Tgp 3rd Issue

  • October 2019
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The Gospel Paragons is Page 1 now the Official Newsletter of the Cabuyao Ward Vol 2 - Issue No. 3 We are pleased to

promote missionary work and

the inspirational messages of


announce that The Gospel



the leaders and to serve as a

preaching the gospel and

Paragons is now the official

missionaries serve a full time

supplement to our existing

redeeming the dead.

newsletter of the Cabuyao


church magazines. Its purpose



Ward. We are grateful to

the ward activities. And to


have The Gospel Paragons as

challenge all of us to get

came up with an idea of a

the official ward newsletter.

involve in the three missions

newsletter for the Cabuyao

TGP aims to strengthen the


Ward Mission Organization to

members of the ward through

Dates to Remember... Study Time Corner

Ward Happenings

> Institute - Friday = 7-9pm Seminary > Friday = 7-9pm > Saturday = 9am -12nn > Thursday = 6-6:30pm Mission Preparation Class - Saturday = 5:00-6:30pm

Devotional with a Twist - Aug 30 -> 2 pm -6 pm Cabuyao Chapel Cabuyao Ward - Host for Stake YSA activity

Sister Sibayan said that she has no regret in serving a

excited for the full time mission of our three beloved ward missionaries. Now they are

mission for 18 months. “I love the Spirit while we are doing the missionary work” she added.

back……after their successful mission journey.

Johnalyn appreciates also the members, investigators and all her

The Cabuyao Ward is proud of the newly returned missionaries who served their full time mission with flying colors for

Brother Caisido testified that missionary work is a Lord’s work. ”It was never easy but

Brother Mark Paolo

it was fun and full of spiritual experiences especially when we

Caisido and Sister Johnalyn Sibayan were assigned in the Philippines Tacloban Mission.

were teaching a small village with more than 40 souls who accepted the gospel. I am very glad that they

They came home on May 26, 2008. While Brother Monreymor Canimo

were baptized and confirmed members of the church.”

who was assigned in the Philippines Angeles Mission came back on June 19, 2008.

Brother Canimo is also grateful to be in the Lord’s

Who is the ward

“Oh well, I guess this will be my last arrangement for this choir before I leave for mission. I hope you’ll like it. I testify

prestigious UPLB Ensemble, our ward pianist, our choir master and arranger who composed the ward

to you that through our own personal faith we can witness the

Heavenly Father is proud of you and wants you to continually serve Him.

The Valiant RM’S: From the left: Monreynor Canimo, Johnalyn Sibayan, and Mark Paolo Caisido.

Memorize this piece and always remember “ISABUHAY ANG MGA KANTA”. I know it will make a lot of difference. I say this in the name of Jesus

everything that we do. They deserve only

Surely, we miss him so much but no need to worries because we

the best! I know you can give the best for Him.

all know that he’s in good hands. ☺

mind and strength.

In this Issue... >> Leadership directory ............. Page 2 >> Lovingly yours, Sister ............ Page 2 >> Ward statistics ...................... Page 2 >> Words like swords .................................................. Page 3 >> From the Desk of Ward Leader .................................................. Page 3 >> Editor’s note ......................... Page 3 >> Ward mission leader’s Corner .................................................. Page 3 > Message from the Fulltime Missionaries ............................. Page 4

May God bless each one of you as you sing this piece with all your heart, might,

Prior to his MTC

Society/Priesthood classes > 10:00am-10:40am - Sunday School > 10:50am-12:00nn

We would like

Christ, amen.”——Ryan Neal

entry date, he left an inspiring message to all the choir members.

> 09:00am-09:50am - Relief

to thank you for a job well done Cabuyao RMs.

offer us, rather be a living witness of faith, by trusting our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in


Sunday Services Meeting Schedules

people about this.”

Yes… He is no other than, Ryan Neal Salapa. He

Heavenly father and Jesus Christ to the people who are prepared by the Lord to listen to the restored


Son for the remission of our sins. And I am happy that I had an opportunity to tell the

miracles in our lives. Let us not fear the things that the world may

Mission on May 31, 2008 to sing the song of redeeming love of our

messages for the upcoming

much the Lord loves us that He gave His only Begotten

missionaries’ theme song “Today I will Prepare”. Guess who?

was called to serve a full-time mission in Philippines Cauayan


keep sending us inspiring

By: Mary Ann Pada

Hanggang sa Muli, Elder Salapa... missionary who loves music so much? He is also member of the


greatly appreciated so please

errand. “I have witnessed how

companion during her eighteen months in the field.

two years and also for 18months.



- Sacrament Meeting

Cabuyao ward welcomes 3 returned missionaries Time really flies so fast. Two years ago, everyone was



Your articles are

is also to remind everyone of


The Cabuyao Ward Chapel...

