Tgp 2nd Issue

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The Gospel Paragons

Vol 1 - Issue No. 2

Jan - Feb 2008

The Official Newsletter of Cabuyao Ward Missionaries

Astig ang mga Ward Missionaries!!! (From the left, Gretchen Pada, Mia Grace Buitizon, Mary Ann Pada, Johnny Abquina, Rodmark Del Rosario and Robert delos Reyes.

The Cabuyao ward missionaries (The paragons), together with Bro. Policarpio and his family had so much fun in Tagaytay last February 9, 2008 during their team building. After a more than 30 minute drive from the Cabuyao chapel, they enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Taal Volcano and the fresh air of Tagaytay. It has become one of the most sought-after places in the country because it is as close to paradise as one can find. Along the way, one can enjoy the cold breeze and the pineapple plantation. While on our way, we bought buko or young coconut and made delicious buko juice. There were lots of local and foreign visitors when we reached the place. We chose our table under big trees and prepared the barbeque grills. After our lunch we went around to many beautiful spots and of course we had so much fun taking pictures while cracking jokes with each other.

Jan - Feb 2008



Ward Missionary Fireside - Welcome to Celestial Kingdom March 30, 2008 6pm @ Cabuyao chapel


Ward Temple Trip April 5, 2008 5-6am @ Cabuyao Ward Chapel






See Page 5...



We will never forget the spirit of friendship that we felt that time.










Jan- Feb 2008

The Gospel Paragons



The Cabuyao Ward has four prospective missionaries preparing for a full time mission. That’s why we made an arrangement with President Smith of the Manila Missionary Training Center (MTC) to visit the MTC on February 2, 2008. Everybody was excited for our trip to the MTC in Manila.

missionary guide. In addition, they are given the chance to further learn the doctrines of Jesus Christ and to develop and strengthen Chist-like attributes. The missionaries also learn to teach the gospel and invite people to come unto Christ through faith, repentance, baptism by immersion and confirmation.

When the day finally came, the excitement was evident in our faces.

According to Elder Richard G. Scott, “Missionaries try with every capacity—prayer, fasting, and testifying—to help individuals embrace the truth. A mission teaches one to be led by the Spirit, to understand our purpose for being on earth and how to accomplish it.”

One of the MTC teachers explained the purpose of MTC, which is to train the full-time missionaries before sending them into the field. They stay in the MTC for 19 days to be trained in expected conduct, proselytizing methods, making their lesson plans, and using the “Preach my Gospel”

Around the world, there are 17 Missionary Training Centers and the

Philippines is so blessed to have one. We acted as investigators while the elders and sisters taught their lessons. They taught us with the power of the Holy Ghost and they are really prepared to preach the gospel. Our future full time missionaries such as BJ, Rodmark and Joseph have said that the MTC serves as a home because the elders and sisters are like one big happy family in learning the gospel that they will tell the people. They build friendship and harmonious companionship in companionship study, gym time and lesson time with their MTC teachers. And of course, they also build camaraderie in their favorite



Our award-winning actor Johnny Abquina, who performed in the 2007 Christmas presentation entitled “My Bestfriend’s Family,” is now serving a full-time mission in the Philippines Tacloban Mission. On February 15, 2008, a ward family home evening was held as a farewell party to Johnny prior to entering the MTC. And prior to his MTC entry date, Johnny has been working with the full-time missionaries almost everyday for nearly 7 months. He became the most diligent ward missionary who loves to work with the elders everyday. The members and the investigators would truly say that there are no dull moments with him. You will always laugh because he is a happy person and the clown of the Cabuyao ward missionaries, not just because of his looks (joke!), but because he always cracks jokes and makes everybody happy when he is around. His favorite line is “mamiss ko ang ISTAKA ng Cabuyao” (I will miss Cabuyao Stake.) He is now serving in the Philippines Tacloban Mission and we are all praying that he will return home with flying colors after two years. We all miss him but surely the Lord will take care of him as he labors in His vineyard.

place of MTC.. the kitchen ..where they enjoy the delicious food. Indeed, MTC is a home away from home for nineteen days.

