T7 B11- Fbi 302s- Box Cutters Fdr- Fbi 302 S- Entire Contents

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M-INT-00020775 265A-NY-280350-NK-323 09/13/2001 REGGIE BAUMGARDNER 09/13/01 REGGIE BAUMGARDNER, Director of Security, Continental Airlines, Newark Airportl Terminal C. Newark. New Jersey, telephone numbejj _ Jcellular telephone f~ " Iwas interviewed at his place of employment. After being advised of the identities of.... the interviewing agents and the nature of the interview he provided the following: ... BAUMGARDNER advised that the security guards for Continental work for an outside contractor, HUNTLEIGH USA. Main Office, 45 Academy Street. Newark. NJ. SALLY SANDERSON, telephone! lis the General Manager and GRACE ORTEGA, Newark Airport, terminal "C."C3" Checkpoint, telephone number" f-:::::::::"": j " l is the..Security Operations Manager. BAUMGARDNER stated that security regulations for the carrying of items such as box cutters was not considered to be a ... flight risk and therefore would be allowed to pass by security. _....--"'

9/11 Personal Privacy

BAUMGARDNER stated that the gates by the.metal detectors are digitally videotaped and they are .archived for approximately 30 days. The digital system is run on LORONIX software system. The digital video system is being supervised by FRED CONOVER. Electronic Technologies Corporation, cellular teipphnnpi [ .BAUMGARDNER advised that he would be providing the back-up recordings to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and would have a work station available early next week for agents to review the previous 30 days if needed. BAUMGARDNER added that yesterday he received a voicemail from a Continental pilot out of Houston, Texas named GABRIEL VAISMAN. The message explained how VAISMAN had been approached sometime between 6-12 months ago by a Middle Eastern man when he was flying from Newark to Seattle. This man requested to sit in the "Jump Seat" of the cockpit. The man who made this request was denied the seat as VAISMAN did not recognize any of his credentials. The man became irate and VAISMAN's flight took off without the man aboard. BAUMGARDNER accepted service of a United States 09/13/01

Newark, NJ

9R5D-NY-28Q350-NK-158 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

[PDF page 1] 265D-NY-280350-NK-158 Reggie Baumgardner


9/11 Closed by Statute BAUMGARDNER added that he would be available for any

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further interviews and assistance. [PDF page 2]

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M-INT-00000578 265A-NY-280350-302-15553 09/14/2001 BUFFALO FD-302 FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95) -1 -



On September 12.2001. JAMES HENDRIX. bon


9/11 Personal Privacy

telephonicamy contacledthe Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI, Rochester Resident Agency RA and provided the following information to Special Agent SA/ |

On September 9, 2001, HENDRIX traveled from London, England, to JFK Airport, New York, New York NY, via a British Airways plane. HENDRIX arrived into JFK Airport at approximately 2:00 PM EST. After HENDRIX departed the plane and cleared United States US Customs, he walked from the JFK International terminal to the Jet Blue Airline gate area possibly Gate #10 in order to make a connecting flight to Rochester, New York. While inside a restroom located in the vicinity of the Jet Blue Airlines check-in '\e area, HENDRIX observed a partially open cardboard" box containing numerous "approximately 50" gray box cutters containing razor blades. The box was in one of the restroom stalls behind a toilet seat. Subsequently, HENDRIX advised his girlfriend, MIA ERICSON, of his observation, however, at the time of his discovery, he did not inform any JFK personnel as HENDRIX believed the box cutters belonged to airport employees. HENDRIX departed JFK Airport via a Jet Blue Airlines plane at approximately 4:00 PM.

Investigation on 09/12/2001 File# by

Rochester, New York

9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


Date dictated 265D-280350 SUB BF SA| \t


This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 4, 2003 5:06 pm



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M-INT-00001450 265A-NY-280350-302-16384 09/15/2001 ON SEPTEMBER 15, 2001, PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECTS^ FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95)

••19/11 I Personal I Privacy

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On September 15. 2001. photographs of subjects! Jvho were arrested by Immigration and Naturalization Service on September 12, 2001, at the Amtrak train terminal in Fort Worth, Texas, were facsimiled >"' /Washinqton.Fleld Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation/ jhad two box cutters in his brief case when he was arrested. Photographs of the box cutters were also facsimiled toV ( "••--...


