWS CHESAPEAKE VIRGINIA BEACH


P.S. I will add more information, so this isn’t the end of this article yet.

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