Lesson Plan In Mtb-mle.docx

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OBJECTIVES 1) Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of Synonyms and Antonyms; 2) Performance Standard: Able to recognize the difference between Synonyms and Antonyms; 3) Knowledge: Identifies Synonyms and Antonyms of grade level adjectives (MT3G-IVb-2.5); 4) Attitude: Show cooperation and participation during class activities; 5) Skills: Underline the Synonyms and Antonyms of adjectives in a sentence.


SUBJECT MATTER: MTB-MLE III CONTENT : Quarter IV- Antonyms and Synonyms A. REFERENCES: K-12 Curriculum Guide 1) Learner’s Material: pg. 316-323 B. OTHER LEARNING RESOURCES: Laptop, Projector, Strips papers, Visual Aids & Pictures VALUES INTEGRATION: Cooperation, Participation and Obedience.


PROCEDURES TEACHER’S ACTIVITY LEARNERS’ ACTIVITY A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES 1) Greetings 2) Prayer 3) Checking of Attendance 4) Energizer 5) Setting of Classroom rules B. DEVELOPING ACTIVITIES 1) DRILL Class, I will show you a card containing a word and you will read it. Then, you will act the word. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


2) REVIEW Class, do you still remember our lesson yesterday? What was our lesson yesterday? Kyle? Is Kyle correct class? Very Good! What is adjectives Dave? Is Dave correct class? Impressive! Let’s give Kyle and Dave an “Amazing Clap”. Adjectives are words that describes a noun or a pronoun. Who can give me an example of adjectives? Rhea?

(Doing their activity)

Yes teacher. Our lesson yesterday was all about adjectives. Yes, he is. Adjectives are describing words. Yes, he is. (Clapping their hands)


Can you use beautiful in a sentence? Excellent Rhea! Another? Lyka? Can you use it in a sentence? Very well said Lyka! Let’s give Rhea and Lyka a “Wow Clap”. Let’s see if you really understand our lesson yesterday. Let’s answer this one. Directions: Underline the adjectives in the sentence. 1) All the children in my family grew up to be very tall. 2) We walked in a deep snow. 3) Rey is a lazy man. 4) The company of Liza is financially healthy. 5) Rina is a shy type of person.

April is beautiful. Hot The coffee is hot. (Clapping their hands)

1) 2) 3) 4)

tall deep lazy healthy

5) shy

I am very happy and glad that all of you still remembered our lesson yesterday and very thankful because you learned a lot from it. Let’s give a big clap for everyone.

(Clapping their hands)

3) MOTIVATION There are 3 sets of words on the board. I will call 2 pupils to come in front and one of the pupil will describe the other pupil using the words in set A. After that, the pupil that being described by her/his classmate will choose a word in set B that has the same meaning of the word that was chosen by her/his classmate in set A. Lastly, I will call another pupil to choose a word in set C that has the opposite meaning or thought of the word that was chosen by her classmate. Do you understand class? Are you ready?

Yes teacher. Yes, we are.

Set A Beautiful Rich Intelligent Tall

Set B Long Pretty Wealthy Clever

Set C Dumb Short Ugly Poor

4) PRESENTATION OF THE LESSON Class, what did you observed in our activity earlier? Lina?

Very good Lina! In set B are words that have the same meaning in set A, while in set C are words that have opposite meaning. In set B, what are those words that have the same meaning in set A?

(Doing their activity)

Having the same and opposite meaning of the word that my classmate chose to describe in set A.


Yes! Correct class. How about set C?


Yes! Very good class. So, what do you think is our lesson for today?

Synonyms and Antonyms

5) RECALLING OF CLASS RULES But before we go beyond to our proper discussion; Again, what are the rules that my friends given to this class? Rules of Okkie?