, ' "9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy


Investigation on. 09/15/2001

Dallas, Texas Date dictated



265D-NY-280350 f



This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. [PDF page 1]

September 4, 2003 5:06 pm

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: M-INT-00021748 : 265A-NY-280350-IN-619 = 09/17/2001 : RE COMPLAINT ABOUT PURCHASE OF BOX CUTTERS AT SHELL STATION : 265D-NY-280350 NA:na (conducted the following On 9/16-17/01. investigation which was based on a complaint that four MiddleEastern males purchased box cutters at the Shell Station located at Exit 101 in Calhoun, Louisiana, on 9/3/01. ' • ... SAL ^rieflv re-interviewed the complainant, Ken . Thompson, in an attempt to eStabltsh.the time of the incident on 9/3/01. Thompson advised that he could"n"otrecall.the exact time and that he did not make a purchase with a credit/debit card which would pinpoint the time. SA/ linterviewed the owner.of .the.SnellStationv Mvra Blakely, telenhonel I who advised that the surveillance tape for that day would have been tgped over, because the store re-uses the surveillance tapes ea'Ctvday,:: Blakely also advised that the store does noisettfcjoxcutters. S^ hoticed that the store sold only knives (in a locked display cabinet) and Performance brand utility knives The following cashiers worked on 9/3/01: CrystaiFfeeman, Brie Moore, and Jennifer Claybrook. SA1 --\irit8rviewed Freeman. telephone j twho advised that she did not recall., anything in relation to the aforementioned incident. SAL _j interviewed Moore.l 1 who advised that she did not recall anything in relation to the aforementioned incident. S/\~- ' I interviewed Jennifer Claybrook, telephone! [wno worked from 3-11 p.m. Claybrook advised that she recalled approximately five dark skinned, Middle Eastern, males looking at the knives that were in the locked display cabinet near the counter. Claybrook advised that she could not recall the males purchasing the knives.

'9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

9/11 Personal Privacy

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M-INT-00022017 265A-NY-280350-TP-2113 09/13/2001 FD-302(Rev. 10-6-95)



Regarding Lead Control Numbers HQ-141.0 and TP-494. 1 white female. Date Of Birth/"

^ _' was Helepnonlcally at approximately 12:01 am, 9/13/01. i Iwascorrtacted iivresponse to acall she made to Federat Bureau of Investigation Headquarters FBIHQ on September 12,.200f v She furnished the following information: ... ::;-:::

\l Law " Enforcement Sensitive 9/11 Personal Privacy

I Jadvfsed she made her .origi0al;catl to FBlHQ:;:;i; between approximately 12:01 pm and 2 -OQpm oni September ;t2,'Wffi'^____^ I ladvisedshe works in the laundry rooJt£0f the , 1 la 120 bed.juirsihg home, where she wa;s fbrme.riy^a'Supervigor' i \d mailed about a conversatjorf sh'6 had:v^j!h::a co-wqrk)er,.. known only to her asj \Last Name'Urjiinowp:-:^MU. approxirnatet^ two weeks earlier. \l .•••.'•'••fe&a woman of Middle/ Eastern descent, Moslem fflitK annroylrriafalv^p ypars nf qqe. ta<(

and thin, and having black-hair and.brown:eves.L |sai is from "one of the cotintries where the:women cover theirlieads? She nptari hcyever lhatL_^i]does:ribt cover her head/ l__js shift/. at thel |s usually 7:QOam.to::3:QOpm. IZZHJia^ 6nly,beien employed at i "Approximately 3 months. /' /' / t Istated she andT "\had'a conversation . / / approximately two weeks ago wherein^ Vaid many/things wrijch ultimately came..true on September 11,2001 (attacks,bn the Wbjrtd Trade Center, and the Pentagon). During the conversation, t / told I Ithat dates are very important "to them." She specifically noted the date September 11, and toldl 1'this was the date a treaty was signed which "they" were very upset about. I Inamad an individual who was in orison who "has.a road map for this" and said, "We're gonna go for it." I t could not recall .the name of this person.

Investigation on 9/13/2001 File*




Date dictated 265D-NY-280350



This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

9/11 Law Enforcement '» i

September 4,2003 5:10 pm



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[PDF page 1] FD-302a(Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-380350 Continuation of FD-302 of


, On 9/13/2001


she was separated from her husband who is of Arab descent. She s.aid her fiusb.and and his brother were taking flying lessons, but did not.say where, She tnidi _j. that on September 11, "they" were going to hijack planes, and added that they would not need to know how to take off or land. I I fnini rthey nniiirin't get missiles that far," but.said the planes would serve as missiles as they would be full of fijret. [ I askedr~"~TK)w they would b<s able to. control the passengers on these planes. ISMA fold her th^fSarieslh.at wou(d;;b;e used "book" very low, and that the highiackers would use Box cutters as weapons. ^ V ^^ a i 7aisb s b asked] rwnervsBfrwoiM^reunited rwhervsfieWuKrpereunited with witti her husband^ jold her he would not be coming back...