The Gospel Paragons



Jan - Feb 2008

In science there is a law that states, “matter cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be transformed.” When a mass or an object enters an enclosed space, it will remain inside that space unless it is moved to another place. The space where the matter is to be transferred should have enough space or else, it will not flow. The same holds true with sins. When we allow sins to enter our lives, it will remain there unless it goes somewhere else, unless there is somebody to absorb it. That somebody cannot be just anybody. He should have a heart large enough and clean enough to absorb all our sins. Only Jesus Christ is capable of being that person. In order for our sins to move from ourselves to Jesus, there should be faith in Christ, there should be repentance, baptism, and gift of the Holy Ghost. The sacrament takes the place of baptism after it has been properly performed but the same covenants were made. Transformation happens when we give away all our sins. Only when we are completely transformed, only then can we be qualified to be with God. This is one reason why it is very important to do missionary work. Pres. Howard W. Hunter said, “A great indicator of one’s personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others. For this reason the Lord gave an obligation to every member of the Church to be a missionary.” “When thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (Luke 22:32). May we do our share in sharing the gospel, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Yours truly, Bishop Carlos U. Alvez Cabuyao Ward

Brethren & Sisters, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the Gospel Paragons’ Editorial Staff for having this wonderful second issue of our Missionary Newsletter. So much has been said about Missionary work, as one of the three missions of the Church of Jesus Christ. We all know its importance, we all know that no unhallowed hand can stop this work from progressing, and we all know that this work is part of our responsibility to discharge, as members of His kingdom here on earth. I want to bear witness to you as to the divinity of this work; deep in my heart I know that this is the work of God. There’s so much work to be done, yet so little time and few are currently working.

“TODAY WE WILL PREPARE” “ Cabuyao Ward Missionaries Theme Song ” Words and Music by Ryan Neal O. Salapa Today I’ve decided to obtain his words to prepare to teach the word Today I’ll go forth and prove my worth for God will surely work Today I will prepare to receive my call, to a place, a town, I may not know “Unto the ends of the earth I’ll go!” If the savior tells me so...

I’ll go onward, forward like the great Nephi of Old I will build my ship and learn his words With Cabuyao Ward Missionary Paragons.

So let us work and devote ourselves together assiduously to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to those people who are currently hungering for truth.

Today we will share the gospel Lord, to them who belong into thy fold With spirit well talk and bring them home back into thy fold.

Sincerely, Romie A. Policarpio Cabuyao Ward Mission Leader

The field is white and this we know, that we will be FISHERS of men!

We’ll go onward forward like the great Nephi of old I will build my ship and learn his words With Cabuyao Ward Missionary Paragons


Jan- Feb 2008


The Gospel Paragons

In the book of Mormon, the sons of Mosiah became successful missionaries when the Lord instructed them to teach the ferocious Lamanites. The question is, how did they do that? “…they have given themselves to much prayer and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God” (Alma 17:3). Sometimes, or should I say most of the time, giving referrals to our full-time missionaries is not an easy task to do. For some reason, we are hesitant to let our nonmember friends or relatives know the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. But we should always be reminded that it is not our work alone. The Lord will be with us so long as we have the desire to share the gospel to the elect. I firmly believe that we should fast, kneel down, and ask the help of our loving Father in Heaven to help us prepare our prospective referrals, and that He will soften their hearts so that they will accept the invitation to come unto Christ through the waters of baptism and confirmation. I know we can do this my dear Cabuyao Saints. Let us give them all the chance of eternal life in the Kingdom of God. Let us find our dear friends. We can all do it my dear Paragons. Yours truly, Mary Ann Pada

In Luke 18: 18-25, 18 - And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit aeternal life? 19 - And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is agood, save one, that is, God. d

20 - Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit aadultery, Do not bkill, Do not steal, Do not bear cfalse witness, Honour thy father and thy mother. 21 - And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up.

