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M-INT-00037521 265A-NY-280350-302-7431 09/11/2001 MISURACA, SALVATORE P

Personal Privacy 9-17-01


Jemployed by American Airlines, Logan Airport, Boston, Massachusetts, telephone 617-634-5307, was interviewed at his place of employment, in the presence of Trooper! [., Massachusetts State Police, Middlesex county, uambndge, ... Massachusetts. After being advised as to the purpose of the interview and the identity of the interviewing agent, he provided the following: MISURACA is a ramp service/customer service manager for American Airlines AA. He was hired in March of 1970. He supervises an entire AA ramp of nine to eleven crew chiefs, with one hundred to one hundred fifty employees in total. His supervisor is ramp supervisor HOWARD CRABTREE. MISURACA is also under midnight cabin service supervisor DAVID SARTORI phonentic, who usually is just coming off work when MISURACA arrives. On September 11, 2001, MISURACA started work at 4:00 a.m., intending to finish at 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. He had yesterday and the day before off from work. The crew chiefs under him for September 11, 2001, that he could remember, were: DONNIE BENNETT chief for AA flight 11 JOHN MOULTON DAN BOUCHARD assignment crew chief ARTHUR ARGENZIO DAVID DICARLO JOE GRATIANO JOHN GRATIANO

'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

When MISURACA came to work on the morning of.September 11, he drove around to check security and make sure that the crews were working. He did not recall any problems. . The aircraft for AA flight 11 came in to Lpgan Airport on September 11,2001, at approximately 6:06Xm., as flight 198 from San Francisco. This was a "turn-around flight," meaning the aircraft was to be serviced and set off later 6n another flight. Flight 11 was a non-stop to Los Angeles, departing approximately 9-11-01

Boston, MA







[PDF page 1] 265D-NY-280350 SALVATORE P. MISURACA



7:45 a.m. out of gate 32 with approximately eighty three people on board. A different flight crew, from Boston, would fly the plane to Los Angeles. JOHN ORANOWSKI was the pilot. DONNIE BENNETT was the crew chief for preparing flight 11, and his crew was: ANTHONY DURANTE, a line employee, working as a flight

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service clerk, MANUAL SUVA, and RICK SORBELLO. BENNETTs crew's job is to load baggage. BENNETTs crew worked flight 198 as the first thing that shift, unloading that flight's baggage, and loading the baggage for flight 11. The next plane the crew worked after flight 11 was flight 156 for London. A seperate cabin service crew works on the passenger compartment, and checks for trash, objects, and people remaining on the plane. The makeup of a cabin service crew is kept to the same four or five guys, but crews might rotate so that one might not find the same crew servicing the same flight every day. Crews usually do not have much mixing or transfer of people. People bid by senority for which crew they want, usually to work for a favored supervisor. On September 11 there were no new faces, and no employees were missing. Catering does a seperate sweep to clean and prepare the plane. The catering service is SKY CHEF. SKY CHEF's morning shift is their premium or senior shift. Everyone on this shift has a year or more in service. They take out the old foodstuffs, and replace it. Baggage is handled by the baggage room, which for aircraft of flight 11's design, loads baggage onto hardbody LD8 containers. The containers are then placed on the plane. Last minute passenger's bags or oversize bags are put in the plane's baggage compartment last, without being put into an LD8 .,pontaine,r-->,l^aiLLs

luggage is treated differently. Flight 11 was cleaned and loaded without incident. There were no strangers, or absences of employees. Flight 11 was locked up and ready to go at 7:40 a.m. Prior to that, at 7:30 a.m., the baggage crew received a call from passenger service. Passenger service advised that a passenger was on board the plane, and that they were calling to make certain that his two bags had made it over. BENNETT said that he had the two bags, but tt!at),he.pJiixt y/as,JQpked up and the bags would not be put on. The bags were given to AA bag expiditer PHILIP A. DEPASQUALE, aka ZIP. Note that passenger service usually does not call about a bag, unless the passenger has asked to ensure that his bags are put on the flight. Later, MISURACA and others heard of the crash and called regarding the two bags. DEPASQUALE had put them on flight 181 for Los Angeles. The bags were retrieved. Flight 11 was a 767 aircraft. These have access from