Yes! Correct! How about Dokkie’s rules? Very good! Rules of Kokkie? Excellent! You knew already what are the consequences in breaking our classroom rules right class? I hope that you will follow our rules wholeheartedly. 6) DISCUSSION Our topic for today is all about Synonyms and Antonyms. For you, what is Synonyms? Andrea? Brilliant Idea Andrea! Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. For example: Rich-Wealthy, Thin-Slim etc. Who can give me another example of synonyms? Leah? Very good Leah! Another? Justin? Nice one Justin! Let’s give Leah and Justin a “Superb Clap”. Class, from this sentence; Girly is a beautiful girl and Rose is a pretty one. What are the adjectives in that sentence? Yes, beautiful and pretty. What do we call of those adjectives? Great! Now, we will discuss about Antonyms. For you, what is antonyms? Lislyn? Very good! Antonyms are words that are opposite of another word, showing contrast between two things. For examples: Close-Open, Big-Small, etc. Who can give me another example of antonyms? April? Amazing April! Another? John? Excellent! Let’s give April and John a “Fireworks Clap”.

If there’s someone talking in front of the class, we should keep quiet. Sit properly and Listen carefully. Raise our right hand if we want to ask or answer a question.

Yes teacher.

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning.

Large-Big Cold-Chilly (Clapping their hands)

Beautiful and Pretty Synonyms

Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning.

Hot-Cold Strong-Weak (Clapping their hands)

From this sentence: My notebook is new, but my bag is old. What are the adjectives in that sentence? Luke? Very good! What do we call of those adjectives class? Amazing class! I am very happy that you listened and participated during our class discussion.

New-Old Antonyms

7) GUIDED PRACTICE Class, let’s answer this one. Directions: Write the Synonyms and Antonyms of the adjectives. Choose your answer inside the box. ADJECTIVES SYNONYMS ANTONYMS 6) WET 7) BRAVE 8) GOOD 9) SAFE 10) CLEAN STRONG TIDY SECURE


1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


U N 3. D 4. E R




8) APPLICATION Class, let’s have a game. I will group you into 3. I will give you a crossword puzzles and envelopes containing letters. I will flash the questions and you will answer it using the letters inside the envelope and paste it to complete the crossword puzzle. You will choose your answers on the board. The group that will get the correct answer will have one point and the group that will get the highest score will be declare as winner. Are we clear class? Are you excited? Let’s start. 1.






Yes teacher. Yes, we are.



Antonyms of NOISY Synonyms of BELOW Synonyms of DEPTH Antonyms of LATE Antonyms of LIGHT

9) GENERALIZATION Again class, what is synonyms? Lexy?

Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.

Is Lexy correct class? Can you give me an example of synonyms Cherry? Very good Cherry! Another? Carl? Excellent! How about antonyms class. What is antonyms Fe?

Very well said Fe! Can you give an example of antonyms Riza? Brilliant! Another? Rey? Class, please take down notes the meaning of synonyms and antonyms. IV.

Yes, she is. Small-Little Neat-Clean Antonyms are words that are opposite of another word, showing contrast between two things. Fast-Slow Young-Old (Taking down notes)

EVALUATION Directions: Underline the adjectives in every sentence and write S if the adjectives are Synonyms and A if it is Antonyms. S S A S A

1) The sofa is too big for the living room. This shirt is large. 2) This stone is very hard. Math subject isn’t very difficult. 3) I am sad because I am alone. Liza is happy after winning the contest. 4) Mice are tiny animals. Rey’s bag is very small. 5) This movie is interesting. I find her books totally boring.


ASSIGNMENT Please answer Exercise 2 “Do and Learn” on page 223. (1-5)


REMARKS _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


REFLECTION ___A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. ___B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%. ___C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. ___D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation. ___E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these works? Strategies should use: __Think-Pair-Share (TPS) __Group Collaboration __Crossword Puzzle __ Games __Differentiated Instruction __Discussion ___F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? Difficulties I encountered:

__Lack of Instructional materials

__ Reading Readiness __Lack Interest of pupils __ Bullying among pupils __Unavailable Technology __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude ___G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? __PowerPoint Presentation __Using Big Book __Localized Videos __Instructional Materials __Flashcards __Pictures CHARITY P. ESPINOSA Teacher’s Applicant

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