Tgp 5th Issue

  • October 2019
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Cabuyao Ward Conference “Welcome Stake Leaders”


A Message to the Families ( Family Unity Week Celebration ) by Romie Policarpio

My fellow Saints, the month of September is a celebration of Family Unity week of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. It is also an annual family celebration nationwide. The Church of Jesus Christ is a family centered church and our greatest goal is to become an eternal family. “The Prophet Joseph Smith desire was to build a community of spiritual Saints. This begins in the home. The most important instruction our children will ever receive should be coming from their parents in


their own home. The parents must diligently teach their children the way our Father in Heaven would like them to grow. The church leaders have instructed us to hold regular family home evenings where we can meet together weekly, learn gospel principles, and build family unity. Here we can give counsels together, read the scriptures, pray together, and play together. We can build a community of Saints one family at a time.” (L. Tom Perry, “Building a Community of Saints,” Ensign, May 2001, 35)

We must work together, helping one with another in order to achieve this greatest goal, to be part of the eternal family. It really needs some missionary efforts so we can invite all people to come unto Christ and partake the blessings of exaltation.

We are really blessed to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives which serves as our guide so we won’t be lost our way as we live and travel in this ever changing world. May all of us will continue to enjoy while serving Him to the end. Group Picture Food Activity - 091308: SA T SAT




Food Preservation by Mary Ann Pada Delights The Relief Society sisters were delighted during the HFPEM meeting for the 3rd quarter on September 13, 2008 at Cabuyao Chapel. Sis. Ailyn Saligan, Relief Society President with her councilors spearheaded the program. They divided all the sisters into four groups and were given instructions to prepare food preserves. The activity aims to promote knowledge on food preservation in times of crisis, additional income and also camaraderie among the sisters. Bro. Romeo Policarpio was the resource person and he discussed on how to make “burong labanos” or pickled radish. He also cited the mineral contents of radish that will help us become healthy

and fight cancers and other diseases. The highlight of activity was the awarding of the following sisters: Dianne Bautista – early bird of the HFPEM Doree Salapa and Mayeth Bongalon – Most outstanding Visiting Teachers Lita Fontanilla and Josephine Canole – Best Visiting Teaching Partner Ever Vicky Tolosa – Most Creative Food Preserve Susan Valencia – special award for making a Pickled Fruits and Veggies. Earliest Sisters who submitted their Monthly Visiting Teaching Report:

January – Raquel delos Reyes and Eva Santos February – Sally Meñolas and Joy Indicio March – Lita Fontanilla and Josephine Canole April – Doree Salapa and Mayeth Bongalon May - Doree Salapa and Mayeth Bongalon June - Lita Fontanilla and Josephine Canole July – Tating Palevino and Percy Palevino

Aug – Glo Brigola and Dianne Bautista Sept – Maan Pada and Maila Dumagat RS enjoyed the “tikiman” portion after the program. Some food preserves that they made were achara, burong sili, burong dilis, burong ampalaya, burong mustasa, pineapple jelly, guava jelly, and fruits and veggies mix buro.

The Gospel Paragons|Sept 2008



Numbers Matter! by Bro. Ruel Villegas

Dear ward members, We are pleased to let you know that we welcome everyone for any personal and family church records inquiries. We invite you to coordinate with us to update your records and ordinances like the following: * Membership Records * Temple/Marriage Records including un-updated records * Certificates including baptismal, blessing and priesthood ordinations * Donation Inquiries Please feel free to approach us when needed: - Ruel F. Villegas - Bonifacio Umbal - Emilio Magsino TGP BULLETIN

Leadership Directory by Bro. Ruel Indicio Ward Executive Secretary

Ward Temple Trip Sept. 5, 2008 (6am) Manila Phils. Temple Relief Society HFPEM Food Preservation Sept. 13, 2008 (1pm-3pm) Cabuyao Chapel Ward Missionaries Team Building Sept. 15, 2008 (6am-3pm) Dampalit, Los Baños Family Unity Week Celebration Cabuyao and Canlubang ward Sept. 27, 2008 (1pm – 5pm) Cabuyao Chapel Cabuyao Ward Conference Sept 28, 2008 (9am-12nn) Cabuyao Chapel


T’was In The Garden By Robert D. Talbot © 2003

Twas in the garden He knelt to pray, to commune with His Father above. He bled from every pore for me, each drop unconditional love.

