Tgp 4th Issue

  • October 2019
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The Success of Paragons’ Half Day Mission by Mary Ann Pada The Cabuyao ward missionaries and the Cabuyao District 1 full time missionaries held a half day mission last August 16, 2008. The first part of the program was a workshop on “how to open your mouth” or OYM by our ward mission leader Romeo Policarpio at Cabuyao Chapel. The participants were divided into 8 pairs such as follows: Elder Lerio and Romie Policarpio Elder Porsuelo and BJ delos Reyes Elder Vinluan and Renan Yanga Elder Ang, Ruel Indicio and Boni Umbal Sister Hill and Mia Buitizon

Sister Amado and Merly Aporto Sister Pabillar and Rizza Burnal

HDM Programme Cabuyao Chapel ( August 16, 2008 )

Sister Cubio and Alice Valdez Adelaida Loterte and Nanay Consuelo Valdez At exactly 9am the Paragons and the full time missionaries went on their way to Mabuhay City Subdivision to share the gospel. After 3 hours of tracting under the heat of the sun, they came back to the chapel for their lunch and evaluation. There were 27 lessons, 10 return appointments and 4 referrals made for only 3 hours of missionary work.

TGP-HDM COMPANIONSHIP Elder Ang, Elder Lerio and Elder Porsuelo and Elder Vinluan and Sister Hill and Sister Amado and Sister Pabillar and Sister Cubio and Sister A. Loterte and

Elder R. Indicio and Elder B. Umbal Elder R. Policarpio Elder R. delos Reyes Elder R. Yanga Sister M.G. Buitizon Sister M. Aporto Sister R. Burnal Sister A. Valdez Sister C. Valdez

For more Half Day Mission pictures, visit our friendster profile:

Boni Umbal our ward missionary and assistant ward clerk said “when I saw the excitement of my fellow ward missionaries and the full time missionaries, I really felt the Spirit that time especially when we were in the field. Those people who accepted us and listened to our message were happy.” He also added “I know that missionary work is important and if we will share the gospel, our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will be happy. I also know that if we will help the full time missionaries we will be blessed.” In behalf of the Cabuyao Ward missionaries, we would like to commend Nanay Consuelo Valdez who is the loving mother of Sister Alice Valdez and our Area Authority Elder Valdez. Despite of her age 76 years old, she still participated in the

half day mission. Together with her partner Sister Adelaida Loterte, they had 4 referrals that day. Truly no unhallowed hands can stop the work from progressing of the missionary work of the church. Nanay has proven that our age can never be a hindrance in sharing the gospel. I hope that all of us will continue this work.

TGP-HDM STATISTICS ATTENDANCE 8 District Missionaries 9 Ward Missionaries HDM RESULTS 10 Return Appointments 27 Lessons Taught to potential investigators 4 Referrals

The Gospel Paragons|August 2008



Numbers Matter! by Bro. Ruel Villegas Ward Clerk

Ward Temple Trip August 2, 2008 (6am) Manila Phils. Temple Ward Missionary Half day Mission August 16, 2008 (8am-2pm ) Cabuyao Chapel

Dear ward members, We are pleased to let you know that we welcome everyone for any personal and family church records inquiries. We invite you to coordinate with us to update your records and ordinances like the following: * Membership Records * Temple/Marriage Records including un-updated records * Certificates including baptismal, blessing and priesthood ordinations * Donation Inquiries

Ward Primary Activity August 30, 2008 (1pm-5pm) Cabuyao Chapel YSA Stake Devotional with the Twist August 30, 2008 (5pm-8pm) Cabuyao Chapel

Please feel free to approach us when needed: - Ruel F. Villegas - Bonifacio Umbal TGP BULLETIN - Emilio Magsino

Leadership Directory by Bro. Ruel Indicio Ward Executive Secretary

by Bro. Ruel Villegas

These general statistics report released by the TGP Editorial Staff under the supervision of the Cabuyao Ward Bishopric and the coordination of the Ward Clerks covers from June to July 2008. Baptisms as of June 2008 Recent Converts Ordained Recent Converts Total Members

: : : :

2 12 2 965

Sacrament Attendance per week as of July 2008 Jul 06 = 227 Jul 13 = 223 Jul 20 = 260 Jul 27 = 205