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the passenger compartment to the baggage compartment via a trap door near the cockpit. The door is under the rug. MISURACA has never observed a crew member pass luggage to a passenger, and there is absolutely no access between the passengers and their checked baggage. It would be difficult for a stowaway to make it on board flight 11. Particularly because it was a "turn-around" flight, going directly on another trip after landing in Boston. A stowaway on this flight would really need assistance from a plane service crew member. It would be easier, but still difficult to stowaway on a plane that sits overnight. MISURACA notes that he is more familiar with the baggage elements of plane servicing, than with the passenger compartment details. MISURACA is also a ground security coordinator. As such, he has tested the security and found frequent failings. Security is not doing a good enough job. [PDF page 3]

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.M-iNT-QOOgZlfiS, • 265A-N Y-280350-302-18498 09/22/2001 FD-302(Rev. 10-6-95)



/9/11 Personal // Privacy // 9/11 Law / / Enforcenaent / Sensitive

Investigation on 9/22/01 Date dictated

File* 265A-NY-280350-302 SAl


by This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency;

9/11 Law September 5,2003 3:54 pm

Enfoi-ceinent Privacy

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it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 , On 9/22/01

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[PDF page 2] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

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265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

, On 9/22701

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J9/11 Personal // Privacy //9/11 Law / / Enforcement / ' Sensitive

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M-INT-00004956 265A-NY-280350-302-32068 09/14/2001 GORE. JENNIFER


9/11 Personal

On September 14. 2Q01. JENNIFER GORE. Date of Biirth:

Privacy I was interviewed by ALCOHOL, TOBACCO & FIREARMS ATF Special Agent SAl iat LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Terminal C, East Boston, Massachusetts. GORE provided the following information: GORE is a United States citizen. She is Catholic but not practicing. She has no political affiliations of any sort. GORE stated she has been employed by HUNTLEIGH SECURITY as a Pre-Board Screener PBS since May 16, 2001. She is currently a supervisor. Her usual days off are Friday and Saturday. Her work shift runs from 0500 through 1300 hours. GORE is aware that the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FAA regulation for knives passing through security is 4<". If a knife exceeds this measurement, she calls for a supervisor. The supervisor either confiscates the knife or instructs the individual to check the weapon back at the main baggage checkpoint. GORE stated allowing a box cutter, as well as scissors through the checkpoint, is up to the discretion of the supervisor regardless of the blade size. GORE recalled on the morning of September 11, 2001, a Chinese man caused a scene because security would not allow him to pass through with a laser pointer. She stated she called for a Ground Security Coordinator GSC. The man was allowed to pass after removing the batteries.

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


GORE stated there are no co-workers and have .been no other passengers, she can recall, that have made her suspicious of their intentions or activities.


East Boston., MA

265A-NY-28.0350-302, x



J ATF Boston/smc

[PDF page 1]

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M-INT-00019579 265A-NY-280350-302-37569 09/22/2001 GRANEY, DIANE FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