March - July 2008

The Golden Voice of Cabuyao Ward: Elder Ryan Neal Opulencia Salapa now serving the Lord in Phils. Cauyan Mission.

>> S-free-textual msg ............... Page 4

Page 2

Leadership Directory The following list of names with their corresponding contact info are the latest valiant servants of the Lord in Cabuyao Ward. A full-time missionary searching for a manual in line with the greatest apostles of God.

Cabuyao Ward Statistics By: Bro. Ruel Villegas

Lovingly Yours, Sister Dear Cabuyao Saints, I would like to share with you one of my spiritual experiences. On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 pm; Saturdays at 10:30 am we scheduled to visit a family. We have met a very special family—the Peralta Family. We usually walk in a steep road for about 200250 steps high to get to their house. While walking, my heart is singing “High on the Mountain Top, a banner is unfurled....” I realized that Peralta family is like a banner which is a banner of faith, hope, commitment, love and devotion. The head of the family has a HEART of a true father and the wife has a heart of a mother. Their children are brilliant! They are not blessed with so much wealth; in fact, they are struggling to support the basic necessities of life. But they have a wonderful family, which is so PRICELESS!!

The period covered by this issue is the total statistic of the ward as of Jan - July 2008. They always read the scriptures. They go to the Church every Sunday walking from their house to the church with their three little children. The eldest is nine and the youngest is only one year old. It is evident that they love the Lord. They go to church for the Lord and they have committed for baptism to follow the Savior’s example. We have had a hard time finding their house at first but when my companion and I got inside their humble house; I felt that it was all worth it. I realized that we are like miners of God for His precious souls because we just found a golden family. I can always feel the love of our Savior and Father in Heaven every time we are going to their house. I can see how the Lord reaches out His hands for his children through the gospel. I know it is true because I have the testimony of the gospel and He always forgives me. I know it is true because the Plan of God was made for you and me.

“Lord I am willing to share the Love I’m feeling, that those who seek with honest hearts may find it...” (Lyrics from: A time to Share)

No. of baptism since Jan = 8 baptisms

= 149 members 15.6 % Total Families = 507 families

Total ward members = 964 members Estimated Attendance

Total New Converts



I know God has a great plan for each and everyone of us. I know that Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer who has done great and marvelous miracles. I know that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restored gospel. I know the Book of Mormon has the power to change one’s life if we ponder it in our hearts. Let’s trifle not but give heed to the words of Christ, ponder it and ask for confirmation from our Father in Heaven through the Holy Ghost and our faith will become strong and immovable to set an example for the world to see the banner of the Lord in us. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Lovingly yours, Sis. Ammalyn C. Loterte

= 31 converts

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sis. Amalyn C. Loterte is a fulltime missionary and currently serving the Lord in Phils. Baguio Mission.

Words Like Swords by: Sis. Ailyn Loterte-Saligan A person that greatly affects my life is a prophet from the Book of Mormon in the third Chapter of First Nephi verse Seven. Nephi is so diligent in keeping his father ’s commandments when he uttered these words: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded...” Getting the plates from Laban seemed like a nearly impossible task. Laban—a powerful, a large man, short-tempered, crafty, dangerous, cruel, greedy, unscrupulous, weak, and can command fifty of his soldiers but in spite of these, Nephi need not rest of trying his best persuading his brothers to be obedient to the commandments of their father.

Page 3

Just like Lehi did in completing the callings he received from the Lord. He declared unto the people the things the Lord commanded him to declare (1Nephi 2:1); took his family and departed into the wilderness (vv.2-4) Russel M. Nelson said, “I have learned not to put question marks but to use exclamation points when calls are issued through inspired channels of priesthood government.” (Conference Report, Apr. 1984, pp. 76-77; or Ensign, May 1984, p. 52) I know we can best serve God by being diligent in keeping His commandments and fulfilling our office which we are assigned to. I know that Heavenly Father loves his children and would be more than willing to help us in times of troubles. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sis. Ailyn Loterte-Saligan is currently the Relief Society President of Cabuyao Ward

How might we better fulfill our callings? Our assignments? Our commitments? Our duty?

By Bro. Ryan Bautista

It is by serving that we learn to serve.

ourselves. —Spencer W.

and obedient shall eat the


good of the land of Zion

When we are engaged in the service of our fellow

It is our duty to

men, not only do our

serve others and not for

deeds assist them, but we

them to serve us. Serve

put our own problems in

with a clean hand and a

a fresher perspective.

pure heart. By this we can




in these last day. Let us be messengers of God in our thoughts, in our words and in our actions.

strengthen our brethren ABOUT THE AUTHOR

ourselves with others

and bring them back to

there is less time to be

the fold and we will also



be strengthening the

ourselves, In the midst of

church in the process.

the miracle of serving,

Remember we are laying

there is the promise of

the foundation of this

Jesus Christ, that by

great work. The Lord

losing ourselves, we find

requires the heart and

Bro.. Ryan Bautista is currently the Bishopric’s 2nd Counsilor of Cabuyao Ward

willing mind. The willing

TGP in the Web....