Check out TGP Layouts Online, here is a sample:


Fulltime Missionaries under TGP Organization Elder Elvin Gorospe and Elder Julius Dango ( Oct 2007 - Jan 2008 ) Elder Julius Dango and Elder Archie Ando ( Jan - Feb 2008 ) Elder Archie Ando and Elder Jerome Tripole ( Feb - April 2008 ) Elder Joel Lerio and Elder Jason Porsuelo ( April - Sept 2008 ) Copyrights @ TGP.COM 2

The Gospel Paragons|August 2008



But as days go by, I understand the answers to my questions. “I am very excited every Sunday because I feel that I have a date with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.” She mentioned that “I know that this church is true and because of this church I have learned to read the scriptures. I believe that some day my husband will also be baptized and my family will be eternal. Amen.”

by Sis. Mia Grace Buitizon Name: Jures Bayani Bravo Age: 29 y.o Birthday: August 24,1979 Baptismal Date: Aug 16, 2008: SAT Confirmation Date: Aug 17, 2008: SUN

I’ll Find You My Friend Ma. Jures Bravo was baptized last August 16, 2008 at the age of 28 years old. She was born on August 24, 1979 and she’s already married with one child named Hermione Kian. Sister MJ was found by the missionaries because her friend Jarom Balarmino referred her to the missionaries. I was reminded by the words of the song I’ll Find You My Friend “I’ll go and find you my friend I’ll help you Our Savior’s plan is the way Please accept when I find you

And we’ll be back with Him someday. I have a testimony in missionary work because my family is a product of the missionary program of the church. Just like Sister MJ who was taught by our diligent full time missionaries Elder Lerio and Elder Porsuelo. She committed herself for baptism and confirmation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. She said “During my baptism I have a lot of questions in my mind but I was very happy and I did not even expect that I would cry.” She added “At first I thought that you are worshipping Joseph Smith and you do not have any scriptures.

Editor’s Note by Sis. Mary Ann Pada THE GOSPEL PARAGONS Official Newsletter of Cabuyao Ward The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Camella Homes Bermuda, Banlic, Cabuyao Laguna 4025 Email:[email protected]

Paul counseled to the Ephesians in the New Testament: (Ephesians 2:19) “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God.” MJ now feels that she is no longer strangers in Cabuyao Ward. She was found by her friend to bring back into the fold of our Lord. I encourage each member to continuously refer their friends and families to the full time missionaries so that they will know and accept the true gospel.

STUDY TIME CORNER Institute: FRI (7PM-9PM) Seminary: THU (6PM-6:30PM) FRI (7PM-9PM) SAT (9AM-12NN) Missionary Preparation SAT (5PM-7PM) Meeting Schedule: High Priest Mutual THU (6:30PM 9:30PM) Youth Mutual Night THU (7PM-9PM) Thursday Special THU (7PM-9PM) Sunday Services Schedule: RS/Priesthood Class SUN (9AM-9:50AM) Sunday School SUN (10AM-10:40AM) Sacrament SUN (10:50AM-12NN)

In this issue we are glad to announce that we had three baptisms for this month. The two sisters who were baptized last Aug. 16, 2008 were Sister Ma. Jures Bravo and Sister Emily . They were referred by their great friends. MJ was referred by Jarom Belarmino of Calauan, Laguna while Sister Emily is a referral of Mayeth Bongalon. In the Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 “Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;” I strongly believe that we are all missionaries. We can help our full time missionaries in sharing the gospel. I encourage you to give referrals to the elders and let us give our non member friends a chance of eternal life.

EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief: Assistant Editor:

Mary Ann Pada Mia Grace Buitizon


Minalila Dumagat

ADVERTISING Graphics Designer and IT:

Robert delos Reyes Jr.