Personal Date of transcription

09/27/2001 Privacy

DIANE GRANEY. date of birth \d as a Customer Service Agent CSA and Ground Security Coordinator GSC, U.S. AIRWAYS USAIR, Portland International Jetport, 1001 Westbrook Street, Portland, Maine, telephone number 207775-5210, was interviewed at her place of employment. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, she provided the following information: GRANEY has been employed with USAIR for approximately twelve years. As a CSA for USAIR, GRANEVs duties include conducting passenger check-ins, checking baggage, making seat assignments, and issuing tickets. She performs her duties at either the USAIR Ticket Counter or at the individual airport gates. As a GSC, she deals with aircraft, airport, and general security issues. On September 11, 2001, from 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM, GRANEY was working at the USAIR Ticket Counter. At some point in her shift she heard of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, and that one of the flights was American Airlines Flight 11 out of Logan Airport in Boston. As a GSC, she went and pulled the passenger lists for the USAIR flights to Logan to see if any USAIR passengers had a connection on that flight. GRANEY saw that there were two passengers on USAIR Flight 5930 to Logan that had a connection to American Airlines Flight 11. The two names were MOHAMED ATTA and ABDULAZIZ ALOMARI. She also noticed the two were scheduled to sit in First Class on American Airlines Flight 11. GRANEY thought it was suspicious that these two passengers could have taken a better, more direct flight then what they had scheduled. GRANEY observed that ATTA and ALOMARI had checked two bags in at the USAIR Ticket Counter, and that MICHAEL TUOHEY was the CSA who checked them in. She spoke to TUOHEY about the two passengers, and he advised her of what he had observed. She then contacted CHUCK SEVERANCE, USAIR Station Manager, and informed him of what had happened and what she had discovered.

Investigation on 09/22/2001



Portland, Maine Date dictated



by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5. 2003 3:59 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

Diane Graney

, On 09/22/2001

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GRANEY advised that later when she saw ATTA's picture on the news, she believed she had seen him before. She thought he may have tried to jump seat once with USAIR, and he was in uniform using an American Airlines pilot identification. She believed that this happened within the last six months. She advised she searched the USAIR jump seat paperwork to see who had gone through for June 2001, July 2001, and August 2001, but was unable to find ATTA's name. She advised the jump seat forms are only kept for 90 days. She became more concerned about this when she heard on the news that some American Airlines uniforms were stolen in Italy. GRANEY was then requested to review a photograph array containing twelve pictures of twelve of the alleged hijackers. GRANEY identified the picture of MOHAMED ATTA as the person she remembered seeing prior to September 11, 2001 attempting to jump seat a USAIR flight. She also identified the picture of MARWAN ALSHEHHI as someone she had seen sometime at the airport ticket counter. She identified the picture of WALEED ALSHERI as someone who looks familiar. Both GRANEY and the interviewing agent dated and initialed the pictures she identified. [PDF page 2]

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: M-INT-00020081 : 265A-NY-280350-302-38119 = 09/23/2001 : GEOFF LARSON : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1-



On 09/23/2001, United Airlines Ground Security .. r, GEOFF LARSON, contacted Special Agent SA| —J. and indicated that there was an individual named VINOD _...--' \ YANAN; that had been reported to him as suspicious by United Airlines employee HEATHER BROWN.

Personal / priv ' -

Later on 09/23/2001. SAl leontacte^United Airlines / , employee HEATHER BROWN, DOBHZHD at the United Atriines ttcket::::::... ./ counter at Portland International Airport. BROWN advised that the / '"-"^ , individual had come to United Airlines and asked some unusual / ., •>' L * questions about whether or not he could get up during the flight, .. Enforcement how full the flight was, and something about the cockpit. She ./ / prjvacy advised that the individual had made inquiries about a flight from .. . Portland to LAX in Los Angeles but he did not actually book the ., flight with United Airlines. She advised that she had been told..of more suspicious inquiries by that individual by CINDY VOGE1, a Southwest Airlines employee at a nearby ticket counter, who advised , BROWN that VINOD NARAYANAN had made a reservation with Southwest . Airlines to fly to Los Angeles but he had not bought a ticket. On 09/24/2001, Sd bontacted Southwest Airlines Customer Service Representative CINDY VOGEL, DOB I "tat the. Southwest Airlines ticket counter in the Portland International Airport, telephone number 503284-1098. VOGEL indicated that on . Saturday 09/22/2001, at approximately 1:30 p.m., a male individual , who identified himself as VINOD NARAYANAN approached her at the Southwest Airlines ticket counter in Portland International Airport , and made numerous unusual inquiries about a flight from Portland to Los Angeles. She recalled that, three times, he inquired about his mobility on the flight - whether or not he would be able to get up from his seat and move about the aircraft. She advised that / NARAYANAN was accompanied by an unknown white male adult and the last time that he made the inquiry about his mobility on the flight the white male adult with him nudged him in the side with bis elbow as though the other individual realized how unusual NARAYANAN'S inquiries were. VOGEL stated specifically that he had to have a seat in one of the front rows of the aircraft and he said that it was

