Teori Sfft

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  • Words: 1,442
  • Pages: 27
Solution Focused Brief Therapy







o Dilahirkan pada 25 Jun 1940 dan dibesarkan di Milwaukee, Wisconsin o Bapa seorang Jurutera Elektrik, ibu seorang penyanyi opera o Minat- base ball dan buku-buku masakan. o Peminat jazz-pemain saxophone profesional (sumber kewangan sewaktu muda) o Graduan Bachelor in Fine Art, M Sc Social Worker- Universiti of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. o Aktif di MRI, Palo Alto o Sebagai kenalan dan mentor beliau – John Weakland (mentor Insoo) o Beliau juga digelar “The Grand Old Man of Family Therapy” o Mengidap Pnemonia o Meninggal dunia 11 September 2005- Vienna, Austria (65 Tahun) 3


Pattern of Brief Therapy Key To Solution Brief Therapy Clues: Investigating Solution In Brief Therapy Putting Different To Work Word Were Originally Magic More Than Miracle: the state of the of Solution Focus Therapy- terbitan Haworth Press.



SUMBANGAN Beliau dan isteri – pengasas Milwaukee Brief Therapy Center  Berceramah di Eropah, Scandanavia, Amerika Utara & Asia  Sidang Editor beberapa jurnal antarabangsa  Buku beliau telah diterjemahkan dalam 14 bahasa  Fellow- American Association of Maritial And Family Therapy  Ahli - The European Brief Therapy Association Board  Presiden Social Focus Brief Therapy Association Board of Director (2002 – 11/9/2005) Ahli-ahli BFTC di Milwaukee USA: Eve Lipchik, Wallace Gingerrich, Ellam Nunnally, Alex Molnar., dan Michele Weiner Davis. 



    

Lahir pada 25 Julai 1934- Korea Selatan Belajar di Ewha Univ. in Seoul Hijrah ke USA 1957 untuk sambung pengajian B Sc dan M Sc Social Worker- Univ. of Wisconsin , Milwaukee Menamatkan pengajian pasca siswazah di Family Inst. Of Chicago, The Meninger Foundation dan MRI di Palo Alto California Peringkat awal kerja di Milwaukee kFamily Services Amat minat aktiviti fizikal –jalan kaki, bersenam dan berkebun Pengamal yoga Suka baca novel , dengar muzik klasik Meninggal dunia ketika umur 72 Tahun – 10 Julai 2007, Milwaukee,Wisconsin 7


Pelopor SFBT Approach Pengasas dan pengarah executive Brief Family Therapy Center, Wisconsin Menganjurkan program latihan kepada ahli terapis SFBT seluruh dunia Hasil karya :       

Interviewing for solution Tale of solution Family Based Solution Solution Step By Step Children Solution Work Brief Coaching For Lasting Solution More the Miracles


Sambung… 

 

Sidang Editor Journal of Maritial and Family Therapy; Family Psycologist and Coucelling Series; Family and Society; dan Family Process. Pengasas SFBT Association Ahli klinikal dan penyelia American Assc. For Marriage and Family Therapy Ahli aktif Wisconsin Assco. For Marriage and family therapy N ational Assc. Social Worker dan European Brief Therapy Assc. Menyampaikan ceramah yang dikendalikan oleh SFBT di US, Canada, South America, asia dan Europe


Solution Focused Brief Therapy

• Kesedaran wujudnya “distress” • Fokus tentang isu semasa tidak menumpukan perkara lepas • “Solution talk not problem talk”


Solution Focused Brief Therapy

• If it ain’t broke - don’t fix it • Once you know what works, do it more • If it doesn’t work, do something different


Solution Focused Brief Therapy ANDAIAN ASAS:

• Klien mempunyai sumber dan kekuatan untuk mengatasi • Manusia sentiasa boleh membuat perubahan • Tugas terapi adalah mengenalpasti dan memberi penekanan tentang perubahan • Kebiasaannya tidak terlalu penting untuk mengetahui terlalu banyak tentang isu-isu yang menjadi penyebab,usaha lebih tertumpu kepada cara penyelesaian..