CONTRIBUTORS Ruel Villegas - Ward Clerk Percival Palevino - High Priest Susan Valencia - Ward Activities Chairwoman Ruel Indicio - Ward Executive Secretary Marvin Caunin - 2nd Counsilor (Bishopric) Ana Roma Canimo - Young Women (Mia maid) Jose Cansanay - Stake Clerk

ADMINISTRATION Publisher: Advisor:

Romeo Policarpio Bishop Carlos Alvez

JOURNALISM Photo-Journalist:

Bonifacio Umbal

Words like Swords

Nowadays, we are all experiencing financial difficulties such as the continuous increase on prices of basic commodities as well by Bro. Jose Cansanay (Stake Clerk) as the electric and water bills. Because of this, we cannot help but to worry on how to meet both ends. However, through the words of the God especially in the Book of Mormon (3 Nephi 24:10) “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house; and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” As the head of the family who does not have any fixed salary as a driver, I can say that being a full tithe payer helps me in supporting my family and also the education of my three daughters. Every time I receive my increase I immediately separate the 10% for tithing to show my obedience to the Lord’s commandments. I know that He pours all the blessings to my family. I am grateful for the Law of Tithing that strengthens my faith. I know that the Lord loves us so much. Amen. The Gospel Paragons|August 2008




Ward Mission Leader’s Corner by Romeo Policarpio

My dear Brothers & Sisters, I know that we enjoyed a lot and gained some spiritual experiences while serving the Lord during our very successful Ward Half-day Mission. The spirit of the Lord was there and He leaded us to those people who are willing to listen to the gospel message that we have shared. I am sure that our Heavenly Father was really happy for the great effort that we have exerted, and no amount of time or even a single minute was wasted during that great day. Truly, “No unhallowed hands can stop the work of the Lord from progressing”. The Lord really needs all of us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the people who are willing to listen. Always keep the spirit of enthusiasm that gives us warm feelings deep within our hearts by serving Him continually. Don’t ever let the adversary control our own personal liahonas and take away our desire to press forward and do what is expected of us. Sincerely your brother. Bro. Romeo A. Policarpio Cabuyao Ward Mission Leader


A Ward Leader’s Message by Bro. Marvin Caunin

I do not believe that any man lives up to his ideal,but if we are striving,if are working ,if we are trying to the best of our ability,to improve day by day,then we are in line of our duty. We need not fear if we are living righteously and we can ask God for light, knowledge, intelligence and his Spirit that will help us overcome our weaknesses. We will also have an eternal life if we are in the straight and narrow path. I hope that we will faithfully obey the commandments of God and humble ourselves so we may obtain all His blessings from God because it is by obedience to the law that we receive such blessings


The Gospel Paragons|August 2008

You will be reading the WOW Healthy! soon. It will be posted by Brother Percival Palevino, our very own 77 year old health conscious brother. Together with his wife, Sister Fortunata they still do brisk walking and jogging every morning. Moreover, they love to eat vegetables and fruits. He has always emphasized the importance of living the Word of wisdom and the ways on how to keep our body physically fit. And he is willing to share with us their secrets on staying healthy. This will promote awareness on our daily healthy living as we were told in the Doctrine and Covenants 89. Remember that health is wealth! TGP MESSAGES

Message from the Fulltime Missionaries by Elder Porsuelo and Elder Lerio

The gathering of scattered Israel is one of the most important teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latte r day Saints. We should be helping the Lord in gathering the elects. In Mosiah 28:3 “Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not abear that any human bsoul should cperish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure dendless torment did cause them to quake and etremble” We know brothers and sisters that if we fulfill our responsibility by preaching the gospel to the people who do not know yet the truth, God promises to give us remarkable blessings. Elder Porsuelo and Elder Lerio Cabuyao Ward Zone Leaders April 26 - Sept 07 2008

S-free-textual Messages by Sis. Ana Roma Canimo *1day God had a wrk 4 me 2 do. He showd a rock & 2ld me 2 push it ol my myt. 4 mny yrs I pushd & pushd but nthing hapend D rock hasn’t movd evn an inch. In dscourgmnt I askd God Y am failng? D Lord respnded, ur task s 2 push d rock

Nvr did I mention dat u move it. Now I my child, wil move d rock “Obedience 2 God s easy f we only know how 2 listen. He das nt wnt us 2 sufer only 2 learn.” *Hapinez sn’t getting wat we want, but being satisfied w/ wat we hve… D way 2b hapi s 2b gr8fuL evn w/ d smaLL bLessings we rcv…

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