Investigation on at 09/23-26/2001 Portland, Oregon Pile # by

, 265A-NY-280350-3Q2 Sd

/ I

Date dictated 09/24&26/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5, 2003 4:02 pm

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265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

BROWN, VOGEL, & NARAYANAN 9/23-26/2001 Page

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imperative that he had to be in Los Angeles by Sunday 09/23/2001 at 10:00 p.m. VOGEL thought it was also unusual that NARAYANAN asked for Flight 886 specifically. She said that it was unusual because if he was so familiar with that particular flight then he should have flown Southwest Airlines before and realized that they had open seating at boarding and that he could not be assigned a front row seat; further, Flight 886 always arrives in Los Angeles at 10:50 p.m., and he had made it clear that it was imperative that he arrive in Los Angeles before 10:00 p.m. When she indicated the late arrival tima to him, NARAYANAN indicated that was okay, and that he had to be on Flight 886. Immediately after NARAYANAN'S contact with VOGEL at the Southwest Airlines counter, she observed him go over to the United Airlines counter two times and make some sort of contact with United Airlines staff there. At about 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. on that same date (Saturday, 09/22/2001), VOGEL went to go to lunch at the Portland Airport food court at the Macheezmo Mouse on her break and she observed VINOD NARAYANAN and the white male adult who was with him seated. The white male adult was on a cell phone. NARAYANAN was writing in his notebook and he took VOGEL's name, and asked her about how many restrooms there were on the flight and if they were on front of the aircraft or on the back of the aircraft. She advised he also wanted to know how full the flight was and if it was going to depart on time. NARAYANAN also told VOGEL at that time that he had booked a flight on United Airlines; however, VOGEL went back to the Southwest Airlines counter, checked the booking reservations, and discovered that NARAYANAN had made a reservation at 2:14 p.m. with Southwest Airlines. Additipnally, on Sunday, 09/23/2001, about two hours before the 7:25 p.m. departure of Flight 886, NARAYANAN had canceled his reservation and transferred it to Monday, 09/24/2001. At the time of the interview on 09/24/2001, NARAYANAN had never actually purchased a ticket and had no-showed for that reservation. Besides the name VINOD NARAYANAN, the only additional information included in the reservation information was that the individual had provided his home telephone number as I I VOGEL described NARAYANAN as a very dark complected Middle-Eastern male; in his late 40s; approximately 57" to 5'8"; 140 to 150 pounds; clean-shaven; no glasses; dressed nice in a

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BROWN, VOGEL, & NARAYANAN 9/23-26/2001 Page