22 - Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the apoor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. 23 - And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich. 24 - And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! 25 - For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. The conversation between the Savior and the young ruler teaches us many principles that will make us better people. We would like to cite one principle, which is sacrifice. The Lord wants us to sacrifice our time, talents, wealth, and possessions in the building up of His kingdom here on earth. We all know that giving time to missionary work is a big sacrifice for us in our busy world. We appreciate those Cabuyao saints who have been working with us and also giving us referrals. We hope that you will continue to help us in spreading the restored gospel in your area. Thank you so much. Elder Ando & Elder Tripole

The Gospel Paragons


Jan - Feb 2008


Dear Cabuyao Saints, How’s everybody doing? I hope you’re all doing good & I’m happy to hear from my family that most of the youth & SA’S in Cabuyao Ward have a strong desire to serve a full time mission and are now preparing too. Well, as of now, it’s been two weeks since I’ve been transferred from my last area in Dipaculao Branch under Baler Zone. My first area is the farthest area in the mission but it is also the most beautiful area in the mission and it is called the “jewel of the mission” according to other missionaries here. It has a lot of good sceneries like the ocean and also there are lots of mountains. The people are so good and really receptive. I really miss my first area especially the people whom I worked with over there. But now I am here in my second area which is the Victoria Ward under Tarlac Zone where there many people but not that receptive. Sometimes I’m thinking why was I transferred here in this area? But I just remind myself of the words of my MTC teacher that “it doesn’t matter where you serve but how you serve”. so life must go on :). I’m with my 3rd companion Elder Aiono. He is a Samoan & he is good in english. He usually speaks English to me that’s why madalas akong napapalaban ng englishan dito! hehe... Anyway, the two of us are doing our very best to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the people here. We know that this is the Lord’s work! not us. We are just his instruments in this work. I know that all of us are missionaries in different ways. To my fellow Youth’s & Single Adults ..:) who are preparing to serve on a mission... Strive to become a missionary even before you go on a mission. Keep working with the full time missionaries. It can help increase your faith and testimony. Always find time to bear your testimony! Somewhere in your quest for spiritual knowledge, there is that “leap of faith”, as the philosophers call it. It is the moment when you have gone to the edge of the light and stepped into the darkness to discover that the way is lighted ahead for just a footstep or two. Speaking out is the test of your faith. Bear testimony of the things that you hope are true, as an act of faith. by doing this I know your testimony will grow. It is not enough to go on a mission but the issue is becoming a missionary. Pres. Ezra Taft Benson taught. “We are commanded by God to take the gospel to all the world. That is the cause that must unite us today. Only the gospel will unite men of all races and nationalities in peace. Only the gospel will bring joy, happiness & salvation to the human family”. In book of Alma chapter 31:5 we will learn that “Preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just.Yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else which had happened unto them”. We need to help them to put off the “Natural Man” & become a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord. I know that the keystone of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the sacred atonement carried out by our Savior. It is the atonement of Christ which makes possible for us to return to Heavenly Father by obedience to his commandments. Always remember that life offers two precious gifts. One is time, the other, is the freedom of choice. I know that God is not asking for our ability but our availability & if we’re dependable he will improve our capacity. I know that this is the Lord’s work and he needs us in his vineyard to bring to pass this great work. Let us always remember the words of our living prophet Pres.Gordon B. Hinckley: “We are on the road that leads us to immortality & eternal life & today is a part of it. Let us never forget it”. I can’t wait to see your beautiful & handsome faces next year!:) Mahal ko po kayong lahat & I’ll be waiting for your letters soon.:) Lovingly yours, Elder Salapa

MTC TRIVIA *Originally called the “Language Training Mission,” the name was changed to the “Missionary Training Center” in the 1970s. The name was changed to note that it was for more than just language training, although language training would still continue to be an important part of the facility’s function. Missionary_Training_Center *Approximately 52,000 members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are currently serving as full-time missionaries. They are called to serve in one of 334 missions in approximately 120 different countries around the world.



Jan- Feb 2008

The Gospel Paragons

A Prophet’s Voice to Ponder BY: PRES. GORDON B. HINCKLEY of the qualifications someday to become a leader among our people.