A ransom for me He freely paid, a burden only He could bare. To free mankind of the sting of death, his kingdom so willing to share.

To Calvary’s hill He walked for me, mocked and beaten from every side. Carried the cross to the top of the hill, to be stripped, nailed and crucified.

For me he wore the thorny crown, pierced hands and feet did abide. Twas on the cross in agony He hung, for my sins He freely died.

Feel free to add our us in your IM accounts and ask FAQ’s pertaining to this organization : Editorial Staff IM-YM Account


Robert delos Reyes Jr. (IT) - r_dlzryz07 Romie Policarpio ( Admin ) - romie232003 Mary Ann Pada ( EIC ) - marykit_14 Gretchen Pada ( Asst. IT ) - abiszel_germagne Mia Grace Buitizon (Asst. Editor) - starryEyez27 Bonifacio Umbal (PhotoJourn) - bonie_1623 Copyrights @ TGP.COM 2

The Gospel Paragons|Sept 2008



S-free-textual Messages

by Sis. Mia Grace Buitizon

Sent by Sis. Josephine Cansanay

Last August 30, 2008, three days after her 8th birthday she was baptized and confirmed by her Kuya BJ (Robert Delos Reyes Jr.).

Name: Generose Landicho Delos Reyes Age: 8 y.o Birthday: August 27,2000 Baptismal Date: Aug 30, 2008: SUN Confirmation Date: Aug 30, 2008: SUN

“F we r not Looking 2 d scrptures as a source of gr8 sprituaL power, We r missin a wonderful opportunity 4 sprituaL norshment nd strength” “d Lord xpects gr8 things of His ppL…We r among His ppL… - Elder L. Tom Perry E xpects us 2 Luv Him, 2 worship Him, nd 2 do His will…” - Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

IKAY’s Birthday and Baptism Last August 27, 2000, a beautiful child was born to the Reyes Family. She was given a name Generose Landicho Delos Reyes by her loving parents Roberto Manalo Delos Reyes Sr. and Raquel Landicho Delos Reyes. Her nickname “IKAY” came from the brand of the diaper (E.Q.) that she was using when she was still a baby. This cute child enjoys her primary class because she can dance and sing and study the words of the Lord.

Editor’s Note by Sis. Mary Ann Pada

According to her “I believe that attending primary every Sunday and other church activities will help me know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ more.” She added “I know that every child like me must be baptized when 8 years old.”

I have a family here on earth They are so good to me I want to share my life with them through all eternity These words from our hymns “Families can be together forever” have always been an inspiration on eternal families. As we celebrate the “Family Unity Week” nationwide I am reminded of how our Heavenly Father and Mother love us and our family even before we came in this mortal life. And for a wise purpose we were put here on earth but the Lord knows that we will not be happy without families. My TGP EDITORIAL ST AFF STAFF

Words like Swords by Bro. Guiller Bongalon

“If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed: and ye shall

family has been my support, my guide and my wind beneath my wing in my life’s journey. I love my family and I know that through the restored gospel families can be eternal.

THE GOSPEL PARAGONS Official Newsletter of Cabuyao Ward The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Camella Homes Bermuda, Banlic, Cabuyao Laguna 4025 Email:[email protected]


know the truth, and the truth shall

Editor-in-Chief: Assistant Editor:

make you free “

Mary Ann Pada Mia Grace Buitizon


JOHN 8: 31-32


Many people feel that the commandments are burdens and provide limited freedom not realizing that God gives us His commandments for our own benefit and happiness. We will only know the truth if we continue to keep the commandments of our Heavenly Father and, if we endure to the end we will obtain the promised blessings which is eternal life. I also know and believe that our church is true; we have a living prophet in the person of President Thomas S. Monson and I believe that when we exercise our faith to the lord Jesus Christ, our faith will be stronger and we will k now many things about Him.

Minalila Dumagat

ADVERTISING Graphics Designer and IT:

Robert delos Reyes Jr.