suit; exhibited a noticeable accent, but it was not really heavy. She described the white male adult who was with NARAYANAN who never identified himself or spoke to her as a white male adult, in his 40s; clean-shaven; possibly 6'2"; with short, sandy brown hair; considerably heavy set and having a "big gut"; dressed unlike NARAYANAN in a very casual manner in jeans and T-shirt. On 09/26/200 Ijttbjje working at the Portland International Airport, SA| jwas.advised that Southwest Airlines ticket counter personnel were advising that VINOO. NARAYANAN had checked in shortly after 1600 hours for Southwest Airlinesi Ftrght ......... 886, bound for Oakland, and then Los Angeles, California, which was scheduled to depart at 7:25 p.m. With a physical and clothing description, SA| .|=:::::::;:::""" patrolled the C Concourse of the airport and was. unable to locate the individual. At 1915 hours, as the.Jast-of the other passengers .. were finishing boarding the flight, NARAYANAN approached the gate counter. fiAf fcoritacted NARAYANAN and he identified.himself by India passport 4_ las WJQQ.NARAYANAN, DOB I .--" I Within his passport was an INS I-94 indicating departure #986"f69580-G8v............":: It indicated he had entered the country in Los Angeles, California, on 09/02/2001, and NARAYANAN was allowed to be in the country until 12/05/2001, on a Class B-1 business Visa. He advised that he was the manager for a shipping company and provided his business card, / a copy of which is copied upon the last page of this FD-302.

•9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

9/11 Personal Privacy

When SAl I ad vised NARAYANAN of his numerous odd cancellations and re-bookings of the flight, he advised, as fleet . manager for his shipping company, it was his job to oversee the, ships and he kept encountering delays in his ship being cleared. Specifically, he advised that his bulk carrier, the "Gem of Tuticorin" finally got cleared to leave Portland and go to Anchorage, Alaska, from which it will be departing back to India. For that reason, he was now able to fly out himself, and that had caused the previous cancellations. He did not recall haying inquired with Southwest Airlines staffs about his mobility while on the flight and did not recall a contact with any of the staff over at the food court. He advised that he was flying to Los Angeles, California, and that he would then be catching a 1 :00 a.m. flight to Chennai, India. He also exhibited to SA| |a printout for multiple bookings on Singapore Airlines for the same flight over the next couple of days and advised that he had, similar to his dealings here in Portland, made multiple bookings so that he would [PDF page 3] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

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9/23-26/2001 Page 4 be prepared to fly out on any date in accordance with when his vessel was cleared to leave Portland, Oregon. When Sft\d as to why he had checked in quite so early today, he advised that he had checked in earlier hoping that he might be able to travel on the 4:55 p.m. flight, but he was unable to do so. When SA| [ingulfed as to why he had appeared at the boarding gate so late in light of the fact that he had been in the airport for hours, he advised that he had never traveled on Southwest Airlines before and he did not realize that, after checking in at the Southwest Airlines ticket counter, he would have to check in at the gate counter again. He advised he did not realize his error until he observed other passengers holding the brown plastic boarding passes, and he was without one. NARAYANAN was allowed to board the flight and the flight departed within minute or two of its intended departure time. A warrant and it lu INS n ^ indicated ii i\4it«abwj that vi iut NARAYANAN i^r^i w~t i r^» *r-\i * had i i&»«j no i iv outstanding warrants; ior criminal history and INS had ai recprd.of- ::::::::::: ts,I Zlarrdl |:in various entries his previous passports,! years ago. INS advised that type of passport was consistent with the individual having previously been a crew member aboard a vessel and the B-1 business Visa was consistent with NARAYANAN'S explanation of his current employment position.

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No further action or investigation recommended. [PDF page 4]

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: M-INT-00022850 : 265A-NY-280350-302-38371 =09/15/2001 : KC338, WATCH LISTS ISSUED TO AIRLINES : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)



Lead Control Number: KG 338 The following individuals were contacted per the request of the Criminal Investigative Division/SIOC CID/SIOC, Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters FBIHQ, to provide "Watch Lists" to regional airlines of subjects or aliases of subjects involved in the Twin Towers Bombing investigation: AIRLINE


ADDRESS 32 Beirut Circle Kansas City, Missouri

William S. Moore Continental General Manager Airlines

64153 Bill Robertson Passenger Service Manager

Kansas City International Airport

US Airways

Deb Foster 4960 Shift Manager

533 Mexico City Avenu


Kansas City, Missouri


64153 M.K. Gribbons 5583 General Manager

11 Amsterdam Circle


Kansas City, Missouri


64153 Stacy Kim Weazel 5539 Customer Service Supervisor, Ground Operations Department Ron Moore. Supervisor-Airport Airlines Services