By: Mary Ann Pada

Visit the Gospel Paragons Website @ or Email us @: [email protected]

Editorial Staff

Romeo Policarpio Publisher Robert Delos Reyes Jr. Mary Ann Pada IT & Graphics Designer Editor-in-Chief Mia Grace Buitizon Asst. Editor

Gretchen Pada Asst. IT & Graphics Designer

Contributors Amalyn Loterte Ailyn Saligan Ruel Villegas Bishop Carlos Alvez Adviser

We are faced in a more challenging world... prices of basic commodities and gasoline are rising, transportation fares are continuously increasing, our water and electric bills are getting higher and almost everyone is complaining on how to meet both ends. The Lord knows all the challenges and trials that we have. He knows the desires of our hearts. We are instructed that there is always “safety in counsel”. Amos reminded us that “Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets”. He loves us so much that He gave us a living prophet in the name of President Thomas S.

Monson. President Utchdorf mentioned that the living prophet ”.....knows our challenges and fears. He has inspired answers. There is no need to fear. We can have peace in our hearts and peace in our homes.”

justifying their being an exception to the counsel.” The prophet has counseled us to pay an honest tithing and the Lord will bring so much blessings to our homes and families. I know that this promise is true. That no matter what circumstances that we may have, if we will pay an honest tithe, He will open the windows of heaven for us. We will be strong spiritually and He will provide our needs. In Jesus name Amen.

President Eyring cited in the June 2008 Liahona “.....Looking for a path to safety in the counsel of prophets makes sense to those with strong faith. When a prophet speaks, those with a little faith may think that they hear only ABOUT THE AUTHOR a wise man giving good Sis. Mary Ann C. Pada is the advice. Then if his counsel Editor-in-Chief of seems comfortable and our newsletter. reasonable, squaring She is also the with what they want to do, Stake YSA Representative they take it. If it does not, of Cabuyao they either consider it Stake. faulty advice or they see their circumstances as

Page 4

S-free-textual Messages Sent by Mia Grace Buitizon By: Romeo Policarpio My fellow ward missionaries, I am grateful for the

Cabuyao Ward Newsletter

3. Large perfectly spherical

instead of Cabuyao Ward

pearl: an extremely large


pearl that is a perfect sphere.


achieved and for the efforts

The name will still be the same because we are the

that you have exerted in










Let us all join our


hands together and act as real Gospel Paragons by doing our

missionaries in bringing more

example of excellence to the

part in bringing more souls

souls into the fold for the past few months.

people around us and we

unto the knowledge of truth

ought to go out and let our

and keep radiating our spirits

light shines and radiates.

to the people around us.



This is a very tough



work and everybody has a I am sure that everyone who

Brothers and sisters, once again, I want to


share with you the three

responsibility to do this work. doing




marvelous work of the Lord

meanings of Paragons:

has been blessed in many 1. Example of excellence:

countless ways.

somebody or something that We are happy to inform you that we will be

is the very best example of something

having a transition of our

2. Large unflawed diamond: a


perfect diamond that weighs at least 100 carats



Paragons. Starting from this

Sincerely yours, Bro. Romie Policarpio

*A child asked his father:”Y do I nid 2 b humble?” da father said:”Wen u chus da low path, der’s no place to fall & the only way is up.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Bro.. Romeo Policarpio is our generous Ward Mission Leader of Cabuyao Ward.

*Always live in such a way dt wen u nid the Lord’s blessings you can call upon dem & receive them not out of mercy but bcoz u r worthy.

issue, we will have a new

- Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

*U cannot be right by doing wrong, and u cannot be wrong by doing ryt. The gathering of scattered Israel is one of the most

- Pres. Thomas S. Monson

important teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter day Saints. We should be helping the Lord in gathering the elects. In Mosiah 28:3 “Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not abear that any human bsoul should cperish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure dendless torment did cause them to quake and etremble”

* When we hv an eternal perspective, we can move clearly evaluate what will bring us the greatest happiness in life. - Pres. Howard W. hunter

We know brothers and sisters that if we fulfill our responsibility by preaching the gospel to the people who do not know yet the truth, God promises to give us remarkable blessings.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sis.. Mia Grace Buitizon is the latest Asst. Editor of Sis. Mary Ann Pada in monthly Edition of this newsletter.

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