Tg- Current And Future Trends.docx

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DIVINE WORD COLLEGE OF CALAPAN BASIC EDUCATION DIVISION SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT TEACHER’S GUIDE Quarter_______4______- __________________________Media and Information Literacy ________________________________________

(Subject Name) Current and Future Trends






The learners demonstrate an understanding of envisioning the future of media and information. The learners shall be able to make a prototype of what they think is the future of media and information. The learners will be able to: 1. Evaluate current trends in media and information, and how they affect both individuals and the society as a whole.
 MIL11/12CFT-IIIi-26 -IIIf15 2. Define and describe what massive open online courses.
 MIL11/12CFT-IIIi-27 At the end of the lesson, the learner’s will be able to  Analyze the benefits and challenges of a massive open online course; and  Fill in a sample pre-enrolment form for a MOOC

60 minutes

LESSON OUTLINE: 1. Introduction/ Review: Watch Your Day in 2020 2. Motivation: Discussion 3. Evaluation: MOOC Enrolment


computers with Internet connection, printed articles


Abadiano, M.N. (2016). Media and information literacy. Cronica. Manila Philippines

PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION (5 MINS) • Review key points of previous lesson (Current and Future Trends) • State learning objectives. MOTIVATION (7 MINUTES) Watch Your Day in 2020 1. Have the learners watch the “Watch Your Day in 2020” video, • Source: Youtube from GetManiatech from 2. Pose the following guide questions: • According to the video, what information will you be able to see in the bathroom mirror? • What will be the features of the appliances in the kitchen and bedroom? • Do you think these features can make the world better, as the video states?


Teacher Tip “Teacher Tips Post-video, emphasize how future technologies can answer current gaps or issues. Example: How might the information of your weight and heart rate visible in your bathroom mirror improve your health?


Teacher Tip

Key Points of the Article

• Let your students read in advance the articles, “Technology in the 20th Century” and the MOOC interview.

1. The learners read the article “Technology in the 20th Century,” • Source: from ict-in-the-future. 2. Many of the technological advances we are seeing today will shape

our daily life in the future – the way we relax, interact, communicate and conduct business. From virtual worlds, avatar emotions, artificial intelligence, computer generated storytelling and narrative, interactive 360 holographic images, mixed reality, stress disorder virtual therapies and so much more. ICT will continue to advance, empower and transform every aspect of our life. Check out some of these emerging technologies and trends. •Haptics technology -- Is a feedback technology (using computer applications) that takes advantage of the user’s sense of touch by applying force, vibrations and/or motions to the User. Simple haptics is used in game controllers, joysticks and steering wheels and is becoming more common in Smartphones. Haptics is gaining widespread acceptance as a key part of virtual reality systems (i.e. computer simulated environments) - adding the sense of touch to previously visualonly solutions. It is also used in virtual arts, such as sound synthesis, graphic design and animation. There are many possibilities for Haptics to be applied to gaming, movies, manufacturing, medical, and other industries. Imagine your doctor operating on your local hospital from his computer in Australia. •Contextual awareness -- By combining ‘hard sensor’ information such as where you are and the conditions around you, combined with ‘soft sensors’ such as your calendar, your social network and past preferences - future devices will constantly learn about who you are and how you live, work and play. As your devices learn about your life, they can begin to anticipate your needs. Imagine your PC advising you to leave home 15 minutes early or take a different route to avoid a traffic jam on your way to work. Consider a “context aware” remote control that instantly determines who is holding it and automatically selects the Smart TV preferences for that person. •Voice and tone recognition -- Not only can voice and tone recognition be used to confirm a person’s identity but tone recognition can be used to detect a person’s health or emotional state. This technology will open new opportunities in security and healthcare – with mobile applications. •Intelligent routing to devices -- This future technology will be useful to, for example, local councils. While on the move, staff will be able to provide the precise description and location of a street-based issue using Smartphones and mobile devices that can take photos and have GPS (global positioning system) support. Intelligent routing will then alert the responsible team to action.

•Eye tracking technology -- Eye tracking technology measures eye positions and movements which are analysed through computer applications. Future laptops, smartphones and tablets could contain thousands of tiny imaging sensors built into the display screen. Eye tracking technology could have many possible applications, including:  Law enforcement – lie detection  Airport security – identifying suspicious behaviour, e.g. to catch terrorists before they strike  Retail – recording, monitoring and analysing consumer behaviour to ‘tailor’ marketing to individuals  Safety - alerting and awakening a drowsy or distracted driver would save many lives  Health care – assisting people with disabilities or paralysis to communicate (laptop) and improve mobility (electric wheelchair)  Human-computer interaction – using screen icons and a blink here or a gaze there. Say goodbye to the mouse and keyboard. •Internet glasses! -- Technology that can display images directly onto our retinas while not blocking our sight is being developed. This technology can be used in eyeglasses and have uses ranging from e-Gaming to military defense. In the next 10-20 years experts predict that Internet glasses will replace Smartphones. Imagine these viewing experiences:  Seeing building schematics and locations of others (especially useful for security or fire fighters)  Giving a speech while information is streamed to your eyeglasses in real time  Receiving turn by turn directions as you walk toward your destination  Viewing virtual recipes while cooking without losing your rhythm  Walking down the street, seeing one of your friends show up "on screen" 2 blocks and 1 cafe away Application 1. Enumerate to the learners the technological advances discussed in the article. Ask the following questions:  Which ones did you like best?  Which ones already exist?  Which ones do you think might become a reality next year? Explain your answer. 2. Have the learners answer by filling in the mind map (see sample).

3. Discuss further the following questions with the learners:  Do you think these technological advances can make communication in life better?  What problems or issues can they solve?  What possible issues can you foresee with these technologies? Explain your answer. 4. Relate the topic to the future of education. Discuss with the learners how education has evolved, and will continue to evolve in the future, and that one of these advancement is through MOOC. 5. Relate the topic to the future of education. Discuss with the learners how education has evolved and will continue to evolve in the future, and that one of these advancements is through MOOC. 6. Have the learners read the following interview: “ Innovative humanities MOOC,“ • Source: Visualizing Japan,” (Retrieved from ) 7. Ask the following questions and discuss the answers:  When and where can a student who has enrolled in an MOOC study and submit projects or answers?  Describe “Visualizing Cultures” as a traditional subject. How many students first enrolled in the course? Why did the professors change the course “Visualizing Japan” into an MOOC platform? What are its effects? Did it improve its number of students? How many professors worked on the MOOC subject?  Do you think the Philippines should have an MOOC in the future? Explain your answer. ENRICHMENT (18 MINS) MOOC Enrolment Give the following activity to the learners. They will pretend that they will enroll in a MOOC by searching for available MOOCs. Guide the learners in their selection and research. Provide these instructions: Situation: Your school supports MOOCs. Your principal or head of the school encourages you to enrol in one of the following courses. This course will be credited to your Senior High School Curriculum which can be helpful in your college or university education. Task: Fill out this Registration Form. Submit to your output with brief description at the MIL Portal.

Teacher Tips Have the learners experience a MOOC for themselves by letting them read sample MOOCs and allowing them to enroll in one course. Provide them a list of MOOCs that can guide them in their choices: • • • • •

Prepared by:

Submitted to:

Ms. Vaune Nikole S. Redublo Faculty, Senior High School Department

Mrs. Pamela P. Salandanan Academic Coordinator, SHS Department

Approved by: DR. FEDELIZA A. NAMBATAC Principal

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