Not Available

27 Rome Circle

Southwest Airlines

9/11 Personal Privacy

MCI 3TC Kansas City, Missouri 64153 Kansas City, Missouri 64150


America West Airlines

59 Beirut Circle Kansas City, Missouri


Investigation on 09/14/2001


Kansas City, Missouri Date dictated

File# 265D-NY-280350-302


by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

September 5, 2003 4:03 pm

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This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of

NAME Barbara Wiide Ground Security Coordinator Not Available

, On 09/14/2001



TWA Frontier Airlines


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Not available Not Available

Jason D. Kuhlman Supervisor/ Team Leader

Midwest Kansas City" Express International Airpor Airlines Kansas City, Missouri? 64195

United Airlines

Dean Elder Supervisor

Northwi Airlines

Not Available

All of the aforementioned airlines advised they had received similar lists from the Federal Aviation Administration FAA Security. I _ " "TSpeciat Agent, FAA,.Civil.Ayjatlpn Security Field Office, Kansas City, Missouri advised her department has been providing a similar "Watch List" to all airline headquarters throughout the United States. [PDF page 2]

September 5,2003 4:03 pm

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M-INT-00045505 265A-NY-280350-TP-10879 09/14/2001 INTERVIEW W/PETER DAVID FRONTIERO FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) - 1-



Reference Tampa Control Number 2903. Peter David Frontiero. social security numbeiT

9/11 Personal Privacy

Jwas interviewed at his place of employment; American Airlines, 9257 Airport BoulevardT Orlando: Florida, 32827, telephone number / /After being advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, Frontiero provided the following information: Frontiero has worked for American Airlines for 14 years. He is currently employed as an acting Customer Service Manager GSM and Ground Security Coordinator GSC. His duties include coordination of ground searches, security checkpoints and security monitoring. He has had security training in the form of a two-day course in Dallas, Texas, which covered many airport security issues, including security searches of airplanes. On September 11, 2001, Frontiero searched three American Airlines airplanes grounded at the Orlando International Airport. Naheed "Robbie" Toulani and Reynaldo Galindez assisted in this search. Together, they searched a 767, a 757 and a Super 80, which was searched last. The Super 80 was parked at Gate 14. They were looking for anything out of the ordinary, or anything that looked like it did not belong on the airplane. They did not meet before any of the searches to discuss what particular items to look for. The search of all three airplanes was concluded at about 4:00 p.m. It took about Vi hour to 45 minutes to search each airplane. Frontiero searched the first class sections and used a mirror to look under the seats. He is the only one who used a mirror to search the airplanes. They did not find anything suspicious. Frontiero does not know anyone at American Airlines who might sympathize with terrorist activities. He did not notice anything suspicious before or after the search.

Investigation on 09/14/2001 File* 265A-NY-280350-TP t9/ll Law Enforcement Privacy

at Orlando, Florida Date dictated 09/17/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5,2003 4:04 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a {Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-TP Continuation of FD-302 of

Peter David Frontiero

, On 09/17/2001

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Frontiero owns many pocket knives because he collects memorabilia knives. He does not own any Spyderco knives. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00146125 265A-NY-280350-IN-21497 10/18/2001 . ON 10/18/2001.511 265A-NY-280350-3K WTP:wtp


"'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


On 10/18/2001, SA|_ following investigation over the telephone:

Jcohducted the

Agents stationed at Midway Airport Midway in Chicago, Illinois spoke with Allen Woodard, Frontier Airlines and Ground Security Coordinator for Midway. Agents asked Woodard about a security incident that may have occurred on 08/25/2001 involving the seizure of a box cutter from a middle eastern male. Woodard stated that security personnel could not identify the potential perpetrator because they do not keep records concerning routine stops or contraband seizures. [PDF page 1]

