T7 B7 John Raidt Work Files- Interview Prep Fdr- List- Interview Categories 722

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Download & View T7 B7 John Raidt Work Files- Interview Prep Fdr- List- Interview Categories 722 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 883
  • Pages: 6



Dulles Airport Director'V JJewafk Airport Director ^ Boston Airport Director Massport Security Director—Joe Lawless NY Port Authority Security Director—7MWAA Security Director— V FAA Federal Security Manager at Dullesy FAA Federal Security Manager at Newark— ** / FAA Federal Security Manager at Boston—Steve Luongo^ II. American Airlines and United Airlines

riL Otf^

AAL CEO or VP wBb oversees security V UAL CEO or VP who oversee security



AAL Director of Security (at large) » » AAL Dii'cctof ef Security (n.giuiiall>) AALDU'cctoi uf GtLiaity (Dulles) AAL Director of-Security (Boston)-

A ^

UAL Director of Security (at large) v UAL Director of Sccmilji (regionally^ | k Ii JLK 4JAL Director of Seeari^Bostpn) J ffjW* ** UAtJDireetor ef Security' (Ncwnrit) ' AAL Ground Security Coordinator Dulles AAL Ground Security Coordinator Boston UAL Ground Security Coordinator Boston UAL Ground Security Coordinator Newark' AAL Ground Security Coordinator AA 11 AAL Ground Security Coordinator AA 11


UAL Ground Security Coordinator UA 175 UAL Ground Security Coordinator UA 93

;™c ™n^r* ^Hlirn th,-™^ Any airline personnel who had contact with the flights that day

III. ATA Executive Director on 9-11: Carol Hallett ^ g Executive Director present: JimMay LdJctA Director of Security on 9-11: Dick DiBrava Director of Securitv present: Dick DiBrava

ATA Liaisons to FAA Securitv offices-I ATA Liaisons to ATC facilities handling 9-1 1 flights




DoT Secretary—Norm Mineta DoT Deputy Secretary—Michael Jackson DoT Secretary Chief of Staff—John Flahe *eey6«B8ral Counsel Kirk Van Tin DoT Director of Intelligence and Securitv—RADM James W. Underwood DoT Asst. Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs—Read Van de Water S**^ DoT IG—Kenneth Mead *% Ui f Aoat. iG for Aviation David Dubbs V. FAA


FAA Administrator—Jane Garvey / FAA Deputy Administrator—Monte Beleer » FAA Adminifltratoi- Chief of Staff Coil C. DiuLauii rFAA ChiefCotmsel—(Vacant?.) FAA Director of Aviation Poliofr and Plans—John M. Rodgers ~" v/' >• FAA Associate Administrator for Civil Aviation Securitv—Cathal Flvnn. Mike Caftavany FAA Pep. Assoc. Adm. for Civil Aviation Securitv—Bill Davis I W/v* FAA Director of Civil Aviation Securitv Intelligence—Pat McDonnell v/ FAA Director of Civil Aviation Security Operations—Bruce Butterworth ^ /. • Qn 1 Law FAA Director of Civil Aviation Securitv Policy and Planning-Anthonv JFainberg---y Enforcement FAA Director of Washington Operations Center—Mae Avcry vflfliF Sensitive FAA Act liaison to FBI-Jack Scalata FAA AC^liaison to CTC at CIA-|

FAA ACS liaison to STATEJ_



^*................-....^^....-•=:=:-:^^.™......g/11 Working-level Employee

FAA -CASFQ DIRECTOR for Boston FAA— CASFO DIRECTOR for Newark FAA—CASFO DIRECTOR for Dulles FAA Principal Security Inspector at American Airlines FAA Principal Security Inspector at United Airlines—

VI. On 9-11 FAA Security Directive Working Room manager—Chuck Burke Personnel present in FAA Security Directive Working Room FAA Washington Operations Centerr Manage Manager—Mae Avery Personnel present in FAA WOC tMlflt ATC controllers, supervisor and manager at the following ATC facilities f AA11 North East Regional Operations Center Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZBW) New York Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZNY) Air Traffic System Control Center (ATSCC) Washington Operations Command Center (WOC) Cape Terminal Radar Approach Control New York Terminal Radar Approach Control (NY TRACON or N90) Newark Airport Air Traffic Control Tower (EWR) ZBY?? UAL 175 New York Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZNY)

New York Terminal Radar Approach Control (NY TRACON or N90)

[ UAL 93 Newark Airport Air Traffic Control Tower (EWR) :ieveland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZOB) reat Lakes Regional Operations Center (GRL) Pittsburgh Terminal Radar Approach Control AA77


Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZDC) Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZID) Chicago Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZAU) Dulles Air Traffic Control Tower (IAD)

Dulles Departure Control Washington National Air Traffic Control Tower (DCA) Federal Aviation Administration Headquarters (critical events teleconference) White House Secret Service air traffic control. VII. FBI: FBI Penttbom aviation team members I [^/MJVA I Agent] jrermoussaoui memo y^ '

g/11 Lgw

Enforcement Privacy

VIII. GAP: GAO—Gerald Dillingham ^> GAO—Aviation Experts ^*^ IX. COMMISSIONS X. CONGRESS HOUSE Subcomittee on Transportation. House Appropriations Chairman: Harold Rogers Ranking Member: Martin Sabo Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min.: AVSEC Staffer Mai: AVSEC Staffer Min: House Transportation Committee Chairman: Don Young Ranking Member: James Oberstar Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min.: AVSEC Staffer Mai: AVSEC Staffer Min:

Q \f\ f

Subcommittee on Aviation, House Transportation Committee Chairman: John Mica Ranking Member: William Lipinski Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min,: AVSEC Staffer Mai: AVSEC Staffer Min: House Committee on Science Chairman: Sherwood Boehlert Ranking Member: Ralph Hall Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min.: AVSECTECH Staffer Mai: AVSECTECH Staffer Min: Technology and Procurement Policy Subcommittee, House Government Reform Chairman: Thomas Davis Ranking Member: Jim Turner Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min.: AVSECTECH Staffer Mai: AVSECTECH Staffer Min:

SENATE Subcomittee on Transportation. Senate Appropriations Chairman: Pattv Murray (1071 Richard Shelby (IPS') Ranking Member: Richard Shelby (107) Patty Murray (108) Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min.: AVSEC Staffer Mai: AVSEC Staffer Min: Senate Commerce Committee Chairman: Fritz Hollings (107) John McCain (108) Ranking Member: John McCain (107*) Fritz Rollings (108) Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min.: AVSEC Staffer Mai: AVSEC Staffer Min:

Subcommittee on Aviation. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman: John Rockefeller (1071 Kave Hutchison (1081 Ranking MemberKaye Hutchison (1071 John Rockefeller (108) Staff Director Mai.: Staff Director Min.: AVSEC Staffer Mai: AVSEC Staffer Min:


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