Each year a substantial number of people become members of the Church, largely through missionary efforts. Last year there were 321,385 converts comprised of men, women, and children. This is a large enough number, and then some, in one single year to constitute 100 new stakes of Zion. One hundred new stakes per year. Think of it! This places upon each of us an urgent and pressing need to fellowship those who join our ranks. It is not an easy thing to become a member of this Church. In most cases it involves setting aside old habits, leaving old friends and associations, and stepping into a new society which is different and somewhat demanding. With the ever-increasing number of converts, we must make an increasingly substantial effort to assist them as they find their way. Every one of them needs three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with “the good word of God” (Moro. 6:4). It is our duty and opportunity to provide these things.

To illustrate, I think I would like to share with you one of my failures. I suppose some people think I have never experienced failure. I have. Let me tell you of one such instance. Sixty-three years ago, while serving as a missionary in the British Isles, my companion and I taught, and it was my pleasure to baptize, a young man. He was well educated. He was refined. He was studious. I was so proud of this gifted young man who had come into the Church. I felt he had all

He was in the course of making the big adjustment from convert to member. For a short period before I was released, mine was the opportunity to be his friend. Then I was released to return home. He was given a small responsibility in the branch in London. He knew nothing of what was expected of him. He made a mistake. The head of the organization where he served was a man I can best describe as being short on love and strong on criticism. In a rather unmerciful way, he went after my friend who had made the simple mistake. The young man left our rented hall that night smarting and hurt by his superior officer. He said to himself, “If that is the kind of people they are, then I am not going back.” He drifted into inactivity. The years passed. The war came on, and he served in the British forces. His first wife died. After the war he married a woman whose father was a Protestant minister. That did not help his belief. When I was in England, I tried desperately to find him. His file contained no record of a current address. I came home and finally, after a long search, was able to track him down. I wrote to him. He responded but with no mention of the gospel. When next I was in London, I again searched for him. The day I was to leave, I found him. I called him, and we met in the underground station. He threw his arms around me as I did around him. I had very little time before I had to catch my plane, but we talked briefly and with what I think was a true regard for one another. He gave me another embrace before I left. I determined that I would never lose track of him again. Through the years I wrote to him, letters that I hoped would give encouragement and incentive to return to the Church. He wrote in reply without mentioning the Church. The years passed. I grew older as did he. He retired from his work and moved to Switzerland. On one occasion when I was in Switzerland, I went out of my way to find the village where he lived. We spent the better part of a day together—he, his wife, my wife, and myself. We had a wonderful time, but it was evident that the fire of faith had long since died. I tried every way I

knew, but I could not find a way to rekindle it. I continued my correspondence. I sent him books, magazines, recordings of the Tabernacle Choir, and other things for which he expressed appreciation. He died a few months ago. His wife wrote me to inform me of this. She said, “You were the best friend he ever had.” Tears coursed my cheeks when I read that letter. I knew I had failed. Perhaps if I had been there to pick him up when he was first knocked down, he might have made a different thing of his life. I think I could have helped him then. I think I could have dressed the wound from which he suffered. I have only one comfort: I tried. I have only one sorrow: I failed. The challenge now is greater than it has ever been because the number of converts is greater than we have ever before known. A program for retaining and strengthening the convert will soon go out to all the Church. I plead with you, brethren; I ask of you, each of you, to become a part of this great effort. Every convert is precious. Every convert is a son or daughter of God. Every convert is a great and serious responsibility. Moroni, long ago, spoke of these people with whom we deal in this day and time. Said he:

“And none were received unto baptism save they took upon them the name of Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end” (Moro. 6:2–3). I believe, my brethren, that these converts have a testimony of the gospel. I believe they have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and know of His divine reality. I believe they have truly repented of their sins and have a determination to serve the Lord. You have come into the world in a great season in this the work of the Lord. No other generation has had quite the same opportunities that you have and will have. Begin now to establish those goals which will bring you happiness—education in your chosen skill or branch of learning, whatever it may be; a mission in which to surrender yourself entirely to the Lord to do His work; future marriage in the house of the Lord to a wonderful and delightful companion of whom you will be worthy because of the way you have lived. May the Lord bless you, my dear young friends. May His watch care be over you to preserve and protect and guide you. He has a great work for you. Do not fail Him. I leave my love and my blessing with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

“Neither did they receive any unto baptism save they came forth with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and witnessed unto the church that they truly repented of all their sins.