.September 5, 2003 4:05 pm

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: M-INT-00148121 : 265A-NY-280350-302-69933 = 09/12/2001 : INFORMATION PROVIDED BY LYNN ANN BODE : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1-



LYNN ANN BODE, Customer Service Trainer and Ground Security Coordinator. United Airlines UAL, Newark International Airport NIA, Newark, NJ, was interviewed at her place of employment and provided the following information: BODE has been employed by United Airlines for 23 years. She was in the UAL Training Room in Terminal A at NIA during the morning of 09/11/2001. As a result, she had no contact with, nor any chance to observe, the passengers or crew of UAL Flight 93. After the UAL employees in the terminal heard about the crash, BODE spoke with several of the customer service personnel who processed the flight. One gate agent, MARVIN WESTNEY, told BODE he remembered four Arabic males who "stood out" from the other passengers because of their Arabic-sounding names and because one of the men asked WESTNEY if the flight would be leaving on time. WESTNEY told BODE the men were traveling in First Class; two were seated together and the other two were seated individually. BODE advised there might be information about the four males in the "selectee cards" for the flight. BODE explained that some passengers are selected on every flight for enhanced security scrutiny. This selection can be automatic, based on criteria set out by the Federal Aviation Administration FAA. In addition, customer service agents can designate passengers for selection under certain circumstances, such as not having an identification at check-in, mismatch between names on a passenger identification and the passenger ticket, etc. BODE advised that her supervisor, ANTHONY REID, had taken the cards after the crash. The following identifying data is provided for BODE: Name: LYNN ANN BODE Sex: Female Birthdate: I SSAN:| Home i

9/11 Personal Privacy

Investigation on 09/12/2001


File # 265D-NY-105539 by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

Newark, NJ Date dictated 09/12/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; ft and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5, 2003 4:06 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-105539 Continuation of FD-302 of


Work Telephone: |_ [PDF page 2]

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, On 09/12/2001



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M-INT-00087562 265A-NY-280350-302-72668 10/23/2001 MARK DONALDSON FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription


MARK DONALDSON, male, date of birth| |work address of AMERICAN AIRLINES, Terminal B, Boston/Logan International Airport, East Boston, MA, was telephonically advised of the official identity of the interviewing Agent. DONALDSON was provided with the following information.

9/1 i Personal p nvacj-

DONALDSON reported he is a customer service representative and ground security coordinator for AMERICAN AIRLINES. DONALDSON was advised that Boston FBI had received a complaint from a Miami based flight attendant with respect to poor pre-board screening of flight crews arriving at Boston/Logan Airport prior to 5:00 a.m. DONALDSON was told the complaint dealt with early arriving flight crews being allowed to pass through the door at the main security check point and proceed to their flight without being subjected to any type of screening of their person or luggage. DONALDSON was informed to ensure proper security check point people are present to screen early arriving flight crews, ramp works and ground crews. DONALDSON reported he would act on the information.

Investigation on 10/23/2001


File #

East Boston, MA

telephonicaily Date dictated



by 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 5, 2003 4:09 pm


M-INT-00101793 265A-NY-280350-302-85286 11/23/2001 RICK KOSKI FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1



RICK KOSKI, United Airlines UAL Shift Manager, Station Control Center. Ground Security Coordinator. Dulles International Airport IAD, 703 572-3700, and Matthew Jones, Onboard Service Supervisor IAD 703 572-7676, contacted Dulles Duty Sf | (and..provided the following information: UAL, received notice from Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police Department MWAAPD that there.were only a few cars left in the Dulles airport South Parking lot which was closed shortly after 9/11/01. One of the vehicles was registered

/9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

/9/11 Personal / Privacy 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive

at /

Investigation on 11/23/2001

.Dulles, Va.