CONTRIBUTORS Ruel Villegas - Ward Clerk Percival Palevino - High Priest Susan Valencia - Ward Activities Chairwoman Ruel Indicio - Ward Executive Secretary Josephine Cansanay - Young Women (Laurel) Guiller Bongalon - Young Men (Teacher) David Marquez - Sunday School President


I know that our church is true, that the Bible and Book of Mormon is true, and we have our living prophet which is in person of Thomas S. Monson, I know that God is always there to guide us to the right path, and I leave this things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen…

Publisher: Advisor:

Romeo Policarpio Bishop Carlos Alvez

JOURNALISM Photo-Journalist:

Bonifacio Umbal

The Gospel Paragons|Sept 2008


TGP TIPS by Bro. Percival Palevino TGP MESSAGES

Study Corner by Minalila Dumagat Seminary Teacher

Seminary class is moving forward, we just had our quarterly exam and I’m pleased to announce that amongst the students enrolled this year, we’ve got about half of the team fly with beautiful colors. This comprises 75% attendance, 10% scripture mastery, 10% personal scripture study, and manuals and 5% exams. * Jillian April Cansanay * Dianna Marie Marquez * Sanrio Jane Valencia * Abish Canole * Genevieve delos Reyes * Anna Roma Canimo * Carla Napine * Guiller Bongalon * Alvin Reytiran * Judith Serrano * Cynil Dawn Lesano I would like to commend the PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) organization for helping me monitor and encourage their youth in attending their class.

Sister Penpen Canole, PTA president ensures that all parents and students know their scripture block for the month. In this way, family scripture study will be more meaningful with good ideas as well as the words of our prophets. The youth who are attending the seminary class can discuss it thoroughly with their families. What a great privilege, to sit together and feat upon the words of Christ. My prayer is that we will all be vigilant in t his great work – for we are rearing the chosen generation. Congratulations to all Seminarians who have completed the Book of Matthew and Mark in the New Testament. We still have the others who have not met the requirements to pass and let us help them bring them back to the fold. We are now in the Book of Luke and hopefully all seminarians will continue to attend and study the words of God.


A Ward Leader’s Message by Bro. David Marquez Sunday School President

“ It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance” (D & C 131:6) The Lord has also revealed to us through prophet Joseph Smith that “ The glory of God is intelligence or in other words. The light and truth.” ( D & C 93:36) Regular attendance at Sunday school helps us to fulfill these promises and become closer to the Savior and Heaven Father. Sunday school is for all church members and interested 4

friends of other faiths, ages 12 and older. The purpose is to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition, it strengthens individuals and families by encouraging them to study the scriptures, obey the commandments, receive the essential ordinances and endure to the end. Come and Join us…… Help one another to come into Christ that all of us may rejoice and be edified. Amen.

The Gospel Paragons|Sept 2008

I am 77 years old and still strong and healthy. Want to know my secret? It is called 7 natural elements of the heart that will give us long and healthy life without any side effects: 1. Fresh air – Good for the lungs. 2. Sunlight – produces Vitamin D; good for the bones. 3. Water – minimum of 8 glasses (200ml) of water a day; for cleansing our body. 4. Natural/Biological Foods – without any additives and preservatives. 5. Exercise – the only way to build muscles 6. Rest – we should have enough rest * 8 hours of sleep *8 hours of work * 8 hours of recreation 7. Stress Management – remember positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drugs. Remember to live the do’s of the Word of Wisdom! TGP MESSAGES

Message from the Fulltime Missionaries by Elder Homer and Elder Cabatic Zone Leaders

Cabuyao Saints We are so grateful for this opportunity to serve here in your ward. We have enjoyed getting to know you, and feel of your love, and we look forward to getting to know each of you better, we are so blessed to have the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to guide and direct us in these latter-days, and there is nothing better for us to do than to share this gospel knowledge with those that do not enjoy the blessings that we now enjoy. Our Savior Jesus Christ is the master teacher, and has commanded us to share his gospel to our fellowmen, and help them come unto him. In the gospel of John Chapter 21

verse15, Christ questioned Simon Peter saying,”… Lovest thou me?” Simon answered, “Yea, Lord; Thou knowest I love thee,” and Christ replied,”Feed my sheep”. It is our responsibility as members of the church of Jesus Christ to share the gospel with those that lack such knowledge. If we love our Savior Jesus Christ as Simon Peter said he did, then we will “feed his sheep” or share with others the fullness of Christ Gospel. We are so excited to work with all of you in this great effort, and we look forward to getting to know each of you and your families. We love you all, and we are excited to serve you here in Cabuyao Ward.

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