LATEST GENERAL AUTHORITIES President: Thomas S. Monson 1st Counselor: Henry B. Eyring 2nd Counselor: Dieter F. Uchtdorf Quorum of 12 Apostles: Boyd K. Packer, L. Tom Perry, Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffrey R. Holland, David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, and D. Todd Christofferson.


The Gospel Paragons

Jan - Feb 2008

W HY DO I WORK WITH THE ELDERS? The following are the list of some insights and testimonies of our ward missionaries as they work with the elders.


ary Ann Pada

I love the spirit of teaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I work with them because I know that we are all missionaries. It is our great responsibility to be diligent servants of the Lord in bringing the lost sheep back to His Fold in our own little way.

Elder Ando and Elder Tripole


odmark del Rosario

I like to work with the missionaries because I am preparing to serve a full time mission. Also, I learn many good things from the investigators and from the full-time missionaries. It feels good to work with the elders because I am able to help other people, especially those who do not know yet the gospel and the plan of our Heavenly Father.


obert delos Reyes Jr.

Working with the full time missionaries is a great opportunity and it serves as my preparation for my upcoming full time mission. It makes my testimony about the restored church grow strong as I work with them every other day.


In addition, gaining spiritual knowledge and searching for these lost folds is a great adventure for me. My testimony about the power of this great work is becoming firmer as I perform the ordinance of baptism. And most of all, being a friend with these ‘folds’ is the best tool to make them stronger in the church.

yan Neal Salapa

I feel the Spirit as I work with the missionaries. It makes me happy knowing that I am a part of the Lord’s work for us. I feel happy when the people that we visit feed us. It makes me feel glad when I see good results to the investigators whom we are teaching every time I see them at the church. I love to see their smiles despite the struggles and sacrifices that they are experiencing every Sunday such as passing by a bridge just to be in the church on time. I am happy to hear their testimonies. They are the reason why I continually work with the missionaries. They are the ones who make our feet painful and also sweat all day long by walking and visiting them.. but they are also the reason why we smile and still bear our testimony. They are the true reason why I work with the elders. Because of them, my faith grows and I can see the love of the Lord. Moreover, my testimony of the church is growing and becoming stronger. Because of them I know I can serve a full time mission…and I will serve a full time mission…..yes… is all because of them.




Jan- Feb 2008

The Gospel Paragons


ARD MISSIONARIES: UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL... because she is our ward chorister.

Robert, who also goes by BJ, our assistant ward mission leader, is the “bishop-looking” ward missionary. One cannot deny that the way he stands and walks is really a young bishop. BJ is a cyber wizard and a very good lay out artist. So if you want to have a very creative and artistic friendster background that would fit your personality, just contact him and he will do it for free. (+_,+)... Rodmark is the boy next door ward missionary of Cabuyao. He is a very soft spoken person who always smiles especially during our Sunday Service. This humble brother is also preparing to work as a fulltime missionary. All his companions will truly love him because he is a good cook and he loves washing the dishes. Very GOOD!!! Ryan Neal is the musician, composer, pianist and the golden voice of the group. This young “Ryan Cayabyab” is known to be strict during choir practice, but he is humble, and a jolly person when working with the elders. He is the composer and arranger of the theme song of the Cabuyao Ward Missionaries entitled “Today, We Will Prepare”. Hands off to you Ryan Neal!!! :) Mia Grace is known to be the Goldilocks of our group. This sweet sister has a very beautiful long curly hair. You will love her as she leads us in singing hymns in the congregation

Sister Alice is one of the faithful ward missionaries in the ward. Though busy in her house as a mother, she always finds time to work with her partner in teaching the new member lessons to the new converts. Sister Loterte is the lola and nanay of the Cabuyao ward missionaries. She enjoys teaching recent converts with her partner, Sister Alice. Another thing that makes her busy is genealogy work for her ancestors. She serves as an inspiration to all of us in doing these two missions of the church at the same time.