File #

Date dictated 265A-W F-265D-NY-28035Q - 302




This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5, 2003 4:09 pm

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[PDF page 1]

September 5. 2003 4:09 pm

Pa9e 2


: M-INT-00125451 : 265A-NY-280350-302-107471 = 03/18/2002 : MICHAELA MARIE DUFFY : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



Michaela Marie Duffy, also known as Kay, date of birth I Iwhitefemale,.wasadvised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature and purpose ofthe interview: Duffy provided the following information:


Duffy is currently employed as a Ground Security Coordinator for America West Airlines at Denver International Airport D1A, Denver, Colorado. She has been employed with America West Airlines for almost four years.

arsenal Privacy

Duffy thought she was off on SeptembeMO, 2001 and September 1'1, 2001. She usually had Sundays through Tuesdays as her regular days off. Duffy does not carry a utility knife as part of her work with America West Airlines. America West Airlines did not issue her a utility knife as part of her employment. Duffy was unaware of any America West Airlines' employee who carries a utility knife. Duffy did not know how a utility knife ended up on America West Airlines aircraft number 827. Duffy thought United Airlines, Delta Airlines, and Northwest Airlines performed maintenance work on America West Airlines' aircraft at DIA. Catering for America West Airlines' aircraft was provided by Chelsea Catering at DIA.

Investigation on 03/18/2002 File #

at Denver, Colorado Date dictated



b y 9 / l l _ L a w Enforcement Privacy

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 5, 2003 4:10 pm

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: : = : :

M-INT-00155430 265A-NY-280350-302-112497 11/13/2001 SEAN DARIN FORBES FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -


..,-•"9/11 Date of transcription •-•'"'

11/15/2001 Personal Privacy

Sean Darin Forbes, date of birthj I /white male, was advised of the identity of the interviewing Agent and the nature and purpose of the interview. Forbes was interviewed at his residence. Forbes provided the following information: Forbes was employed as a flight attendant with United Airlines. He was employed with United Airlines since April of 1984. On October 23, 2001, Forbes was a flight attendant on United Airlines flight 1908 from Denver. Colorado, to Indianapolis, Indiana. Forbes assisted with the boarding of passengers onboard United Airlines flight 1908. He recalled that an elderly couple sat in seats 1C and 1D. He did not recall their names but described them as being white and in their 60's. He thought that the elderly male was originally assigned to seat 1B. Forbes helped an unknown Middle Eastern male place his carry-on luggage in the overhead bin above seat 1C. Forbes thought the Middle Eastern male was originally assigned to seat 1C. At the time, there was a backpack and some blankets and pillows in the overhead bin. Forbes moved the backpack to make room for the Middle Eastern male's carry-on luggage. Forbes also removed the pillows and blankets from the overhead bin to make additonal room for the carry-on luggage. As Forbes pulled out the blankets and pillows, he heard a scraping sound coming from under the blankets and pillows. Underneath, he found a box cutter. Forbes gave the box cutter to the purser, Margaret Last Name Unknown LNU. She in turn gave it to the Captain, a male, name not recalled. The Captain contacted the Ground Security Coordinator and the decision was made to deplane the flight. Forbes did not know where the knife came from. He did not think the elderly couple or the Middle Eastern male brought it

Investigation on 11/13/2001 File#



Denver, Colorado Date dictated

?fifiA-NY-9af)35Q-DN Law Enforcement Privacy


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 5, 2003 4:11 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265A-NY-280350-DN Continuation of FD-302 of

Sean Darin Forbes

, On 11/13/2001

, Page


onboard because it was already underneath the blankets and pillows in the overhead bin. Forbes was unaware of any maintenance in the area of the overhead bin that was performed by the ground crew. Forbes understood that the flight came from Dallas and that it sat in Denver for a while. Forbes did not know any of the details regarding the subsequent investigation. He heard no one admit that they owned the box cutter. [PDF page 2]

September 5, 2003 4:11 pm

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