Additionally.) ItohtF lthat'on'the-da'1»B:. September 14. 2001. anereverything settles dpwn^ibbmlbs wiljgo . off in 'different locations. | ^old|~~r^n|itwas..theirgoatto , cripple the American economy,.,. ... ,


iltj,;,!!^ ,'H\$,, 1


,.1 T '' 1A ^aw

Enforcement Sensitive , y / 11 Personal Privacy

[ ^atsotold hhat OSAMA BIN LADIN is.Wred by countries who want terrorist acts committed. BIN LADIN then has his followers carry out these acts. I "Vadvised that! supervisor ora\____J..a -""

~Rs ISMA's direct

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: M-INT-00010123 : 265A-NY-280350-302-4216


= 09/18/2001


:I I : FD-302 (Rev. 10-6-95} -1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 09/18/2001 J;-a..white male, bom 1 ^.employed by Continental Airlines as a Boeing 777 and 757 Captain and simulator J[ajQflEj~"~""""""~•"" ••.. . y \s arlviserl of thft natnra of the interview and the

identity of the interviewing agent. Also present wad i ~ Jfomished the following information. I bdvJsed that on 9/10/2001 he j Airlines flight from Newark, NJ to Birmingham, UK where.he was Tafd over for approximately 3 days with Continental flight attendant i employee} I Durrha'ttia^tKn&J T • related the following incident to| |

' '";,;M,.jik. ' '79/11 Law / Enforcement

I Jadvised thatl nkoldftim.-thatshe was working / / as a flight attendant on Continental flight #5.Q, a Boeing 777 , --' / leaving Newark, NJ for Frankfurt, Germany on 8/20/2001 at. /' ." approximately SAM. The fight's captain waa ,.;^*"l employee ..-' I H was working the mid-gattey position and / , /., approximately 1-2 hours after takeoff, a..middle eastern male came-'" / /// running forward up the aisle past her.'with his head down and his . /// face in his hands. I Tttibught he might be about to throw up ., ,/ but he ran past the bath room and began to pound on the cockpit door.v screaming that he wanted to go to Germany. I "HoldI / /I/ that after the middle eastern man did this approximately 2-3 times,/ / once trying to open the cabin door, he was restrained by the flight; / crew and put in a window seat next to a United States Marine/ T,Jie . middle eastern man "cold coxed" the Marine and escaped over him coming forward toward her with a box cutter. At that time, a // / Continental captain traveling on vacation in civilian clothes with / his wife, got up and put a full nelson on the middle eastern man. While the middle eastern man's hands were outstretched, someone was able to disarm him. The flight crew put flex cuffs on the middle eastern man and got him back into..a seat. I "/remembers that whoever put the flex cuffs on the/middle eastern pnan..got them too tight and they had to be cut off and put on again: /

Sensitive 9/11 Personal Privacv

I thai [stated that/the vacationing captain talked to I I and tried to persuade.him to/land and take the middle eastern man off the flight. I Refused and

Investigation on 9/18/2001 File # 9fiSn.KIV-98u35D-302 t_9/ll Law Enforcement Privacv

at I Date dictated 9/18/2001

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency.

September 4, 2003 5:1 6 pm

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[PDF page 1] FD-302a (Rev. 10-6-95)

265D-NY-280350-302 Continuation of FD-302 of |


•On 9/18/2001

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continued ontoFrankfurt. | Ithat the middle eastern man carried on a back pack which was searched and found to contain "bunches" of box cutters. "•':::;;.... Mvised-thai pstated that after the incident, 2 New York police officers identified themselves and said they saw what happened but did not want to get involved The officers stated that they were available if the flight crew needed any more help. adviseaihatl.. • Hid not tell himwhat happened to themiddte eastern man upon landing in, Frankfurt. I |encouragedl jto report the i.nGJCtejnt to the FBI and to Continental corporate securitvl *--•" ..... .-•'Vjid rfiake a report to Continental corporate security and-'""" /Boes not know how far it ra i*^« the next day the person to whom she reported the incident, could not remember the facts and that prompted! |to call the FBI.

„, ' Enforcement o J/ll Personal Privacy

[PDF page 2]

September 4,2003 5:16 pm

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