WORDS LIKE SWORDS According to Jeffrey R. Holland, Quorum of the 12 Apostles:

Ruel is a returned missionary who has been a great ward missionary. He misses life in the mission field, which is why he finds time to work with the elders. This brother is also our ward clerk and he enjoys magnifying his calling. If you need a dance instructor who will teach you a ballroom dancing, he is always available. Bonifacio, or Boni for short, was just recently called as our assistant ward clerk. He is also preparing to serve a fulltime mission. He also loves motorcycle. He is the funny hunk of the group. Maan is the Ate of the Paragons. Don’t ever knock on her door during weekdays because she is sleeping all day long. J This gal loves to be very busy and enjoys chatting with her friends. She is the youth Sunday School teacher, Relief Society teacher every second Sunday, and the Stake Single Adult Representative.


”Aristotle… (said) that a good book must have a calculated structure and development which gives a unified impact from beginning to end. By this standard the Book of Mormon is not only a “good book” it is a classic. In spite of the fact, it is written by a series of prophets who had different styles and different experiences, In spite of the fact, that it has same unabridged material mixed with other that have been greatly condensed, In spite of the fact, that it has unique, irregular, chronological sequences. It is a classic book – Aristotle’s kind of Book; unified, whole, verses fitting with verses, chapters fitting with chapters, books fitting with books, revealed through he’s chosen prophet. (Ensign, Sept 1996 p8)” I also testify that the Book of Mormon is true, the most correct on the earth. A lifetime pursuit, the keystone of our religion, the keystone of our testimony, the keystone of our religion. The keystone in the witness of our Lord and Saviour. It was also written for our family (1 Nephi 8 and D&C 128). I have read the Book of Mormon many times and there are many spiritual experiences that happened to me. I know that God lives and loves us so much. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to share my testimony in this issue of “The Gospel Paragons” as a ward missionary and as a family history consultant, mission in Jesus name. Amen. - Adelaida Caña Loterte

S-FREE-TEXTUAL-MSG 1) Strong people makes mstakes as weak 1’s do. But the difference is d strong 1’s admittheir mstakes humble, learned that

eventually make them perfect.

2) No one has traveled d bridge of success w/o ever crossing d streets of failures… God nevr promised us an easy journey in life… only safety on board.

For more information about the gospel paragons, feel free to visit the following sites.

3) Always live righteously in such a way dt wen u nid God’s blessing u can call upon dem en rcv dem nt out of mercy bt bcoz u r worthy.

> (website) > or >

- Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley


The Gospel Paragons

Jan - Feb 2008




A great Family Home Evening Game to help learn about the Prophet and Apostles.

Objective of the Game: To win the most candies!

the prophet and apostles' pictures . And a bag of small candies such as mini M&M's, peanuts, marshmallows, etc. Preparation:

Items Needed: A copy of the center page from the most recent conference issue of the Ensign... the page with

Place a candy on each prophet and apostles' face. Directions: One person thinks in their mind of a General Authority. The other person tries to guess who they're thinking of. Each wrong answer awards the "thinker" with a candy. When the "guesser" guesses the right name, he gets the rest of the candies. Example: Thinker thinks of the name President Hinckley. The guesser guesses Thomas S. Monson incorrectly so the "thinker" gets that candy. Then the "guesser" guesses L. Tom Perry. Again for being wrong, the "thinker" gets that candy. This time the "guesser" guesses President Hinckley so as the prize, he gets the rest of the candies! Note: This game helps everyone get used to the names and faces of the General Authorities. It's super fun too! For more FHE Games, you can visit this site... Family_Home_Evening_Games.htm

Instructions: Look for the names of the C.W.M (Cabuyao Ward MIssionaries) who are searching the lost sheeps.

* * * * * * * * *

Rodmark Mia Grace Boni Mary Ann Robert Ruel Rizza Adelaida Ryan Neal

Answers in the previous Issue SCRIPTURE MASTERY:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Bismarck North Dakota Temple Boston Massachusets Temple Cochachamba Bolivia Temple Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple Logan Utah temple Orlando Florida Temple Cebu Phils. Temple Porto Alegre Temple St. George Utah Temple Washington DC Temple

Courtesy of:


Jan- Feb 2008


The Gospel Paragons

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