Solution Focused Brief Therapy sambungan ANDAIAN ASAS: • Setiap perubahan walaupun kecil adalah penting sebab ia akan memberi kesan perubahan yang lain. • Klien yang menentukan matlamat. • Setiap permasalahan mempunyai pelbagai pendekatan penyelesaian. • Fokus kepada elemen-elemen yang boleh membawa perubahan


Solution Focused Brief Therapy MATLAMAT KLIEN

• Klien mempunyai pelbagai cara penyelesaian • Penyelesaian yang munasabah (boleh dilakukan) • Perubahan kecil tetapi bermakna • Penyeliaan terhadap setiap perubahan • Realistik dan boleh dicapai • Memerlukan klien berfikir dan berusaha 14

Solution Focused Brief Therapy IDEA-IDEA TEMUBUAL

• Kejayaan-kejayaan masa lampau. • Perubahan-perubahan positif semasa pra sesi. • exceptions • miracle question • scaling questions • coping questions • reframing


Solution Focused Brief Therapy PENSTRUKTURAN SESI PERTAMA

• • • • • • •

Peringkat interaksi sosial Pernyataan masalah Proses Miracle question Exception/ pre-session changes Skala: situasi sekarang,keinginan,kenyakinan Hal-hal lain Maklumat



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SFFT tertumpu dan berpandukan kepada teori keluarga, mengambilkira pengalaman-pengalaman sebelum membuat sesuatu perubahan Terapis membantu keluarga untuk mengenali secara jelas, tepat, dan dengan sebarang kemungkinan tentang jalan penyelesaian yang dicadangkan. SFFT tidak fokus secara klinikal situasi famili yang dibantu, ia lebih tertumpu kepada perubahan Mencari dan menggunakan sumber yang ada pada ahli famili Penekanan tentang pencapaian matlamat


Solution Focused Brief Therapy MIRACLE QUESTION

• Go to Sleep & a miracle happens • All problems (state probs) disappear • what difference would you (& others) notice? • Has any of this ever happened before? • Who, how, when (not why)? • Would it help to recreate any of these miracles? • What would need to happen to do this?


Coping Question

• "I can see that things have been really difficult for you, yet I am struck by the fact that, even so, you manage to get up each morning and do everything necessary to get the kids off to school. How do you do that?" •

Genuine curiosity and admiration can help to highlight strengths without appearing to contradict the clients view of reality. The initial summary "I can see that things have been really difficult for you" is for them true and validates their story. The second part "you manage to get up each morning etc.", is also a truism, but one that counters the problem focused narrative. Undeniably, they cope and coping questions start to gently and supportively challenge the problem-focused narrative.


Miracle Questions

Soalan-soalan ajaib: Soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan oleh terapis yang akan membantu klien menjadikan masa depan lebih baik apabila segala permasalahan telah diatasi.


Contoh Miracle Question A traditional version of the miracle question would go like this: "Suppose our meeting is over, you go home, do whatever you

planned to do for the rest of the day. And then, some time in the evening, you get tired and go to sleep. And in the middle of the night, when you are fast asleep, a miracle happens and all the problems that brought you here today are solved just like that. But since the miracle happened over night nobody is telling you that the miracle happened. When you wake up the next morning, how are you going to start discovering that the miracle happened? ... What else are you going to notice? What else?"


There are many different versions of the miracle question depending on the context and the client.

In a specific situation, the counselor may ask, "If you woke up tomorrow, and a miracle happened so that you no longer easily lost your temper, what would you see differently?" What would the first signs be that the miracle occurred?"


TEKNIK-TEKNIK RAWATAN SFFT: 1. Terapis terlibat secara koloborasi dengan masalah keluarga berkenaan. 2. Bertindak dengan cara berbeza dari aspek kualitatif- bermatlamat untuk mengubah struktur/organisasi famili 3. Memberi penghargaan-ia adalah bertulis dan dibuat secara terancang 4. Memberikan petunjuk (clue)/ intervensi yang mencerminkan t/laku yang biasa dalam keluarga 5. Gunakan intervensi yang memperoleh kejayaan sebelum ini dan ia boleh diaplikasikan secara universal , ada LIMA intervensi :-


i. Between now and next time we meet, we(I)want you to observe, so that you can tell us (me) next time, what happen in your (life, marriage, family, or relationship) that you want continue to happen. ii. Do something different iii. Pay attention what you do when to overcome the temptation or to urge to…. Perform the symptom or some behavior associated with the complaint iv. A lot of people in your situation would have… v. Write , read and burn your thoughts 24

1 Fokus tentang “exeptions” 2 Menyoal famili berkenaan tentang hipotesis penyelesaian dalam situasi mereka


Sedikit perbandingan… 

SFFT tidak melihat/terumpu kepada sejarah (masa lampau) jika dibandingkan dengan Bowen Sesi Terapi berakhir apabila persetujuan tentang matlamat tercapai berbanding dengan berbincang tentang hipotesis2 yg. Teraputik Guna kaedah berkumpulan dalam sesi, kos mungkin agak tinggi, namun begitu bil. Sesi agak sedikit berbanding dengan lain2 pdktn. Spt. Terapi psikoanalitik. SFFT percaya dan menggunakan sumber dalam famili lebih drp. MRI Stratgik Terapis, walaupun dari aspek matlamat kedua2 terapis adalah sama. 26


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