T5 B69 St Louis Airport Fdr- Entire Contents- Qfrs And Responses- Saudi Flights- Airspace Closure 649

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Download & View T5 B69 St Louis Airport Fdr- Entire Contents- Qfrs And Responses- Saudi Flights- Airspace Closure 649 as PDF for free.

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P. 1/4

LAMBERT-ST LOUIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT City of St. Louis Airport Authority P. O. BOX 10212 • ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI 63145-0212 • U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (314) 426-8000 • WEBSITE: www.lambart-sllouls.com

Lemitl U Qriags. Jr.. P.E. Director



PLEASE DELIVER IMMEDIATELY. If there axe any problems with this transmitted, please caU (314) 426-8029 NOTES:

Francis <3, Slay Hoar City ol St. Louis

^27.2004-^ 4= 11PM- LUU'"1

Thomas H. Kcan CHAIR

Lee H. Hamflton VICE CHAIR

Richard Bcn-Vcni«e Fred P. Kidding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gonon Bob Kerrey John F. Lehman Timothy J. Rocmer James R. Thompson Philip D-Zdikaw EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

NO. 697

P. 2/4

LAMBERT-ST. LOUIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests that Lambert-St. Louis International Airport (Lambert) provide the Commission with a written response to the following questions for the record no later than June 8,2004: 1. On what date, and at what precise time did Lambert reopen after the September 11,2001 terrorist attacks? If the date and time differ for general aviation versus commercial, please provide bom. 2. Did any flights land at Lambert after September 11, 2001, and before the airport reopened? If so, please list the flights with the dates and times of arrival. 3. On what date and at what precise time do your records indicate that the following flight departed from Lambert? If you do not have any records regarding this flight, please state that in your response. • Ryan International Flight 441, a Boeing 727 with 26 passengers, most of them relatives of Usama Bin Laden, departing from St Louis, Missouri on or about September 18,2001. 4. What infoimation, if any, do you have about the screening by law enforcement personnel—including law enforcement personnel affiliated with the airport facility-of individuals on mis flight? If you have any questions or concerns about the interpretation or scope of these questions, please raise them with the Commission staff as soon as possible so that they can be addressed and resolved prior to the production date. May 25,2004

Daniel Marcus General Counsel

TBL (202) JM-4060 PAX (202) 296-5545 vww.9-1 lcommisEiofi.gov

fi'.27.2004LAr 4:l2PM- LUUiail>l


"*•""•—»-•'"• NO. 697 ""'P. 3/4

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Slay, Gerard M. From:

Slay, Gerard M.

Sent: To: Cc:

Thursday. May 27,2004 3:39 PM 'Steve Dunne1; Griggs. Leonard L. Dan Marcus; Team 5; Dianna Campagna; Nlemann, Joseph R,; Mason, Paul E.; Gaines, Sharon J,

Subject; RE: QFRsfrom the 9-11 Commission This in response to your questions for Leonard L. Griggs.

1. 9/12/07 at 7 P.M. Central Daylight Savings Time as reported in news articles on file and a log book for the Airport

2. No, not according to the Airport's records

3. Boeing 727Q RYN441 departed Runway 12L on 9/18/01 @ 14:11:49 hours. The Airport has no record as to passengers or crew on this flight,

4. None. The Airport has no records that any of its law enforcement or other personnel was engaged in screening individuals on this flight. At the time, passenger screening was an air carrier responsibility.

Gerard Slay Deputy Director Lambert-St Louis International Airport ® —-Original Message— From: Steve Dunne [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, May 25,2004 2:24 PM

To: Griggs, Leonard L Cc: Dan Marcus; Team 5; Dianna Campagna Subject: QFRs from the 9-11 Commission

Mr. Griggs: Attached as a Word document are Questions for the Record from the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Please call Tom Eldridge, a member of the Commission's staff, at 202-401-1686 with any questions about this request and to arrange for delivery of your response. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with the Commission's investigation. Steve Dunne 5/27/2004


Message Deputy General Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States


02:40:54 p.m. NO. 697-20°4P. 4/4

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